From the Aberdeen Police Department:
On August 2, 2017 officials from the Aberdeen Police Department initiated an investigation regarding allegations of criminal misconduct by a member of its Command Staff. The investigation revealed a Lieutenant, an 18-year veteran of the force, tampered with drug evidence. As a result their police powers were suspended immediately.
Chief Henry Trabert has requested the assistance of the Maryland State Police to lead the forthcoming criminal and administrative investigation, to protect the integrity of the Department, while providing a fair and impartial investigation.
Rand McNally says
Why wasn’t he arrested immediately? Thrown in jail? Had his assets seized? And most importantly…WHY DON’T WE HAVE A NAME?
Emabarrassed to live in Aberdeen says
I was arrested by an officer from the APD for a misdemeanor charge , never gave one bit of trouble , had a prior arrest record & fully admitted & cooperated with the officer I was proceeded to be verbally assaulted saying I would have his foot shoved so far up my cunt if I lied etc which I had done none of , made to listen to loud music while he texted & drive his cop car well above the speed limit to the jail .. sad to know that most officers these days are sadly crooked & it upset me greatly because my dad was an officer in this same department for many years while I was growing up , sad to see this department go downhill like it has & that they ignore bite the drug activity in a park directly across from their precinct yet manage to harass others for the most random of charges
Emabarrassed to live in Aberdeen says
Did not have any prior arrest record it should say *
Nunion of your business says
Probably Al Severn’s kid in which u were and most likely a sh** head so your opinion means nothing.
Hunter says
It’s an investigation for a reason……….he’s not guilty until a Judge say so. At this point, they have information causing serious questions; that’s it. So, relax and let the MSP do their job before you declare the officer is guilty and should be arrested..
SoulCrusher says
Judges mean nothing. He’s guilty when the JURY says he’s guilty. Judges are able to accept plea bargains, but a true finding of guilt only occurs when a jury of your PEERS says you are guilty. Never forget that. Judges in your county are complete and utter criminals, so anything out of their lying scum bucket mouths means nothing to me and should mean nothing to you…..
Jess says
Unless you have a bench trial, and a judge decides the verdict…
SoulCrusher says
You can’t have a bench trial on felony charges. You can be convicted by plea or jury only on felony charges. Since CDS was involved, I guess they could use the forced Alford Plea, but that is still a plea and the State would have to use coercion or extortion to gain that. The prosecutor’s in your county really enjoy extortion and coercion. Evidence tampering is a felony….
Dick Grammar says
Improper use of apostrophes should be a felony.
SoulCrusher says
Well, there is nothing improper about the use of your screen name. You are definitely a “Dick”.
AppliedTactical says
Felony charges can most certainly be tried by a bench trial. All depends upon the State you are in, and whether the charges are State or Federal.
Bail Country says
If he was arrested, he would probably have been released on bail anyway. It seems almost everyone that is charged is released on bail, unless it’s a murder charge.
SoulCrusher says
Bail is a constitutional right and is guaranteed so that there is no violation of “due process”. You are not presumed guilty until you have had a trial and are pronounced guilty. The trial is supposed to be fair and impartial, but that simply does not occur in Harford County or in the State of Maryland. Especially, regarding CDS. The criminal procedure law involving CDS in Maryland, supposedly allows the agents of the State to break any and all laws without consequence, yet is in violation of the 14th Amendment, jeopardizes “due process”, is sanguinary and makes the State an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization. Bail is supposed to guarantee an appearance, but the State of Maryland uses it in an unconstitutional fashion as an additional pretrial punishment by making the amount “excessive”. Certain crimes are allowed the use of “NO BAIL” because of a danger that may be presented to other members of the community. “No Bail” is also used when a defendant is accused of a felony and is charged with another felony in a supposed separate incidents. All in all, the State of Maryland convicts people illegally at an alarming rate and this is just one of the reasons I say the State is an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization……
Ghost of Christma's past says
Let it go crusher….. Let it go and be free to live your life…. Stop harboring this anger inside you.
