From Del. Kevin Hornberger:
Statement pertaining to House Bill 1362 and the residents of Cecil County
ANNAPOLIS, MD – Synopsis of the bill: Prohibiting a specified government agent from taking specified actions for immigration enforcement purposes; prohibiting a law enforcement official from stopping, arresting, searching, or detaining an individual for purposes of investigating a suspected immigration violation or inquiring about specified matters; requiring the Attorney General, in consultation with stakeholders, to develop and adopt model policies for a specified purpose; etc.
In response to the Maryland House of Delegates voting for final approval of House Bill 1362, which will directly interfere with the ability of state and local law enforcement to work and cooperate with federal law enforcement authorities. The bill will make Maryland and California the only Sanctuary States in the Nation for illegal immigrants, some with criminal records.
With all members of the Cecil County Delegation working to kill this bad bill in the House, and all members rallying and voting against the bill, it is our responsibility to inform the residents of Cecil County of this horrible legislation. Our offices have been flooded with calls and emails inquiring on why something so offensive could make it out of the House favorably. We are urging the citizens of Cecil County in a call to action to contact members of the Senate urging an unfavorable vote. This bill is stridently opposed by most Marylanders.
Statement from Delegation Chair Kevin Hornberger on House Bill 1362
ANNAPOLIS, MD – Last week, a 14 year old girl at Rockville High School was raped in school by two of her fellow students. One of those students had an “illegal alien deportation removal order” against them. 18 year old criminals set to be deported should not be a freshman in our public schools. This shielding legislation will lead to more senseless crime.
“Having served for three sessions in this body, this is the most destructive and abhorrent legislation to pass out of the House of Delegates. Heading into an election year, a majority of House Democrats sought misguided policy over the people they are elected to protect. We have the best local and state law enforcement in the nation and these attempts to undermine them sickens me.”
Statement from Governor Larry Hogan on House Bill 1362
ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan issued the following statement in response to the Maryland House of Delegates voting for final approval of House Bill 1362, which will directly interfere with the ability of state and local law enforcement to work and cooperate with federal law enforcement authorities:
“The Maryland House of Delegates passed an outrageously irresponsible bill that will make Maryland a sanctuary state and endanger our citizens. This legislation would interfere with our state and local law enforcement’s ability to cooperate with federal law enforcement authorities. I will veto this dangerously misguided legislation the moment that it reaches my desk.”
The solution for this is simple, Congress should pass a bill that states if any official chooses to not cooperate with immigration, then they are subject to civil litigation by any person who is adversely affected by an illegal immigrant. Seems fair that if you choose to not to enforce the existing laws, then you should be liable for the outcomes that action produces.
Cecil County? Oh, they have a lot of weight.
The most relevant question of turning Maryland into a sanctuary state is will this threaten defunding of Federal funds that this state needs to survive? I really have no issues with Latinos and believe that they have just as much of a claim to live in the US as any other race on this planet. The problem is Trump has already threatened to defund cities and states that are not compliant with Federal Law regarding immigration. Does anyone really believe that Maryland can survive without Federal funding and assistance? I don’t.
If you want to make Maryland a sanctuary state then you should bear personal responsibility for negative outcomes.
So those of you who have been in favor of this need to look the 14 year old young girl in Rockville who was raped in they eye – and her family as well – and justify what happened to her and why you were in favor of the conditions that permitted it to occur. Let’s start with the school administration in the school where it happened. Then the Montgomery County council. And the County Executive. And the police chief.
To all of you – YOU played a part in this and YOU bear some of the blame. Shame on you!
You are exactly right. But let’s not let the rape of a 14 year old get in the way of our Lib/Dem agenda. If a few 14 year old’s need to get raped to push the agenda then why not? Unless it was one of their daughters.Oh, man, would that stir up the crap. Maybe the daughter of the school administrator. Or one of the Council members. Or the police chief.
I wouldn’t wish that on anyone but these idiots need to take some responsibility. They helped cause it. They love to say how the are so pro-women’s rights but I guess that doesn’t extend to thee right of a 14 year old to not be raped. Or maybe it doesn’t matter because she was a legal immigrant and who has time for them??
And now we find out the dad is also an illegal immigrant. Well, only in Rockville. They have a lot more tolerance there for illegals than for legal immigrants who they view as a bunch of dummies who got here obeying the law when they would have been even more welcome by flipping it the bird. Fits in to the Lib/Dem agenda better. They don’t have any time or sympathy for the legals when the illegals are so much more useful.
Where is the National Organization for Women on this? A girl got RAPED!! I guess they were busy catering to the Clinton’s and O’Bama’s. Well, maybe not Bill so much.
Amazing how you just don’t even bother to address the fact that small republican owned business’s are the majority who employ the illegals If there were no jobs for them they would not come, but that doesn’t fit your liberal bashing narrative does it….
Oppps seems the rape story is falling part now what will you peddle to scare your republican friends?
Hornberger’s anti-immigrant hyperventilating is of no value to Maryland.
