From the Aberdeen Police Department:
On Sunday, June 18, 2017 at approximately 3:30 AM, officers from the Aberdeen Police Department and Havre De Grace Police Department responded to a breaking and entering complaint in the 2000 block of Gemini Ct, Havre De Grace, MD. Officers met with a victim who described the suspect as a black male, light complexion, wearing a white tank top and jeans. The victim stated they recognized the sound of the suspect’s voice and identified the person as “Zach”. The victim stated the suspect came to the home’s front door and began to yell and scream at occupants inside the house. Next, he began kicking the door until he gained access to the inside of the home. Once the door was breached open the home owner fired two shots at the suspect, each shot missing its intended mark. The suspect fled on foot; however, he quickly returned and began throwing rocks at the residence, breaking a bedroom window. The suspect fled on foot as police began to arrive on scene. He was not immediately apprehended.
As officers were completing their investigation a male wearing the previously described suspect clothing returned to the scene. The person was identified as Zachary Shay Davis, 26, of Crownsville, MD. Davis was placed under arrest. During his arrest he assaulted a member of the Havre De Grace Police Department which did not result in serious injury; however a personal injury lawyer was contacted due to the severity of the case. Davis made threats of violence to officers on the scene, threatening to kill them and their families.
Davis was charged with 1st and 2nd Degree Assault, Home Invasion, Burglary, Malicious Destruction of Property, and other offenses. Davis was transported to the Harford County Detention Center where he was held on $25,000 bond.
This incident occurred in an annexed community that lies within the Havre De Grace zip code, but receives its government services from the City of Aberdeen.
Mr. Jackson says
Thank you APG and HDG police for putting your lives on the line to get scum like this off the street.
Glad none of the Officers were injured.
A Realist says
A whole $2,500 and he’s back on the streets…
Hey Man Nice Shot says
Someone needs to take lessons at the gun range
Harford Resident says
I ask this not to start an argument but an honest question. My pro-second amendment friends have told me it is virtually impossible for Maryland residents to get a permit to own a weapon. (In fact, a few of them moved out of Maryland to PA because of what they describe as “draconian” gun laws How did the homeowner have one and was it legal would be my question.
Knows says
You must be from New Jersey.
“Permit to Carry (in public)” is difficult to get as Maryland is ‘may issue,’ most people who have them have restrictions to carry. Example is to the duties of your business.
2013 and current people have to have a Handgun qualification license to purchase a hand gun, not a big deal to get. Very easy. Handgun sales/transfers go through a dealer or a state police barracks. State Police paperwork and a Federal 4473. The state police is the point of contact for handgun sales so they do the “background check.”
Long guns are bought at a dealer with a standard Federal 4473 and background check or between residents “cash and carry” as long as you knowingly presume the the person receiving is not prohibited person.
glen w says
You can go to Dicks sporting goods or WalMart right now and walk out with a gun. Perhaps your friends have criminal records that would restrict their ownership.
Knows says
That really makes no sense. If someone is a prohibited person (legal definition) of possessing Firearms, as in, they cannot move forward with a sale at “Wal Mart” or “Dicks,” they aren’t going to be able to buy a gun in the same store in another state
glen w says
The reality is the people giving the information that another state is easier ain’t too bright to start with so anything is possible.
Knows says
It’s obvious “Harford Resident” didn’t fully hear or understand what his “Pro Second Amendment friends” said, or they didn’t fully explain.
“It’s hard to get a permit in MD” leaves a lot to be desired.
Of course “Harford Resident” could be trolling.
Harford Resident says
I’m not trolling. I truly know a guy who refuses to live in Maryland (even though it is way closer to his job) because of what he calls draconian gun laws. He chooses to live in PA, with the longer commute, because he says it is more “pro-gun.”
Laughing loudly says
Well, Pennsylvania is more “pro gun.”
Shall Issue for concealed carry permits.
Open Carry is allowed without a permit.
No evil looking black rifles are “banned.”
Their handgun purchases are “regulated” through the state like Maryland, but the Pennsylvania Instant Check System, a dealer calls up a number, clear and release the handgun.
Maryland refuses to do away with the 7 day wait which was for when dealers physically mailed the firearm transfer application for handguns and regulated long guns to the state police for their background checks.
