From the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Baltimore:
Mohamed Elshinawy, age 32, of Edgewood, Maryland, pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization; providing and attempting to provide material support to ISIS terrorism financing; and making false statements in connection with a terrorism matter.
The plea was announced by Acting U.S. Attorney of the District of Maryland Stephen M. Schenning; Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security Dana J. Boente; and Special Agent in Charge Gordon Johnson of the FBI’s Baltimore Office.
According to the plea agreement, Elshinawy conspired with others to knowingly provide material support and resources to ISIS, knowing that ISIS was a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. From February 2015 through about December 11, 2015, in Maryland and elsewhere, Elshinawy conspired with others to provide material support and resources, including personnel, services (including means and methods of communication), and financial services, to ISIS. Elshinawy and his co-conspirators utilized various methods of secret communication in order to conceal their criminal association and activities from law enforcement.
As a part of the conspiracy, Elshinawy expressed his support for an Islamic caliphate and his belief in the legitimacy of ISIS. In addition, he expressed his hope that ISIS would be victorious and its enemies defeated, and discussed his readiness to travel to live in the Islamic State. In various other conversations, Elshinawy pledged his allegiance to ISIS, described himself as its soldier, committed to making violent jihad, and asked that others convey his message of loyalty to ISIS leadership.
Elshinawy also received payments from a foreign company totaling $8,700 to be used to fund a terrorist attack in the United States.
In an interview with FBI agents on July 17, 2015, in an effort to conceal and minimize his criminal involvement with ISIS, Elshinawy provided false information regarding the total amount of money he had received from ISIS operatives and claimed his intent was to defraud ISIS of funds. Throughout his interviews, Elshinawy mischaracterized the true nature and extent of his association with ISIS operatives and the support he had provided to ISIS.
The maximum sentence for conspiracy to provide and for providing material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization is 20 years in prison; the maximum sentence for collection of terrorism financing is 20 years in prison; and the maximum sentence for making false statements in a terrorism matter is eight years in prison. The maximum statutory sentence is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes. Elshinawy’s sentence will be determined by the court after considering the advisory Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. Elshinawy has been detained since his arrest on Dec. 11, 2015, on related charges.
Acting United States Attorney Stephen M. Schenning and Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security Dana J. Boente commended the FBI for its work in the investigation, and thanked Assistant U.S. Attorneys Christine Manuelian and Kenneth Clark and the National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section who are prosecuting the case.
August 16, 2017 There is no difference between ISIS terrorists and Nazi/KKK/White Supremacists terrorists. They both should be dealt with the same way.
Here’s where the groups are active in Maryland and their ideology:
• National Socialist Movement, statewide in Maryland, Neo-Nazi
• Be Active Front USA, statewide in Maryland, racist/skinhead
• Crew 38, statewide in Maryland racist/skinhead
• Southern National Congress, Maryland, neo-Confederate
• Heritage and Destiny, headquarters in Silver Spring, white nationalist
• Council of Conservative Citizens, Silver Spring, white nationalist
• East Coast Knights Of The True Invisible Empire, Annapolis, Ku Klux Klan
• The Daily Stormer, Baltimore, neo-Nazi
• Maryland State Skinheads, headquarters in Baltimore, racist/skinhead
• Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge, headquarters in Baltimore, black separatist
• Jamaat al-Muslimeen, headquarters in Baltimore, general hate
• Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, Baltimore, black separatist
• Barnes Review/Foundation for Economic Liberty, Inc., headquarters in Upper Marlboro, Holocaust denial
• Nation of Islam, Baltimore, black separatists
• Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, headquarters in Rosedale
• Label 56, headquarters in Nottingham, hate music
• League of the South, Clements, neo-Confederate
• Refugee Resettlement Watch, headquarters in Fairplay, anti-Muslim
Yeah, how about the same with the “Black Panther” and the idealogy of “Black lives matter?”
I hope I didn’t offend anyone with the word “black.”
Black Lives Matter? You mean the group that opposes murder by police?
“Black lives matter” is not really a “group” or any organization. It’s just people holding up signs.
Troll on, troll boy.
“Fairplay,” The good news is that the murders are going to stop in Baltimore City now that they removed a few Confederate States of America monuments.
BLM is a chapter based organization that is very well funded. They are not “Pro-Black” lives as much as they are anti-cop.
Fairplay – if you are going to list a bunch of hate groups most of whom have not committed any crimes, then BLM should be on your list as well, as they are an avowed cop hating group.
OK I have not posted for a while but in light of recent events I need to speak my piece. BLM are devout Cop haters not that some of their membership are not well intended good people. Are.there police of all colors that tarnish the badge and should be gone. Yes definitely! Most Cops are good people doing an impossible job under impossible conditions. The media and liberal left are fueling the fire of hatred with bias reporting. I.e. Michael Brown “hands up” BS. Those same groups will never report or acknowledge the open defiance displayed to the police by large numbers of the black community. The phone cameras only capture the police taking action against the poor innocent black man. There is most often much more to the story which has been selectively omitted. Police get called they come to do a job. All too many blacks feel that they can do what they want and the police should have no dominion over them. When the police do their job they are being racist.
