From Congressman Andy Harris:
On July 25, Representatives Andy Harris, M.D. (R-MD-01), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR-03), H. Morgan Griffith (R-VA-09), and Zoe Lofgren (D-CA-19) introduced the medical marijuana flower for sale Research Act of 2017. This bill heeds the calls of the medical research community to address the burdensome processes that currently hinder medical research on marijuana. This bipartisan bill removes barriers inhibiting medical marijuana research.
“As a physician who has conducted NIH sponsored research, I cannot stress enough how critical this legislation is to the scientific community. Our drug policy was never intended to act as an impediment to conducting legitimate medical research. If we are going to label marijuana as medicine, we need to conduct the same rigorous scientific research on efficacy and safety that every other FDA approved treatment undergoes. This legislation will facilitate that research by removing the unnecessary administrative barriers that deter qualified researchers from thoroughly studying medical marijuana,” said Dr. Harris.
“In what world would such a backwards policy make sense? It’s insane,” said Rep. Blumenauer. “We need to stop blocking science and allow for patients to get the information they need to make decisions about their health care. Doctors, patient advocates, and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle agree, and it’s past time the federal government caught up.”
“There are countless reports of marijuana’s medicinal benefits, but patients, doctors, pharmacists, and policymakers must have more to rely on than anecdotal evidence,” said Congressman Griffith. “Removing the barriers that prevent further research on marijuana’s medicinal benefits and possible side effects is the right thing to do, plain and simple.”
“Anecdotal evidence suggests that marijuana may have potential medical applications, from utilizing non-psychoactive marijuana to ease the symptoms of epileptic sufferers, or simply to fight nausea for those undergoing cancer treatments,” said Congresswoman Lofgren. “Unfortunately, under the current federal regulatory structure, marijuana researchers are limited by marijuana’s Schedule I classification. Enacting this bill will allow researchers and scientists the flexibility they need to fully study marijuana’s potential medical applications.”
The Medical Marijuana Research Act of 2017 addresses the major barriers currently faced by researchers who wish to conduct legitimate medical research with marijuana, a Schedule I drug. The bill creates a new, less cumbersome registration process specifically for marijuana research, reducing approval wait times, costly security measures, and additional, unnecessary layers of protocol review. This bill makes further reforms to both production and distribution regulations for marijuana, so once a scientist is approved to conduct medical marijuana research, the plant is easier to obtain. To this end, the bill also allows for the private manufacturing and distribution of marijuana solely for research purposes.
This bill needs to be amended with language and funding allowing unfettered research using fetal stem cells. Treatment takes many forms.
My man Andy. This time working with Dems. What will the snowflakes say about this?
Working with the Dems? You are delusional. This is Andy working with/for big business again. Is there any proof Andy has ever done anything for his voters? Republicans just love to be abused by Andys big corporate backers.
Andy Harris has worked hard to keep marijuana illegal and now wishes to jump on the Cannabis band wagon. At this point, if the people of his district can not see that he is nothing but a money grabbing criminal and a complete and utter hypocrite, then those same people deserve his corruption and treachery.
Andy Harris’s political polling shows his political future is endangered by the phenom Democratic candidate Allison Galbraith. Harris refuses to meet his constituents at town hall meetings because it draws too much bad press. He is not a popular guy from Bel Air To Salisbury. Harris’s political handlers have pushed him to make some concessions on the medical marijuana issue. But the science has been in for decades on medical marijuana. . Rep Harris shelf-life has expired. He oppose health care reform. He opposes environmental reform to protect the bay and its fisheries. Its time to repeal and replace Any Harris:
‘Phenom’? Dream on, Callahan. Eat the cheeseburger and smoke the crack.
Eating too many cheeseburgers and smoking crack is bad for your health. I would have thought that meth was the drug of choice in rural republican Harford?
Thats Mr. Callahan to you Mr. Gebra! You make some interesting remarks about cheeseburgers and cocaine , but they have nothing to do with
persuading anyone that Galbraith is not a phenomenal candidate or that Harris is not a reactionary know nothing has-been that is afraid to be seen at public meetings
No that’s Mr. Helton, the horribly failed dumcrat, to you!
Mike Hiob your not an “Old Guy” your just a corrupt politician who was thrown off the Aberdeen City Council for supporting the corrupt annexation land deal and rejected by a overwhelming majority of Aberdeen voters when you tried to run for Mayor of the Land Developers. And now the corrupt RepublicanTea Party Mayor of Aberdeen has appointed you to the Aberdeen Planning Commission.Your not an “Old Guy” . Youve just dedicated your political life to helping the corrupt, racially challenged, reactionary know-nothings in the Republican Party
But I digress. Repeal and Replace Andy Harris
As usual, all rant and absolutely no factual matter. Go ahead and die Art.
Mike “Old Guy” Hiob:
Should a Good Christian Republicrat go around sayin “Go ahead and die,Art” Is that a political argument for or against Andy Harris? You wish people you disagree with would die. That type of argument is not very intellligent or convincing.Next time think before you speak.
Funny he supports research for medicinal purposes but not actually prescribing it.
Not funny at all he is protecting his corporate overlords and the chance they have to make millions off of sick people using a natural medicine anyone could grow.
Never let it be said Andy represents the people who voted for him.
I told you Mr. MIke! Allison Galbraith is a “Phenom”! You didnt believe me! Your Tea Party Republican is history. He is gone with the wind!
Repeal And Replace Andy Harris!
