From Congressman Andy Harris:
Congressman Harris Praises the Confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement in support of the Senate’s confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court:
“I want to offer my congratulations to Judge Neil Gorsuch on his confirmation to the Supreme Court. Judge Gorsuch is a distinguished legal scholar and a devoted public servant. His profound understanding of the Constitution makes him the perfect fit to fill the seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.”
Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on April 7 by a 54-45 vote. Judge Gorsuch previously served on the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, a position to which he was confirmed by a unanimous vote in the Senate in 2006.
Any your utter disconnect with your constituents is as astounding as Trump’s disconnect with reality. The forced appointment of Gorsuch to the Supreme Court has tainted the court to such a degree that any decision the court makes will always be in question. An institution that has historically been looked to as being the supreme arbiter of legal authority is now relegated to being yet another political tool. Open contempt for any decision will now be the rule. Prepare for a future where lower court rulings will be at extreme odds with Supreme Court rulings and laws repeated gerrymandered to achieve the desired results.
What a fascinating take on how things are supposed to work. The federal judiciary, after Clinton, Bush and Obama, has become a joke. The Circuit court on the left coast is referred to as the 9th circus court. Some 60 to 75 % of its rulings are overturned by the Supreme Court. After the democrats shot their wad and failed with Neil Gorsuch, we can only hope that a couple more of the leftist justices drop dead so that the McConnell Senate can replace them with someone who has at least read the Constitution.
Hey Nasty-
Sounds to me like the Supreme Court dislikes the rulings of the right-wing heartland more.
“The 9th Circuit’s reversal rate is higher than average, but it’s not the absolute highest among the circuit courts. That distinction goes to the 6th Circuit, which serves Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee, with an 87 percent average between 2010-15.”
The 6th circuit currently has 9 judges appointed by a Republican and 5 appointed by a Democrat. There are 2 vacant positions.
Facts are brutal aren’t they? Oh I forgot you morons on the right like alternative facts. Ha ha ha ha ha ………….. ROFLMAO
Another demonstration of the Dunning–Kruger effect!
Who abolished the filibuster when it benefited their own party when they held the cards? Stop whining tool.
The fact Republicans used the nuclear option on a supreme court appointment is lost on you is a sad representation of todays Republican party.
This does not make America great again.
You il Iibtards paved the way when Harry thought he could stack the deck. Now live with it tool.
Sorry I meant libtard.
Harry Reid thought he could stack the deck by using the nuclear option to appoint Supreme Court Justices?
Tell us more.
He took away the filibuster option on his watch when the libtards had the majority. Old Harry pooped in his own mess kit
doe a deer a female deer,
You talk the talk, but your talk is worth about as much as your cause – less than nothing.
Want some cheese wth that whine libtard. You guys made your bed.
doe head
You do talk the spoon fed $hit talk, but I’m sure you will run and cry like a baby when the time comes. I guess those adult diapers you’re wearing will come in handy on that day.
Is that the best response you can come back with. Pathetic libtard. Maybe we can revisit this topic some other time but unlike most of you libtard moochers I have to go to work. You know where you perform a legitimate function and receive compensation to pay for your family without asking the government for a handout.
Maybe I will stop on by the drive thru window just to say hi.
@ who are you trying to fool
I find your comment both interesting an typical of the libtard moocher. Your last comment attempted to berate working class people. Working people whether they are employed as a fast food laborer, construction workers, or a brain surgeon are still “working” and not looking or feel that they are entitled to government handouts like so many of the libtard moochers. Unfortunately the people that work for a living are being overtaken by the libtards who vote for a living. Again you folks are pathetic!
CORRECTION: First word “Andy”
There was no rule concerning the appointment of a supreme court judge in the last year of a Presidency. There was a rule needing 60 votes to confirm a justice.
When you can’t field a qualified candidate change the rules.
It’s a brave new world out there. If I were a republican I’d be scared shitless at the prospect of dems ever taking control again. It’s going to be a blood bath.
