From State. Sen. J.B. Jennings:
Sanctuary State Bill (HB 1362)
In what I consider to be the worst bill to pass so far this session, HB 1362 makes Maryland a Sanctuary State. The examples below are the rules that ALL police officers and Sheriff’s Deputies in Maryland must abide by if this bill is passed:
A law enforcement agent may not, during the performance of regular police functions:
1. Inquire about an individual’s immigration status, citizenship status, or place of birth during a stop, search, or arrest.
2. Transfer an individual to federal immigration authorities unless required by federal law.
3. Without a judicial warrant, a law enforcement agent may not, pursuant to a request by federal immigration authorities made solely for immigration enforcement purposes:
– Transfer an individual to federal immigration authorities for purposes of immigration enforcement;
– Detain an individual solely for the purposes of immigration enforcement; or
– Notify federal immigration authorities of an individual’s location or address.
Currently, the bill is in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. Thankfully, it has not moved and will hopefully not move before the end of Session.
Redistricting Reform (SB 1023)
Governor Hogan’s plan to create a nonpartisan commission to draw congressional and legislative boundaries was once again rejected by the Democrat-controlled General Assembly. Another bill, with significant Senate support, would set up a Mid-Atlantic regional coalition with New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina on redrawing congressional boundaries. Simply put, there is no correlation between how Maryland draws its congressional districts and these five other states. If the contingency is not met by December 31, 2020, the bill has no effect on the redistricting process resulting from the 2020 Census, resulting in the bill’s termination if the contingency is not met by December 31, 2032. This bill is once again a way for Democrats to say they passed redistricting reform when it never actually happened.
Despite the several amendments offered by the Republicans, SB 1023 passed the Senate with a 30-16 vote and has moved to the House for a hearing.
Fracking Ban (SB 740/HB 1325)
Maryland is on track to become the third state in the nation to ban fracking, while neighboring states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia continue to experience an economic resurgence from the drilling method. The fracking ban will have a meaningful adverse impact on small businesses, particularly in Western Maryland, that are engaged in providing services related to hydraulic fracturing, like fracking equipment rental services, and the development of natural gas resources.
From the dozens of protestors in Lawyer’s Mall to the hundreds of calls and emails my office received, SB 740/HB 1325 caused quite a stir in Annapolis over the past several weeks. After much debate by the Senate and House, on March 27th, HB 1325 passed both Chambers and is awaiting final approval by the Governor.
Child Sex Abuse Statute of Limitations Extension (SB 505/HB 642)
There was a victory for child sex abuse victims last week in Annapolis. Both the Senate and House approved SB 505/HB 642 to allow victims who were sexually abused as children to file lawsuits until they are 38 years old – 13 years later than the current law allows. For victims up to age 25, the bill allows courts to award damages against institutions that employ or supervise abusers if negligence is proven. For older victims, the bill requires gross negligence to be proven in order to award damages.
HB 642 passed both Chambers unanimously and is awaiting final approval by the Governor to be signed into law. I proudly supported this legislation from the start.
National Guard Awards Ceremony and Honor to Our Fallen Heroes Days in Annapolis
I was recently honored to salute the Soldiers and Airmen of the Year from the Maryland National Guard, Maryland Army National Guard, Maryland Air National Guard and the Maryland Defense Force on the Senate floor. I’m thankful every day for their service and contributions to their nation and the State of Maryland.
Thank you for your continued interest in Maryland’s 2017 Legislation Session, and please stay tuned for next week’s Annapolis update. In the meantime, I’d love to hear your feedback on the issues I’ve outlined today, or anything else of importance to you and your family. As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Best regards,
J.B. Jennings
“The fracking ban will have a meaningful adverse impact on small businesses….”
But my tap water will not catch on fire.
Never let the facts get in the way of a good “documentary”
Senator Jennings,
I own a property in north central Pennsylvania that has been subjected to fracking. It belonged to my grandfather who was conned by the gas company to allow fracking. They paid him $50 for that right and got him to sign the papers before any of us knew about it. An old man was an easy mark for them.
They put a shiny new well on the property right up againt our cabin. Now the water from our well is polluted. It’s vile and sulphurous and undrinkable. I have to drive a mile away to a spring and fill bottles just to have drinking water. The property most likely can never be sold due to the polluted well water.
So you think that fracking is a good idea? I have a deal for you. I will donate $100 to your re-election campaign for every 8 ounce glass of water from our well that your two children can drink. And keep down.
Do we have a deal?
If its that bad, why did you buy it from Grandad?
Sorry, should have put this in last reply. How about drilling a new, deeper well? Grandad’s cabin well may not have been that deep. But who am I to say..
My sister and I inheireted the property when my grandfather passed away.
Drilling a new well is a costly proposal as the cabin is situated on a mountain side. I am not sure it can even be done with all the bedrock.
Our situation shows how bad it can be fracking be if allowed. We have a cabin that is essentially worthless. Not that I want to ever sell it. But the water is unsafe for consumption or bathing and it is all due to fracking. The water was clean and fresh and now the smell of it coming from the tap would make you gag from the smell of the sulphur and chemicals.
Well Mr. Frack,
If you can prove that the fracking did this to your water, the company should drill your well or supply you water. Especially if you can actually prove you ever even really had good water. I for one think you are making this all up.
Frack baby FRACKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is Ms. Frack, thank you.
You can personally drive up to my cabin and take a drink from my tap yourself. 3 5 hour drive to Cameron County, PA. I’ll meet you there. Leave me your email address and we will arrange a time and date.
Hey Crack Baby Crack
You just got 3-bet. Now you need to put up or shut up. I think you need to toss your $hit hand because you ain’t got the balls to shove all in.
I am not arguing her water is bad. I am simply saying prove that the fracking did it! How do we know you ever had great water?
And, like I said, if it were caused by fracking, the company can be held fully accountable for it.
Sounds like a good Session to me, but then again I do like clean water.
BTW, for Lent I gave up stopping and questions of white Anglo-Saxon men.
“Maryland is on track to become the third state in the nation to ban fracking, while neighboring states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia continue to experience an economic resurgence from the drilling method.”
Wait a second, I thought these places had no jobs, no hope and only Trump to save them? If fracking has been so good in these places, then why are their economies lagging behind ours?
Here’s a suggestion, the POS politicians that are for sanctuary state bill HB 1362 put the illegals up in their homes, I would also like to suggest the POS politicians with small children be the first ones to house the illegals.
Mr. White Man From Whiteville:
Why don’t the POS conservatives sell their homes and take the money and build a fine shelter from the storm for newly arrived immigrants. BINGO! .Problem solved. No more bs!
Hey Mike
Why don’t you ask the people from England, France, Netherlands, etc tell you how being liberal minded warm and fuzzy folks who opened their country up to large amounts of those peaceful Muslim immigrants after WWII worked out.
I love the dichotomy here of real people that have suffered real harm vs. the clueless idiots that have no vested interest (or brains for that matter) and can’t even understand cause and effect let alone the simple physics behind fracking. It’s not a matter of “if” it contaminates ground water, it’s a matter of how much. It would be nice if the same morons that are pro fracking would drink some of that chemical solution oil companies pump into the ground, just as they would condemn the rightful owners of that property to do!
Either take “Go frack yourself” up on her offer or shut up and leave the discourse up to those that have the intelligence to actually comprehend how the world works.