From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Minutes of the New Harford Democratic Club
Wednesday, August 2, 2017, at the Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express
President Steve Johnson opened the meeting at 7:01 pm
Johnson led those present in a pledge to the flag.
President Johnson thanked everybody for coming out and encouraged everyone to urge friends to come out and join with others working for our political future. He asked those present to stand and introduce themselves
Johnson recognized Karen Kukurin, guest speaker for the night, and Carlos Taylor, who has filed for the Democratic nomination for State’s Attorney.
Treasurer George Harrison submitted the financial report. Johnson asked for and received unanimous approval.
He asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the June meeting. Approved unanimously. There was no meeting in July.
He asked for reports for any other clubs but none was present.
Member Larry Delprete was recognized and reported that he had tried to attend a meeting of the Harford County Democratic Central Committee at the Sheriff’s office in Edgewood, but no one showed up. He said the Deputy on duty said there had been no meetings since April. Delprete expressed concern that the Democratic Party’s official representation in the county had failed to do its duty.
Harrison noted the Central Committee is a state organization and the state party should be made aware of this situation.
Johnson said he would investigate the situation, and there would be more discussion with the party chairperson who is the speaker at the club’s September meeting.
Johnson asked for committee reports.
Voter Registration: Art Helton, who chairs the voter registration drive, is under the weather this evening and will make a report at the next meeting.
Fund raising: Johnson noted that plans for fund raiser in the all is still in the works and more information will be forthcoming in future meetings.
Membership: Johnson noted that an additional mailing went out in June and several new members signed up. That will be an ongoing effort.
Issues and Legislation: Harrison noted that the current issue with the County Council is rezoning legislation now before the council. The club will keep tabs on the efforts.
Johnson introduced an additional candidate for congressional District 1, Michael Pullan, lawyer from Easton and a former county attorney for Talbot County. He said he was interested in improving opportunities for citizens to find better jobs, and better opportunities for higher education. He said it would be a tough race against Republican Congressman Andy Harris and he is asking for support from club members.
Johnson introduced the speaker for the evening, Karen Kukurin, a former aide to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. She had her own public relations firm, dealing with many large corporations and was involved in the Rose Bowl parade. She is an active Democratic who has become involved with the “Together we will” group in Harford County.
She summarized much of the problems facing the American electoral system including Russian hacking of our election systems in many states and the release of hacked emails during the past election. She said the Democratic Party is a microcosm of America and that diversity is its strength. But it is also a weakness. The problem is that the party is fractured. “We stand for everything that is right and the Republicans attack us for it. The election was a wakeup call. Under Obama we became complacent. It wasn’t until he was gone that we realized that. Women who voted for Trump, voted against everything we have worked for. You haven’t come a long way baby.”
She went on to describe the many programs put in place by Democrats and the Republican efforts to destroy them. She said it is time we pulled together to fight back, that unity is stronger than any individual.
Much discussion from the floor ensued.
Johnson thanked her for coming and initiating an important discussion.
Johnson then invited Allison Galbraith, who has announced as a Democratic candidate to run against Republican Andy Harris, to make a few comments.
Johnson thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting at 8:06 p.m.
Submitted by George Harrison, Acting Secretary.
Wow. Sounds like a well oiled machine.
She is absolutely right! The democrats stand for everything that is right, like blatant confiscation of land and property for the greater good. They stand fully behind the taxpayer funding of murder of unborn children. They stand fully behind the punishment of those who produce in order to provide for the welfare of the parasite. The democrat message is so full of crap that only the least of the citizenry believes one word of it.
This is what happens to your brain after watching too much Fox news.
I truly appreciate your leveled and adult response. Please note the facts and figures that support any facts you wish to make up as shown on CNN.
You watch CNN? ROFLMAO
Wow “DaddyRabbit”, you really are misinformed about Federal Funding being used in abortions. I guess you saw the video just like Fiorina. However, you are mistaken……
Wow, no one show up for a Democratic Club meeting?. (Shocker). Bringing in the “heavy guns” in from CA?? Anyone who deals with the Rose Bowl, surely must know what Democrats need. Bet this was a lonely meeting.
need more of Durbin and Graham – bipartisan working together – so tired of the us/them, win/lose mentality of the arrogant fools driving this country into the ground.
A couple of questions and comments:
Wasn’t Arnold a Republican? Was Ms. Kukurin a dem when she was his aide? Do dems really stand for everything that is right as she says?