SoulCrusher says
Your “friends” told you wrong. It’s NOT hard to own a gun. It’s difficult to get a permit to carry a gun around in public, legally. That must have been their issue. They wanted to carry on their person and did not have a valid reason to do so. The whole carry issue is the dumbest law on the books because if a criminal wants a gun, he WILL get a gun and WILL carry a gun on them for whatever purpose they wish to use the gun for. Including breaking into your house or robbing a store! Guns are available on the street and are normally far below retail prices because they have probably been involved in a crime or are “hot”. You can normally obtain a .45 auto for about $250 or a .38 revolver for between $125 to $150 dollars. Most “hot” guns come from the wonderful community of heroin addicts that break into people’s houses looking for guns. Depending on the gun the price varies. If a junky breaks into a house and steals long guns, well, they are not as desirable as handguns because you can’t conceal them as easy so they are normally sold at well below retail prices. I know one thief that stole a Thompson Center Fire and simply could not sell a single shot rifle even though the gun is very versatile and very desired among gun enthusiasts because it can shoot a wide variety of calibers by changing the barrel. GUN LAWS ARE MOSTLY PASSED TO LIMIT THE LAW ABIDING CITIZEN AND FOR ENHANCED SENTENCES FOR CRIMINAL GUN USERS. GUN LAWS DO NOT PROTECT THE COMMUNITY BY PREVENTING CRIMINALS FROM OBTAINING GUNS. GUN LAWS ARE A JOKE AND IN REALITY ARE A DETRIMENT TO THE LAW ABIDING CITIZENS OF THIS AND ANY OTHER STATE.
Harford Resident says
So why isn’t the NRA fighting more aggressively to get the laws changed in Maryland?
SoulCrusher says
Because the State of Maryland is an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization. You can not reason with an Organized Crime Syndicate and you can not negotiate with Terrorists. The State of Maryland is NOT law abiding and has been on a mission to disarm its citizens since the passage of the Brady Bill in the 80’s. This is why they have made simple misdemeanors punishable by over a year in jail because you can not legally possess a gun if you were convicted of a crime that could have received a sentence of over a year in jail. Furthermore and most importantly, the State of Maryland is controlled by a Democratic Legislature and has been forever. Gun control or gun abolishment is the true nature of the Democratic beast that plagues this State. So what do you think the chances of an NRA lobbyist convincing a controlling party that happens to be an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization to allow the citizens to get their guns back? Its money that would be flushed right down the toilet and no benefit would ever be gained from the NRA even trying……
Harford Resident says
The NRA has more money than God – money can buy anything. That’s why it is a bit surprising why they’d be reluctant to take Maryland to the mat, so to speak, on reversing their laws.
SoulCrusher says
They don’t care about money, rehabilitation or the welfare of any individual they attack. They only care about the complete and utter destruction of people that won’t follow the path of evil set by their Organized Crime Syndicate and Terrorist Organization. I was declared “incompetent and untrustworthy” by the State for growing and using my own Marijuana. I have been black balled by every employer in the State of Maryland, every agency of the State of Maryland and have been subject to denial of any and all benefits I could receive from the State and Federal Government, except for Health Care thanks to President Obama. ALL FOR MARIJUANA USE. No, money can not buy you freedom or rights from the terrorists who occupy our State’s government and that include additional gun rights sponsored by the NRA…..
A in B.A. says
The Maryland Politicians have proven time and again they do not care about what their residents feel about the 2nd Amendment. Prior to the most recent set of laws passed under the OweMalley administration, there were mass turnouts of voters who appeared in Annapolis to express their disapproval of the proposed new gun laws.
In spite of overwhelming opposition, the laws got passed anyway.
Regrettably, Hogan has shown almost zero interest in undoing the damage done by his predecessor.
The NRA and any other 2nd Amendment support group knows they can spend their money more wisely in other states.
Is Bloomberg funding Frosh? says
Hopefully Hogan will make “Shall Issue” possible during his second term.
Robert Clarke says
This isn’t a problem. Governor Hogan says 95% of people who apply for a CCW permit get them.
Harford Resident says
“The Maryland Politicians have proven time and again they do not care about what their residents feel about the 2nd Amendment.”
So why doesn’t the NRA put their money behind running candidates who do care what their residents feel about the 2nd amendment? If the majority of Maryland residents want the guns laws changed, electing candidates who support that position should be an easy “slam dunk.”
Harford Resident 2.0 says
Feel free to research all the current/past lawsuits of Maryland gun laws. They’re not hard to find, all the 4th Circuit cases.
I know you love trolling about the NRA but there are a lot more plantiffs (see; Maryland gun right groups) you obviously have no clue on.
