From the Havre de Grace Police Department:
On July 20, 2017, just after 3 a.m., Havre de Grace Police Officers responded to an address in the 800 block of Lafayette Street regarding suspicious circumstances where a male subject was in his residence bleeding and vomiting.
When officers arrived they observed large amounts of blood and began rendering aid. The man was transported to Harford Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The man was identified as Andrew Pizanis, white male, 20 years of age. This was an ongoing investigation by detectives of the Havre de Grace Police Department.
The Chief Medical Examiner’s Office for the State of Maryland determined that Mr. Pizanis’s death is a homicide.
On August 23, 2017, Havre de Grace Detectives investigating the case obtained an arrest warrant for Aubri Grace Pluhar charging her with 2nd Degree Murder, Reckless Endangerment, and 1st degree Assault. Pluhar turned herself into authorities without incident. The case appears to be the results of a domestic incident.
Becky Lives Matter! Be careful dagger you said Bel Air… folks are going to want a hair sample and water bill to verify her residency. Never mind Bel Air has several homicides over the past 18 months, some still cold cases.
Does anyone know the manner of death? Was this person poisoned, stabbed, beaten, shot?
I agree, details please!
She killed him. Period.
According to the Maryland Courts website, she was released today on bail, apparently at $250,000. I thought bail was usually not granted in murder cases. Look at the Zaragoza case where bail had not neen granted.
Maybe everything was an act of self defense.
Aubri Pluhari may be pregnant. She registered at Targets bay registry in August. Jail would not be a healthy place for a pregnant woman.
Again, what does this have to do with the case? I think all racist are bad and no place in society. Disgusting.
No it was not self defense.
How do you know? Apparently the Court Administrator who overheard her bail review believed that there was justification for her to be out on bail. One person suggested that she was pregnant. It is not unheard of for a child to be gestated in prison. They simply remove the person to a hospital for the delivery of the child. In some cases, children have been born in prison. So that argument isn’t totally convincing to me. There had to be some reasoning for her bail. I was intentionally held without bail on fictitious charges to force a conviction. My crime was far less than this in the eyes of most. The fictitious charges carried three times the jail time of the crime I actually did and I was innocent of ALL the charges because of constitutional, law and civil rights violations that made all evidence inadmissible in court. There had to be a reason the Court Administrator did what they did and self defense or lack of criminal responsibility is the only real reasons this could be done. However, most Court Administrators are terrorists and releasing dangerous people back into the masses does seem to be what terrorists do. We will all see at her FAKE trial that will be conducted by an organized crime syndicate and terrorist organization. I find it ironic that people who are charged with murder have rights and those charge with marijuana have none in the eyes of the law. What do you think?
I know because I am his Aunt, also one of his best friends. She was pregnant and killed him 4 f…. days before she delivered his alleged son. I KNOW THE FACTS. and yes, I do agree she should not be out on bail. It makes me sick to my stomach. It makes me even more sick that f…. minor weed charges are treated more harshly than murder. And murder is what it was. Plez do not believe rumors. She killed him, it was not self defense, she was psychotic. I begged him to leave her because I kneq,there was a potential danger. She’s out simply because she had no record and has family and friends in the legal system.
I am glad to see that you recognize the law of Maryland is disgusting in regards to CDS Marijuana. Let me give you some advice. If there are any records that indicate she was thinking about doing harm to your nephew, present them to the State’s Attorney Office and the Court Administrator during the trial. DO NOT count on the Harford County State’s Attorney Office to do this for you. Present the records in OPEN COURT and specifically state the contents of the records. This will prevent the SA Office and the Court Administrator from denying the records exist or covering up the existence of these records. In my day in court, ALL evidence that proved fictitious charges and an illegal search of my home where never disclosed because the Court, SA Office and the Police were acting as an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization. If she is guilty, as you say, you must do this to prevent a cover up of this evidence, due to family and friends in the legal system. If the Court Administrator will not allow the evidence, walk right up to the jurors and show them anyway. You can NOT let this Organized Crime Syndicate get away with the evil they force upon the public…..
