From Del. Kathy Szeliga:
Video Streaming – why are they fighting it?
This Wednesday on the House floor, I offered an amendment to the State Budget to make sure video cameras are installed on the House and Senate floors. Governor Hogan provided $1.2 million in this year’s budget to get this done and the leadership in the House is holding this up. Unfortunately, 89 Democrats voted to keep on stalling and keep on hiding from the public.
Maryland is one of only seven states across our great country that does not provide citizens video access to the actions in the House and Senate chambers.
What can you do? Check out the voting list and contact your delegate and ask them to stop stalling – get this done!!!
Rose colored glasses – Protecting Obamacare
This week, the Democrats passed a House Resolution that urges congress to protect and preserve the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. Really? The Party line vote was not surprising. The liberal Democrats are doing all they can to get Americans to forget how bad Obamacare is. This is the same plan that had:
25% Average increase in premiums this year on the Obamacare exchanges
4.7 Million Americans were kicked off their health care plans by Obamacare
$1 Trillion in new taxes, mostly falling on families and job creators
18 failed Obamacare Co-Ops out of 23, costing taxpayers nearly $1.9 billion – including MD Evergreen
$53 Billion new Obamacare regulations requiring more than 176,800,000 hours of paperwork
19.2 million taxpayers that either paid the individual mandate penalty or claimed an exemption, compared to 10.3 million individuals who paid for plans on Obamacare exchanges
I have heard may similar stories from families who have suffered under the insurance reforms created by Obamacare. Mike from Howard County called in the WBAL radio show last weekend to say that he and his wife (both around 60) paid $700 per month prior to Obamacare, then it raise to $1200 per month, and now they are paying $1700 per month with a $13,000 deductible!! This is hardly affordable. And remember when we were promised that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor and if you liked your insurance you could keep your insurance? And then there was the truly famous, “you have to pass the bill to read the bill.”
We absolutely MUST change the direction of healthcare today. Fighting to protect and preserve Obamacare is not in the best interest of the citizens of Maryland or the United States.
AG Brian Frosh gets $1 million tax dollars to sue the federal government!
Attorney General Brian Frosh was granted $1 million of your tax dollars by Annapolis liberals to sue the federal government. After the liberals granted AG Frosh expanded powers, they gave the AG’s department $1 million and 5 attorneys to sue President Trump. Before the ink was even finished and not even dried, Brian Frosh filed a law suit about President Trump’s travel restriction saying it is a Muslim ban, along with other false opinions.
Aside from granting AG Frosh your tax dollars, the liberals in Annapolis have given Frosh the power to sue for the following: “the federal government’s actions or inactions that threatens the public interest and welfare of the residents of the State with respect to:
(1) protecting the health of the residents of the State and ensuring the availability of affordable health care;
(2) safeguarding public safety and security;
(3) protecting civil liberties;
(4) preserving and enhancing the economic security of workers and retirees;
(5) protecting financial security of the residents of the State, including their pensions, savings, and investments, and ensuring fairness in mortgages, student loans, and the marketplace;
(6) protecting the residents of the State against fraud and other deceptive and predatory practices;
(7) protecting the natural resources and environment of the State; or
(8) protecting the residents of the State against illegal and unconstitutional federal immigration and travel restrictions”
I’m scratching my head too when I read that people believe it’s the federal government’s responsibility to do some of those things listed above.
In the meantime, President Trump’s travel restrictions are temporary and include just five countries with known unstable or corrupt governments and radical Islamic terrorists who hate the USA. President Trump wants to institute extreme vetting of refuges coming from these countries. I support this move to keep Americans safe. It’s a 90 day restriction, not a ban. This is being held up in the courts now.
How about some good news?
The budget passed out of the House of Delegates today. It is only the second time in seven years that I voted for a budget. Governor Hogan is being responsible with spending and working hard to reign in the state budget. Governor Hogan funded education at the highest level in the history of the state with every single county and the City receiving an increase from last year. He also funded roads, economic development and health care. With the heroin crisis facing every community in our state, Governor Hogan committed extra money and resources to fight this crisis and to help turn things around. While the leadership in the House increased capital spending above Governor Hogan’s proposal, it was much less than anything we saw under Governor O’Malley.
