From Friends of Harford:
Community Input Meeting Notice
Meeting Time: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 6:00 pm
Meeting Place: The Lodge, 2119 Conowingo Road, Bel Air,
Location of Proposed Development: Southeast side of Hickory Bypass – U.S. Route 1 at the intersection with North Fountain green Road – Maryland Route 543 – in Bel Air, Maryland
Description of Proposed Development: Site includes 1.1379 acres currently zoned CI and will include one approximately 2,753 square foot Taco Bell restaurant with one drive through window.
I’d rather the Taco Bell right in downtown Bel Air so I can walk to it rather than drive.
ummm. There is a Taco Bell in Bel Air. Happy Walking.
This would be great. The Harford county employees need more food diversity in Hickory. The WAWA is too crowded. Make sure to put in plenty of parking for the countys big trucks.
Well they gotta eat too.
WAWA actually makes a pretty good burrito already. I suspect there is more actual cow meat in their “beef” than Taco Bell’s.
Now, for me, an Arby’s or Sheets in Hickory would be worth getting excited over.
Arby’s? Gross.
Next you’ll want a Sonics. LOL
Yes, please, let’s increase traffic at this intersection and on Route 1. Let’s also add a pizza place, a carpet/tile store, a Chinese restaurant, and a laundromat.
I think store front church and an opioid addiction treatment facility would go great.
Well they gotta eat too.
A Chinese food take out would be nice
Wok to Go is right up the road in Amyclae. Great food if you want Chinese
Wok to go is good but you can’t get county owner tractor trailer s or dump trucks into that parking lot much to small.
Do you really believe that? Jim, I’ve suggested in the past that you join HCPS and work to fix it from the inside, perhaps even from the top:
At the moment, there are no job openings at the bottom, where you would have the opportunity to operate one of these trucks that so interest you. I’m pretty sure I posted about it before, and I’ll try to let you know when a position becomes available again. If you get the job, I bet it will be an eye opening experience in many ways for you. You will learn how much practice and training goes into earning the license to operate one of these trucks, and you’ll realize that getting into and out of that shopping center is no real challenge at all.
Besides, don’t you think deliveries to the various businesses arrive by tractor trailer anyway?
I encourage you to apply when a position becomes available. Not only will you get to drive the trucks, you can set a shining example of how the employees should be conducting themselves. After you work your way up the ranks to a supervisory position, you may even be able to affect change beyond your immediate coworkers.
Good luck!
There is no way I could work for the county, I have too much energy. Couldn’t imagine weighing 300lbs like the others and wearing a bright yellow shirt. Not to mention a long scragly beard looking like a drunk bikers is not what I’m in too. Lets face it if it wasn’t for the county no regular business would hire these guys.
I don’t think scraggly beards and 300lbs are prerequisites for the job. Depending on the position, the high visibility shirt might be…but probably not once you work your way up to supervisory status. Couldn’t you use all that energy to set an example for them and get stuff done? I’m sure while the rest of the crew is taking lunch, they’d let you run around the WaWa parking lot to burn off all that extra mojo.
“Regular” businesses often do hire some of these guys (for better pay), that’s why there are occasional openings.
How about the ethics position?
“I don’t think”
And you could have stopped there little minion.
Well…I guess that’s one way to end a dialogue when you run out of answers. It might make people wonder if you do not want to actually do anything to improve the “problem” of county vehicles at convenience stores and are content to just complain about it online.
The “problem” isn’t county vehicles at convenience stores. The fact you can’t grasp that means having a dialogue with you would be useless.
But thanks for trying.
But you seemed to judge people’s physical description in some off way.
I’m sure you could easily find a “300lb” person in the private industry, to include, driving a commercial private contractor/construction dump truck.
That’s great you’re not into those drunk bikers scraggly beards, whatever that is.
Only drunk bikers have those “scraggly beards?”
I love your trolling, man.
“The “problem” isn’t county vehicles at convenience stores. The fact you can’t grasp that means having a dialogue with you would be useless.
But thanks for trying.”
Well, now I am definitely confused. Most of your posts here seem to be focused on county trucks at Wawa, etc. Now you say that is not the problem? I’m sure I’m not the only Daggerican who thought that WAS your complaint. Is it just the fact that the county owns and operates trucks? I do remember a lengthy discussion about a dumpster truck that may not have referenced Wawa…
If not for me, for the rest of the audience, please explain. Someone else may be able to grasp it and then help me understand.
I don’t think anyone cares about “county trucks” parking at a WaWa, but you and your trolling self.
If you drove one of those trucks you would care. Imagine all the fine places you can’t go while being paid to do something else. I was up in delta at a hardware store and a dump driver had to park on the street while he went shopping. That’s just not fair the poor driver had to keep a lookout while he yammered on about his broken faucet.
Jim is still sore about being turned down by the county five times for a job lol
“Up in Delta at a hardware store.” You type all this shit about County employees but seemingly you have your geography a little off. Alzheimer’s? You mean to say you were up in WHITEFORD at DELTA LUMBER?
So what was this county employee doing? They’re not allowed to talk about their broken faucet?
I’ll wait for more of this trainwreck of a story. LOL
Yes my geography really sucks. Been down main st in the last couple of years dirty boy?.
Why don’t you tell me the address and name of business you’re referring to?
The last time I ate at a Taco Bell, I got diarrhea for two days.
Good ol “Jim” in Hickory;
So, why did you tell us about some dump truck, presumably a Harford County dump truck, across state lines, parked in Delta, PA/Hardware store?
Are you alluding to a major egregious violation of that taxpayer money and perhaps, County policy with County vehicle use? Is that where you are going with that? Especially since you presumed he had to “keep a look out.” I’m not sure why he would need to be on the “look out” if he’s across state lines, but we’ll keep going with your trolling story.
I noticed you provided no evidence other than what you thought was going on. Of course, you’re not going to provide any evidence because you love to troll.
Its apparent you can use some form of a computer and some form of internet. It’s also apparent you probably have the means to photograph all these major violations you see and upload them on a file sharing source to backup these claims.
Although I’m not sure why you’d pick this website to constantly get hot and bothered about it, again, we go back to that trolling.
Lastly, I’m not sure why you felt the need to tell us what the person was talking about? Are you trying to convey that it’s county policy that personal non work conversation is not allowed? I’d love to hear how you spent 35 years and never said anything off topic to your employment.