From the Edgewood Development Corporation (EDC):
Town Hall Meeting with Harford County Sheriff Gahler on Saturday April 29, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. The event will be held at the EPICENTER, 1918 Pulaski Highway, Edgewood, MD. Community members are encouraged to bring questions, requests, concerns, or suggestions for a better Edgewood and talk to our sheriff. This is a FREE event sponsored by the Edgewood Development Corporation (EDC), a 501(c(3))non-profit, in conjunction with the EPICENTER at Edgewood, Maryland.
Alcohol is a drug. Your police force is addicted to drugs. They are all drunk on power and can not be trusted. They are opportunist.The only people who don’t hate cops are the ones that have never had to call for help. What’s even more pathetic is your 911 number. You use it to profile and destroy citizens. They should all be in jail with most of your drug addicted cops. Your so called police force is just pathetic!….if I needed help I would call anyone but you!!!!….add that to your ?
Yes, alcohol is a drug. It is acceptable by the vast majority of people which is why it’s legal. The government formulated a way to generate revenue from it’s sales which is why it remains legal. Alcohol has killed more Americans than most other drugs, yet remains legal. Alcohol has caused more health problems than most other drugs, yet it remains legal. The government uses the excuse that drugs are a public health concern, yet if they make revenue off of that drug it remains legal. This is why Marijuana should be legal. It is now acceptable by a vast majority of people. Marijuana does not kill people, yet there is the possibility that its people under it’s influence could cause an accident involving death, harm to others or property damage, just like alcohol, yet it remains illegal. Marijuana isn’t physically addictive, unlike alcohol, yet remains illegal. Maryland has had a medical defense for Marijuana use for a long time. Few Judges allow the defense to be used because these Judges are addicted to the court’s own criminal behaviors and quite frankly Judges like to harm and destroy people every opportunity they get. The very existence of the medical marijuana defense is enough to throw it’s schedule 1 classification out the window. I believe our government will never actually legalize marijuana because they and the legal industry make too much money off of it’s enforcement. Our government is an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization. When people finally wake up and see what I am saying, it will probably be too late. Our government has intentionally failed the people and its self. Our government needs to go or be reformed, but our government will never allow this to happen. Why would an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization ever willingly give up its power?
Beware… Organized Crime Syndicates and Terrorist Organizations make people who tell the truth disappear in the middle of the night all the time.
Counting on it…..