The bi-partisan common sense budget proposal that passed this week helps taxpayers across our state and, hopefully, will provide tax relief to everyone in the coming year. I am very proud to be working with Governor Hogan to put Maryland’s fiscal house in order.
How can you get involved?
Friends and supporters always ask how they can help get common sense ideas across in Annapolis. Follow Governor Hogan and me on Facebook and Twitter – as well as others who represent you and your ideas – share our posts and share our emails!
Thanks for your interest in the important issues facing Maryland today. Please be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for the most up to date information.
God bless you and your family!
Kathy Szeliga
You are so out of touch with your constituents. We do not want Obamacare repealed and replaced. We want it fixed. We think that all Americans ought to be entitled to health care. Good health care, the sort our representatives get. We are terrified by the bill that has been presented. Millions will lose their health care, and millions will die. Our most vulnerable citizens – the elderly and the disabled – will be the most harmed.
There seems to be this mad rush to erase Obama from Washington – anything with his signature has to go. We are tired of this nonsense, and we are tired of politicians who tow the party line, and ignore their constituents. LISTEN TO US! We do NOT want people to die because they cannot afford health insurance!
Speak for yourself and don’t include me in your “we” comment. Who the hell do you think you are attempting to speak for all of Szeliga’s constituents.
I was speaking for the majority of her constituents, who do not want Obamacare repealed and replaced. The polls indicate that to be true. Sorry if you have a different opinion.
You have no idea if the majority of her constituents do not want Obamacare repealed and replaced. You only know the opinion of those who were polled. I was not polled and neither were many of my friends. Until all constituents are polled asking the same question will we ever know what the majority really think.
Cut the crap and speak for yourself, not everyone else.
yeah…that’s the way polls work, Ralph. They poll a sample of people. You seem angry. Perhaps you should meditate. Don’t want high blood pressure, with #45 getting ready to mess with your health care. Careful.
If the polls had been right Hillary would be our current President and Democrats would control the Senate. The polls were wrong as is Disgusted. I don’t object when others speak for themselves, but I do object when they think they speak for me.
Not only do I have great health care, I have great health insurance, paid for by me, and it will continue no matter who is President. By the way, my blood pressure is fine and I am enjoying another beer plus a dozen oysters taken right here from our US waters.
Ralph Nader?
More like Ralph Reed.
Funny how you want Obamacare now that you rammed this shit bill down our throats. No republican votes for this an millions of Americans didn’t want Obamacare either.
What did democrats do, they rammed it down our throats and claimed that they won the elections and we had to quote “EAT OUR PEAS”
Well now the shoe is on the other foot and time for you to eat your peas and STFU.
Not to get too technical for you but it took 2 years to barely pass OBamacare. But that doesn’t fit your narrative does it……
The polls dont predict the Electoral college. The late polls predicted Hillary with a 3% lead in the vote count. She won with a 2.5% lead in the vote count. The polls were right. The pundits were wrong in analyzing the polls
Many off the polls were taken state by state and predicted Hillary would win by a landslide. The polls were wrong and that’s why everyone was stunned on election night (including Hillary) when Trump started winning the states that had been previously polled showing Clinton in the lead. You are certainly free to disagree, but if you do then you were not watching what the rest of the world was watching the night of Nov 8th, 2016.
You don’t speak for me. Repeal and replace Obamacare. In fact… let it implode, then replace it. Democrats need to totally own the failure from start to finish!
Why would anyone think that he speaks for you? It’s her job to speak for all the people that she represents not just your ass. Her party talking points just get old. She’s like a propaganda recording.
yeah…except that it’s not a failure. Not even close. Now Trumpcare…that would be a failure. It woudl be devastating.