The Law Enforcement And Trust Act just says that jailing suspected undocumented immigrants at the request of federal officials is a waste of money and an a violation of human rights. The detentions are not required by federal law and for the most part target non-violent offenders (traffic violations/ not stopping for 3 secs at a stop sign).This kind of police enforcement destroys trust in police among documented and undocumented immigrants which can interfere in the prevention and investigation of more serious crimes. As we have seen in Bel Air this sort of “show me your papers” policing leads to invasive racial profiling , harassment and violations of the civil rights of Americans of Asian and Hispanic background.
As the WashPost states: the bill is a good immigration policy compromise between the hysterical Trump/Hogan abuses and commonsense.
Did you quote the Washington Post with a straight face when you call their liberal pandering “commonsense?” I wish you would move. Seriously. Move away. Go to California, New York, or at least PG County.
Isn’t the 3 second stop just the way they were caught? Isn’t the crime illegally entering the country? Why should we care if illegal immigrants don’t trust the system, it should be, by design, trying to catch them? I hate to break it to you Mike but Western Civilization might not line up with the values of everyone that comes to the country, whether legal or illegal. I personally would rather err of the side of caution when it comes to picking my community members.
Can you be my sponsoring member in the Aberdeen Lions club?
When will you be meeting with the family of the girl who was raped to offer your personal apologies for helping to cause the sexual assault by your actions? You bear some responsibility for it, you know.
Have you scheduled your apology meeting with the family of the 14 year old who was raped, and raped repeatedly an in multiple ways? Your agenda helped with that, so you need to explain to her and to her family why it was just a by-product of ‘doing the right thing’ as you see it. She was just ‘collateral damage’ in the great war against the opposition, right? I’m sure she will end up being persuaded by your argument. Perhaps the Washing Post could also come and help you.
Mike, you need to look in to the eyes of those that are damaged because of your stupidity. If your conscience will let you. Shame on you.
She wasn’t raped, you should watch the news and educate yourself. Will you ask for her apology to the boys she falsely accused?
All of that wonderful proof you allude to didn’t convince a Judge yesterday to set a bail. They are still held without bail.
Can you provide us all with your proof that’s why there is no bail?
2 can play your dumb ass game billy.
No need. I’m not in charge of bail. I simply provided a fact. That fact is, the Judge conducting a bail review refused to set a bail and kept the defendants locked up without bail.
The fact you presented is “all the wonderful proof didn’t convince the judge” yet you have no proof, it’s a fact you pulled out of your ass and present as knowing why the judge did not allow bail. Care to back up your fact less statement or should we just eave it as useless billybob drivel again?
Again, whatever proof was provided to the judge in support of bail for the defendants was not sufficient in convincing the judge to grant bail. The judge refused to grant bail and the defendants are still locked up. That is a fact.
You can try and spin the fact the judge did not grant bail anyway you choose. The fact is they are still locked up with no bail set.
I would like to remind you that the so called “judges” of Maryland are ALL part of an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization, known as the Maryland Court of Appeals. Most “judges” in the state of Maryland are NOT really “judges” at all. They are mere court administrators given the title of judge, but are really criminals in a black evening gown. I say this because these “judges” are NOT allowed to make their own decisions of law and must adhere to the precedents set by the Maryland Court of Appeals. These court administrators are allowed to determine if evidence is usable in a court of law, but what does it matter when the court is an unlawful entity to begin with? You see, the law has become lawless, which means the law isn’t the law at all. Always remember, every judge is a criminal ten times more over than any defendant they administer justice to because they are following the precedents of Maryland Court of Appeals. The Maryland Court of Appeals routinely makes decisions of law that infringe upon the rights guaranteed to us by both the US and Maryland Constitutions. The Maryland Court of Appeals allows evidence obtained unlawfully by Law Enforcement and allows prosecutors to withhold evidence, commit perjury and allows the falsification of evidence to convict its citizens. The Maryland Court of Appeals routinely makes decisions that are in conflict with the US Supreme Court regarding our rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Just because a judge says something is so, does NOT mean the record of the court is truthful. Remember, there is not one judge in this state that holds power over criminal matters that is not a criminal themselves. I hope I have enlightened you and that you realize that there is no such thing as fair court in this corrupt state……
The two defendants in the rape of a 14yo girl at school in Rockville MD are still locked up with bail denied. You and others can try and rationalize whatever you wish about the courts in Maryland, makes no difference regarding the status of the two defendants.
You’re right. I can’t disagree with that. They are locked up and not getting out. Point Blank, Truth…..
The rape of the 14 year old girl is outrageous and the two young men should pay. However, this is not the first occurrence of a young girl getting raped. Or a young boy for that matter. This one incident is receiving a lot of attention because of the immigration issue at this time. Kinda like when a black or African American gets shot by police nowadays. Hundreds of people get shot by police every year, yet the outrage only seems enhanced when it is perpetrated on a person of color. So lets not focus on this one incident. The real issue here is Maryland once again is not following the established Federal law. Maryland has become a beacon of idiocy. Our law makers in Maryland are passing legislation that is down right criminal as Maryland has no right to interpret matters regarding immigration. These are Federal matters and Maryland must yield to the established Federal law. The threat of Federal defunding is a major issue. Many parts of the Maryland system will suffer if this comes to pass. Education, Police, Roads and even Health Care is ALL federal funded or subsidized as well as many other things we take for granted. Look at the big picture and you will see what I’ve been saying all along. Maryland can not survive without Federal funding and our legislature is putting ALL of you at risk…..
