From the United States Attorney’s Office:
The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced today that Joshua Aaron Shores, age 44, of Bel Air, Maryland and also of Ocean City, Maryland, was sentenced on April 27, 2017, by United States District Court Judge John E. Jones, III, to 60 months’ imprisonment for a $2.5 million dollar fraud scheme.
According to United States Attorney Bruce D. Brandler, between 2008 and 2013, Shores obtained money and property by dealing in counterfeit and fraudulent sports memorabilia. Shores created, owned, and operated internet businesses under the names of Dealakhan, LLC, Stadium Authentics, Autograph Showcase, Sunset Beach, End Game Sports, Authenticgraph, and others with facilities in York County, Pennsylvania and in Maryland, and used the businesses to traffic in counterfeit and fraudulent sports memorabilia.
In order to carry out his scheme to defraud, Shores used various mailbox receiving services as business addresses, created and registered dozens of PayPal and accounts in his name and in the names of others to receive payments from customers, purchased counterfeit sports jerseys in bulk from China and affixed fraudulent autographs to them representing them to be authentic autographs of well-known athletes and sports figures, and also using fake certificates of authenticity. He opened and maintained more than 80 different bank accounts in five different financial institutions, in his name and in the name of others without their knowledge.
The court also ordered Shores to pay restitution in the amount of $500,000, a fine of $5,000, and immediate forfeiture of assets including U.S. currency in the approximate amount of $140,000. His prison term will be followed by a 2-year term of supervised release.
The investigation was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Security Investigations. Assistant United States Attorney Michelle Olshefski prosecuted the case.
Bye Bye! Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
FINALLY! Bye Bye Mr. Shores!
5 years for this tool is very disappointing. Convicting him for only one crime is laughable considering all that he has done throughout his life. Other charges were probably dropped to get him to agree to the guilty plea.
Where are all the goofballs that were defending him earlier……I hear crickets. LMAO
It was just him on here. He is indisposed now lol.
Will the food and service improve now?
Where did the $2.5 million he stole go?
He’s got friends and past associates ass cheeks sweating when he starts telling on them, if not now, what….money , you now have accountability around here, money can’t buy the Feds boys and girl’s, stay tuned cookie cutter s, remember Martha Stewart… The Queen couldn’t save her from Title 18….. RICO,
Absolutely, 100% what he deserves..let me tell you about this man, he is pure scum, he goes on and on about what a great dad he is, and sure he loves his kids, but when he is with them, his main focus is his cell phone. His main focus in the past year and a half, since his indictment, has been growing his businesses as fast as possible, sure he has spent time with his kids, and lots of it, but while with them he was super distracted, always worried about screaming at the next employee for some minor infraction, and of course, money money money. And lets not forget the women. I honestly have no idea how a man who is as sloppy as he is, or as mean, pulls such hot ass. Goodbye Snooty, and good luck to ya..from a former employee who you pissed off.
Flashing money around (…sorry… “mommy’s money”) totally blinds women and then he uses threats, force and bribes to keep them around and do what he wants. He is an abusive asshole… mentally and physically. Hopefully someone will have the strength and courage to charge him as the violent woman-hater that he is.
where did mommy get the money? Takes a lot to start a biz in OC including buying an old lumber yard?
Is this where the 2.5 million went?
Why anyone would continue to patronize OCBC at any location is beyond me. This guy made a living of ripping people off. Dirtbag. Some of his responses on Yelp to legitimate complaints to his subpar restaurant are downright combative and unprofessional. The sad part is the unsuspecting tourists to OC won’t know the backstory, so that location may continue to be in business.
The resounding theme of all Josh’s replies to complaints on facebook,yelp,google is. It’s the customer, waitress of kitchens fault. Dude you are the boss it’s all your fault. If the waitress or the kitchen need training… train them if they can’t do the job fire them or better yet don’t hire them and when it comes to customer complaint learn from them. Your restaurant model is based on resort dining and not repeat customers and because of this you will fail at this also.
Looks like he has tried to take a more conciliatory tone as of late. But you can tell it is forced. He is just a bad apple through and through. The rumors of him harassing employees and customers are many.
Let’s talk about the restaurant. The food quality really is sub-par considering the price. Everything is overpriced by about 10-15% for what it is. The portions are small, no matter what he tries to say. The service is usually poor. To be honest, I don’t see how this place is still in business.
