From Del. Kathy Szeliga:
Sanctuary State Update – “The Trust Act”
Senate President Mike Miller called the Sanctuary State Bill – which shields felons from deportation – “Reasonable,” in the Baltimore Sun on March 22.
Now, after pressure from you and so many others, Senate President Miller has changed his mind!!
“Miller said today. ‘The bill as it passed the House is not going to pass the Senate.'” March 29.
The liberal leaders in the Senate are working on passing the bill without the really bad parts just to save face. I’m not sure how you put lipstick on that pig – but you can count on me to stay on top of this issue. Stay tuned for updates. The 2017 legislative session ends on Monday, April 10 at midnight so we will know the final results of this terrible bill in a little more than a week.
Thank you for signing the Petition. It’s working!!! We’re hoping to get to 10,000 signatures to defeat this terrible bill and we are almost there.
It’s not too late to SIGN THE PETITION – and share it with your friends on Facebook!
Stand with me tell the Senate they MUST SAY NO to making Maryland a Sanctuary State. Our only hope is to defeat this bill in the Senate and your voice is important!
Click here to sign the petition!
Outrageous Defense of Rape
As a women and as a legislator representing the Baltimore region, I have watched the tragic rape of the 14 year old Rockville High girl unfold and I’m completely bewildered by the lack of outrage over the comments made by the attorneys for the two accused. When one of the top criminal defense attorneys in the area asserts that this brutal rape was “consensual” and points to the fact that there is only 3 years and 8 month difference in age between one of the accused and the victim or that the other accused, “doesn’t understand why he’s been charged with a crime,” my reaction is utter outrage and disbelief. Any reasonable person reading the police report will conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that no one, particularly a 14 year old, would consent to the graphic and brutal sex acts described in that report. NO WAY.
This type of victim-blaming is all too common in rape cases and only serves to further dissuade victims from reporting the rape and continues their victimization. This kind of thinking has to change and can only change if we speak out, educate the populace and enact laws that make it easier for victims of rape to get the justice and closure they deserve.
The immigration status or ethnicity of the two men is, I believe, keeping advocates and women from talking about the horrific assault committed against this 14 year old. Politicians, advocates, and the media are failing our girls. It is not an acceptable or believable defense to say a 14 year old girl consented to sex with two men in a boy’s bathroom.
The final insult to the victim is a statement by one of the defense attorneys that he will work to get asylum for one of the accused. I am outraged and hope that the same women who banded together to protest President Donald Trump will turn their attention towards protecting our girls and protesting the claims of these attorneys who are defending the indefensible.
Who Opposes a Balanced Budget?
Our national debt is at almost $20 trillion. This means that every man, woman, and child owes the federal government $61,146 right now and every taxpayer owes $165,542! And there is no end in sight without a balanced budget in DC.
By Tuesday, a resolution will be passed the General Assembly that will cancel a proposed amendment to the US Constitution for a balanced budget. There are actually four open calls for amendments to our Constitution. We tried to protect the Balanced Budget amendment and the vote failed.
I support a federal balanced budget and a Constitutional Amendment for a federal balanced budget. With the national debt growing every minute indebting our children and grandchildren – NOW is the time for a mandated balanced budget. The debt clock tells the scary truth –
Once again, virtually along party lines, this measure failed. Very disappointing.
How about some good news?
We have Pages in Annapolis – high school seniors – who serve in the House and Senate during the legislative session. These are the best and brightest students from across our state. All seniors are eligible whether their school is public or private or even home schooled. This week, the Pages from the House came to meet with me. I have such hope for the future of our nation when I get to hear about the hopes and dreams of our future generation of leaders.
Thanks for your interest in the important issues facing Maryland today. Please be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for the most up to date information.
God bless you and your family!
Delegate Kathy Szeliga
Let’s start by deporting your gardeners and servants Del. Szeliga!
America is a nation of immigrants that hates foreigners. Who made a mistake and let the Szeligas in?
Rally for the Aberdeen homeless! April 10 City Hall 7PM! All Immigrants are welcome!
Brah, you never answered me about being my sponsoring member of the Lions Club.
Isn’t April 10 the day you are supposed to meet with the family of the 14 year old girl that was raped and personally apologize for the part you played in it?
What would Jesus do?
“ Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” … “For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ Matthew 25:31-46 / “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” Leviticus 19:33-34
Why is it that the police (especially those “on the beat”) and others charged with law enforcement (excepting our own dear publicity-hungry Sheriff) prefer not to conduct witch hunts of every undocumented (or maybe undocumented) person?.