Jack says
I know this man. He is not a scum. He did this in an act of a misconception. Although they don’t provide that information. They also don’t provide that he was intoxicated. Which impairs your thinking. Wake up. Maybe the man didn’t want to kill this man, maybe he wanted to scare him away. Just because you read something doesn’t mean you know all the information. Although he will be gone for a while, I want to remind you that his intentions were not of home invasion, it was like I said a misconception between his family and theirs. Open your eyes to the wider picture and understand alcohol is a viscous drink. Please don’t drink.
Harford Resident says
What kind of misconception? What does that mean? Did the families know each other?
SoulCrusher says
You should have said “alcohol is a viscous drug” as that is what it is. Just because the government made it legal and profits from it doesn’t mean that it is NOT a drug……
Blödmann says
“Viscous drug”. So that’s why they call alcohol a social lubricant? Wait, you meant “vicious”.
SoulCrusher says
Oh no Blodmann, you have to understand I was making my point while still making a play at “Jack” who called it “viscous” in his comment. Sorry to disappoint you but “viscous” was exactly what I wanted to type…..
Blodmann says
You didn’t mean “vicious”? Ok, I’ll take your word for it. Cheers.
Blodmann says
Disregard my last comment, except for the “cheers” part.
Alfred says
I know this man too! And this will be his second time behind bars and at least his third arrest. He was arrested and incarcerated for some level of assault on his ex-girlfriend -which involved a brick or a rock and her windshield while she was in it. He also sped in to a telegraph pole and wrecked it – he was traveling at a high rate of speed – glad he didn’t kill anyone. Not sure what level of misunderstanding the families may have had – but if you break down a door at 3am, throw rocks and assault a police officer threatening to kill them and their families… sorry – but with his record, sympathy will be in short supply. He needs to be locked up.
your friend needs help says
Sorry… alcohol doesn’t change a person it lowers or removes inhibitions. It doesn’t force you to do things you don’t want to do. If you’re a belligerent or violent drunk, it’s because deep down you’re a belligerent or violent person.
Rjbaskins says
Misconceptions or not, if he breaks into my house he will be dead
Jack Haff says
Harford Resident. I see your lack of Firearm nomenclature is evident. I’m going to assume you don’t have any personal owned firearms?
So what would you do if you were the victim here?
“Dial 911.” Is obviously an answer that you would do and I assume the victims did as well since multiple Police agencies showed up.
Guy just kicked in your door. What would you do?
Harford Resident says
“Guy just kicked in your door. What would you do? ”
Grab my family and run out the back door.
I haven’t fired a gun in my entire life – I couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with a weapon. On a related note, not long ago, a really nice retired elderly gentleman who works part time at a local hardware store chatted me up while we were shopping and invited me and my kids to come out to their firing range where he was an NRA certified instructor (somewhere in Maryland.) I politely declined, but I was thinking to myself, “who invites a complete stranger to a firing range?” If he wasn’t such a friendly sort, I would have thought it creepy.
Jack Haff says
Pretty sad you’d run away in your home if that’s your real answer.
I highly doubt you’d have time to save anyone but yourself if retreating is your only option. You honestly think you’d have time to find/gather and run together out the back door of any type of dwelling as a criminal subject(s) are forcing themselves into your dwelling?
What are you going to do when you get outside? Hope there is only 1 perp? Are you all a family of runners? Going to out pace the perp running down the street? LOL
The answer is unclear with thousands of scenarios but defending yourself from a threat on your life is more of an option for most people, especially in their own home.
Harford Resident says
Sad why? if that takes my family out of harm’s way, why is that a “sad” option? All of a sudden every Dirty Harry wannabe wants to get in a gun battle to solve every problem. The NRA is stirring up all this fear because they make more money when more guns sell.
Jack Haff says
Sad, because you typed running away is going to save you from harm. Good luck with that.
Running out into the unknown.
We’re done here. You’re trolling, I get it it’s funny to keep poking fun at the firearm mantra but you can’t be taken serious anymore after this.
Dirty Harry shoot outs? Where did anyone or myself type that? You could stop a threat with your bare hands, being a professional MMA fighter for all I know.
Harford County says
Hey there did u know Shortstop Beverage Barn is closed? Whats Andy Lee going to do with his life now? Haa he needs to get a life and a attitude adjustment.
A Realist says
Been closed for weeks!!! He’ll file for unemployment while they tear it down and build that grocery store lol
SoulCrusher says
I’m glad to see that you find a person’s demise so amusing. I hope you find it just as amusing if something ever happens to you….
Harford Resident 2.0 says
The only fear I see is the presumably grown man who’s going to run out the backdoor as an unwanted subject violently kicks open the front door.
Be a man, protect yourself and your family inside your castle. No one said anything about a Dirty Harry shootout, you use whatever tool you’re comfortably trained with.