If she was psychotic, as you allege, she may not be legally responsible for her actions at the time of this incident.
@Truth Teller – Unless there is evidence that she had a premeditated intention to do harm to the victim. There is a big difference between a psychotic episode and being criminally insane with intelligent thought. If she knew what she was doing then it wasn’t a psychotic episode.
“If she knew what she was doing then it wasn’t a psychotic episode.”
And if it was a psychotic episode, she may not be legally responsible for her actions at the time of the incident.
Patricia is the one who says she knows what happened. Patricia is also the one who says the suspect is psychotic.
Waiting for Patricia to tell us what really happened.
No it was not sec defense.
OK, so tell us how all of this happened. What actually occurred that resulted in the death of Mr. Pizanis? Step by step, so we are able to understand exactly what happened.
I am not goin into details because we are waiting for trial and I will not jeopardize his case. She is psychotic and that is not her defense. She has no defense. She is just a callous bitch who thinks she can do whatever she wants and then at oh poor me. When I say psychotic I mean she gives a shit about no one but herself. She’s abused him before. She is violent and is not fit to raise a child. Believe me when I say I will appear at every court date scheduled l, give my testimony of what i know about her and do everything in my power to keep her in jail for life. She took my nephews life and shielded no remorse.. She didn’t even turn herself him for a month after she killed him because she found out that issued an arrest warrant. My nephewwas an awesome loving young man and did not deserve this. I can only her the system to do what’s right.
All of this will be old news by the time this case goes to trial. Unless there is a plea bargain made and accepted, this case will not come to trial for at least a year. In the meantime everyone is left to speculate what actually occurred.
Elizabeth Walton….?
Innocent until proven guilty. Mr dot com ,you are excused from jury duty for the rest of your shallow life! The Maryland Correctional Institute for Women might have to look for another tenant.The persecutors er…I mean prosecutors have to prove their case beyond a shadow of doubt.
She IS GUILTY. She killed him. Now the justice service need a to do what’s right and put her away until she rots. Andrew no longer is with us. She should not be either. Eye for eye. May she got in hell.
She killed him. What’s to prove? I know what happened. She needs to for in jail then got more in hell
Ms. Corabeth Doehill – Are you suggesting that Aubri Pluhar appears innocent to you??? Whats your evidence?
Umm, Mike Callahan, I wasn’t saying anything about Ms. Pluhar appearing to be innocent. I simply made a comment that I thought she looked like “Elizabeth Walton.” Nothing more was meant than that. (Sheesh!)
Sooooooooooooo she’s single? Lol. Seriously it’s a shame and why was she left, on the street, when the guy from Bel Air was locked up? Good night John Boy.
Should I swipe right or left? Lol. Hopefully she will make a friend at MCIW. Seeeeee ya
So sad that B’Sun buries the homicides below preseason football, don’t want to adversely affect future game attendance. Should hit 300 mark around first week of November. Good thing past governor (furniture thief) and Frosh tightened up gun laws…big, big, help in curtailing crime.
It seems some are feeling sympathy for her without knowing the facts. However the State’s Attorney and the Havre de Grace police department did have her charged with second degree murder based on what they know of the facts.
The presumption of innocence is one of the most sacred principles of the American justice system. Its not just a sense of “feeling sympathy”.