Are statements like yours required of every member of the Trump “they’re all rapists, murderers, and thugs”? Club.
And let’s not forget all those Irish undocumented people.
Hey Hey Hey brother that’s not politically correct My great grandfather didn’t fall off the Potato Famine boat—he jumped!
I like the cheap used tire prices which you only need cash to pay for… Thanks guys!!!
Maybe you can encourage Bill O’Reilly to do a segment on his show about victim blaming. I hear his friend Bo Dietl is quite an expert at that.
Kathy, any reasonable person knows that police reports are fashioned to make any person accused of a crime to look like Charles Manson or Hannibal Lecter. I know this personally and have been a victim of the lies police tell to get illegal and unconstitutional convictions. That being said, there is more than enough evidence to make a reasonable person question if this alleged rape was in fact “consensual”. There will be a trial and I can definitely see that Kathy has already pre-judged the defendants in this case, without hearing or seeing all the evidence. On to the next topic of her idiocy. Kathy makes claims of our National Debt, which are accurate. However, Kathy believes that every man, woman and child owes our nations debt. Wrong. I never gave my government permission to be part of a wars that accrued that debt. Our past Presidents and Legislators did this on their own, ALL on the butt of lies. Remember all those weapons of mass destruction that Iraq was supposed to have. Remember we were supposed to find Bin Laden in Afghanistan, but found him being hidden in Pakistan. An ally that we have given millions of dollars to. I never gave my government permission to drive up the cost of housing, then give loans to hundreds of thousands of people who never could have paid back those loans, turning the market into a bubble that burst and helped destroy our economy. Nor, did I give my government permission to bail out failed manufacturers or a banking industry based on fraud. No Kathy, the American people don’t owe that debt, the corrupt American government owes that debt. While we are on that subject, why don’t you tell Congress to pay back the 2.9 trillion dollars it stole from the American people’s Social Security program that was bought and paid for by each and every person who paid taxes since the programs inception? I hold my government responsible for the destruction of this great country and I believe it was intentional. You can work out any agreement you want to balance a budget, but you will get NO money from me. You have ALL stole from us long enough. Kathy, resign your position and then GFY…….
No matter what you do they get your money. If you don’t pay taxes, it doesn’t matter they merely fire up the money printer and make the dollar in your pocket worth less. The debt really isn’t the issue, but merely a symptom of broken system where welfare makes the poor comfortable and the rich feel better. All while the guy in the middle is forced to invest in the stock market to try and protect his wealth, which drives profits to the forefront causing the company that he invested in to try and cut costs by outsourcing jobs. Our model is completely broken, we need to shift the tax burden off of labor and onto capital gains. They middle class has been cutting their own throat for years by investing in the stock market. SoulCrusher I get what you are saying about the war, but they are a very small portion of our debt.
Really, did you get what I said about the housing bubble? Did you get what I said about the bail outs of the automotive and the financial industries? All that money was stolen from the American people by the irresponsible actions of our government. I believe you are under estimating the cost of the debt of those wars and don’t see the correlation to those wars and the financial collapses that followed. Where do you think all that stolen money went? What do you think it funded? How many countries do we have to blow up and rebuild before you see that the government uses our money to reconstruct a world that we have no sovereign interest in? What don’t you understand about the government stealing 2.9 trillion dollars from the Social Security funds? The Stock Market is really a large casino system and everybody knows that the house always wins. It’s nothing but a gamble. When are you going to see that our government has orchestrated an intentional divide of the classes and wants everyone to blame the poor and social programs for all our misfortunes? They also wish to use that divide to further their own political agendas. Now, I do agree that the system is broken, that the tax system is designed to make the rich get richer yet screws everyone else and the middle class has been their own detriment for years. But, YES, the debt is the real issue. That debt is the demon that has driven down the value of the dollar, caused the printing of more money and is the cause of the next eminent stock market crash that will be intentional and constructed by the feds that will steal the majority of this money. All the while making sure the wealthy are forewarned to protect their new age nobility. Look, I can see we will never agree on everything, but there comes a time when you have realize who’s causing all this. If you can’t see that our government is the culprit, that the ruin of this country has been deliberate and orchestrated or that all the money we give to other countries is nothing but a global wealth redistribution program, then good people like yourself are lost…..
The military and 2 off budget wars are a small portion of the debt?
What color is the sky in your world?