I would concur with leaving Obama Care alone for another year and see where it goes as a program. Someone isn’t telling the truth about Obama Care and stability of the program. I suspect that the current administration is telling the truth as Clinton and Sanders both talked about the pending collapse of the ACA if something was not done to shore it up. They did differ on how to fix the ACA.
Delegate Szeliga, You should determine what your constituents want before you yourself vote along party lines. You have been elected to represent ALL of the people in your district, not just Republicans. Many Marylanders, of all political parties, will suffer if the Affordable Care Act is repealed. Get off the party wagon and do what is best for ALL people in your state.
25% Average increase in premiums this year on the Obamacare exchanges
— Source please? Thank you.
4.7 Million Americans were kicked off their health care plans by Obamacare
— Source please? Thank you.?
$1 Trillion in new taxes, mostly falling on families and job creators
18 failed Obamacare Co-Ops out of 23, costing taxpayers nearly $1.9 billion – including MD Evergreen
— Source please? Thank you.
— Also, please define “job creators” and provide the names of the failed co-ops (this should be releasable under the Maryland equivalent to FOIA). Thank you.
$53 Billion new Obamacare regulations requiring more than 176,800,000 hours of paperwork
— Source please? Thank you.
19.2 million taxpayers that either paid the individual mandate penalty or claimed an exemption, compared to 10.3 million individuals who paid for plans on Obamacare exchanges
— Source please? Thank you.
Mike from Howard County called in the WBAL radio show last weekend to say that he and his wife (both around 60) paid $700 per month prior to Obamacare, then it raise to $1200 per month, and now they are paying $1700 per month with a $13,000 deductible!! This is hardly affordable.
— While I agree, is there any validation to this story or is it just something that you heard on the radio and decided to repeat because it sounded like a sound bite worth repeating? Do you know “Mike” or his family? Thank you.
And remember when we were promised that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor and if you liked your insurance you could keep your insurance?
— Please provide any credible documentation as to who lost their healthcare provider and no longer has access (today) to their insurance due to the ACA. Please redact any personally identifiable information (PII). Thank you.
Fighting to protect and preserve Obamacare is not in the best interest of the citizens of Maryland or the United States.
— Please provide any creditable studies or research which led you to this conclusion. Thank you.
Websites to the above requested information are acceptable. If you would rather send it to me directly, I will provide my e-mail upon your request in this forum.
Again, thank you.
I apologize for only getting through half of your rant. I will follow-up upon receipt of the information requested above.
@Interested..Check the news…its on EVERY day with this stuff. Don’t be a moron and ask for a source when its right in front of your face. geez….
Kathy, you are doing a terrible job.
She works for us. The interested citizen has every right to ask and expect a reasonable reply. Oh, I forgot it was “Ms. Moderate” that posted this party line BS. The only thing moderate about you is the intellect reflected in your posts.
Oh Pluuueeeeezee….don’t be a jerk
You would be the expert on that topic. So predictable – your usual BS response.
My inquiries above were clearly not directed to you, but as you were kind enough to step into my conversation, I will not be any more rude to you than I would be if you pushed yourself into my conversation in a bar because you display some unmet need to voice your unwarranted opinion.
The reason I am asking what sources Del. Kathy Szeliga used for her supposed “facts” is that “news” is often misquoted or just plain wrong. Delegates should, in my opinion, be feeding into erroneous news sources; nor should they use Twitter as their primary news source, but I digress.
This is but one example, based on my inquiries above — I asked the Honorable Delegate (read: not you) to provide the source for “4.7 Million Americans were kicked off their health care plans by Obamacare”. See: While this site is woefully out of date, it is the “news” upon which the 4.7 million lose their insurance stems, and as you can read there, it is false information.