Now we have the issue of people rallying to remove Confedrate statues. I can understand how some Black people would perceive those statues as hurtful and would want them removed. OK. I think that the most vile, hateful, and harmful thing in the life of a black person is the use of the word “nigger”. I was a police officer for over 30 years. On any given night on any street corner, basketball court, or parking lot you will hear that word 50 times being used by black people. When a white person is stupid or low class enough to use that word blacks will say he used the “N” word. To me it is the height of hypocracy. You want that word and it’s harm to go away stop using it! Take it out of the music, comic bits etc. The liberal media depicts racism as a one way street. They will routinely omit any actions which represent people of color as being part of the problem. After reading this post some will say it is racists but actually it is reality.
August 17, 2017 I think ‘Open Your Eyes’ made many sound points.
1.) Michael Brown was attacking a police officer and would not stop as have many of the people who have been shot or hurt by the police (if one does not obey a cop and resist, bad things can happen). As far as Black Lives Matter is concerned, I feel that their lives do matter but since 93% of Black victims were killed by other Blacks, the focus is misplaced. I am white and worked in Baltimore for many years and Blacks are prejudiced as well as whites are. Mature people can rise above that and realize that the majority of people are not and do work to get along with everyone.
2.) The Civil War was fought ONLY to preserve slavery. It is totally a mistake to believe that it was fought over “state’s rights” or any other propaganda ploy that the “Lost Cause” group used. The people who fought for the South were traitors and should not be memorialized. Nazis, KKK and White Supremacists are the very nadir of humanity and no one with any decency could ever think there are “some very fine people” among them. They represent the vilest emotions that lurk in the darkest souls. One could only equate these people with ISIS and both are terrorists that deserve condemnation.
And note that 4 of the groups on here are Black Separatist/Muslim extremist
Now this is a guy who should be in prison. If he has dual citizenship, strip him of the US citizenship. When he gets out get him out of here. Ship him wherever, because these are complete acts of treason. I talk a lot about the way I don’t like our government or what it has become, but this guy could have ended up causing some serious harm to any of us. Just providing intelligence to ISIS is reason enough to send him away as another ISIS supporter could have used that intel to do serious harm. Lock him up then send him away…..
Lets do what the left does, show up with bats, helmets and shields. Than throw a strap around him and yank him down.
“Than” ?
Who is the one trolling? This is what you do when you don’t have anything intelligent to say.
Over the past weekend we have seen the ugliest display of values from fringe elements of our political society. As a minority who shares conservative values, I have always heard the Republican National platform aim to expand its tent to attract the growing and diverse populace that is our United States. This was equally important to me living in Harford County where it seemed the GOP organizations in the area struggled to identify with minorities.
This platform was something I hoped would help attract people to the GOP as a party that could provide a constructive alternative to problems that have plagued communities for decades. This all seemed well and good until I saw an event being held at the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Southern Precinct for the Route 40 Republican Club hosting Matthew Heimbach. Matthew Heimbach was gaining negative notoriety for his efforts at Towson University for an All Whites Student Union, while this is a free country, his rhetoric did not stop there. He was allowed to speak to bigotry and hatred in a Government Building here in Harford County MD, one that as a taxpayer we funded. It must also be stated this was held under another HCSO administration, and I ultimately do not believe they had any idea of the attendee. The Southern Precinct is allowed to be used by various organizations for intended public benefit use, and till this day they happily provide this venue for the public. But in 2013, the Route 40 Republican Club knew exactly who they were bringing in and provided a podium for him to spew his rhetoric none the less.
Exhibit A:
While Harford County may think it is immune from the events of this weekend, it is important to point out that Mr. Heimbach continued his hate speech in Charlottesville this weekend.
Exhibit B:
Mr. Heimbach, begins at 10:00 into the recent Vice News coverage, uses defamatory language against Jewish people as somehow being part of the system. This is who you opened your doors too. This article is to hold those accountable who would, in darkness and cover of organized political parties, harbor hate speech and sick ideology. When you lie down with fleas you get fleas. Your actions, whether you know it or not, reside as evidence on the internet and elsewhere. I encourage you to re-evaluate what it is you stand for and whether or not your truly expand your tent when you publicly condone and facilitate individuals such as this in Government buildings here in Harford County. While you say not in my backyard would we allow such activity… well Harford County… you actually did.
A Perplexed Conservative
“No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes.” Mitt Romney
Yes, the other side opposes the things mentioned by Mitt, but it also opposes any views that are different from their own and is willing to get violent often inciting the violence (No, i am not suggesting they incited violence in Charlottesville, but they have at other places).
If the “other” side now gets a pass to get violent with people that have those racist and NAZI views? Is it also OK for them to start getting violent with others that have views they oppose? Both sides have blame, not equal (far from it), but each side owns some and if we don’t put both sides in check then the side that doesn’t get blamed will be more emboldened the next time (and there will probably be a next time) and even more people may die.
