From the Havre de Grace Police Department:
On August 18, 2017, between 1830 hours and 2015 hours, members of the Havre de Grace Operations Unit were conducting a counter drug operation in the 600 block of N. Stokes Street. While working the operation officers recovered a loaded handgun off a convicted felon who should not be in possession of a fire arm.
Matthew Coleman Oakes was arrested and charged with possession of a hand gun with a felony conviction, hand gun on his person, and several other weapons violations. Oakes is a prohibited offender with multiple convictions for crimes of violence and drugs.
If you know where any illegal guns and drugs are being used in Have de Grace please contact the Havre de Grace Operations Unit at 410-939-2121.
Wouldn’t it be nice if this POS were placed under a jail somewhere this time?
Queue a response from SOULCRUSHER who will speak to the corrupt courts who allowed this to happen.
You shouldn’t call my name, because I will be here ready for comment. However, I don’t know why you would think that I would believe this to be a corrupt action by the courts. From the information given in the article, it seems that the police acted within the guidelines of the law. I don’t even think the courts had anything to do with this. Clearly, you are thoughtless and probably even soulless….
How could a convicted felon get a handgun? I thought OweMalley and now Frosh put an end to this.
Pass more Gun Laws!
Not the fault of Owe Mao Li and Frosh. They did everything they could to crap all over the Second Amendment and create yet another useless fee for the citizens of this state.
Most likely the perp got the gun from some cheesesteak snarfing, cheeto head, confed flag waving, trumpanzee loving, alt right, R E Lee lookalike, NRA member.
Amen brother!
Multiple drug distribution charges, attempted murder with a handgun, and the list goes on. What does it take to keep sum like him in jail? I know you want to give a black man multiple bites of the apple but come on. He should be taken down and put away like a confederate statue.
Two for two baby! Right on both counts. Batting 1000!!
Or some ANTIFA guy. Wonder if they found shields, helmets and shrouds for his face.
That’s a da*% shame. What a great gun…just to be melted away.
Look, another typical know it all, how many cheesesteak subs are you going to deep throat today?
I’d take a guess the gun is stolen, or was stolen at some point..
It appears to be of a “1911” design that many firearm manufacturers make.
I’d take a (better) guess (than you) to assume that if the firearm is stolen, the Police will make the best effort to return it to it’s original owner, to include shipping it to another “agency” out of state if the original (legal) owner resides somewhere out of Havre de Grace, Maryland.
Hyuck, hyuck, hyuck. Conservative morons.
AWWww….Democrat Dirt Farmer is ANGRY another gun goes BACK into circulation even if it IS to its rightful owner. Jump in your pick’em up truck…go to the 7-11…grab your coffee and yuck it up with the ol’ timers about your crops.
I’m mad? Where did I type I was mad? Please quote that because I don’t see the words anywhere in my previous comment.
I was merely explaining the more realistic situation when firearms are recovered like this.
A good amount of due diligence is going to be put into an “investigation” about the recovered firearm, to include getting it back to it’s rightful owner when firearms are stolen.
Hey….I’m afraid of Americans…. I love all those great Americans you mentioned…and by the way, you should be afraid! Very afraid! They are probably the only true Americans here.