This is from Aubri Pluhari’s YouTube:
So wtf. She can hoop. Doesn’t take away from the fact that she killed him with no remorse. Don’t promote this f…. c… She needs to for like a dead fish!!@
I have not had any dealings with the Havre De Grace Police Department, so I can not honestly comment on their actions. However, I have had dealings with the Harford County State’s Attorney Office and I can attest personally that they are part of the State’s Organized Crime Syndicate and Terrorist Organization that I often refer to. Christopher Mark Tabone, an assistant State’s Attorney, did use perjured testimony from Detective Sean Marston and knowingly interjected that perjured testimony into the court record of my cases. They did this using the unconstitutional law of the Maryland Criminal Procedure involving CDS, that specifically allows perjury to be used, as well as any other crime committed by agents of the State, to prosecute a crime of CDS. All anyone needs to do is go and grab the files for Harford County Circuit Court cases 12K09002034 & 12K10000013, to view the evidence of Harford County’s treachery and perjury. This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god. So, instead of patting your State’s Attorney Office on the back and saying “good job”, you should be condemning them for being part of the Organized Crime Syndicate and Terrorist Organization that they belong to.
You know your comments are like a soap opera. I can leave here for six months and still not have missed the plot. So put n your big boy pants and stop blaming everyone for your problems. So put on your big boy pants and let this girl go down the road without your comments about another case.
No. The State of Maryland must reform it’s corruption. The agents of the State who were involved must be indicted and imprisoned. Furthermore, I brought this up to the person who seemed to think the State’s Attorney Office of Harford County is an honorable and legitimate office. It is not. This is the truth. If you do not like the truth you don’t have to read it. All I’m doing is showing the people that there is undeniable evidence in the record of the Harford County Circuit Court that clearly shows that the State’s Attorney Office is completely unlawful, illegal and unconstitutional. It’s time for the State to put on it’s big boy pants and accept personal responsibility for it’s actions. Remember, you can always come down to my neck of the woods and we could discuss this, but let’s face it, you don’t have the testicular fortitude to be a man…..
You don’t know me and you remind me why f Susan Lucile in the new progressive commercial. lol I’m afraid you would be sorely disappointed because I know the law and you like to think you know it.
Really? That is the response you chose to offer. If I could understand your first sentence, maybe I would comment. But, since I can’t understand your first sentence I will only say I’m sure you know the law as well as you can type your first sentence.
The jaw is not always corrupt. It’s people that break the law and good prosecutors and cops do a great enough job to catch the bad guy. Not all of Maryland laws are wrong. The first sentence was to say….you remind me of Susan Lucile from the progressive commercials. Lol like I have said, not everything is about you. I’m sure if a dog got a ticket for crossing outside a crosswalk, you would make the article about you. Lol
Why did you grow weed when you knew you were breaking the law. You got caught and now you whine like a little bitch. There would be no legal arguments if you obeyed the law. End of story. Let me put this as succinctly as possible. Shut the f— up.
Why did the State violate the privacy of my home in total disregard of the Supreme Law of the Land? My conviction has nothing to do with the fact that the Harford County State’s Attorney Office is an illegitimate government agency and is really part of an organized crime syndicate and a terrorist organization. Furthermore, I was never convicted, I was persecuted by a group a terrorists posing as agents of the state. They were really members of an organized crime syndicate and terrorist organization. The law can not be the law when the law violates the law. I suggest you take your last sentence and use it in regard to yourself.
Mr Teslly: “The jaw is not always corrupt”. …But the law is often an ass Cassilly is not a good prosecuter
Silly Cas-silly testified against decriminalizing/or legalizing marijuana by calling scientific facts “anecdotal evidence from a bunch of potheads.” Cassilly belongs in that stupid Susan Lucci tv ad. He has social amnesia and he is in a political coma.
Teslly says “Not all laws are wrong.” But in fact all Maryland marijuana prohibition laws are rationally and morally wrong.
Teslly’s reference to a Susan Lucile or Lucci tv ad is irrelevant and kinda stupid.
I went to school with Sean Marston, we will do WHATEVER he can to get a conviction
Does anyone happen to know her Bra size?….OOppsss….did I say that outloud? Sorry!
I went to school with Sean Marston, we will do WHATEVER he can to get a conviction
Methinks that if Patricia keeps running her mouth here, and in other social media platforms, her credibility in court will be shot (if she is even called as a “witness”).
Keep your mouth shut. Stupid A55.