SoulCrusher says
There is nothing to let go. I am only stating the truth……
Sadbuttrue says
Your Dad must have been officer Bull or Don Lacotto. We needed both of those men out here. They got rid of JR a long time ago and were having issues again.
Local Yocal says
What is Aberdeen turning into, Baltimore City?
Bad cops are worse than criminals (actually, they ARE criminals), but they are worse than the average civilian criminal because they have the RESPONSIBILITY to uphold the law, not break it!
WTF “cats in blue”, as a group, you had better get your shit together, because you are losing the public’s trust faster than you may realize!
SoulCrusher says
Finally, people are seeing the truth. The law breaks the law all the time and people were just accepting it. The last sentence in your comments tells me that the truth is coming to the surface and people are starting to realize those truths. Good for you “Local Yocal”. You have been enlightened…..
Concerned Citizen says
This is not surprising. The Aberdeen police think they are above and beyond and can’t be questioned about anything. I have the utmost respect for the Harford County Sherriff and the Maryland State Police. However, the local police departments act like they are wannabe cops with more authority that they deserve. Just look at their patrol cars running all around the county, around the state, and even out of the state at the taxpayer expense. No control means a corrupt police force.
Laughing loudly says
Just rambling on. You have no idea what’s really going on.
I’d take a wild assed guess that Police Officers employed there eventually get their own “patrol car” assigned to them, a “take home” if you will.
I’d also take a wild assed guess there is “policy” for such car assignment. You know, like the employee has to live XX miles from the office.
I’d take even another wild assed guess if you see a “local” Police car somewhere where you don’t think it should be, they’re probably handling official business.
Did someone admit to you they were abusing the “take home” car privilege or did you just like to aimlessly rant?
TonyV says
Will we ever find out what tampering with drug evidence there was? Did he plant evidence? Did he not turn in evidence? Did he steal evidence? If he planted evidence to frame a suspect that would be bad for the whole department and shame on him. If he had evidence and didn’t turn it in on time or right away, there might be a very good explanation, like going to another call or forgetting about it and maybe a little suspension from duty will help him remember next time. If he stole evidence then that would be stealing drugs either to sell or use. I hope that’s not the issue, addiction hurts so many people. If the officer was selling and living way above his means wouldn’t have the top cops in the department noticed this, aren’t they the experienced ones? If the officer was an addict, I guess they could be but I would think that they test officers, and wouldn’t the commanders pick up on this right away. I’ve seen addicts before and you can tell when they are on the stuff so I would think the police would really know if the officer was using. If that’s the case maybe some other police need more training or might need a new job because they didn’t take the correct actions.
Dissenter says
All the judges and cops in Harford county should be dragged down Rt 40 in chains behind an ice cream truck until there is no skin left on their bones. I can see them all crying n begging for mercy, what a pathetic noise.Then when they are dying of thirst and bleeding to death they should be given a cocktail of battery acid n antifreeze and made to drink. Oh yes and their families, let’s not forget them? They should be herded together in a stockade and left to starve and freeze to death…..Does that give you any idea how much love I have for the pig??????
Pamela Seisman says
Give it a break!!! ? The whole story is yet to be told. Innocent until proven guilty. Law enforcement is a hard career to carry. I respect them for putting their lives on the line to protect and serve
You all think you could do a better job?
Grow up!
You must be one of those non believers too.
SoulCrusher says
@ Dissenter – You should never wish for harm to a person’s family for the sins of a particular individual. If you want to hate someone for something they have done to you or another, I’m OK with that. But, never blame a person’s family for what that person may or may not have done to you.
Jack Wagon1096 says
I blame President Trump #@!
Harford County Citizen says
Yes…President Trump is behind this somehow!!
Dissenter says
The president has nothing to do with criminals who wear police badges. There are some real people out there who truly care, but who would be willing to be in the presents of a monster in a blue shirt n tie with a legal right to destroy your life, to crush you, to take everything you ever worked for. The police in Harford county Maryland are nothing more then legalized criminals and should be shot on site when entering a home without a search warrant. Granted, they probably reseaved that warrant from a drunked judge. …ask yourself this Q..Who is the criminal, or legal gang breaking into my private residence or vehicle wearing a badge?