From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
A woman is in custody and a man is recovering in the hospital after a stabbing in Edgewood Wednesday night.
On September 20, 2017, at approximately 9:56 p.m., deputies assigned to the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to the 800 block of Fisherman Lane for the report of an aggravated assault.
Upon arrival, deputies made contact with Davon Hurst, 29 of Edgewood, who stated a woman who was known to him stabbed him in the upper body with a knife. Deputies secured the scene and took the suspect, identified as Lessie Davis, 23 of Edgewood into custody. Medics from the Joppa Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company treated Hurst at the scene and subsequently transported him to Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.
The initial investigation indicated the suspect and victim became involved in a verbal altercation that escalated and Davis stabbed Hurst in the upper body. The investigation was assumed by detectives from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division.
Investigators from the Forensic Services Unit responded to collect and preserve physical evidence in support of the investigation.
Deputies transported Davis to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Southern Precinct for questioning. Prior to questioning, Davis was found to have drugs and drug paraphernalia on her person.
After being interviewed by Sheriff’s Office detectives, Davis was charged with attempted 1st and 2nd degree murder, 1st and 2nd degree assault and reckless endangerment. She was transported to the Harford County Detention Center where she is being held without bail.
Another fine resident of Harford County
A lovely woman, I am certain.
Wait, wut?
are The devices mounted to her checks for mounting a feed bucket?
Route 40 has got to Route 40.
If Oprah had a daughter.
Another innocent victim of the racist criminal justice system. I think I will take a knee for her…
You can all talk all your political rhetoric all you want. The bottom line is that a white girl from Bel Air (Aubri Pluhar) is out on bail after being charged with murder for killing a man, yet a black girl from Edgewood (Lessie Davis) is being held without bail after being charged with attempted murder for NOT killing a man. If you do not see the racism or prejudice in the system then you are blind…….
You or anyone else does know the factors in these two cases which determined their respective eligibility for bail or release consideration. Stop trying to fuel racial divide.
You or I will never know the factors involved in the consideration for release eligibility in either of these respective incidents. Stop race baiting and attempting to create further racial divide. You have proven to be the epitome of ignorance. Usually your posts have some intellectual merit but this time you are just trying to stir the pot by trolling the page. Pick up your game.
Spoken like the typical racist republican that you are. Let’s see. Facts are the white girl killed a man and is allowed out on bail. Facts are the black girl did NOT kill a man and is held without bail. Facts are the white girl has rights. Facts are the black girl does not. Facts are that the black girl will be held until she is forced to take a plea bargain. Facts are the white girl will be given every opportunity to be found innocent or not criminally responsible. Facts are the system is prejudicial and that every member of the Harford County Judiciary is a criminal. Facts are that fair trials do NOT exist in Maryland because Maryland uses the Unconstitutional conviction. All convictions that are Unconstitutional are illegal, because the Constitutions supercede all law of any code, be it US or State of Maryland.
Can’t say it any more succinctly. Neither of us knows all the facts. Remember when one assumes they make an ass out of you and me. In this case you and you. What I can say is ignorance abounds. You will use any opportunity presented to prove why you were “allegedly” wronged by the MD court system. You are a convicted criminal and had multiple avenues of relieve. You didn’t! Now you whine day after day like a little bitch.
What does my past have to do with the topic we are talking about. But, since you brought it up. I am not a convicted criminal, I am a persecuted man by a system of criminals who have no honor or integrity. If you think that a reconsideration hearing in front of a terrorist from the Maryland Judiciary is an avenue of relief, then you are sadly mistaken. I tried to do a Post Conviction and the State of Maryland would not allow it. The Public Defenders Office told me that Elizabeth Bowen was only willing to hear a Coram Nobis and that they needed me to rescind my Post Conviction request. They would not grant the Coram Nobis because of the use of a contrivance of law by the corruption of this state’s highest court. Now, why don’t you come to me and call me the last word in your paragraph to my face? You can’t and you won’t. You don’t have the stones to be a man…..
Still a convicted criminal and a bitch.