The problem is there are only two sides. What did you learn about the truth? My grandmother always said, “there are two sides to every story and then there is the truth”. In my opinion, because all anyone ever hears is two sides to every story, that the truth has been forgotten. There needs to be more sides to the story as both sides manipulate the story to serve their own political agendas. What happened in Virginia was acts of total ignorance. Those confederate statues are part of history and heritage. Is someone really a white supremacist because they don’t want history and heritage destroyed? That is the real question. Sure some groups did use the events as a tool to promote agendas, just like every other event that happens. I am against the removal of the civil war statues not because I am a white supremacist. I am against the removal of civil war statues because we are wiping out our history. Mankind has forgotten way too much of our past because of ignorant decisions like the removal of statues and monuments. History repeats itself because of this ignorance I speak of. Just something to think about….
SoulCrusher: If there is a monument to Robert E Lee, why not one to Benedict Arnold? Both were traitors.
As far as these monuments as part of history, they were erected as for White supremacy.
“Lee’s elevation is a key part of a 150-year-old propaganda campaign designed to erase slavery as the cause of the war and whitewash the Confederate cause as a noble one. That ideology is known as the Lost Cause, and as historian David Blight writes, it provided a “foundation on which Southerners built the Jim Crow system.”
“As historian David Blight writes in his 2001 book Race and Reunion, in the aftermath of the Civil War and Reconstruction, former Confederates and their supporters waged a propaganda campaign to shape American historical memory. The result was a popular understanding of the war and its aftermath that glamorized the valor of Confederate soldiers, downplayed slavery as a cause of the war and cornerstone of the Confederacy, recast Reconstruction as a period of tyranny and “black domination,” and justified the violent disenfranchisement and dispossession of black Americans for decades to come.”
Most important, it was always untrue: Slavery was the cause of the war, white supremacy was the cornerstone of Confederate society, the individual valor of Confederate soldiers cannot hide that the cause for which they fought was one of the worst in human history, their defeat was not solely due to the North’s structural advantages, and they — not the Union — were the aggressors.
Shortly after the war, Blight writes, former Confederate Gen. Jubal Early gained control of the Southern Historical Society and used it to “launch a propaganda assault on popular history and memory.” Later groups like the United Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy worked to “control historical interpretation of the Civil War.”
In this interpretation, popularly known as “Lost Cause” mythology, the Confederacy was fighting for some vague conception of liberty, not the right to own slaves; its soldiers were unparalleled warriors defending their homeland who were only defeated because of the Union’s structural advantages; and the postwar subjugation of black Americans was a necessary response to lawlessness.”
There is a monument to Benedict Arnold. It’s called the “Boot Monument”. Lee did serve the US and he did serve the CSA. All of that is history my friend. Don’t be so eager to destroy the past so we may not forget it in the future…….
Wow, thanks for sharing this. Harford county can be so insidious about its racism sometimes. At least Cecil is out in the open with it.
Would that be Harford County – the birth place and home of vocal advocate of slavery, defender of the Confederacy and Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth? I believe that is pretty in your face to me.
Open Your Eyes: here is an example of what police must endure
Police have a thankless job. Why would people want a drug dealer, who is ruining many of their lives, to be let go?
Thanks for posting the link. It very accurately depicts what police officers deal with on a regular basis. The liberal media and the left choose to ignore this type of news. They will quickly accept any antipolice account of an incident and report it as fact without any reliable confirmation. In the case of incidents involving police dealing with people of color they will only show a small segment (usually the police going hands on) in an effort to escalate racial tension to in some way take a shot at the establishment. I would strongly suggest that people the likes of Rachel Maddow, Steve Colbert, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, and Bill Mayer jump in a police car and ride with the cops for a few nights. Maybe they will get to view “first hand” the open defiance which large segments of the black community display to the police, who are just doing there job or answering a call for service. Unfortunately incidents of those types occur quite frequently but are rarely, if ever, reported by the left or liberal networks. If they are reported many important factors would be selectively omitted. I would have suggested that someone ask Al Sharpton to take the same police car ride but his overt racism would blind him from seeing the truth.
Wait…they only found ONE man in Edgewood that aligns themselves with ISIS? Poor police work!
I would say that you are mostly correct. the major theme is was and has been slavery. there are many underlying themes that were there as well. states rights were one of them.
Now i know i am gonna get bashed for this and probably be told i am a racist, but that is not true i am just trying to point out facts.
Unfortunately to the confederate slave owning/holding states it was a “states rights” issue because at the time they were tied together. Remember, prior to Civil War slavery was legal and the confederate states did not want a Federal government to pass laws that they felt would unjustly affect them and their ability to conduct themselves as the they see fit or give the northern/other states advantages over them (remember different time period and the federal government operated differently because it had less power than today).
The articles of secession written by every confederate state that left the Union did list slavery as a major reason for leaving the Union. The other major reason for leaving the Union was listed as “states rights”. States actually tie “states rights” and slavery together as a means to justify leaving the Union.
IE. By way of stating the the North’s refusal/reluctance to enforce the (legal at the time) fugitive slave act of 1850. others tie the expanse west and the war with mexico and the Federal Government’s refusal to allow new states to have slaves as a reason (all slavery issues, and also states rights issues).
Now i don’t disagree that the Civil War was about slavery, but what i will say that it wasn’t just about slavery. you have to take into context the political, economic and social norms of the time. in hindsight was it wrong and morally reprehensible? Yes, but to many at the time it was the norm and to many of the politicians and pro succession leaders at the time the slavery issue was analogous to a power grab by the Federal government, and if allowed to go unchecked would allow/embolden the federal government to gain too much power over the states. (Remember again that prior to the Civil war the Federal government did not wield a lot of power, at least not as compared to today and state sovereignty was much bigger issue than it is today)
Yes, many were racists and many did want to succeed based solely on the slavery issue, there were other issues listed in the articles tied to “states rights” (but
i won’t get into that now).