Maybe women voted for Trump because they believe he’ll keep this country safe and take care of their children who are serving and have served.
How come the the comments from the “phenom” Ms. Galbraith weren’t included? Maybe she’ll chime in here.
Democrats claiming republicans try to distroy the country is laughable.
Demturds care more about the rights off illegals than american citizens.
You made your bed with the illegals, now you live with it. You have lost the house, senate, presidency and most governors positions in many states.
Keep pushing your failed agenda losers.
Thank you so much for your kind words Mr.What. We will need you to work this weekend for free and we will be taking away your medical benefits this week also. Oh and we are reducing your weekly salary too but we have a program to help you navigate the welfare system. Have a blessed day and thanks again for your support.
What is just pissed he was so unskilled he lost his job to an illegal but holds out hope trump will open a coal mine in Harford county so he can get a good paying job. LOL.
Actually, both political parties are guilty of destroying the United States of America. They both have played parts in the destruction of our rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. They both have played parts in destroying the economy and the banking industries. They both played parts in sending jobs overseas to foreign countries. They both played parts in letting the American infrastructure deteriorate. They both played parts. literally, in each and every kind of evil our government has visited upon the people of this nation. Before any of you try to counter this argument ask yourself why didn’t the political parties of each sitting president do absolutely nothing to counter the evils of their predecessors? Neither party ended the war on the American people disguised as the war on drugs. Neither party rejected the unconstitutional Patriot Act. Neither part did anything to reform the Insurance industry, because they were making so much money off the lobbyists, that would have prevented the ACA from coming into fruition. Neither party gives a damn about the American people unless they are up for re-election. Even then they only care about your vote and will say and do anything to get that vote. However, how many campaign promises have turned out to be nothing but campaign lies. Hell, in Maryland they even legalized bearing false witness against its citizens to secure convictions of CDS if you are an agent of the State. That’s not only a crime in Federal and State Law, it’s a crime against the TEN COMMANDMENTS and apparently its OK for an Agent of the State to completely fabricate events to send us to jail. Our country’s government has become completely lawless, without morality and godless. What more can one say?
Yes, Yes, Yes…not a day goes by that Mr. SoulCrusher reminds us of his ill perceived plan to grow an illegal substance for “personal consumption”, and how terroristic the government is because they caught him doing it.
Wow, I don’t remember bringing that up. But now that you did – When the law breaks the law, to enforce the law, the law is not the law at all. The constitution was meant to constrain the government, not be infringed upon to enforce the law unto the citizens, when the law would not have had its cause without the infringement. In such cases, the conviction must be vacated, as that is the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States. Maryland uses the make believe precedents of the Court of Appeals in this case. The Court of Appeals is nothing but a Kangaroo Court in matters such as mine, due to the case law of SCOTUS already being established and the Court of Appeals having absolutely NO jurisdiction of the subject matter once that case law is established. Yes, the government is what you said in your statement. Thanks for saying it. I can not use those terms on this website as the Dagger editors censor my free speech in favor of the illegal government you allude to…..
We are all well aware that The Dagger editors freely utilize their self-perceived notion of “censorship for the common good” as a way to deter any truthful, and /or, free thought and discussion…that is not the point here.
Heaven forbid the media allow us to present something other than their story.
Agreed. It’s pathetic…
I keep hearing about all this Dagger censorship…I can’t imagine what I’m missing. It seems to me they routinely let the comments run pretty wild and off topic, with a lot more profanity than I’d like to see.
You could always just create and maintain your own “news” website if you want to be truly uncensored…
I was banned for using the word “dolt” in reference to a comment. Had to get a new email addy.
You shouldn’t have to create your own newsite when the comments are supposedly open to the public. When a person does not use profanity, racism or other forms of hate speech, they shouldn’t be censored. I get censored for stating the truth. That’s it. Nothing else. Just because I use the correct lingo to describe the government I have grown to loathe, I’m censored. Bottom line is the Dagger is a racist Republican propaganda site and an advocate for State Terrorism. If you don’t agree with racist Republican propaganda or State Terrorism then you will eventually get censored. They call it being “moderated”, yet there is no polite term to call it what it is….
There is a saying that goes around another forum I frequent: “Their house, their rules.” As far as I know, The Dagger is not part the government, so they are free to tromp on your First Amendment rights all they want to on their website.
If you run your own website, it would be, “Your house, your rules,” and you could let the truth run wild and free. I doubt soulcrusher DOT com is available, but I’m sure you could come up with something. As long as it’s free, I’d take a look.