From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Monthly Meeting
Holiday Inn Express
1007 Beards Hill Road
Aberdeen, MD 21001
May 3, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Guest speaker Mary Ann Lisanti, Harford County’s Democratic Representative to the House of Delegates. She will recap the 2017 legislative session.
Will the REAL Democratic Club please stand up! Lisanti here, Dulaney James there. Why don’t you guys and gals meet somewhere and have a tug of war? LMAO
“I don’t belong to an organized party. I’m a Democrat!” – Will Rogers
“Republicans telling Democrats how to organize isn’t kosher! MYOB!” Hal Smith
Tell me about that big 4/20 rally at the University Center.
Did you forget already? Sounds like you celebrated a little too much.
I beg your pardon? Mr Callahan advertised a rally when our congressman was going to be in the building.
At 4:30pm there was no one in the area of Route 22/Long drive that I could positively identify as a apart of a “rally”, you know, at least 1 person standing and holding sign, nor was there anyone in the parking lot of the University Center.
You alt-right republicans have no sense of humor! But this Friday you can come to the Cinco de Mayo Rally celebrating Mexican American culture and the Mexican victory over the French that also stopped the French from joining the Confederacy in the American Civil War. The rally begins at sunrise Friday where ever you are! Si Se Puedo! Viva La Raza!