You can’t paint every confederate soldier as a white supremacist especially when many of the soldiers that fought believed in the “cause” based solely on the “states rights” issue. Same as you can’t say that every Union soldiers (many of whom were racist too) was an abolitionist. Many Union soldiers fought not to abolish slavery, but to keep the union whole.
August 19, 2017 TSB: You made many insightful points. Yes, slavery was legal and Lincoln and the North were willing to leave it in place where it existed. What caused the South to succeed was the insistence that slavery not spread to new territories, and eventual states.
This, to the South was beyond endurance (see what happened in Bleeding Kansas) as they would lose parody in Congress. The South wanted a slave state admitted for every Free State. Thus we have a Civil War. It was not so much to free slaves but to save the Union, although that was eventually the result as slavery was the South’s main objective.
It was only later that “The Lost Cause” myth gained credence through well placed propaganda (of which Southern monuments were erected to keep “the colored in their place.”)
GREAT! My Pastor just sent out an email blast calling for “Prayer” for our country during this terrible time…blah blah blah. MORE WHITE GUILT to spread around. Lets all just feel guilty because we are WHITE and re-set history prior to slavery, etc. – I worked in other countries when they tried to do this…NOT!
Even if you discriminate based on color, please rest assured – the devil welcomes all colors in hell.
Where the white wimmen at
History is not rewritten when monuments, artwork, artifacts, etc. are removed. The internet and books will see to that.
Take all of these monuments to people who supported the confederacy and the continuation of slavery and put them in a museum, but get them out of government buildings and public spaces where people are forced to see them and governments are seen as supporting them.
Our country, states, counties and municipalities should never have tolerated support for anyone who supported the confederacy.
The confederacy was starkly different from the founders of this country (GW, TJ, etc.) who owned slaves. Our founders never started a war to continue slavery, but instead, created a mechanism to eliminate it….the amendment process to the constitution. The confederacy on the other hand wanted slavery to be permitted and justified in our society FOREVER. The argument that the removal of confederate monuments is a “slippery slope” and will lead to the removal of monuments to the founders is childish.
We need to strongly condemn anyone who wants to support these monuments. This includes the ancestors of the people memorialized. In the end, there are no good reasons for assholes and bigots to continue to be memorialized, which is who the people memorialized in these confederate monuments are.
As far as the protests in Charlottesville go, anytime racists (of all colors) want to demonstrate support for the destruction/subordination of another group of people, they should be shouted down from everyone. They have a right to demonstrate, but everyone else has the right to shout them down. Anyone who commits violence should be held accountable, but police and judges have discretion on how to do that. Let the racists be held primarily (not totally) accountable for the majority of the violence because it was their hateful ideology that brought this on themselves, while those protesting those bigoted messages are standing up for equality for all people.
These monuments represent degradation, murder and shame: “It is now universally understood, if not conceded, that the Rebellion of 1861 was begun for the sole purpose of defending and preserving to the seceding states the institution of African slavery and making them the nucleus of a great slave empire.” John Hay, 1885.
“Do not support Confederate Monuments”
The war between the states was never about slavery…all farmers…Republicans AND Dems owned slaves. It was about money. That’s it. Everyone needs to find a hobby…get a job and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing or did in the past. Its done…its over with. There is nothing in your little useless world that you can do to change it. History is history. You cannot re-set OUR history prior to slavery. Other countries have tried it and failed. I know it feels good to kick a hunk of metal called a “monument” when it comes crashing down but at the end of the day….all you have is a hurt foot and a YouTube Video clip for everyone to laugh at.
Not to mention proof of who pulled the monument down and results in their arrest for destruction of property.
“They have a right to demonstrate, but everyone else has the right to shout them down.” These are your words. Am I to understand that the essential right to free speech is based on volume? If you say something I don’t like my response should be to produce the necessary wattage to “shout you down”? Maybe you’re a Vegan and I’m not. Maybe I enjoy veal and foie gras but you find them morally repugnant. Imagine for once, if the whack jobs had shown up for their pep rally in Charlottesville and NO ONE ELSE CAME. No counter protesters, no media, just police to ensure a peaceful march. Would anyone have cared? Would anyone have died? Do you think that by counter protesting any of the whack jobs changed their stance? You already know they’re slack jawed idiots so do you think “shouting them down” will make them less so? What, it’s better to “shout them down” underground where they can fester? Whenever I see this kind of crap on the news all I see is a bunch of stupid people – on both sides – allowing their passions to be stoked by others who pull the strings and the more of them you get into one place, the more precipitously the collective IQ seems to drop. I’d say it reached room temperature in Charlottesville. Americans have life so easy that they’re constantly looking for something over which to be offended. Frankly I can’t wait for all the statues to come down… then all those bad things will never have happened and we can look around for something else to be inflamed about.
