From Maryland State Police:
Maryland State Police investigators from the Criminal Enforcement Division North Central Region continue to investigate a hit and run crash and alleged assault on I-95 this afternoon in Harford County.
The victim is not being identified at this time. He was flown by medevac from the scene to the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center where he continues to receive medical treatment sustained in the incident.
The suspect is described as an African American man, weighing approximately 200lbs and about 6’2” tall. He was driving a champagne colored Nissan Maxima. Police believe the vehicle has front end damage.
The preliminary investigation indicates that shortly before 2:30 p.m today, troopers from the JFK Memorial Highway Barrack responded to the scene of an alleged hit and run crash on northbound I-95 at mile marker 79 in Belcamp.
The victim was driving onto northbound I-95 from 695 when he advised police that he and another driver, the suspect, engaged in a nonverbal altercation while driving aggressively. The victim told police he pulled over onto the shoulder of I-95, south of MD 543, and moments later the suspect rear ended his vehicle.
The victim allegedly exited his vehicle to assess the damage and was physically assaulted by the suspect. The suspect returned to his vehicle and reportedly ran over the victim before fleeing the scene.
No one has been arrested or charged with any crimes at this time. Police are asking anyone with information about this incident to call Sgt. Vogt at 410-320-4257, extension 318. The investigation continues…
Another example of how so man African Americans choose to handle conflict. Violence! Maybe they contribute to the negative perception received by so many.. You think?
Are you F…ing kidding? 1st amendment or not, what kind of person makes a blanket racial statement like that? Are some kind of a skinhead or neo-nazi?
We shouldn’t be surprised. After all, Harford County’s most famous citizen is John Wilkes Booth. From the above post, he or she appears to be a chip off the old block.
You think? You must not think at all with a statement like that… It is a shame that people still process thoughts like you. Open your eyes and see it is not a color thing it is a human issue and the way people are raised.. You ignorant Piece of trash..
I stated the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If you want to keep codling and making excuses you are part of the problem. Sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swallow especially if you are house dwelling couch potato who gets all their worldly opinions from MSNBC. We can agree to disagree this is America.
Yeah we can agree u are one racist ignorant cockroach!! Go and hids under a rock Nazi!!!
You stated your opinion, only your opinion, and nothing but your opinion. If you want to keep profiling and scapegoating you are part of the problem. Sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swallow especially if you are an uneducated ignoramus who gets all their worldly opinions from an IQ that is below three digits.
“We can agree to disagree this is America.”
Really? Does anyone here disagree that this is America? Hmm. I honestly never read anyone here claim that it wasn’t, so I never saw any reason to think any felt that this wasn’t America.
Actually if you scroll down to a post by LOVINEVERYONE she succinctly explained and reinforced my point. If making a factual assessment of a sad but prevalent situation causes you to perceive my post as racial that is your prerogative. Sorry but I operate under the philosophy that all lives matter. African Americans are killing and victimizing themselves and others at alarming rates. Why are people afraid to identify and address the situation? Liberals like to ignore and avoid the situation and hope things get better. Total insanity! Keep saying and doing nothing and keep watching the carnage.
I notice you had nothing to say over on the Jarretsville kiddie porn article about how typical it is that white dudes are child pornographers. I’m just making an observation here, but, since you didn’t offer up any of your facts over there, clearly that’s a sign that you’re sympathetic to the child pornography cause. I mean, what other conclusion can we draw? Thank God this is an anonymous message board and we can all hide behind our keyboards!
Yeah, I used my christain born name once in mid 1990’s in a political debate on early internet “chat.”
Well, the person who didn’t agree with me easily found out who I was and called my employer over the course of several days. Calling, telling my boss about my political opinions and how I need to be fired.
The dude even showed up at my work a few weeks later.
What were his intentions? Did he have a weapon? Not sure. He was trespassed at the front door and refused to leave.