A bit of that article is copied here: “An AP story that ran Dec. 26 [2013] said that “at least 4.7 million Americans received the cancellation notices,” and gave state-by-state figures for the “number of policies scheduled to be canceled.” But the news agency didn’t say exactly how it arrived at the other figures that went into the 4.7 million total, making the reporting impossible for outsiders to verify. In three states, the figures appear to be inflated. Washington state’s insurance commissioner, for example, has publicly stated that the AP’s figure of 290,000 discontinued policies in that state is “inaccurate.” In a news release on his official website, Insurance Commissioner Michael Kreidler said that there were only 278,000 total in the individual market at the end of September. Recent reports by our fact-checking colleagues at and the Washington Post show the numbers were too high in Florida and Kentucky. And now, new research also gives reason to think the AP estimate may be inflated”.
Feel free to review the entire article. It may help you gain insight as to why my inquiries were posed above.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
* Delegates should, in my opinion, NOT be feeding…
Interested Citizen
– This platform is not a drunken bar fight . Its a free-for-all open form Stop being an obnoxious dodgy twit.
Frosh wants to sue the Federal Government to protect the Civil Rights of the citizens of Maryland, yet is part of a system that has openly denied the Civil Rights of any Marylander charged with CDS, since 2002. Hmmmm….. Pot calling the kettle black. If the Attorney General of Maryland wants to sue or do anything like this, he needs to clean his own house. The entire Maryland Criminal Justice System, from Law Enforcement, to the Maryland Judiciary, to the Maryland Legislature and beyond, have ALL acted as an Organized Crime Syndicate and a Terrorist Organization against the citizens of Maryland and have used racketeering and terrorism to enforce the laws of Maryland. Before he sues the Federal Government he might want to get his own home in order.
HOW would the travel ban prevented that?
Ms. Szeliga:
Please stick to your job in Annapolis of working on behalf of your constituents, whether they voted for you or not. The campaign to get elected to some office (likely one higher than the one you have now) is more than a year away.
If you insist on fighting battles in which you have no part, at least read the report by the Congressional Budget office, where you’ll find lots of details
By the way, run against Mr. Harris in the primary, and I’ll vote for you.
Szeliga cant run against Harris. She was once his chief of staff in Annapolis.They are political soul mates
Ambition ‘trumps’ friendship or shared ideology.
You do realize under the GOP plan heroine treatment will no longer be required coverage by insurance?
Maybe we shouldn’t be voting on a health care plan until we find out if one of it’s chief architects, Tom Price, really is under investigation by U.S. Attorney in Southern New York. Can we trust him to have our best interest at heart?
Look, the repeal of the Obama care act will stop some of these quack job doctors from causing this drug epidemic of zombies that are brain dead, let’s promote vitality, Delegate Seligzga is trying to save us from the abuse of modern techniques of dope fiends from adopting a pattern of self abuse, you want help, try get off your ass out Mommy and Daddy’s basement and be normal!, and stop the fake SSI scams…., so real handicap and disabled receive their own well deserved TREATMENT!
The Pain Management Programs are the REAL culprits among the doctors. They prescribe opioids in amounts that no reasonable person could possible believe that a single patient can consume and still be alive in 12 months. It is so obvious that a lot of these patients are selling their pills and making a mint off of the system. I personally know a guy, that recently bought a beautiful Dodge Truck with just 4 months of his prescription proceeds. Late last year, he bought a boat with the proceeds as well. These so called doctors know the effects of opioids on the body, yet still prescribe opioids in amounts that are just unreal. If they honestly believe that their patients are not selling their pills to the public, then they have to be the dumbest doctors on this planet. To top it off, the guy gets his social security check and puts it away as the family vacation fund. All this and he hasn’t worked in at least 30 years, WTF……
Why don’t you report your friend? Help us get a dealer off the street?
What happened to me in 2009, I’ll never forgive or forget. Why would I aid the Organized Crime Syndicate and Terrorist Organization that destroyed me? Besides, I am just a crazed drug addict that grew my own pot and didn’t sell any of it. Remember? I am the guy that court documents said I was going to shoot up Sean Marston’s house, yet Harford County’s own Task Force documents prove it’s nothing but a lie. Who would believe anything out of my mouth? You got to be a Child Molester or a heroin addict to be a credible informant, right?
