From Harford County Public Schools:
On Monday, July 17, 2017, during its business meeting, the Board of Education of Harford County (Board) named Joseph L. Voskuhl as its new president, effective immediately. Nancy Reynolds, who was appointed to the Board in 2011 and elected as president in 2015, reached her term limit as president and will now serve as a general member of the Board. Board members may not serve more than two consecutive years as president.
“I am looking forward to working with all the Board members in addressing the issues facing the Board and moving our system forward,” said Board President Voskuhl.
In addition, Laura S. Runyeon was named the new Board vice president.
“I am honored to be selected to serve in this position and am committed to working with Mr. Voskuhl and my fellow Board members to serve the best interests of our students, parents, employees, and all of our stakeholders,” said Board Vice President Runyeon.
There is an otter in the building.
There is an odder in the building.
There is an oder in the building.
There is an odor in the building.
Hopefully, he has learned to spell by now.
He is the “At least he’s not Frisch guy”
Dan Patrick!?
seems like a good guy
Not good choices. All the candidates and all the board members voted for the final budget that results in teacher cuts, fewer teachers and larger class sizes.
You need to disguise yourself better, Bob F. But I guess: once a sneak, always a sneak. Thank goodness that its gotten to the point where virtually no one trusts you, except for a few lackeys. I don’t feel bad for you though; you brought every bit of it on yourself.
That was not me. I can speak for myself. Just to set the record straight Mrs. Gauthier tried to stop the teacher cuts through an amendment to the budget. We lost that 7 – 2.
Mrs Gauthier and I
Until the folks of Harford County speak the heck up, as in attending Board meetings and anything related to HCPS facilities and employees, they will get what their apathetic butts deserve. In all honesty, there are a number of residents that DO pay attention and monitor what and where their tax money is used. Unfortunately, it’s a minuscule representation of the total Harford County population. Thank you to those that take action rather than provide lip service on a comment site, myself included. Maybe a school board member can explain why the interior of Fallston High School is dilapidated, the multimillion dollar HVAC upgrade is ineffective, as in doesn’t work per the specifications, the burned out music department head will never leave until he’s destroyed the self esteem of at least 20 other students, why the music department has continued to lose funding over the past 5 years, why there are lots of disease carrying rodents roaming the halls of FAHS, along with the foul mouthed students who are never told to stop cussing, why the dress code rules printed in every student planner are ignored by staff and more importantly Mr. Jester, the principal of Fallston High School, and why is a very very expensive brand new handy dandy football field being installed? The working real grass field, has been destroyed (that probably also cost a bunch of money) in order to do what? Install a new field? Mr. Voskuhl and Ms. Runyeon, now that your self congratulatory phase is over, why don’t you and the other Board members do something worthy of a pat on the back? That new field at FAHS will do nothing to improve the quality of education/physical plant; with the exception of all the mice and rats living in and loving all that Fallston High School has to offer. Maybe the folks in the attendance area of Fallston schools should consider the very real possibility that Joppatowne High School will be shuttered. Those students will then be bussed to way under student capacity, but a brand new football field, Fallston High School. Personally, I think that would be an effective use of taxpayer funding.
One of the few times that you posted some thoughts that I can actually find common ground with especially the closing of Joppatowne HS.
One step at a time! Now that Nancy is no longer president, in essence that’s a good thing because all she did was imitate canavan. She didn’t have a mind of her own. Hopefully, these two will thi k for themselves. Definitely, more people should attend the meeting and make their voices known; but I understand how discouraged people are. Have you noticed that whenever something negative is said, Spicer is called on to say that it constitutes a “violation off policy”! I’d be willing to say that none of the policies people are said to violate are in writing anywhere; or if they are, they would be interpretted differently by a real attorney. SMH