Hey, Dagger editors, what was wrong with my response to “Harford County Constitutionalist”? Why are you moderating the Crusher of Souls, once again, for telling the truth. Are you going to moderate every acronym of vulgarity? Because I see “WTF” on here quite a bit and its just as bad as “GFY”. You guys are pathetic…..
Stfu already dickcrusher
Bite it Law Dog.
Kathy, you are pre-judging a case that has not yet been tried, and you are using your imagined outcome to smear other immigrants. Shame.
Make that ‘other ILLEGAL immigrants’.
Real bunch of Idiots on this thread, that is until they are a victim of a crime committed by an illegal alien. And where are all these Women’s Groups when the superintendent blamed this 14 year old girl for being raped. Looks like there are sheep on this thread and all those “Outstanding Women’s Group’s”, like “don’t grab my pussy” are sheep also. No protest in Montgomery County, nothing to see over here…
the vast majority of rapes are committed by white men, so I think they should all be subjected to extreme vetting. And people like you, who have pre-judged these boys, are not true believers in the American Way, as the legal process is a pretty important to our way of life. The principal was simply trying to calm down the racists who had already convicted these boys, without a trial.
Ah how quickly we all forget the Duke lacrosse team rape case. But of course it was a bunch of white guys and a black woman making the accusations, she had to be lying.
Huh? I thought they found out she was lying?
Next you are going to say any reasonable person reading the police report will conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that no one would consent to the graphic and brutal sex acts described in that report
Stop the victim blaming…… string up these dark skinned illegals.
They did. Don’t fall for the race baiting.
Kathy, keep up the good work. What most of the Dumacrats don’t understand is that if you broke the laws of America, you are a criminal. Let the courts determine the punishment not the Dems in the General ASSembly. I guess the Dems want sanctuary for the rapist from Rockville too.And who the hell are the illegal aliens from Ireland? LOL
Kathy wants to hand this moron bill for $165,542 and he wants more….
Kathy Szeliga—-If your heart pounds with immigrant blood you should vote to protect the rights of all immigrants.
Rally for Aberdeen’s Homeless! April 10 City Hall 7PM
You and 2 other people really going to show em’watsup at this big rally, amirite?
Mr: LOL/Mayor McGrady
I know at least 5 people that will definitely be there: Pat McGrady, Tim Lindecamp, Melvin Taylor, ,Sarah Landbeck,and Steve Goodin.
Invite all the illegals with promises of freebies so the harfold county sheriffs office can get their asses out of the country.
All immigrants invited, even you Mister Illegal is Illegal!
Kathy, I am a second-generation American with a name as ethnic as yours. If people with your attitude had been in charge 150 years ago, perhaps neither of us would be Americans today. Have a little faith….
Maybe you would have maybe you wouldn’t. 150 years ago there were no real social programs that just handed money out to those that came here. In fact, if you came to this country legally you could be turned away for various reasons. one of which was the reasonable assumption that you would “become a ward of the state” meaning the government would have to support you. If the immigration agent that interviewed you thought that to be the case, you were denied entry and sent back to where you came from.
Most people that are asking for a “crackdown” on illegal immigration are not anti-immigrant, They are anti-illegal immigrant. That is the difference and it is a big one.
We need to provide those illegal immigrants that are already here a means to become citizens if they want to become one. The problem is that it takes too long.
Also, there are a lot that do not want to become citizens, they just want to come here and use our economy to make money and then go home (and not in the same way as the migrant worker program) basically they are in favor of keeping the border fluid and maintaining the economic advantage working in the US gives them.
The immigration bills that force them to stay because they are worried that they won’t get back in do more harm than good and cost us taxpayers way more in enforcing deportation than it should, but keeping them illegal also doesn’t work, as we do not gain the benefits from having them be here legally.
If we did not provide the illegal immigrants with “handouts” until they could enroll in certain programs (migrant worker types, Application for US citizens etc…) that would provide them temporary stay or a tax ID it would go a long way towards a compromise that all sides of the issue could agree on.
Criminalize the homeless and starve the undocumented immigrant? Is that the way the Native Americans treated us when we stole their land?
Throw the political bums* out of Aberdeen, Not the homeless!
*Mayor Pat McGrady and Councilwoman Sarah Landbeck support proposed ordinance to criminalize the homeless in Aberdeen)
Rally for the Aberdeen Homeless, April 10, 7PM, City Hall
What are all these real social programs that just hand out money to illegals? Look all you want fox news lied to you the do not exist.