hodor for president says: “Am I to understand that the essential right to free speech is based on volume?” Yes: “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Thomas Jefferson
“First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.” Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
The first casualties of a dictator are free speech and free press. “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government: When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved and tyranny is erected on its ruins….” Benjamin Franklin
You’ve completely missed the point and nothing you’ve quoted here has any relevance to the debate. I’m not advocating that only certain groups have a voice – you are. When you hear an idea that you disagree with you believe in your heart that drowning out that idea is the only way to win the debate – this seems to be what they teach on campuses these days instead of free speech. Based on your viewpoint all I need to do is show up with a semi with concert stadium sound and my opinions will win the day because yours cannot be heard over the thunder of mine. More volume, game over I win, change your opinions to match mine now. What is your next move after you cannot “shout me down” because of my sound system? Get a bigger one? Kill me? This younger generation certainly likes to commit violence. Cover your face and go wild right? You never bothered with any other points in the comment… what do you think would have happened if no one else showed up? Why do the opinions of a couple hundred idiots worry you so much? You can find more than that who think their dog practices mind control over them. This is America, you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting an idiot – and in my opinion a great many of them were on display in Charlottesville.
Quite a few of those idiots post on this site, but you can’t beat the entertainment value. Sometimes the entertainment pump needs a bit of priming. However, I will have to admit that in the battle of idiot entertainment on this site that the right wins over the left hands down. Check out the post below.
I am a member of the left. I miss those bright red vaginas that many of the ladies wore when protesting in DC. It has not been that long ago and most people have already forgotten. I loved it when Naomi Judd got up there with her red vagina and started talking about Cheetos man President. They had so many wonderful and important things to say. Surely you have not forgotten so soon.
Bring back the vaginas to all leftest rallies.
Lame name and Billy Boob already covered this = zero points for lack of originality. Entertain me don’t bore me!
I want all of those women back who were wearing pussies on their head and faces protesting in DC shortly after the election. We need more red pussies to show up at these protests.
Hey, have they caught those two confederate flag hauling miscreants who assaulted and were subsequently whipped up on by that young man in Darlington? It’s been almost 3 months now. The Apple Fest ™ is coming up and I believe the safety of the visitors, and the $25,000 that Barry gave the organizers to promote the festival, might be at risk.
Harford County Citizen says: You need to learn a little of that history you talk about.
The Civil War was only about slavery as the South’s economy depended upon slaves. So I guess your silly little remarks approach a point. As far as your sadly mistaken notion of “…There is nothing in your little useless world that you can do to change it. History is history. You cannot re-set OUR history prior to slavery….” You can’t change it but you can learn from it (that is if one bothers to read history.)
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana
What is disturbing is that our president is so morally bankrupt that he has not the decency to acknowledge that to defeat fascists the Allies lost twice as many men as the Axis during WW II – among them were 409.399 Americans: NOW TRUMP HONORS NAZIS!!
Trump never honored Nazis. He called for both sides to stop the violence and hatred. He has a history of fighting bigotry and denouncing the David Duke’s of the world. Please have your facts straight before denouncing people publicly.
Taxpayer: Trump defended the KKK/Nazi protesters by saying,“…you also had people that were very fine people….”irregardless of anything else he might have said as one cannot equivocate in condemnation of hate groups.
If you are marching with the KKK, Nazis and white supremacist you are, by definition, NOT a very fine person. When a hate group says: “He (Trump) didn’t attack us,” crowed The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website, about Mr. Trump’s statement after the two days of racist demonstrations. “Refused to answer a question about White Nationalists supporting him. No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.” They understand Trump supports them.
If 67% of Republicans said they approve of Trump’s to the violence in Charlottesville and 61% say they cannot see Trump doing ANYTHING that would make them disapprove of him, then the Right has morphed into the Alt-Right. The silence form the 33% who do not approve becomes compliance. Are you in that group?
That is “Trump’s reaction to the violence…”
Am in that group? Really?
Is it now required of the President not only to condemn violence but to spell out the alphabet list of organizations. He condemned violence, hatred, etc. What more is he to do?
As far as the hate group saying “He (Trump) didn’t attack us” – you are now affirming whatever statement they make as truth? They are fringe, representing far less than 1% of the population. They spent weeks preparing a march and had a relatively small turnout. Why? Because they do not have popular support.
Keep in mind NAZI is the National Socialist Party. Hardly Alt-right – if there is a thing like that.
“Keep in mind NAZI is the National Socialist Party. Hardly Alt-right – if there is a thing like that.”
Taxpayer brush up on your history and don’t be such a naive dolt. German Workers’ Party (nationalist and racist) was renamed National Socialist German Workers’ Party ( aka Nazi Party) as a marketing strategy to appeal to more people. Hitler played a major role in the re-branding, but it wasn’t his first choice for the name. To explain deceptive political marketing I will provide this example: North Korea is officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea although there isn’t much democratic about it. However, in name, it does look and sound like a thriving democracy.
Nazi’s were all about state control. Hardly a conservative ideal of individual freedom and less government.
I don’t see “conservative” mentioned. I believe you need to read the post. It has zero to do with what you think is “conservative” is in the U.S.A. However, I would take some issue with “conservative ideal of individual freedom and less government.” , but that is a discussion for a different day.