Yep and you’re still the one that keeps bringing up my past and interjecting it into a legitimate argument of criminal wrong doing by the State of Maryland. You can say whatever you want, but that will not change the fact that I have been persecuted by your county for the mundane crime of marijuana. I am living proof that the State of Maryland is lawless, illegal, unconstitutional and ungodly. However, none of this had anything to do with your county’s current position of discriminating against the black race in your courts. Ms. Davis deserves the same regard offered to Ms. Pluhar and since she has not it is proof that the Harford County Judiciary is using race as a factor in determining the outcome of bail and other elements of the court procedure. This is highly illegal and a flagrant violation of the 14th Amendment.
The Dagger is a gluttony of censorship and discrimination. The Dagger is helping the courts in covering up the current racism used in Harford County’s Judicial process. Either display the last comments I typed or shut this racist republican website down. I will now forever refer to the Dagger as the Butter Knife……
I’m in the system now and there are no pending comments from you or anyone else. I assure you there is no censorship or discrimination. Are you sure the comment submittal went through?
It sure did. I even tried to repost the comment and it said “duplicate comment detected”. The comment contained no profanity and only contained the truth. You need to recheck your system…….
Thank You Mr. Goodman for putting the comment into the mix. I will not refer to the Dagger as the “Butter Knife”…..
By blindly playing the race card, SoulCrusher just lost the debate. Please ignore further postings from him.
Oh, I don’t see me playing the race card blindly. It is what it is. You do realize that being held without bond is a violation of Ms. Davis’ rights. Especially, when you have a young white girl who did kill someone sitting at home. This entire comments section has been one insult after another toward Ms. Davis. Some of them particularly racist in their meaning. The fact that you would insinuate that I am playing the “race card”, especially after reading the posts that preceded mine, makes you the biggest hypocrite in this entire group of comments. Unless, of course, you are ready to admit that the Dagger is a racist republican propaganda machine that allows discrimination towards the black race by a group of clowns who are actually a disgrace to the entire white race. Never forget, the Crusher of heads, holes and souls is a white man……kinda eliminates the whole race baiting routine you were pushing, doesn’t it.
Could it be that Davis remains in custody so that she does not make another attempt on Hurst’s life, while Pluhar has been released because she will not be able to kill Pizanis again?
Very possible. However, to borrow the reasoning of another Daggerite, if she will break that law, what other laws may she decide to break? This was used against me for MARIJUANA CHARGES by the Daggerite that stalks my every post. She’s already killed once. What’s to stop her from killing again? What if she decides to run but the woman who has her on bail tries to stop her? What if she kills that woman? What if? What if? What if? That is what is used against me. Why doesn’t it apply to her? Just more evidence of discrimination in the corrupt Harford County Judiciaries…..
What if? What if your aunt had balls she’d be your uncle.
True, but in this case it would probably be your Mom. Those vestigial penis’ are messed up aren’t they?
An “ist” can always find an “ism,” but I, looking beyond the pictures, I just don’t see racism jumping out as the only reason for the differences in bail. Pluhar was charged with 2nd degree murder, etc. and is out on bail because, “Apparently the Court Administrator who overheard her bail review believed that there was justification for her to be out on bail.” There was speculation that it was the result of a domestic situation, self defense, etc. In any case, there did not seem to be enough evidence to charge her with premeditated murder.
Davis is charged with attempted 1st degree murder…so it sounds like she was more intent on killing, even if she was less successful. I would surmise that the Court Administrator who overheard HER bail review found justification to keep her in custody. Is her ethnicity that justification? That’s the suggestion, correct?
I don’t see what MARIJUANA CHARGES has to do with these cases, other than the fact that Davis was is possession of drugs and paraphernalia.