I really have no objection to Gorsuch being appointed to the Supreme Court, as the court needs a tie breaker vote for many of its decisions. However, the whole necessity for a tie breaking vote is the symbol of the degeneration of this country’s legal system. In an Appellate review, to determine the Constitutionality of a ruling of any lower court’s decision, one must wonder why are the decisions so close to need a tie breaker in the first place? The Constitution is not a mysterious document. The Bill of Rights are distinct in the protections and rights that US citizens are supposed to have. The real issue is the intentional and intelligent violations of the Constitution that the State and Federal Courts are making ALL the time. Any argument of interpretation involving the Constitution should never come to 5-4 vote. The whole problem is the 5-4 vote. The argument of interpreting the Constitution as a living document of change or as a document strictly as our fore fathers intended, is complete and utter nonsense. You don’t interpret the Constitution in any manner other than the way our fore fathers intended, because that’s what the Constitution is ALL about. It was meant to constrain the Government, yet now the Government uses “twisting” of its words to accomplish political agendas and allow a system of Organized Crime and Domestic Terrorism to rule the people just as the King of England ruled the people before those same people rebelled. Our Government is broken in ALL three branches and the perversion of the legal system is why this Government needs to be either reformed or dissolved. The next time you read a 5-4 decision of law by the US Supreme Court, take into account of how simple our rights are on paper and how complex these “twisting” Attorneys make it seem. This is because law has become polluted by politics and corruption and there really is no complexity in the law at all when we are talking about the Constitutionality of legal interpretations. Either repeal the Constitution or abide by it. The Maryland Government has already shown that they have no intention in abiding by the Constitution and are nothing but an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization. Let’s just hope that one day the people we elect will actually start representing their people and stop representing their pocket books…..
Hopefully he won’t be as willing to abolish our personal privacy as you are, Andy.
Well, I guess old Andy is in touch with the majority of his constituents because he got himself elected handily.
And so it goes. You Democrats are going to have a long, hard 4 years. And for what you have done to this country and this state you deserve every minute of every day.
I will have a self-satisfied smirk on my face the whole time watching you guys.
I didn’t want Gorusch to be appointed. I watched some of his confirmation hearings and he came across to me as arrogant.
Trump’s election is about fear of change and frustration with money and jobs. The scary thing is some people would rather destroy this country than see it change to a non-white majority. Also, change cannot be stopped. It’s the way the world works. We need to think about what we’re willing to give up to get what we want. We must fight to keep our country free, and the press free. Everybody think about this.
This is written after the bombing of Afghanistan: I know one thing for sure; if this country goes to war it won’t be Trump’s children on those front lines.
First, I’ve never met a person who claimed to be a Judge or a Court Administrator that was not arrogant. These are people who allow breaking of the law to enforce the law. I got the impression that he is kinda goofy. Yet, I realize the system, as morally and contemptuously flawed as it is, needs that tie breaker vote in a mass of future rulings. Quite frankly, as stated before, I don’t think Constitutional issues should come to 5-4 vote and believe that the problem is Justices and Judges who believe the government is above the law. Always remember, if the law breaks the law to enforce the law then they are not acting as the law at all……
The Supreme Court…. What a fucking joke. How can old dead supposedly educated black robbed thugs who shit way up on the toilet of american law tell what real live people need or think. Those pieces of shit should dry up, wipe they’re shitty ass and simple go away. I wonder how many of them should be behind bars but our worthless law n justice system hasn’t caught them yet? Yea….most of our protectors are only interested in keeping us all poor or in jail……There is a good reason why the entire world hates us! We are as corrupt and more then other nations. Why, why why are there more people in prison in the good ole usa then the rest of the world combined?….. answer?….. Money! Money, Money. Justice has Nothing to do with it. The USA will be remember as the worst terrorist country in history. Thats why All my hero’s kill cops, judges and lawyers.
Listen Dissenter, news flash for you. Their job is NOT in any way to consider “what real live people need or think”. Their job is to hear cases and decide them in light of the Constitution and other case law. I do agree that a few of them need to retire. Gorsuch will be fine. He just wasn’t what the Democrats wanted so they are throwing their daily tantrum.
It is the job of CONGRESS and the PRESIDENT to determine “what real live people need or think”. A very, very important job and both the Congress, the former President, and, so far, the new President are showing no action in that area. Almost everyone one of the is a joke. Almost. I just saw today that Schumer supported and voted for the fence between Mexico and the USA but is whining about a wall. What a moron. Are people in New York really so stupid that they believe anything he says? I guess.
And if all of your heroes kill cops, judges and lawyers then I guess we need to reinstate capital punishment. And, by the way, your lack of education is showing.
I laughed so hard my ass fell off….. oooopps, that was an uneducated response, so sawrly. I have been educated by the system my man. You would not, could not,or even live through a walk in my shoes. Im still best friends with most of the people I met in prison, and talk about an education. I have a degree in hate! Educate that while I light this joint…