Allison Galbraith is just another socialist hack. The good folks on the eastern shore can see this load of bullshit from miles away.
Good thing about conservatives – most of them are old farts like you who don’t reproduce. Most progressives are younger and there are more of us being born each day. Eventually we will win and you will lose because all we have to do is wait long enough. Your conservative BS will die off as its supporters die off of old age – basic biology and math. Enjoy your fantasy will you still can.
I get your point but they could take the country down the toilet while your waiting.
I’m not sure if it’s Conservatism or Republicanism is the root cause of the malignancy that continues to weaken this country although they are a pretty important factor. I think it is party politics in general. The Democratic Party is dysfunctional and often comes off as elitist. It often doesn’t provide a attractive alternative to vote for instead of just voting against the Republican. I would like more choices other that just those two. I think Galbraith provides some hope because the the current representative is really lacking.
The Republican Aegis has refused to report the fact that Harford Democrat Allison Galbraith is a candidate for Maryland’s First Congressional district.
The lack of any reporting on Allison Galbraith’s campaign in Harford County by the Republican Aegis suggests that the hometown newspaper is purposely ignoring the political story because it is either journalisticlly corrupt or politically corrupt.It appears the Republican Aegis is deliberately refusing to be fair and accurate in its political reporting.
The Republican Aegis’s dodgy journalism by corrupting the fair reporting of political information is also corrupting the political process.
Because of this corrupt reporting , the public is encouraged to Boycott The Aegis on Wednesdays to protest the undemocratic and unethical behavior of the publishers of the Republican Aegis
Has the Liberal Democrat rag “Setting Sun” made any mention of Galbraith?
People won’t boycott The Aegis. It’s the only paper in the county just like The Setting Sun is the only rag in town. Bring back The Examiner.
The Baltimore Sun is politically conservative and owns the Republican Aegis . The Sun paper does little Harford County reporting. It leaves that up to the Republican Aegis. So the Sun has signed off on not covering Allison Galbraith. Their in house political expert Dan Rodricks reported that the First District was a cake walk for Andy Harris and basiclly suggested there was no chance of a competative election in 2018. Complaints were made. Bullshit was played. No Sun reporting
.The Sun leaves the Harford Politics up to the Republican Aegis. Thats what they are told to do by their bosses at the Republican Chicago Tribune
I agree. the Setting Sun needs competition like the Balto Examiner. Its sister paper the Wash Exam is doing well and is still independently feisty.
I see the future of the Sun as a Sports/Entertainment Daily/Weekly called The Baltimore Metro or Baltimore After Dark. I only read it for the sports and their wacky tv critic
Bring back the Examiner and City Paper!
(Allison Galbraiths campaign has been followed closely by the Cecil Whig, Salisbury Times and the Chestertown Spy)
What a crock. The Sun has been endorsing dems for president since 2000 (when they resumed endorsements) and endorsed Brown for governor. The Aegis wouldn’t endorse either presidential candidate in the ’16 election.
You can boycott The Aegis, I’ll boycott Baltimore.
If you think The Sun is politically conservative you must really be drinking the kool aid. They kissed Obama and O’Malley’s ass for 8 years. “Political expert” Dan Rodricks is AKA Clueless Danny.
Boycott The Setting Sun. Bring back the Examiner.
In the case of Galbraith vs Harris the Sunpapers has conservatively defered to the Republican Aegis non-coverage reporting for Galbraith. Censoring the news is a conservative value.Too much info is dangerous to conservatives. It sews doubt. Dont rock the boat. Maintain the status quo. They have blacked out coverage of Galbraith. . The opening of the campaign was in downtown Bel Air and the only reporter there was from the Cecil Whig.
The Aegis acts like if they gave fair and accurate reporting of Galbaith they might help her win. The Aegis is actually afraid to cover her for fear that more info on Galbraith might endanger the incumbent. They are afraid she might win if there is normal fair reporting
And Andy Harris is afraid of the voters! He is afraid to attend town meetings in Bel Air, Elkton or Salisbury because they booed him in Chestertown last Spring. Harris’s managers tell him the town meetings are now bad for public relations. Bad p.r produces bad polls which might turn into a bad election
So the Aegis acts badly because they fear Galbraith has the possibility of winning.
And Harris acts badly because he fears the possibility of losing.
Boycott The Aegis!
You CAN overcome the media bias. You and the other 176,000 1st District democrats can give the $18 a month Ms. Galbraith is asking for on her website. Give now, give often.
Mr. I Feel Phenomenal is full of B.S. If you want to fight media bias donate or subscribe to
If you want to repeal and replace the Far Right Tea Party Republican Andy Harris then help support his main opponent right now — the phenomenal Democratic Progressive Allison Galbraith. Donating money is a part of every political campaign. Tea Party Harris has raised over a million dollars from corporations and fat cat individuals. Galbraith depends on small donations from thousands of average citizens. $18 a month is an ideal goal not a demand.
You can also assist Galbraith by boycotting the Republican Aegis for its unfair press coverage of her campaign.But the Boycott-The-Aegis campaign is not a policy position of the Galbraith campaign. It is a campaign supported by independent citizens like myself who want a fair and democratic free press.
The boycott campaign is accepting no donations. Just boycott!
You’re correct, $18 is an ideal goal. Why aren’t the donations deductible? From her website:
Paid for by ActBlue ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Contributions or gifts to ActBlue are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.
All political donations to all political candidates are not tax deductible because the are not defined by law as charitable contributions.