August 22, 2017 Taxpayer: You are seeing this with rose colored glasses if you really think they re “…less that 1%….” In the wake of Trump’s support of these hate groups “…Trump’s approval rating among Republicans was 83 percent. It is now 79 percent….” So the actual percentage of Republicans that are now Alt-right is meaningless if 79% approve. That approval makes them Alt-right and that is 79% not 1%.
Moreover, I do not think Trump condemned violence as equivocating in lukewarm words hardy counts. If his condemnation was as clearly stated as Paul Ryan, or any decent person, the hate groups would not have been as quick to thank him and heap praise on him.
You ask “…you are now affirming whatever statement they make as truth?” Well, if you mean do they believe it? Yes, they do and it encourages them to hate and attack those whom they see as opposing their views (they were called Storm Troopers or the SA earlier.) What we are seeing is that these groups have become the driving force of Trump and the Republican Party as compliance is approval. So yes, they DO have approval. The Alt-right IS the hate group when they approve of them.
Once again – repeating the premise ‘Trump supports hate groups’ does not make it true. He condemned hatred, bigotry and racism, from whatever group is came from. He could have listed 30 groups and if he missed one, the Trump haters would come out and say – “look, look, he supports that group”.
The standard being applied to Trump was never applied to Obama. We can talk about the hypocrisy of the left, that would fall on deaf ears to most, as they do not want to acknowledge it. Fringe groups are not the driving part of the Republican Party, nice try, once again, repeating it does not make it true.
August 23, 2017 Taxpayer: You say, “The standard being applied to Trump was never applied to Obama.” Well. Obama is not a needy, whiny, spoiled, liar man who is completely unqualified.
Trump is more than Stupid, he is EVIL. A PRIMER ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TRUMPISM: 1) anti-immigration and anti-Muslim; 2) uses secret, dark money; 3) believes in extrajudicial killings of enemies; 4) election tampering and disenfranchisement of Democrats with voter IDs; 5) enemy of free speech and the media and considers them enemies; 6) uses the big lie strategy of propaganda;7) fits into the Hitler template of power grabbing and political control; 8) uses private “security” to control public appearances; 9) overly sensitive to image and works to change it; 10) bullies and intimidates anyone that disagrees with him; 11) tries to appeal to Fundamentalist Christians to the exclusion of all other religions; 12) blames others for own failings and divides the world between “us and them”; 13) unscrupulous in all dealings, private and public – always looking to take advantage of weaker people; 14) does not hesitate to throw own staff (or wives) under the bus if it improves his position; 15) only cares for big business and making money to the exclusion of everyone else; 16) considers women only as sex objects and assaults them with impunity; 17) has no compassion and is selfish and self-centered to an extreme; 18) is homophobic; 19) unable to tell the truth and considers facts as opinions or “alternate facts” and uses lies as a strategy; 20) is reckless and considers winning paramount irregardless of consequences to others; 21) does not hesitate to use military power to further ambitions and wastes American lives in unnecessary engagements; 22) ignorant of history, science, politics, ethics and education in general and has no interest in learning; 23) is secretive and suspicious of everyone, the opposite of transparent; 24) Is childishly petulant, thin skinned and considers whining, temper tantrums and revenge normal behavior; 25) Is a war monger but also a draft dodger (“The Cong were after me,” Trump said, visibly stirred by the memory. “And then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.”); 26) Is opposed to environmental protection, dismisses climate change and denies science as “elitist”; 27) Is an incompetent and dangerous actor playing a role for which he has no concept; 28) Surrounds himself with incompetent toadies who must declare their ‘loyalty’; 29) Uses family members in important positions; 30) His primary concern is to enrich himself and his family at the expense of the public and policy. 30) Treason and colluding with Russia. 31.) obstructing justice. 32) Abuses and marginalizes women (grabs pussy)
“Trump is more than Stupid, he is EVIL.”
-Yes, so very evil. So evil. So. Damned. Evil. Wait, how?
1) anti-immigration and anti-Muslim;
-Incorrect. Had you said anti-ILLEGAL immigration, you would have been right. Anti-Radical Islamic Extremists, and you would have gotten the A+. Instead, you do exactly what the mainstream media has been doing and pick / choose your talking points taking bits and pieces instead of the whole fruit.
2) uses secret, dark money;
-Where? By financing his own campaign? Do you mean like Hillary did taking money from foreign powers? Is dark money racist?
3) believes in extrajudicial killings of enemies;
-If you actually paid any attention to facts, you would have known that Obama authorized more drone strikes to eradicate more enemies than any other predecessor. Does that show that Obama was compassionate about not killing enemies? No. But, because it does not fit your talking points, you conveniently leave that out.
4) election tampering and disenfranchisement of Democrats with voter IDs;
-Zero proof of election tampering – unless, of course, you include the DNC tampering with their own party to ensure that Bernie failed and Hillary won the stage. That kind of tampering?
-You need an ID to do almost anything of value; why wouldn’t you need an ID to vote as well?
5) enemy of free speech and the media and considers them enemies;
-I believe, if you actually listed to Trump, he is an avid 1st Amendement supporter. Nice try…next!
6) uses the big lie strategy of propaganda;
-“If you like your doctor, you can keep him. Period.” That kind of lie strategy for propoganda?