I would not be so arrogant to go to another country illegally and expect the citizens to bend over backwards and support me. I also think supporters need to step up and offer their homes and finances.When you suggest this to a supporter they become very defensive.
Making Maryland a “Sanctuary State” is a huge mistake and will be detrimental to the legal citizens of Maryland. There are many criminal illegal aliens in Maryland. Instead of making it an ideal state for illegal aliens to live in, why doesn’t the Annapolis delegation concentrate their efforts on making Maryland a safer state for legal Maryland residents to live in?
The most recent case in point is the rape of the 14-year old girl in a school in Montgomery County by two illegal aliens last week. Fortunately, they were caught.
Just a couple of years ago, an illegal alien living in Frederick County, who was deported many times, returned again and shot and killed a man. Fortunately, he was caught.
Without a doubt, there have been many more crimes committed against Marylanders by illegal aliens. Sadly, most have not been caught. This is a serious nationwide problem, and now the Democrat politicians in Annapolis want to make it part of our problem!
The list goes on. Should we become a “Sanctuary State” for illegal aliens, many of which are criminals? I think not!
Sure, there may be big money promised to Maryland for political pork-barrel projects, but at what cost? The lives of Maryland residents? The rape of young girls? More intense drug and smuggled firearms dealing to our children and adult citizens who, by the way, are not permitted to possess any firearm if they are a convicted felons? More armed robberies of legal citizens and business people? More burglaries of homes and commercial businesses? It is happening all across the USA in states that have become “Sanctuary States”. It is obvious that the Democrats in Annapolis no longer work for “We The People”. They only think of themselves and how much money they can get out of sleazy politics.
the rape of this young girl was a horrible thing, but you are blaming the school system and police for this. Have any of you hear about no child left behind that was the brain child of Bush the second. A kid has the right to go to school until he or she is twenty one, if the meet a few quailificaion, and also get SSI. if you would check you will be surprise to no how many grown folk are in our school with teenager.
And that is the problem, we don’t know and should know. Anyone over 18 (unless they go to a school like John Archer) should go to a separate school facility. A 19 – 21 year old should not be in the same building with 14 year old students. And lets not forget that Senator Ted Kennedy was the Democrat leader would got Congress to back NCLB. Without Kennedy that legislation would never have passed.
Ted Kennedy. Wasn’t he the Democratic Senator that was drunk and drove off of a bridge with a young girl, not his wife, and left her to die. The same guy that made no notifications regarding the incident until the next day. In my past job that would be called manslaughter. But he was a Democrat and a Kennedy in Massachusetts in the 60’s. You know “Teflon”. When Teddy was in the hospital in his final days it is too bad that the brain surgeon wasn’t wearing a name tag that read Dr. Kopechne. What a POS but the Democrats kept voting him back in to the Senate. Kind of hypocritical!
Yes it was the same guy, but it was the cops that let him go…so who are the crooked ones?
This was an indictable offense. That decision would have been made by the state or District Attorney which is a branch of the Executive branch of the Massachusetts government which the Kennedy family had the money and juice to manipulate. Short answer to a long scenario dirty liberal Democrats with big money. POS.
L stand for loser I assume?
Stupid comment, but since you brought it up. Is that W, meaning Wanker.
Sanctuary state, real well I guess all you cheap labor and mail order brides and offsprings might be out the door, no federal funds for a sum bitch who can’t speak the language, pass the citizenship test, not the Mva one, they even get a license… I think you guys have soul out to a new height, go home or register! Peace
Let’s first start by remembering that “undocumented” immigrants are criminals. Period. By being here not following the processes, they are criminals. End of discussion. We can agree that non-violent ones should be offered a path to citizenship. I would argue they should have to pay some sort of fine or penalty as part of that process. A rather hefty one.
Now for these two pieces of crap. They are here illegally and raped a girl brutally. If there is any chance they are innocent, they’d be given bail. But, why are we even wasting time with them. They should be flown back to their home countries, and left there. This should all be done at their expense or their home countries’ governments. No longer should we be feeding and providing shelter to these subhuman rapists.
More illegals from Maryland wanted for murder are now implicated in va teens death.
Thanks Frosh and other md idiots.
Frosh doesn’t care about a 14 year old girl getting raped by illegal aliens. It just doesn’t suit his agenda. Especially since she is in the country LEGALLY.
Frosh, when will you apologize in person to the 14 year old? You bear some of the blame.Take Kamenetz with you.
Neither does Miller, Busch, Vallaro and the rest of the Democrats in Annapolis. All they want is our tax dollars, lobbyist monies to fill their pockets, power and control over the people of Maryland! They made that very obvious when they voted to give Frosch the authority to bypass the Governor to file lawsuits against the President! Frosch, without a doubt has a hidden “control” agenda, much like Owe’Malley did.