No. Davis is being held without bond because she has a rap sheet and she was already on probation for drugs. However, her record reflects not just her problems but a system that singles out people the system wants to destroy. Nobody gets a rap sheet like Davis, in such a short period of time, without being singled out. Singling out people is the trademark of the terrorist taskforce that plagues your county. Pluhar is out on bail because she is a cute petite white girl that everyone wants to feel sorry for. The Daggerites got on here and berated this article with insults and racist innuendo. It pisses me off every time I see the same group of scumbags jumping into their routine of pulling out political rhetoric aimed at racial divide. The “feedbag” comment, the “Oprah’s daughter” comment and the reference to “taking a knee” were all aimed at one thing and it wasn’t because this girl is white. It’s because she is black. Marijuana charges have nothing to do with this article, but is the reasoning of one of my stalkers that constantly say “we don’t know what other laws you may break”. Now at least you got the “Court Administrator” thing right. There isn’t a Judge in the Harford County Judiciary or ALL of Maryland. Judge’s are supposed to try and make correct interpretations of law and that just doesn’t happen in Maryland. Do I truly believe that racism was actually used in determining the “No Bond” of Davis? Yes, I truly do because the Harford County Judiciary has shown a pattern of practice of racial discrimination in many of their cases. I proved that years ago with the fact that one of your former detectives in the Harford County Terrorist Task Force was targeting blacks and the State’s Extortion Office was asking for higher bonds for blacks and getting them, by your County’s only black so called Judge. Lastly, the article specifically says “the suspect and victim became involved in a verbal altercation that escalated and Davis stabbed Hurst in the upper body”. Whenever something escalates the argument of Attempted 1st Degree Murder is moot because the incident wasn’t premeditated and only happened because of the escalation. Heat of the moment type thing. I believe Davis was intentionally charged inappropriately because she is black and being singled out.
Hold on…help me understand this correctly…are you saying she was singled out and “assigned” a criminal record because she is black and not because she committed those crimes? That’s a leap I just can’t take with you. I know and work with a lot of black people who have ZERO criminal record…because they have committed ZERO crimes.
On a side note, I got a chuckle out of the “feed trough” comment. I don’t see how it was racist, unless you really really wanted it to be? To me, it seemed insensitive to her being a little chubby and (deservedly) to her decision to punch holes in her cheeks.
No. I am saying that the terrorist organizations in your County pick and choose whom they want to destroy, while letting others commit crimes to no end. The terrorist task force has allowed their own friends, family and co-workers the ability to commit crimes with no repercussions, while completely and utterly destroying good people, because they can. When you single out an individual and place them under 24 hour surveillance of every activity they do in their life, then persecute them for crimes they allow others to commit, that’s discrimination. Furthermore, the constitutional violations are so abundant that it has to be called State Terrorism. Our lawyers intentionally do NOT give effective assistance of council and the State helps the lawyers cover everything up. That’s what I have seen in your corrupt county and I have NOT been shown that the problem has been remedied or any intention of such a remedy has occurred. Why was Judge McCrone of Howard County not persecuted for his alleged cocaine use? The police knew he was doing it. The State’s Attorney Office, whom he was in charge of at the time, knew it as well. It was because he was a Judge and police allow Judges to break the law. The police also allow children of Judges to break any and all laws as well as politically connected families. This is why Mark Middlebrooks, nephew of former State Congressman Ed Middlebrooks, was allowed to run a gang in Anne Arundel County. His gang even committed BANK ROBBERY! Mark Middlebrooks only received misdemeanor convictions for the violent felonies he was attached to and he eventual contracted AIDS for his use of intervenes drug use. I could go on forever, but it is pointless in protesting the Maryland Mafia when they are so deep seated in the government……
You have never answered why you felt it was ok to disregard MD laws regarding marijuana possession and growing. Not ever! Again, are there any other laws which you have chosen to ignore. You are a pathetic sociopath
Broken Record – The marijuana laws are an abomination of evil. The government peddles their “legal” drugs to the masses causing addiction, disease and death. Alcohol and tobacco are incredibly evil and harmful, yet its OK for the masses to consume those drugs because the government you worship makes money off of it. Lets get real about this. All those prescribed opioids that the government allows doctors to prescribe, to make money, are also ALL government sponsored paths to addiction, disease and death. As far as I know, there has never been a person who was physically addicted to, disease caused from or died from marijuana use. I am not the sociopath. You are. You would have me use legal means of intoxication to get addicted, cause disease and die from. You are the sociopath. You are the criminal. The government has known since 1972 that marijuana is practically harmless, yet to this day the government has marijuana illegal because they are a criminal government. Lets not forget that the war on marijuana was the brain child of the only president who was forced out of office because he was a complete and utter piece of garbage, Richard Nixon. You are no better than Nixon and you should be ashamed of what you type. Besides, if the law doesn’t follow the law, why should any of the people? You are a disgrace…..and so are the marijuana laws.
