From the City of Aberdeen:
Aberdeen residents and APG employees will soon have access to the newly built Aberdeen Dog Park. Located off of APG Road in Victory Park, the Dog Park features separate dog fencing sections for large and small breed dogs. Thanks to the donations the Park has received from businesses, Aberdeen Proving Ground and citizens, the Park is equipped with benches, crawl-through tunnels, dog waste stations, fire hydrants, training ramps and a community dog toy bin. Located on approximately 1/3 acre, the Park sits under large shade trees.
On Thursday, October 12, 2017, the City of Aberdeen welcomes businesses, residents, and visitors to help us celebrate Aberdeen’s first Dog Park with a Grand Opening. Ribbon cutting will start at 12:00 p.m. We encourage all to bring their dogs to this event. In anticipation of our new Disc Golf Course located directly behind the Dog Park, we will be giving out disc golf flyers to either be used at the Dog Park or the Disc Golf Course. The newly constructed 6-hole Course is only one of two in Harford County.
The Dog Park is an ongoing project as we will continue to add extra amenities such as wooden ramps. In late fall, there will be a water fountain added. We are always accepting new or lightly used dog toys for the Park. Toys can be dropped off in the community dog toy bins located at the Dog Park. If you would like to donatefunds towards the Aberdeen Dog Park, please contact Felicia Banuelos at (410) 297-4212 or email
RU Kidding says
Are these people out of their minds??? Who is going to be responsible for disinfecting the dog toys? It’s a mistake to believe that every dog that visits a dog park is going to get along with every other dog. It’s never a good idea to allow a dog off leash at a dog park, things can turn ugly in heartbeat. There are too many people out there that fall short of being a responsible pet owner. I, for one, would never allow my dogs in a dog park for their own safety.
Opposite Land says
Disinfecting dog toys? For real?
We use the dog park over by the Vulcan quarry, and it’s a wonderful place. Good people, generally good dogs, pretty setting — it’s a great place. The dogs do just fine, *if* they learn to be around other dogs. Never giving them a chance to socialize and keeping them on a leash is a problem too, IMO.
Maybe you’re just not a take-your-dog-out-to-play person.
Where's the leadership? says
Meanwhile the megalomaniac, self-serving mayor has driven The ironbirds and ripken baseball out of the county. But don’t worry a few private advisers will get rich on the townhomes, while the stadium becomes an eyesore. And all of our “leaders” just watched it happen. If they think they can avoid the wrath of this guy by fearfully staying out of his way, they are sorely mistaken.
DaddyRabbit says
Holy Schnikies! “megalomaniac, self-serving”? Who are you Mike Bennett? The Ripkens have bent the citizens of Aberdeen over and dome them with no foreplay and no KY jelly for the last 15 years. The city has not gotten diddly squat for the stadium. The blame has to go back to the Wilson administration for not using professional consultants for the contract negotiations. It has cost every family in Aberdeen somewhere in the vicinity of $300 every single year that they have been hauling money out by the bushel basket. Screw Cal and Billy. Cut the losses now. Oh, by the way, how about a council person who is on the Ripken payroll not recusing himself? Yes self-serving, but not the mayor.
Berdeen's conscience says
Nice try Randy or Patrick (or should we say, Gilligan and Skipper)?) You can slip that bull storyline past each other, but not the rest of us in town. Everyone’s on to you, but they’re too normal, and afraid of your and your scorched earth tactics to speak up. Well at least you’ll make a ton of money by fining homeless people who camp out in the abandoned eyesore that the stadium will become (remember that folks?? the mayor was going to charge homeless/jobless folks $50 for being homeless, saying it would make them get jobs…. you can’t make this stuff up…. so embarrassing); Ripken baseball will be generating millions of dollars of economic activity for towns in Tennessee and GA. And our room nights will plummet (which , in turn, will cause your hotel tax revenue to plummet; you were so busy trying to win, that you didn’t think of that, did you 2 Einsteins?) you’re still sulking and sabotaging, 15 years after a bad deal was made; instead being leaders and making something work; if you wanted something to work, and if you had any brains or leadership, you WOULD have made something work; instead of whining childishly that the big bad Ripkens were mean to you; put on your big boy pants, you amateurs. By the way, the other thing that everyone knows, except for you two geniuses: when you chose your advisers…….. you chose very poorly (while we’re on the subject of “self-serving”). heh . You’ve been had. But I guess there’s no law against arrogance, stupidity, short-sightedness, and underhanded political games (but please , by all means, keep pounding that $200 per household drum; its all you got). the two of you will be long gone by the time everyone realizes what your agenda was , and how damaging to Aberdeen it will be. Talk about the minor leagues…..