Can you guess what happened next?
most of the road rage incidents i’ve handled through the 28 years in my job were white men against women with their children in the car..including experiencing one myself..fact is, people need to calm down, stop being in a hurry, stay off phones and be more courteous and i wouldn’t be so busy in my job.
Must suck to have a job that only address’s the symptoms and not the problem.
Must suck even worse to have a job that does neither.
You would know
No you.
I would like to know how a Law Enforcement Officer of 28 years does NOT know that the agencies you served were/are acting as an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization. Did you really believe that the criminal procedures involving CDS were not illegal and unconstitutional. Did you really believe that the MSP’s spying on citizen’s cellular phone conversations were legal without a warrant? Did you really believe that the Maryland Court of Appeals could make case law that trumped the Supreme Court of the US? Did you really believe that warrantless searches of homes were allowable probable cause to get search warrants? Did you really believe that a Police Officer has the right to enter and investigate a residence by using a limited common area partially owned by the person being investigated in a place that the right of common was extinct? Did you really believe that the Judges of the Harford County Circuit Court were lawful? Please answer these questions so we know where law enforcement in your county currently stands…….
Do you really not believe that you are paranoid delusional? Do you really not believe that you are not in need of intense psychiatric care?
He is beyond help.
No, I am here to help ALL of you….whether you like it or don’t like, learn to love it ladies……
Unfortunately, the ladies will never love you.
Hey! Maybe that’s the problem! A lot of pent up displaced anger due to lack of…”affection”.
Really, I got a Kitty rubbing my foot right now…
Playing with your puppet collection doesn’t count.
Why not? Puppets need lovin too…
And it sounds like you’re giving them plenty.
Only while your holding the puppet girlfriend….
Whaht exactly is a “holding the puppet girlfriend”?
Oh… did you mean “you’re”? As in “only while you’re holding the puppet, girlfriend”?
Interesting fantasy. Thanks for sharing.
OOOOhhhh, getting grammatically correct. Did I offend your proof reading senses? You do know that “Whaht” is a mistake on your part too. Please proofread your comments if your goin to proofread others……
No, you didn’t offend my proofreading senses. Why, did “whaht” offend yours?
BTW…yours was not a grammatical error, it was a symtax error. Also, “proofreading” and “proofread” are each one word.
Glad I can help you.
Since you won’t answer the questions I guess everyone who reads the Dagger knows the truth. The State of Maryland is an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization and is completely unwilling to follow the Supreme Law of the Land, the Laws of the US, the Laws of Maryland, commits acts of Racketeering and Domestic Terrorism and compels and gains convictions thru means of extortion. Look up the US Code under the RICO Act and Domestic Terrorism. Read the definition of “Terrorism” in any dictionary. You are what I say you are and their is no denying that. By the way, I never read anywhere where you denied anything I’ve typed. The proof is in your own response…..
I bet that kind of talk really turns the ladies on. Chicks dig it!
You’d be surprised!
So would you, if it ever actually worked. Then again, there’s nothing hotter than a girl who’s bitter, cynical, and also paranoid delusional…if you ever had a relationship with a girl who had things in common with you, it would only happen because it would be God’s way of preventing TWO relationships.
That would be, preventing two DYSFUNCTIONAL relationships.
Crazy CHICKS Rule! There’s nothing like going to sleep and wondering if your going to see daylight. It’s invigorating. Plus, they just do stuff that ordinary ladies don’t do. I’ll take a one nighter with a nut over anything else. You should try it sometime…..
Sounds like you should try it sometime. You’re the one with the pent up frustration and the hand puppets.
Damn 12 minutes. That was a quick response. Slow day at the jail I see….
And your response was 8 minutes.
Yeah, but I’m the on internet checking messages and stuff. There was a 3 hour pause in the conversation and then bam …12 minutes. It’s like your waiting for the next comment and have been for a long time. Are you sure you don’t want to try that hand puppet thing? It might take your mind off of the facility….