Oh, lets not forget “Broken Record” that all laws passed after 1867 are illegal because the Maryland Constitution is illegal and every act the government of Maryland has made since 1867 is illegal as well…..including taxation.
“Nobody gets a rap sheet that long, that quickly, unless you are singled out?”
Or, a more realistic theory, she is just a criminal POS that cannot stop doing wrong.
You or I will never know what factors were considered or were in place for release or bail consideration in these two respective cases. Stop the race baiting. Your comment was the epitome of ignorance. Sometimes your comments are intellectually stimulating and fun to read but this time I think you are just trying to stir the pot. Pick up your game.
No, and nobody bothered to mention the previous criminal history. That does, contrary to whatever Soul Cursher, Esq. wants us all to believe, contribute to bail in any case.
One has minimal, the other has a book. Go figure.
No, I saw her record days ago. Do you really think it would’ve mattered if she had any record? We are talking about a black female from Edgewood who stabbed someone. If any other black female from Edgewood had stabbed someone, chances are they would be held on without bond as well. The truth hurts when you know its the truth…..
Yes, I do believe it would have made a difference. Then again, I am an optimist to a fault – and often try to see the good in people…
Plenty of “black people from Edgewood” receive bail. Just not her.
NOT for attempted murder. Please be realistic…..
You gotta LOVE Soulcrusher. He hides behind postings crying about his horrible life in America as a persecuted black man. You should have been at the Joppa Magnolia Fire Hall and took up for your brethren Muslims as they try and move forward with a Muslim only community and Mosque (Oh wait.. a community center)
I’m not black. Even though the illegal Constitution of 1867 did authorize the use of Unconstitutional convictions, this was supposed to be aimed at the black population that the white people thought were illiterate and uneducated. Ignorant is a better term for it. You may as well say I have been treated like a black man because I have suffered the same indignity by the State as they have. But, I am not black and I know my rights, even back in 2009. I was prevented from asserting my rights by the corruption of the Maryland Judiciary and Edward Thomas Maxwell. I have been denied my rights by the continued corruption of the Maryland and Harford County Judiciaries. Now, I’m gonna let you in on a secret. All laws passed after 1867 are illegal. This is because the Maryland Constitution is illegal. The State of Maryland has been running an illegal government since 1867. That includes their power of taxation. It is a legitimate argument and I even saw a real Judge use it as reasoning to overturn illegal convictions back in 2000. The location was the Glen Burnie Courthouse and it was a Reconsideration hearing for an Unconstitutional conviction. Since then, Maryland has passed laws to try and prevent this, but any law they pass is illegal because it is after 1867. For the law to become the law again, it must Amend the Maryland Constitution to disallow the Unconstitutional conviction. So there, now everyone knows the truth…..
@Soulcrusher….sorry…my eyes glazed over after you stated you were not black.
Anyway…so when you are pulled over for speeding, do you tell the Officer that you will not accept the ticket because he pulled you over illegally because the Government he works for is unconstitutional? What about all the reparations your peeps are waiting in line to grab from the horrible white people that enslaved your ancestors? My Great, Great Grandfather is Upperville West Virginia was very prominent in his town and had slaves. Interesting his diary after they were freed…He did not lose one slave. They had housing at the end of his property. They made a wage and ate well. One day I will publish his diary…it dispels the notion that ALL slave owners were the devil.
I am not black. I am a direct descendant of both John Adams and John Quincy Adams. That’s where I get my middle name from. There are no reparations my “peeps” are after because I am not black. You don’t have to believe me about the State of Maryland being illegal. That’s your prerogative. However, the State owns the roads and that’s why police can pull you over on the road. You pay a licensing fee to use their roads so you are subject to their rules. I don’t give an anal leakage about your slave owning ancestors and just for the record, mine did not. You can publish that diary and it will end up in the rubbish with the rest of the crap people like you say. A lot of slaves decided to stay with their former owners because they were offered the free housing, a low wage and food from the fields they worked, but a lot of them did it because they knew no other way of life. There was never a notion that the slave owners were the devil, only that slavery was and is the work of the devil…..
Now your existence makes sense! You are from West Virginia where everyone is kin and/or a potential hook-up. I saw all the obvious clues in your posts, but I didn’t want to accidentally confuse you with a common home grown Harford County billy.