From the New Harford Democratic Club:
New Harford Democratic Club
Minutes of Meeting
April 5, 2017
Steve Johnson, President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, Aberdeen, Maryland with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer’s Report:
Art Helton reported on behalf of Treasurer George Harrison that the Club’s operating fund currently has a balance of $22,480.89, which included a $500.00 donation from Congressman Elijah Cummings. He reported that the Club had a net profit of $8,000.00 from the fundraiser. After motion and second, the Treasurer’s Report was approved.
Approval of Minutes:
The Minutes of the previous meeting were emailed to members prior to this meeting. Upon motion and second the Minutes were approved as written.
News from other Democrats:
James Sweeney, President of the African American Democratic Club spoke about the democratic voting system with Senator Ben Cardin that was held last Saturday at the Harford County Community College. He also informed members of a “Take Youth to the Capitol” program to take place in May. Applications for a position as a Senatorial page are now being accepted for their Democratic political polling.
Jason Robertson, Candidate for Havre de Grace City Council, spoke to the membership about his campaign. The election is May 2, 2017 and he and his volunteers have been canvassing the city. He is an Iraq veteran and has a lot of experienced as a budget analyst, which would be a strong addition to the City Council.
Guest speaker – DeLane Lewis:
DeLane Lewis is one of the organizers of “Together We Will”, which is an off-shoot of “Pantsuit Nation”. Their goal is to change the conversation and to focus on advancing women in society.
The organization has formed an Education Action Group that will meet on May 8, 2017 to discuss privatization of schools, vouchers, and charter schools. They also have a Civil Rights Action Group focusing on racial justice, immigration issues, LGBTQ issues, disability and women’s issues.
Everyone was encouraged to take part in the wide range of issues the group is and intends to raise in the future.
Upon motion and second, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
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