Now, I don’t mean to get grammatical or syntactical here, but what exactly does “Yeah, but I’m the on internet checking messages and stuff” mean? And again with “your waiting”. What about my waiting, and why do you think I have a waiting? I’m not aware of owning a waiting, as you suggest.
Like I said, I made a comment, and bam! Eight minutes later you respond. It’s like YOU’RE waiting for the next comment, and have been for a long time.
I appreciate your expertise on being intimate with hand puppets. Unlike you, I have no pent up frustration that manifests itself in bitterness and extreme cynicism, resulting in paranoid delusional ideations due to an inability to consummate a relationship. So, I have no need.
No, I made a comment and waited for 8 minutes for a response. How’s that waiting along time? I’m not sitting on the internet waiting for someone to talk to. I get on here to check the “status” of what’s going on in my circle and happen to glance at the Dagger comments for a “troller” such as yourself. Now, your last paragraph is just complete rubbish stemming from comments you made yourself about “hand puppets”. I played along to see where you’d take it. Now I know your just looking for someone to “play” with. The only one who is delusional and paranoid is you. Looking for an outlet on the internet to spew “bitterness and extreme cynicism” as you have done all day long. I think this may be “due to an inability to consummate a relationship”. Lastly, why on earth would anyone think that you “own a waiting”? People don’t own a “waiting” they simply are “waiting”. Have you lost your little mind? Please get help, I think you’re on the brink of needing “intense psychiatric care”.
“Holding the puppet girlfriend”. Yeah, you keep doing that. Keep jolding your puppet girlfriend.
I don’t know why someone would own a waiting, or how. That’s why I asked you, because you said “It’s like your waiting…” which is like me saying “It’s like your hand puppet girlfriend”. You used the possessive form “your”, which meant that you were comparing (“It’s like…”) something I own (your waiting) to something else. That made no sense to me because why on earth would anyone think that you “own a waiting”? People don’t own a “waiting” they simply are “waiting”. But that’s exactly what you said. See? Even you couldn’t understand it. And all because you don’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re”. And don’t even get me started on “I’m the on internet checking messages and stuff.” I’ve never even heard of “the on internet”. Where does one find “the on internet”? Is there also an “off internet”? And why do YOU get to be the “on internet”? Can anyone else be “the on internet” too?
Wait a second…you “made a comment and WAITED FOR 8 MINUTES FOR A RESPONSE”, but “I’m not sitting on the internet WAITING for someone to talk to”. Sure sounds like you are waiting. I think it was the part where you said that you “WAITED FOR 8 MINUTES FOR A RESPONSE” that made me think you were sitting on the internet WAITING for someone to talk to.
I get on here to check the “status” of what’s going on in my circle and happen to glance at the Dagger comments for a low quality, low intelligence person to troll, such as yourself, because I copy the entire dialogue and post it on my blog, so everyone who follows me can laugh their @$$es off at you for being such a twit and actually prolonging a ridiculous dialogue with a complete stranger. The whole gist of it if course, is that the more irrational and illogical the poster is, the longer they’ll battle to defend there shallowness. You were an easy target, and nothing more than a writing prompt. Kind of like the internet (or in your case, the “on internet” version of “Candid Camera”.
The funniest part about this is that ultimately, the target will end up accusing me of exactly what they are guilty of, even if there is no evidence. Go back and read your original posts and see how cynical they are, and yes, paranoid delusional. Now read everything I wrote and notice that I said nothing at all that can be considered any of those by a rationally functioning mind. But it didn’t stop you from accusing me of being what you are. Also, your accusation was meant as a negative portrayal of me; so you are clearly rational enough to know that those things are not positive character traits. But they are exactly how you presented yourself.
I highly encourage you to keep responding, as this is going to make for an exceptional blog entry! Either that, or keep playing with your hand puppet girlfriend.
