From Congressman Andy Harris:
On June 26, the United States Supreme Court announced its plan to consider a case on the President’s authority over immigration. The Supreme Court also unanimously decided today to partially enact President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States. Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) issued the following statement in support of these decisions:
“I applaud the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case on President Trump’s executive order that would restrict entry into the United States from six countries with a heightened risk of terrorism. While the case is pending, I also support the Court’s decision to allow the President to immediately implement restrictions on the entry of foreign nationals without clear ties to the United States. As we have seen in recent months, groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda are very real threats to the safety and security of the American people. The Federal Government should utilize all available resources to protect its citizens.”
Andy, Trump has been screwing around with this since day 1. If they were coming they would already be here and if he was sincere about protection Saudi’s would be on the list.
Stop selling fear Andy and do something productive for a change, That’s what we are paying you for.
Finally a correct decision by a Court regarding this issue. ALL the other Courts should be reprimanded for knowingly braking the Supreme Law of the Land.
The only decision that has been made is to hear the case in October. Hopefully Trump will be long gone when the SCOTUS finds it unConstitutional.
If SCOTUS thought it was unconstitutional, they would not permit it to be implemented. The hearing in October is a formality.
If SCOTUS thought it was constitutional they wouldn’t hear the case. Do you even understand what the job of the Supreme court is?
Agreed on the October thing, however, this Court realizes the President’s authority to dictate foreign policy regarding immigration and I believe that there is nothing unconstitutional about this executive order. The other Courts blatantly broke the law thru contrivance and didn’t consider the substance of the executive order. There is no Constitutional right guaranteed to a non US citizen that is not yet in this country. SCOTUS made a 9-0 decision, which is unheard of in modern SCOTUS activity, to allow the executive order to stand until they rule on the substance of the order. The Judges of the lower Courts should be removed and when SCOTUS declares the order Constitutional I believe Trump will have the ammo to do just that. Now, if he could only remove the Judges of the Organized Crime Syndicate known as the Maryland Judiciary…..
They’re watching you…
The saddest part of this for me is that if Obama had signed the exact same order, these very same “judges” would need time alone in their chambers to masturbate over it. They’re supposed to be judges. If they want to run for office and be politicians and hold political viewpoints they should do so.
Agreed that they would have bent over backwards for Obama. ObamaCare is a perfect example of SCOTUS doing everything they could to make it seem Constitutional, even though they had to say ObamaCare was possible due to the power to “tax”, yet we were told it’s not a “tax”. Now I’m in total disagreement about the Judges becoming politicians. The problem with a lot of politicians is that they were former government employees. Why would a former government employee know anything about what the people want? They only know what the government wants and the authority they would like to have had when they were a government employee. I believe that former government employees should be disallowed to hold ANY political position because they have no idea what it means to be an ordinary citizen. They are plain clueless. Please know that I mean government employees at a higher level with positions of power. Not your everyday employees that run the county’s utilities or pave the roads or work in the courts dealing with the public head on. I’m talking about Judges, Police Commissioners or Chiefs, Directors of any Department and such. These are people that will NOT make your life better and want the government to get stronger and more over reaching. We have to think about what’s best for the people and NOT what’s best for the government…..
Always watching…
Snowflake alert. Andy posted. Let the rants begin! To Good Christian-Hope- Ha-No Way..
Andy, tell me how Cliven Bundy and his sons, Adam Lanza, and James Holmes, all born in America and are terrorists, are any different than Omar Mateen who also was born in America?
In the mean time Senate Republicans voted against barring suspected terrorists, felons and the mentally ill from getting guns (Dec. 4, 2016), parroting National Rifle Association arguments that doing so would strip some innocent people of their constitutional rights to gun access just a day after yet another massacre on U.S. soil in San Bernardino, Calif.
What ISIS does is no different than what the KKK did and I don’t hear anyone saying “no Southerners” allowed. Oh, you say not all Southerners lynched Blacks! Well, not all Muslims are terrorists either.
Comparing ISIS to the KKK is like comparing the sun to a bb. Look up the demographics of the KKK as it exists today. Nationwide under 2000 basically unaffiliated rednecks. Yes at one time their numbers were far greater and they posed a far greater threat. How many recent killings have been attributed to those idiots? Now let’s look at ISiS and radical Islam. Sorry but the former Wimp in the Whitehouse is gone and you can now use that word. There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. Scholars try to down play the threat by saying only 10 percent of Muslims are radical. News flash that is 150 million people who want to kill us. No not all Muslims are terrorists. Have you ever read some of the background on some of the 9/11 suspects. Some lived dormant in our country for long periods of time, went to picnics, attended school and social functions, and overall considered to be nice people. I don’t know what the answer is but nievity is not an option.
So you are good with numbers what are the chances I will die at the hands of a Muslim terrorist?
I hope and pray that the chances are not good, but are far greater than death at the hands of the KKK. The threat and the image of the KKK is more fueled by the liberal media and the liberal left than the organization activities. As I mentioned before just a reasonably small group of unaffiliated rednecks. The liberal media and the liberal left attempt to paint a picture that they are a serious threat to blacks wth a Klansman lurking in every shadow. What they are attempting to do is increase division between the left and the right to maintain voter base. You don’t routinely see the right bringing up for the purpose creating hysteria, the national threat to our citizens caused by the Bloods or the Crips. Those two organizations number 50-100 thousand members and are responsible for hundreds if not thousands of deaths a year all over our country but the liberal left and the liberal media doesn’t go there. ????