7) fits into the Hitler template of power grabbing and political control;
-Yes, Trump is out there rounding up his adversaries and having them put on a train to commit genocide. What, exactly, is the Hitler Template? Is this something new made up by those upset Hillary lost?
8) uses private “security” to control public appearances;
-They are called Secret Service. Obama never had, uh, “Security”?
9) overly sensitive to image and works to change it;
-Yes. He is a bit sensitive.
10) bullies and intimidates anyone that disagrees with him;
11) tries to appeal to Fundamentalist Christians to the exclusion of all other religions;
-Yeah, including his own family comprised of people of the Jewish Faith. Again, nice try…NEXT!
12) blames others for own failings and divides the world between “us and them”;
-No, he blamed Hillary and the DNC for Bernie’s loss. Additionally, there were MANY, MANY times when Obama used a similar strategy. Ever heard him talk about law enforcement or the military? Yes, very “us and them” mentality.
13) unscrupulous in all dealings, private and public – always looking to take advantage of weaker people;
-Again, that’s what businessmen do. Buy low, sell high. Buy out the weak, sell off, make money. Nothing to see here, please disperse. Unscrupulous dealings you say? Like arranging the sale of Uranium to Russia? Like a classified server in your basement? Those types of scruples?
14) does not hesitate to throw own staff (or wives) under the bus if it improves his position;
-Like all the times Obama blamed Bush? How about when he continuously blamed police officers for all of the problems in America? How about this doozy from Obama as an example, “Over the last four years, the deficit has gone up, but 90 percent of that is as a consequence of” President George W. Bush’s policies and the recession.” LOL
15) only cares for big business and making money to the exclusion of everyone else;
-Umm, no. He called out small businesses during his campaign, citing illegal immigration as one of the factors that his hurting small business. Trade with China? Ever heard him talk about that and how it is hurting business in America? Guess not, since it is not a “talking point” that the Dems favor.
16) considers women only as sex objects and assaults them with impunity;
-How many times has he insulted his daughter? Riiiiight.
17) has no compassion and is selfish and self-centered to an extreme;
-Suggest you do some research on his compassion. Self-centered? Yeah.
18) is homophobic;
-Can’t argue any point without facts. In this case, there are none out there so this is a clear example of why our post is completely baseless and idiotic in nature.
19) unable to tell the truth and considers facts as opinions or “alternate facts” and uses lies as a strategy;
-How about we look at Mr. Perfect, more commonly known as Obama? Shall we? Then we can discuss how all politicians lie, and have a firm argument…
-“I made a bunch of these promises during the campaign. … We’ve got about 60 percent done in three years.” Obama. False.
-“Under me, the United States has “doubled our exports.”” Obama. False.
-Remember when Obama said that ISIS was on the run? LOL
-Even better, when he said, “I didn’t raise taxes once.” ROFLMFAO
20) is reckless and considers winning paramount irregardless of consequences to others;
-Reckless in what regard? Reckless to build a multi-national business? Reckless enough to win the White House?
21) does not hesitate to use military power to further ambitions and wastes American lives in unnecessary engagements;
-Ummm, you do know that Obama never closed Gitmo. Never got troops out of Iraq or Afghanistan…all “promises” he made. See another point, made earlier, about Obama being the “Drone King” orderming more strikes than anyone prior.
22) ignorant of history, science, politics, ethics and education in general and has no interest in learning;
-He admits to being ignorant in politics. Ethics? Not sure that will hold water…regardless of what you are led to believe, the Trump Organization is massive, and wealthy. Don’t believe you get that way by being ignorant. No education? You just insulted every Ivy League graduate of the Wharton School of Business…a far cry from your simple Harford Community College education (apparently).
23) is secretive and suspicious of everyone, the opposite of transparent;
-Who wouldn’t be when all anyone wants to do is trash you at every corner? Secretive? Welcome to the government. Opposite of transparent? Hey, remember when Obama promised the “most transparent administration in history”, and then lied about it? LOL Yes, Obama having his transcripts sealed is really “transparent”.
24) Is childishly petulant, thin skinned and considers whining, temper tantrums and revenge normal behavior;
-Yeah, pretty much. But in all fairness, Obama was a little bitch himself – constantly whining about Bush and how he couldn’t get anything done…because he sucked.
25) Is a war monger but also a draft dodger (“The Cong were after me,” Trump said, visibly stirred by the memory. “And then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.”);
-Getting a deferment is not being a draft dodger, dummy. Again, before you post…research is your friend. A war monger? How many has he started again?
26) Is opposed to environmental protection, dismisses climate change and denies science as “elitist”;
-He is not opposed to environmental protection, but believes we don’t need to all start sipping from biodegradable toilet paper to save the Earth. Read up on your facts.
27) Is an incompetent and dangerous actor playing a role for which he has no concept;
-Incompetent enough to build a billion-dollar business, and have skyscrapers all over the world with his name emblazoned on them? Incompetent enough to get the White House? I am failing to get your point, other than self-opinions about the President.
28) Surrounds himself with incompetent toadies who must declare their ‘loyalty’;
-Yes, you get ahead in business by surrounding yourself with imcompetent people. People like 4-Star generals and CEOs of major corporations. Again, you are all speculation and opinion.