And just about everything you accuse me of can easily be attributed to yourself. You were guilty of both grammatical and syntax mistakes on a variety of your own comments right here today. You are the one who suggested a “hand puppet girlfriend” or the “hand puppet” in the first place, so a reasonable person would think that you must have firm understanding of the “hand puppet” and probably have a “firm handshake” as well. Hope that didn’t go over your head. Now paragraphs 3 and 4 of your utterly ridiculous rant can very easily be applied to everything you have done today as well, so don’t act “holier than thou” when you are just as foul. You are guilty of being exactly what you claim I am. Yet, you won’t take “personal responsibility” for your actions. I do think that trip for the Emergency Psych Evaluation is going to be necessary to cure you of these paranoid delusions you are suffering. Please get help quick.
Grammatical errors…really? Where? I didn’t think I made any grammatical errors. Are you sure? Can you show me where?
Hamd puppet girlfriend: wrong. You did that when you said “Only while your holding the puppet girlfriend….”. Now, I did mention hand puppet first, but you definitely were the one who escalated your relationship status with it. And I think there is a fine line between owning a hand puppet, and making one your girlfriend in irder to have carnal relations with it. I definitely think you crossed that line, but hey…whatever gets you through the night.
Firm handshake. Ah, yes. Clever.
Compared to you, evertone would have a holier-than-thou attitude, because your attitude is so horribly low. Again, read your initial posts…pretty low attitude! Ine would not need much holy to be holier than thou. Probably just a pound and a half of holy would do it.
I’m definitely not guilty of what you are. No sir. Not even close. I haven’t made one statement about “The State of Maryland is an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization and is completely unwilling to follow the Supreme Law of the Land, the Laws of the US, the Laws of Maryland, commits acts of Racketeering and Domestic Terrorism and compels and gains convictions thru means of extortion”, among others. Nothing even close. So no, I’ve made no cynical or bitter remarks about the state of society or govermental authorities. I did express doubt that you would be able to attract a female and be able to connsummate the relationship due to the fact that bitterness and paranoia aren’t high on the list of traits that ladies look for in men. But that wasn’t cynical, it was just an ibservation.
Now, paranoid delusional…only one of us expressed fear that any number of government agencies are going to wreak havoc on the population.That woud be you. I, on the other hand, poked fun at you for your charming outlook, but never expressed any fear of irrational threat.
But just to make you happy, I called the Psych Hospital in Towson, and told them that an acquaintance thinks I’m paranoid delusional. They said “are you afraid someone is trying to hurt you?” I said “nope!”, and they said “Then you’re not paranoid. Do you think you is a massive government conspiracy to rob us of our bodily fluids?” I said”n-n-n-n-n-not at all!” They said good. You are neither paranoid or delusional, no matter how bad your truly paranoid delusional acquaintance insist you are. I was hesitant to tell them about your hand puppet girlfriend, but knew it was for your own good. The good part that you’ll grow out of it. The bad news is that you are at risk of becoming attracted to stuffed animals. But don’t worry…they have counseling and meds that help some of the time.
Keep on going there master of puppets! Gonna be a great blog post this week!
“Yet, you won’t take “personal responsibility” for your actions” That’s because other than call the psych hospital, I’ve taken no actions. Just messed with your head for my own enjoyment. Keep it coming!
Wow, you paragraphs keep getting more numerous and lengthy. I’ve really got under your skin. It’s because you know that everything I have said is true. Your grammatical errors are in the names you chose, buffoon. It should have been, “Are you getting any?”, but you’re too caught up in yourself to bother to notice. Grammatical error after grammatical error every time you used your cute little names, little lady. You couldn’t even spell “syntax” and used “symtax”, but I didn’t point that out until now after you have declared your perfection. I would also like to point out “irder”, “evertone”, “Ine”, and “ibservation” were all spelling mistakes made by perfect little you. “Do you think you is a massive government conspiracy to rob us of our bodily fluids”, is definitely a grammatical error. So is, “The good part that you’ll grow out of it”. Perfectly incredible after all you have had to say. Look, everything I say about the State of Maryland is the truth and you know it, as is everything I have said about you. Get over yourself, little girl.