If you really want to stop illegals building a wall and sending them out 1 at a time will never in a million years work. It has been tried. If you really want to stop the illegals go after the business’s and people who hire them. If Kathy hires an illegal to clean her house throw Kathy in jail for 2 months and fine her $10,000, I bet she won’t do it again. The point is illegals come here because cheap republican business owners exploit them to get rich. Stop the jobs and they will go home. But that won’t get republicans elected so they will use bs like Kathy did to scare you into voting for them.
The problem isn’t illegals it’s business owners and people like Kathy.
Here is one way how they get free handouts!!
I never said build a wall. I am for legal immigration. if they are here legally leave them alone. if they are here illegally work to make them legal, change the process to do so if need be. Blaming this on just republicans is a stupid “never trump” agenda driven rant that won’t work and solves nothing.
I agree with you on the businesses getting fined for hiring illegals but it is not just the rich republicans that do it. businesses on all sides of the political arena do it.
why do democrats think that they are immune or without fault when talking about an issue or and agenda.
oh and by the way you don’t know me, you don’t know how i voted. projecting a certain persona or stigma onto me is laughable.
You pick a conservative organization to bolster your claim, shame on you. Did you even read it? Can you tell the class just what this statement, from your source means?
.Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship. On the other hand, legal immigrant households take advantage of every available welfare program, according to the study
Twist the truth how ever you wish, bottom line illegals don’t get free anything that’s a fact
Since i cannot reply to your post. here is “non conservative” source for you.
or this one
yes i read the information in all three links.
No, its not a fact that illegals “don’t get free anything”. In fact, in many states they do get free things.
You claim to have read the articles yet 1 is about legal immigrants and the other…. well lets just reread this quote
For a moment, we contemplated a field trip to see for ourselves, an option that fizzled after DeLay didn’t provide backup information; when we reached him by phone, the line went dead. Dani DeLay Garcia, his daughter who sometimes serves as his spokeswoman, told us by email that he wouldn’t be elaborating.
Just a suggestion you might want to stop digging. ROFLMAO
just the facts
again your reading comprehension is limited. i added sources that as you asked not conservative.
The first article was not about just legal immigrants
from the 1st article:
“The center’s report is based on 2012 data from the Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation. It includes immigrants who have become naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, those on short-term visas and undocumented immigrants.”
For the second article:
i am not in favor nor support Delay in his views. my reason for posting the articles was to point out that the block grants handed out to the states by the FED government have no restrictions on it. they can use the money how they wish. Many states give away the money to immigrants regardless of the their immigration status . meaning that they will give them to illegals just as readily as legal.
You trying to deflect with your quote about Delay is classic spin from somebody that only see the “facts” when it fits their narrative.
have i dug” far enough for your yet? cause i can keep digging up evidence to prove my point and refute yours.
Ms. Kathy, I agree with you, the most critical people against illegal immigration are those who went thru the gaulet of scrutiny and passed a citizenship test, it’s so you can honor the culture, if you can’t speak English you don’t deserve it the benefits of OUR independence, they are stealing our food, clothes, and homes, tax free .. Well, make them free and enslave the poor, no…,.
Wow…. I can’t tell if this meant as parody or not.
Mr. Chukzla:.
Erin Go Bragh! Si Se Puedo!
Homeless Rally!April l0 City Hall 7PM
Mike Callahan, good luck at the rally, persona non grata, Slainte!
We cannot equate immigration with illegal border jumping. Immigrants are those who enter the country legally and those who cross the border illegally are illegal aliens. They broke the law by crossing the border and they are aliens in this country. Congress is the only Body that can change the laws in existence. If you have a problem with our existing immigration laws, petition Congress to change them. None of us get to selectively decide which laws we’ll obey and which ones we won’t.
A teenage girl agrees to meet 2 teenage boys over various text messages and either changed her mind or changed her story after the fact. Happens every day.
Using this to push a party agenda is wrong and it makes the victim relive this over and over.
Where was the delegate when kids were being assaulted by teachers, coaches and maintenance workers? What was the delegate doing to keep kids safe then? Crickets.
The 14 year old victim claims she was raped. 14 year old girls cannot legally consent to having sex. The police have to investigate and the D.A. has to charge according to those findings. I believe the point is that if our existing immigration laws had been enforced with both of these illegal aliens, this particular incident would never have happened.
Yadid logic : because this 14 year old girl only has sex with illegals.
“Yadid logic : because this 14 year old girl only has sex with illegals.
Priceless. ”
So far, she is only claiming to have been RAPED by illegals…I think that makes a little bit of difference…
Wow, you really don’t know what you’re talking about. 14 years old girls can consent as long as the other participant is not more than 4 years older……