From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Minutes of the New Harford Democratic Club
Wednesday, June 7, 2017, at the Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express
President Steve Johnson opened the meeting at 7:01 pm
Johnson led those present in a pledge to the flag.
President Johnson thanked everybody for coming out and encouraged everyone to urge friends to come out and join with others working for our political future. He asked those present to stand and introduce themselves
Johnson also recognized Del Mary Ann Lisanti .Johnson also recognized Jason Robertson who recently won a seat on the Havre de Grace Council. Dave Fang county coordinator for candidate for congress Allison Galbreath was also introduced.
Treasurers report from George Harrison. He reported the current operating account has $23,388.04. Motion to approve passed unanimously.
He asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the May meeting. Approved unanimously.
He asked for reports for any other clubs but none was present.
Johnson asked for committee reports.
Voter Registration: Art Helton said voter registration was about to get underway. The target area is the Abingdon area which is in part of the 1st District. He noted that Republican Andy Harris, a Freedom Caucus member, will be challenged in the next election by one of the club’s members, Allison Galbreath. He noted that the area still has a large number of unregistered younger voters who need to be targeted.
Membership: George Harrison reported that the club recently sent out a mailer to encourage renewal of members. He noted that the club membership has increased over last year to about 200 members.
Issues: George Harrison noted that the county rezoning process is underway and there are public hearings being held. He noted that this is an opportunity for the public to have a say in how the county will develop in the next few years. He said one of the areas where the community is concerned is a parcel on route 152 between Harford Rd and Connelly Rd. He said this is an opportunity for citizens to learn and make their feelings known. He urges everyone to check the county website to see the proposed zoning changes.
Website: Jack Barham noted that postings are made daily. He said the latest news on former FBI head James Comey had been put on the website and that he regularly adds information from the Galbreath campaign. He also noted that he had signed up to ask a question Congressman Harris but that he was never called on. His question was about the voucher proposals but Harris apparently saw fit not to respond. He also noted that Harris was unhappy with the large turnouts for his in person meetings and declined to say if he would be having any more in the future.
Johnson then introduced Doug Gansler, former Attorney General, who has expressed interest in running for Governor.
Gansler said the two things going for Democrats is Trump and the large Democratic registration.
Gansler noted that he had been in public service for 24 years and has been out of for 2 years. In his last race he got 1.3 million votes. In the last election for governor there just more than 800,000. That’s a big loss. The African American vote did not turnout…the issues not pertinent to that group. The other group was middle class working white voters, who did turn out but voted for Hogan. How do we get those people back to the Democratic Party.
Hogan has been very disciplined. He has not mentioned Trump and has distanced himself from the President. Gansler then asked what do we know about Hogan. He listed three things: He beat cancer, lowered tolls, moved back the school opening dates, all positive with the public, things people remember. Most people consider him a good guy, good governor. How do you run against him?
One issue, the health care debate, the Republican position is untenable. His opposition to the sick leave bill. And the environment. All issues favoring Democrats.
As for himself, what does he want to do? He still has a yearning for public service, concerns for our younger people and he wants to do something about it. But as he looks at it right now, running against a well-funded Hogan campaign is not encouraging. But the party is going through a metamorphosis. Just where are we going as a party, he asked. It’s a tough road to navigate.
A question and answer session then ensued.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:24p.
Submitted by George Harrison, Acting Secretary.
Gansler – concerns for younger people. Yeah, he knows how to party with them.
Hogan strong!
Each political party needs to be torn down and rebuilt or if not do away with them.
Let’s add a few more kudos for the Governor: killed the Red Line, hasn’t crapped all over the Second Amendment like Frosh and O’Malley, and hasn’t stolen any furniture.
Hogan: “A good guy, a good governor” I like it. Thanks Doug.
A couple more attaboys for the Governor: didn’t “borrow” $500k from the hard working union folks and not pay it back (Brown) and didn’t cause us to lose the FBI HQ (Sue happy Frosh).
But the heroin crisis has only gotten worse in Maryland under Hogan. He’s not totally innocent. Yes, the mayor of Baltimore has responsibility as well. But unfortunately there has been little effective action from Hogan on the heroin problem.
You stupid liberals look at government as the solution to all the worlds ills. How about a little personal accountability?
The Governor can’t come in to your house and raise your kids and teach them drugs are not the answer.
He can’t stop addicts from jamming needles in their arms.
He can’t stop drugs from flooding in to our communities, when the federal Government has spent years allowing a porous border for endless streams of dope to come through.
The stupid RepulCONjobs and their president have trashed this country so much that experts say historically short of impeachment/conviction, a coup, civil war or break-up of the Republic, their not sure what will fix it. I personally pray it won’t come to any of those, but when the first load out of your mouth is an attack, you should expect a like response.
Those must be alt right conspiracy “experts”.
What’s an attack? That Liberals think Big Government is the answer–that the Government can fix all problems? That is NOT an attack. That is a fact. That is basic political theory.
