From the City of Havre de Grace:
On September 11, 2017 the Havre de Grace Project Committee for the Gold Star Family Memorial Monument held a ground-breaking ceremony at Concord Point Park.
The Gold Star Families Memorial Monument will honor Gold Star Families, preserve the memory of the fallen, and stand as a stark reminder that freedom is not free. The monument will be located at Concord Point near the lighthouse entrance to the promenade. When completed it will be the first of its kind in Harford County.
The City of Havre de Grace has committed $10,000 towards the completion of the Gold Star Family Memorial Monument.
“There is pain and sadness that never goes away for family members who lose a love one that is serving in the line of duty, whether it is a mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, husband or wife, this pain is forever,” said Mayor Martin, while speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony. “In Havre de Grace we take our patriotism and our respect for those who serve very seriously.”
Donations toward the monument can be made by cash or check, payable to MCL- Maryland Marines/GoldStar and mailed to 102 Tidewater Drive, Havre De Grace, MD 21078 or by credit card online at
Local Hero says
Does anyone else despise these damn politicians standing behind a pile of sand with “gold” plated shovels pretending to take part in some good old fashioned manual labor? It’s a stupid tradition that wastes time and money for the sake of a photo op.
It should be abandoned!
All in the name of politics – they get to attach their name to something the obviously don’t care about. As long as it makes headlines.
I am sure they will be there at the Grand Opening, and recite some storybook speech about how proud they are…yada yada yada.
Politicians are a joke.
White Man You'll Just Call a Racist says
Not only that, they probably bought the most expensive shovels and most expensive rattle can gold paint to do this “photo promo.”
The groundbreaking ceremonies are pretty gay. I hope that’s offensive because it was meant to be.
nostar says
I like how they schedule a community event during the work day. I’m sure more citizens would have attended the ceremony if it was scheduled in the evening or on a weekend.