I already explained…you are a writing prompt! You aren’t getting under my skin, not in the least! I’m very pleased that you keep projecting your own wretched traits on me, even without evidence. Makes it all the more humorous watching you churn and churn and come up with no evidence to support your accusations.
Look, everything you said about the State of Maryland is your delusion, as is everything you tried to make up about me, but had no evidence to support your claim.
Oohhh…little girl….wow, you really know how to mess with a guys psyche! That one is gonna take some time to recover from.
In th meatime, goddnight to youand yur pupet girlfriend! Thank for the entetainment! I’let youknow wen I post it, and let you here somefeedback. Thanks agin for th new materiul!
Utterly incredible. Hope you had a good time at the “Pride” parade today……
Thank you! While you aren’t nearly the first to say that I’m incredible, I always enjoy hearing it. It never gets old no matter how many times I hear it.
There was a pride parade? I had no idea. I mean, since it doesn’t pertain to me, I would have no reason to know anout such things.
Hey….wait a sec…but YOU knew anout it! OHHH…I get it now! Ok, ok…hey, sorry…I didn’t realize before. So, what you have is a hand puppet BOYFRIEND, not girlfriend! No wonder you were getting so bent about that. Oh..sorry….maybe “bent” is a poor choice of words! But listen, don’t run and hide from it…once you come to terms with yourself, I bet all those pent up emotions that manifest themselves in all those negative paranoid delusional irrational thoughts will just fade away. So good for you! Going to a pride parade might be the best thing for you, the first step in becoming a rationally functioning person. Best wishes to you on your journey!
Well, No, I’m not gay. However, I can not have children and that is my excuse for not having a permanent relationship. A good woman deserves to be able to have children and I can not biologically give them that. Go ahead and make fun at that for a while. You came on here and attacked the teller of truths. I am trying to help people from damages caused by the tyranny of the State of Maryland, which I do believe you are either an agent of the State or of the US. I have given the citizens of Maryland the information they need to avoid prosecution from the terrorists that occupy our government. Now, since I believe you are an agent of the State, I do declare that I am starting to feel threatened by you. You attacked me when I asked a cop if she really didn’t know that she worked for an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization and here you came to her defense. I feel threatened and feel like you’re trying to intimidate me. I will NOT be governed by intimidation as that is known as terrorism and that is what the State of Maryland has become. This conversation is over terrorist….
Look, it’s ok if you attended the pride parade. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s good for you to bring yourself and your hand puppet boyfriend out into the open.
I can’t believe my cover is blown! How did you guess that I am an agent of state or the US? Boy, you can’t get one over on you! But I guess the good part is that I got enough responses that I could backtrace to your IP address, and load your system up with all sorts of spyware. We are now watching everything you do. Everytime you go to puppetlovedotcom, we are there. We are keeping records of all your activities, and we are building a case against you for lewd and indecent behavior, and perverse relationships with inanimate objects.
We don’t terrorize everyone, just those who earn the privilege, like yourself.
You are being watched. Be afraid…be very afraid…
@ SoulCrusher
So if Maryland is a “terrorist regime” we have to do the deck of card hierarchy like they did with Saddam Hussein. Who would. Be the ace of spades? What card would you assign to the Hartford County SA and what card for the Task Force Detectives? LOL
Just want to point out to “Gettinany?” that you are now in violation of the Federal Cyberbullying laws. This is due to your comments being directed to a person with the specific intent to cause “Emotional Distress”. Just giving you fair warning tough guy. Now if you want to come to Baltimore and talk about it in person, I’d go for that.
@Crazy man – I would assign them all to the “Jack of Asses” card….
Apparently gettinany didn’t bother to read the TOS before posting.