Unless something has changed the bloods and crips are not religious based groups like the KKK and ISIS.
Your choice of strawman argument groups suck.
Well, if you don’t get my point I guess you never will.
Oh I get your point. You are trying to make some sort of analogy that people are to take as meaning they are in danger of a terrorist attack by ISIS which is reality is absurd. The fact is if the President let every Muslim into the US and took away every assault weapon your chances of being murdered goes down.
Sorry that’s how strawman arguments work, you fail.
@ Busted – But your chances of being blown to bits in a suicide bombing goes up even if you let in ALL the Muslims from areas that breed Radical Terrorism. Radical Terrorist just blow themselves up in a Mall or a Super Market to take out as many innocents as possible. Look, I think Trump is an idiot and a showman, but I agree with him on this particular issue and can’t believe there is so much contention about his efforts in this particular area.
How was Cliven Bundy a terrorist?
I find it interesting you are willing to grant non-US citizens constitutional protections, yet strip constitutional protections from American citizens (i.e., your factually dishonest interpretation of the “Senate Republicans voted against barring suspected terrorists, felons and the mentally ill from getting guns”).
Bundy’s were all terrorists. They overtook Federal property, Drew arms against government representatives. Tried to take land back that belongs to the people of the United States, by force. Refused to pay for grazing rights.
Terrorism – noun
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2.the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3.a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
Note that number 3 in your definition says “a terroristic method of governing” or as I say “governing by intimidation”. What does this tell you about our government? Are we not governed by intimidation? Why did the definition of “Terrorism” get changed thru the Patriot Act to only mean acts dangerous to human life? Is it PATRIOTIC to allow our government to govern us by intimidation? Why did our government make it disallowable for citizens to sue the government for acts of terrorism? Think about it…..
Operation Pinochio is underway…
Funny how the people trumpeting the Constitution have the least idea of how it actually works.
“… grant non-US citizens constitutional protections”
14th Amendment
No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Zadvydas v. Davis (2001) that “due process” of the 14th Amendment applies to all aliens in the United States whose presence maybe or is “unlawful, involuntary or transitory.
Almeida-Sanchez v. United States (1973) that all criminal charge-related elements of the Constitution’s amendments (the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and the 14th) such as search and seizure, self-incrimination, trial by jury and due process, protect non-citizens, legally or illegally present.
Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886)
Wong Win v. United States (1896)
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
Fake news. I hear CNN is hiring!
Islam is a cult, not a religion. Their mission is take over the world by killing non-believers. The past administration allowed that cult to gain a foot hold in the US. Until this administration can exhaustively vet each and every one of them coming to the US, they can stay where they are.
You have a better chance of being killed by a toddler with a gun, Put on a pair of depends and get on with living you pussy.
I hope you understand that every religion can be considered a cult, especially at it’s conception. You do understand that Christianity was considered a cult by the Jewish community for hundreds of years. You do understand that Christianity is an off shoot of Judaism as the Old Testament of the Bible is shared by both faiths. You do understand that most of the books of the New Testament were written by authors who never knew Jesus and that most of these books were written over a hundred years after the death of Jesus. You do understand that Jesus was not considered a divine being until a Roman Emperor named Constantine declared him divine after a group of “men” declared him such at the Council of Nicea. You do understand that this was done by Constantine to unite the Roman Empire under one religion to diminish religious squabbles among the masses. This ALL happened over 300 years after Jesus’ death. Early Christians did not consider Jesus a “God” and believed he was a great and powerful man that was a “prophet”. What I am getting at is be very careful when condemning another’s religion and never forget there is freedom of religion in this country.
The Gospels were written by those who knew Jesus or met with witnesses to Jesus. He was considered the Christ or Messiah by his disciples. Constantine may have declared, it was already known and accepted by Christians. Peter was a follower of Jesus and knew him. Paul was a persecutor of Christians until his conversion on the road to Damascus, where he met the risen Jesus. The Gospels were written between 70 and 100 AD, which would have been 40-70 years after His death and resurrection.
You know what, I do believe you’re right about the 40-70 years after his death, regarding the gospels. My error. Still, most of these were written by those who never even knew Jesus and many of the books never had an author contributed to the text. Most of the gospels were eliminated by a Bishop in the second century and the gospels were reduced to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. However, there are many books in the New Testament other than the gospels and none of the authors ever even knew Jesus. None of this changes the message I was trying to convey. Religion should not be condemned and everyone has the freedom to worship as one pleases. There were Muslims in this country well before the start of modern terrorism. Why should we demonize them all, especially those whose families have been here for over a century? We just want to keep possible radicalized Muslims, from Radicalized areas of the world, from entering the US without making sure they are “safe”.
As a Christian and American, am accepting of other religions. Have nothing against anyone who wants to come to this country and assimilate. Those trying to come in and impose their religion on others, or political/religious system (Sharia Law) should be deterred from doing so or having the ability to do so. Europe is regretting the decisions to open borders as parts of their countries are descending into chaos.
You have a better chance of being killed by a toddler with a gun, Put on a pair of depends and get on with living you pu$$y.