From Friends of Donna Blasdell:
Donna Blasdell recently declared her candidacy for the office of Harford County Council member for District A at a campaign kickoff event in Edgewood.
“I stand for a government which delivers a fair share of county resources, for a revitalized local economy, for safer streets, and for strong schools and vocational programs.” Blasdell said.
Speaking to the audience at Flying Point Park, Donna stated she is committed to ensuring the county government works for all its constituents, including those in the southern parts of the county who have historically been underrepresented in Bel Air.
“I am running to be Southern Harford’s Voice!”, she said.
Donna’s platform centers around several key local issues. At the top of her list is responsive, transparent local government.
“For too long the County Government has appeared to operate under a cloak of secrecy, especially for those of us in the Southern Harford area”, she said. “We see our tax dollars not being spent in the our area, for our needs, yet watch as other areas of the county receive the very things denied to us, without an explanation.”
She is also committed to bringing residents and businesses back to the Route 40 corridor. Donna plans on using the Edgewood Area Small Area Study which is currently underway, as a springboard to economic revitalization in Southern Harford.
Donna also wants ensure local law enforcement and first responders have the tools they need to keep our community safe and drug-free. She will work with the Sheriff and the local volunteer fire companies to make sure they are prepare to combat crime and reduce our current heroin epidemic.
Donna wants to ensure the schools have needed resources available from the county. She plans to meet with local businesses to determine what they need in a local workforce and work to meet those needs. She is also working to bring more apprenticeships and on-the-job training to the area Southern Harford.
Donna plans to visit neighborhoods in Joppa and Edgewood this month to meet with residents. She will be at the Sunrise Condominium community on Saturday, September 16th at 10:00 AM. She is inviting all her friends and volunteers to come out too.
“It is my desire for Southern Harford to become the shining star of Harford County. To accomplish this, I will need your support to be Southern Harford’s Voice!”
For more information, please visit:
“I stand for a government which delivers a fair share of county resources, for a revitalized local economy, for safer streets, and for strong schools and vocational programs.” – Ms. Blasdell, You stand for everything the current Administration of Harford County will NOT tolerate. Your economy has been decimated. Your streets are NOT safe. Your school systems have been left wanting. You already know the areas of Harford County that will receive the County’s blessing and you know that the area you represent will NOT. You already know that the Judges of your county will release dangerous predators back onto the street, while making sure they torture and terrorize the public in their wake. You need to wake up. Harford County is a blemish on the buttocks of Maryland. Your county’s government is criminal in its very nature. The longest running prosecutor in this State’s history, was responsible for creating the governmental racketeering program that has spread through this State like a disease and he hails from Harford County. Your words are very noble, but you can not change Harford County by acting as a legitimate representative of the people in an illegitimate system of governmental crime. Good luck…..