From Congressman Andy Harris:
On June 21, Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) in conjunction with Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-At large) introduced H.R. 2989, the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission Act. This legislation will establish a commission to study and recommend to Congress activities that are fitting to commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of Frederick Douglass’ birth. Congressman Harris released the following statement on the legislation:
“Frederick Douglass is the father of the civil rights movement, and all Americans can benefit from studying his remarkable life. Born on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, through his own hard work and determination, Douglass rose out of slavery to become an author, journalist, abolitionist, and symbol for equality. Frederick Douglass’ long record of government service further demonstrates the need to honor his civic contributions. His lifelong dedication to freedom and equality should serve as an inspiration to all Americans, and these values must be shared with generations to come.”
I’m sure Mr. Harris learned everything he knows about Frederick Douglass from Donald Trump (it was an on-line course since Trump wouldn’t recognize Dr. Wannabe if they were in a phone booth together)–and that Harris was assured his legislation would require no expenditure of government money.
I get such a kick out of the left these days… while you’re busy hating the prez, anyone working with him, anyone that voted for him, even anyone that wants to see the country NOT go down the toilet just so you can blame him for it – did you save even a shred of anger to direct toward the folks that conspired to rob you of an actual democratically held primary? You know, HRC, the DNC, Wasserman-Schulz, Brazile, most of the main stream media – all of whom colluded to cheat you out of a real election and shove HRC down your throat whether you wanted her or not? It amazes me that the left got f*cked over and they don’t even care. Then you have Bernie… what a man’s man… he gets solid proof he was screwed over and what does he do? He endorses her! I know what I would have said to her on live TV, but then he’s a politician so he’s always ready to shill. He has nothing more to say that I’d listen to after that. Who do you suppose the political elites will select for you to vote for in 2020?
Hillary and Bernie lost get over it already.
“This legislation will establish a commission to study and recommend to Congress activities that are fitting to commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of Frederick Douglass’ birth.”
More Andy do nothing but waste tax payer money legislation. Who is on the commission Andy? Let me guess your friends and family, How many thousands do they get paid?
Dr no has got to go.
More waste of our tax dollars. Why does it have to be legislation to celebrate his birth??
If Babs, Cardin, Dutch or Take every Penny Steny had endorsed this you leftys would have been crowing how wonderful it is. Since when did you guys care about spending someone else’s money? SMH.
BTW. See the stock market today?
Have a good night everyone. MAGA
You are comparing Andy Harris from the freedom caucus to Babs, Dutch and Steny?