Maybe you should learn what your ideology stands for. When it boils down to it, it stands for Big Government to exert some form of control/input over all facets of life.
Ideology aside, official call “Asked” is correct – your attack: “you stupid liberals”. At least “Asked” didn’t shit back on you too much. I dislike both groups of ideological idiots which is why I try to stay neutral otherwise I would tear both of you a new – well you know where I would be going with that.
What experts? Bloomberg, CNN, Gawker Media, Dan Roderick?
or perhaps Sean, Mark, Glenn and Alex?
OweMoney did absolutely nothing about heroin. Hogan brought it front and center and has made it part of his agenda.
“Public service for 24 years” Love how so many politicians claim to be in public service and become extremely rich doing so. Not saying Gansler did this, just how these people talk about their years of public service and received 6-figure salaries and nice retirement programs. Most of them would not survive in the private sector as the performance of most government entities would not be successful in the free market. Public service is volunteer work, being paid to be a politician is a job, career, not public service.
Tell me how the country is “trashed”?
Stock market all time highs.
Lowest unemployment rate in 16 years.
Companies hiring and investing.
Illegals entering has dropped 50-70%.without a wall.
Coal Miners jobs coming back.
Business climate up.
If that’s trashing. I’ll take some more.
The only trashing I see is Dems/libs who can’t get over losing who go around protesting and trashing others.
Now go get some more Morning Joe with Mika. Good luck with “A Better Deal” LMAO.
Pure propaganda.
Former Democrat? Maybe like some throwback pre- Civil War southern democrat. You sound like some old guy who is bitter and trying to rally his faithful mindless followers on The Dagger. Laughing your ass off? Sounds like your talking out of your A-hole? I doubt you know anything about the stocks other than what you repeat from the Conjob websites. Typical mindless talking points.
More Trump distortions from the mindless and gullible.
The two party system has become a malignancy to the basic framework of our functioning system. It creates people like “Former Democrat” – a pawn in a tribal society with each tribe doing as much as possible to destroy the other. The losers are the people and our country.
Doug, please go back to Rehoboth and stay there with the kids.Maryland doesn’t’ want or need you.
Typical Dem reply jibber jabber. No facts. I’m not bitter. I’m enjoying the ride and reaping the benefits.
BTW Stock market up again today. That’s a fact Jack.
bitter and you know it and bitter and you show it
Hey former Democrat aka MAGA – how is that ACA repeal and replace going for you? Oh that’s right, that was just another example of winning in Republican Trumpland.
I don’t know what has happened to the Republican Party? Voters gave them control of the entire government and they’re a total freak show. I left the party last year when I began to question what they really stood for. Now I’m almost speechless. I’m most concerned about the lack of a moral compass and the inability to get actual legislation passed.
Reads like the old harford democratic club. Helton, Harrison and Johnson just can’t seem to realize that there time passed about 30 years ago. As long as they are in charge, you can pretty much expect the same results you have seen since the 1980’s…harford Democrats are irrelevant.
Enjoy your victory now. Defeat will come later. Obamacare is a slow death. This fall millions will have to decide after receiving their 30% increase notices whether to pay their house payment, put food on their table, or send their kid to college. That is if there still is a plan available on the exchange.
Par for the course. Dems like to see Americans in pain and beholden to the government. Gloat in your victory for now. Take s selfie with Chuck. “A Better Deal”
Get a clue dude. It’s not some tribal or corporate war. Try working together to fix it. You’re the poster child for what is wrong with the political system in this country.
If you had done even a minor amount of research you would find those increases are a result of Trump and company. The republicans somehow think they will not own the healthcare meltdown like those boys in Florida recently laughing while a man drowns. Then they were arrested.Though Republicans live under the premise of no personal responsibility for their actions those days are over.
OK Brainiac, what were the reasons for the increases last year, the year before, and the year before that?
And to Just Sayin. WE took lessons from you all passing in the dead of night, not reading the bill and the bipartisan work putting the Unaffordable Care Act together.
Keep your heads in the sand.
Show me in the last 20 years when there wasn’t an increase in premiums. The reason for the major jumps that we see now are strictly due to Trump and Republicans. All the insurance providers agree the markets have leveled out but they can no longer predict what government will legislate next just to screw with premiums, The information is out there you just need to turn off fox news.
“WE took lessons from you all passing in the dead of night, not reading the bill and the bipartisan work putting the Unaffordable Care Act together.”
Thanks for proving my point that you are the poster child for all that is wrong with our political system.
The increases since the Unaffordable Care Act was implemented are no way in comparison to the increases from the previous 17 years. If increases were as high as the last 3 years we’d all be broke.
You must be on some government or large employer plan. Seriously, talk to someone on a private plan or small business plan. It’s unaffordable.
I love how my health insurance provider, Evergreen Health is in trouble. LOL,amp.html
Yep. Evergreen is out. That leaves Care First and Kaiser Permenante who are requesting 30-40% increases. How affordable is that going to be?