From Del. Mary Ann Lisanti:
Upcoming Roundtable Discussions with U.S. Senator Ben Cardin & Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti
A Day in Harford and Cecil Counties Hosted by:
U.S. Senator Ben Cardin & Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti
You’re cordially invited to attend three separate open forums where you will have the opportunity to speak directly with your U.S. Senator and State Delegate covering the topics of Rural Healthcare, Transportation, and Environmental Issues
Friday, July 21, 2017
Conversation on Rural Healthcare
American Legion – Havre de Grace
501 St. John Street, Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Conversation on Transportation
Rodger’s Tavern – Perryville
259 Broad Street, Perryville, MD 21903
Conversation on Environmental Issues
The Donaldson Brown Center – Port Deposit
200 Mt. Ararat Farm Road, Port Deposit, MD 21904
For questions &to RSVP please contact Heather Campbell at or 410-962-4436
I look forward to seeing you this Friday with Senator Cardin to discuss these important issues facing our community.
Mary Ann Lisanti
Delegate, District 34A
How come politicians always have their forums when working people work? Mrs. Jackson, I’m not going to work tomorrow. I want to hear what these Libs want to do with our money.
Honey, I wish you would get another hobby or go to work. Don’t get too angry again and make yourself ill. You may not be covered under our new Republican healthcare plan.
Well Dear, in case you haven’t noticed our premiums have sky rocketed under the unAffordable Healthcare and with Kaiser and Care First requesting 30-40% increases we won’t be able to afford healthcare anyway. I told you you should have taken that Government job years ago.
You can thank Trump for the increases. Of course you could continue to be spoon fed by Fox and continue to make incorrect statements. Let me guess you think health insurance should cost 12 dollarsa year too…..
Well honey bunch if you just listened to me and supported the “A National Health System for America” by Stuart Butler and Edmund Haislmaier, we would not be in this situation. Instead just because Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney borrowed the ideas, you and your playmates got your whitey tighties in a bunch and refused to participate. Now, we are in just a fine mess. You would think after 7 years you and your friends would have gotten your act together. It just goes to show you when you leave up to a men to figure out how to get there, you get lost and it’s always women who bails your asses out.
We moved to Denmark and Canada, and we love our health care here. Our systems ranks number 1 and 3 in the world. Sorry that the U.S. only ranks 15th. That is not so bad because after Paul Ryan and the Republicans privatize Medicare, our experts say it won’t even be in the top 20. You and Mom can come live with us because we know that voucher won’t cover all of your existing medical conditions. Oops we forgot that you are against any kind of socialism or progressive policies. Sorry.
Trump wasn’t in office 2 years ago when the ACA started kicking in. Healthcare shouldn’t be more than a house payment and it has become that for a lot of folks. Of course folks with employer/govt. jobs wouldn’t know how an individual plan works. Keep you head in the sand and enjoy your Morning Joe talk about Russia.
Why would someone mention Russia? Russians love Americans especially Republicans. Keep up the good work supporting your president! Do svidaniya.
Russians love Democrats too. Especially ones that sell uranium to them, let them invade other countries and they’ll even pay a boatload to listen to Bubba give a speech.
Why would someone mention Russia? I don’t know. Ask CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC. That’s all they talk about.
If these other countries Health care are so great why aren’t people flocking to them and why do they send their ill to America for treatment?