So in his restaurant he is ripping off customers. Then the scheme he is going to jail for was nothing short of stealing from customers. Knowingly selling false memorabilia and passing it off as real? That is straight up theft. This fool should be broke. His assets should be liquidated to payoff all the people he hoodwinked. I hope he gets sued in civil court.
Have fun in jail ahole.
Speaking of sub par there is a rumor on the internet a batch of beer went south during the brew, instead of throwing it out he renamed it and put it on tap.
He also pissed in a customers beer glass in ocean city and told his right hand man Matt to serve it to the guy. The guy pissed him off for some reason (doesn’t take much). This isn’t a rumor. This is truth. I hope someone pees on his head in jail.
I had heard of the pissing in the beer story. I can only hope prison is long and hard on Josh, he deserves it.
Wonder what the $140,000 in assets he has to give up will be exactly? Any way of finding that out? Hopefully it’s that horrid restaurant he owns around here. That place should’ve shut its doors a year ago.
Why do you care. Does he owe you a buck or two?
Read my post thoroughly. My hopes is that it is the awful eyesore of a restaurant he owns in abingdon. I live in the area and it would be lovely to see the place shut down. Thats why I care.
You want a business to shut down in your ‘Hood?
Okay. Hopefully a opioid addiction treatment center takes over.
Some random guy you hate for some irrational reasons, probably never met the dude will evolve into heroin addicts trespassing and using their illegal narcotics on your front porch at night while you sleep.
That really makes no sense, I know, but Edgewood North isn’t exactly Pleasantville anymore.
I don’t think the reasons are irrational or random–quite the opposite in fact. It is actually pretty obvious is a complete d-bag to the max, and a criminal. His restaurant is ugly. And it sucks. He is a drain on society. He stole millions from people who purchased this falsified merchandise he knowingly sold as such. The whole point was so he could make even more–slap a fake autograph on a jersey, you’re going to get triple it’s value at no cost to yourself. A complete lying dirty scumbag.
At least an addiction treatment facility is doing a service to the community that is having an issue–not stealing from it like this loser.
Bought a couple of those jerseys did ya?
Yep, addiction treatment facilities in your community are a real plus. I notice you said that the treatment facility would be doing a service to the community. I would concur with that, as they certainly are not doing a service “for” the community.
You’re not that much of a Community Hero if you want a private businesses that probably employs people from your community to be shut down.
Awful eyesore? Don’t look at it.
It’s going to cost $153,099.25 to house a non violent and non drug using offender for 5 years. I believe that money could be put to way better use than punishing a person like this. Keep all the forfeitures and fines. He will now have a felony on his record that will prevent him from ever working again in the state of Maryland, but he will be able to maintain employment due to his family run businesses that won’t care about his conviction involving dishonesty and mistrust. Anyone else would be condemned to never working again in Maryland, lucky him. Put the man on house arrest and make him pay for the house arrest fees. Anyone that thinks its a victory to throw away that money on housing him in a Federal Penitentiary is a fool……By the way, whomever is claiming all the other allegations in these comments on here, I would like to remind you that he was NOT convicted for the offenses you are stating.
I hate to agree with the crusher of souls but this is 100% spot on. We should not be spending any TAX payer dollars housing people who pose no threat to the community. The felony on his record and the liability to civil suits are punishment enough. There are a million other ways we could use all of the funds wasted on incarcerations such as these.
Soul man you’re sounding more sensible every day.
This guy is a crook who should be put away for longer. I haven’t ever walked into one if his “brewing comppanies” and never will. I wonder where all his defenders are now??
People who have money should be forced to pay for their incarceration.
I have to agree, public stoning put on pay per view tv would be a lot better for this idiot. Wasting taxpayers money so he can leave in a country club for 5 years is senseless
Hey Blue Boy. How about the welfare recieving parasites who are taking government money and are out there illegally selling drugs and living extravagant lifestyles and driving fine cars. What should happen to them? I would really like to know how the Democrats feel about those situations which by the way outnumber the A hole in question 100,000 to 1.
Wow, racist much? I was saying this dillhole should be paying for his own time in jail, not the taxpayers.
Get out from your mommy’s basement you stupid cheeto-eating repub.
Who injected race in to this? That’s right when a liberal has no answer to a legitimate question it has to be racial. Very typical and predictable. Very curious now. Who exactly did you think I was talking about. Who is the subliminal racist here? Seek help hypocrite.