29) Uses family members in important positions;
-Not seeing a downside here? What’s your point?
30) His primary concern is to enrich himself and his family at the expense of the public and policy.
-Indeed, most people who want to enrich themselves often forego their salary. Oh…wait.
30) Treason and colluding with Russia.
-Yes, because every piece of media fabricated “evidence” has been proven to be a “slam dunk” so far. Get real with your conspiracy theories.
31.) obstructing justice.
-Where? When? Facts are key.
32) Abuses and marginalizes women (grabs pussy)
-Our President has a criminal record for spousal abuse or battery towards women? There you go again, as it has been your whole drivel above…using a small snippet of information and trying to make more of it than what it actually is. I am willing to bet, that when you…are in a room full of similar minded idiots, you speak exactly the same way.
Advantage 10x
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over (time), the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” Dresden James.
You are proof of the power of propaganda and alternative truth really works.
@ Fairplay – I’ve used that exact same quote on here many, many times. Yet, whenever I speak the “truth”, all I ever see on these pages is how crazy I am. However, I believe everyone else is crazy because they buy into the façade perpetrated by a bunch of lying criminals who pose as an actual lawful government. They are not. We are all on here debating political BS when everyone is missing the real arguments and stories that we should be paying attention to. Trump isn’t really the problem. He is nothing more than a figure head. Sure, he can make a few executive orders, but the true power lies in Congress and in those who govern. Congress and those who govern have betrayed the US Constitution and the American people. They will not stop until they can control and manipulate our lives, minds, bodies and our spirit itself. You all need to wake up and figure out who your real enemy is.
Fairplay – you speak of alternate truths and propoganda. My point has been made.
Both posts, yours and mine, were made with “facts” from the media and opinions. See how simple it was to bait you into showing your true colors?
What goes for one side, is apparently not “correct” for another. Your one-sidedness is clear and will do nothing to make this country better if all you do is continue to spout talking points instead of actual facts. While you may have used “some” in your original post, the majority of it was nothing more than personal opinion fueled with “facts” from a clearly biased media.
SoulCrusher – Ok. We get it. You hate the government. Run for office. Make a change.
@ Advantage 10x – No, you don’t get it and probably never will. When a voice has been heard or a publication has been read, those who govern have been made aware, yet do nothing to correct the obvious issues that I lament. A government need not be sued, corrected or abolished, if they choose to reform. My government knows its trespasses and chooses to trespass even further. These are not the actions of a lawful government. These are the actions of an organized crime syndicate and a terrorist organization posing as a lawful government. Quite frankly, the government does not exist and has been replaced by the aforementioned crime syndicate I allude to. This is unacceptable and intolerable. That’s what you need to get…….
He lies and Trumpites believe.
He lies and the Obamites believe.
You are comparing a cup of water to the Pacific Ocean.
Nice analogy, but the comparison does have a valid point – you cannot call one side a liar without exposing the same crap the other side did.
Hodor for president: You are trying to be obtuse? When I quoted Jefferson ( “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”) you took that for volume? How can one engage with one so dedicated to twisting statements to support his weak argument?
Obtuse? Good word. Your own words were: “They have a right to demonstrate, but everyone else has the right to shout them down.” so I asked if you thought freedom of speech was based on volume because I wanted “shout them down” clarified. You then answered “yes” and proceeded to use quotes that would indicate the opposite of the point you were defending. Freedom of speech means that it’s just possible someone will say something you disagree with and horrible as it may be, you have to let it slide. Maybe when you feel you’re morally in the right it’s acceptable to “shout them down” and take that right away from them but as repugnant as these individuals may be, until they act out on their views, they’re free to think and say whatever they want and you don’t have the right to stop them or silence them.
Hodor: I suppose from your response that you could accept the Alt-right’s use of force (clubs, guns, shields, body armor, mace) as acceptable freedom of speech? That proposition is as valid as your claim that I oppose speech that I don’t accept. You must show me where I claimed that. Otherwise we can see you are trying to argue using a FALSE PREMISE and a RED HERRING. This is usually used when one has a weak argument.
Actually, weak arguments come from closed-minded individuals who refute any intelligent conversation dealing with a difference of opinion.
From your response, could you accept the Alt-Left’s use of clubs, guns, shields, body armor, mace as acceptable? Because it went both ways.
See how that works when pesky facts come to bite you in the ass?
That is a typical “alternative fact” you people love some much. Give me proof that the counter demonstrators went there for the sole purpose of violence rather than self=protection.
I am old enough to remember when Nazis and KKK were considered evil and no decent American would join them.
If you can’t see that no amount of your FALSE EQUIVALENT arguments are worth answering.
“You people”.
Simple to see where your mindset is. A simple search of the social media posts looking for “counter demonstrators”, and the subsequent responses from individuals, do show that many (on both sides) went looking for a fight.
Simple. Both sides were complete a-holes.
Save your bullets boys. We will need them for the big one. Me? I’ll head straight for Rt 40 & Rt 152. I remember when Anderson’s hardware burned down. I was coming from Havrde Grace praying the entire time. Please let it be the pig station burning down….when the riots start, and they will, I and my brothers will be there to fulfill my dreams….File this bean head!