When you are an agent of the state or US, you are exempt from such trivial things. In fact as an agent of the state or US, I have a license to seek and find the paranoid delusional, determine if they can be helped and if not, to do whatever is necessary to see that they get the most out of their trip to the darker part of their mind. Aside of that, because we are both anonymous, my comments have been directed at an anonymous person, and not a specific person, although I do know who you are, where you are, and I’m watching your every move as a directive of the consulate as part of Operation Pinochio. My director, code name “Gepetto” is the one who pulls the strings. Don’t worry…we’re coming to Baltimore soon…very soon…
An Agent of the State can NOT break the penal code of the US. They can break the Maryland Code, but it has to be concerning CDS or they don’t get the full protection of immunity. A Federal Agent can NOT break the penal code of the US without an authorization from the DOJ. You especially can’t break the penal code of the State or the US if you are using the law breaking to violate a Constitutional Right, like the 1st Amendment involving free speech, which is what we have seen here on the Dagger….
Gepetto (my direct superior) and I have been authorized by the US DOJ, as part of Operation Pinocchio, to break the penal code, as well as the nasal code, as necessary to complete our mission.
If you see any 1st Amendment rights being violate, please notify me at once. I will take the matter directly to Gepetto, and he will pull some strings.
Break the “nasal code”? I don’t think you’re man enough, but you can try.
Oh, it’s been done, and will be again..Like I said, we’ll be in Baltimore very soon…
C’mon get some ladies. I’ll be waiting. Yet, we both know you won’t show. You haven’t got the stones. Just idle threats from a girl scout. At this point I don’t even think you’re a cop. I think you are a college teacher……or maybe even an “Eaton”. Either way, you’re nothing I’ll be losing sleep over.
False bravado. In my role as a state or US agent, I’ve seen that many times. We’ll see how brave you are when our agents are breaking down your door at 4 am some upcoming morning, catching you in the act with your hand puppet boyfriend. You’ll be wetting yourself and crying for mama.
You will soon find that all your paranoid delusions are coming true…you think you’re cynical now, just wait until you spend a few years in “Gepetto’s Workshop”…our nickname for the hard labor camps where we put people who engage in lewd behavior with inanimate objects.
When you least expect it…expect it!
Go to sleep…make sure you say your prayers…tonight might be the night…
I am the minority (Caucasian) in my office. Most of the ladies I work with (African American) are horrified by the violent culture of their race. These are kind, funny, beautiful, educated women who do not understand the violence of their own culture. We work in a bad part of the city. One evening, there was a violent incident going on in the area. One of these ladies called a family member to check on the status of her journey home and actually asked, “Are you in a white neighborhood yet?” They do acknowledge that the black culture is one of violence and they don’t like it. This is not a stereotype; it is a sad fact that there is a violent component to the African American culture. Of course, not every African American is like that. My African American co-workers are awesome and I love them. It’s like acknowledging that your Uncle Buck has a drinking problem. You may love Uncle Buck, but you can’t deny that a problem exists.
Gang culture comes in all colors. Last time I checked, there are more than enough asian, hispanic and white gangs. Depends on where you live and where you travel. They all have two things in common: violence and money.
Name the areas crawling with white and Asian gangs, I want to be safe in my travels? Darlington?
You don’t get around much do you? Stuck in the basement? On your computer? What are you some old angry dude too stupid and too afraid to move about in the world? You’re a f…ing joke old guy.
I guess the victim wasn’t the guy a few weeks ago who whooped ass on two adult men on the side of Route 1 a few weeks ago after an apparent road rage incident.
Did they catch those scoundrels? I sure would like to feel safe on Route 1 again.
No. Keep your head on a swivel as they may show up at any moment. Of course, you could be like me and realize that the person who made up this whopper was actually lying to his father and, subsequently to the police.
The Sun ran the story twice so I’m pretty sure there’s validity to it. However, I hope you’re right about the incident being fabricated, as I get very nervous every time I see a black pickup truck with a confederate flag in the back.
My advice is to close your eyes when you see those pickemup trucks with Confederate flags.
Common sense. That way you don’t see them.
Try calling the police and let them know that you are viewing their possible suspect(s).
Or consider that this whole incident was just a bunch of Bovine Scat.