While I agree that there is a huge problem with over-prescription of pain medications, your deduction that people with disabilities will receive the care they deserve is unfounded. In fact, their health care, under this new health care plan, is at dire risk. As the mother of a son with severe disabilities and fragile health, I am terrified.
Please point out the wording in the new health care proposal that has you terrified for your son with severe disabilities?
Two easy ones would be the reduction of medicaid and the removal of price controls on pre existing conditions.
Ralph have you even bothered to educate yourself on the proposed helthcare plan or are you relying on your elected officials to look out for you?
I can tell you.
High Risk Pools
That has me terrified for my son!
Szeliga is a typical partisan hack, spewing the party line in a regular basis, in an attempt to bolster her political ambitions.
“Mike from Howard County called in the WBAL radio show last weekend to say that he and his wife (both around 60) paid $700 per month prior to Obamacare, then it raise to $1200 per month, and now they are paying $1700 per month with a $13,000 deductible”
Kathy this sounds a lot like me and millions of other people. Can you please tell me how much less I will be paying under the Republican healthcare plan? Where exactly is the savings coming from? Is my insurance company going to make less profits in the future? Is my doctor going to lower his prices or perhaps he is going to work longer hours for less pay? Is it the hospitals where we will see the reductions and savings? Or maybe the pharmaceutical companies will start cutting prices?
I will not hold my breath looking for an answer because the answer is obvious, the healthcare industry is not going to be getting any smaller. The only thing being reduced is the number of participants which in insurance means when the pool is reduced in size premiums must go up.
Kathy stop with the partisan bs and for once side with the people you represent.
Mike from Howard County? Have the Trumpettes have learned anything over these last two weeks? After Trump believing Breitbart, Hannity and Napolitano, you think they would learn to verify their sources.
And where under the Republican plan do the uninsured fall? Higher premiums. The entire purpose of Obamacare was to lower the number of Emergency Room visits that the hospitals would have to write off. That care doesn’t come for free, it is at the expense of higher premiums for people that do have insurance. So we’re back to square one, uncontrolled costs being subsidized by the 99%.
Oh, you forgot to mention that employers will no longer be required to provide health insurance to their employees. Those that do provide insurance can collect genetic test results on the employer and his family members. I suppose there will be a new definition of preexisting medical condition as determined by genetics. This is really going to get interesting.
“Those that do provide insurance can collect genetic test results on the employer and his family members.”
Care to correct this or do you stand by it as posted?
Maybe you should read the quote before you post or at least your own post moron. You can read can’t you?
I don’t think these people care. In the age of alternative facts and fake news, these idiots will post anything. They don’t think, read or care. They just act on rage, ignorance and impulse.
Oh I can read, the question is can you comprehend?
Try mouthing the words it usually helps slow people like your self. LOL.
I stand, I will post the official summary below, or in the link below (or search HR 1313), once on the page, if not there, click on the text tab. Sec 3 (3) (b) states ”
(b) Collection of information.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the collection of information about the manifested disease or disorder of a family member shall not be considered an unlawful acquisition of genetic information with respect to another family member as part of a workplace wellness program described in paragraph (1) or (2) offered by an employer
I posted the actually bill not some fake news.
I have reviewed the post and the question along with the link document. My ruling is that the question was fair, and Catchup actually proved the opposition case. The mistake could be honest, but the post is still incorrect. Solution: just read carefully and remove the emotion. The mistake is obvious. Correct it and move on. Everybody who takes the time to read the post carefully can see it. Since it is a legal document, it would make a big difference if it was worded that way.
You are wasting your time, Trumpanzees never admit to any error just like their master-in-chief. They are just mindless sheep who parrot the propaganda of their leader.
Indeed, and if I was an employee I couldn’t care less if Ms Moderate is correct. But if Moderate is incorrect, as an employee I might be very concerned.
You said “employer” instead of “employee”, so even though everyone knew what you meant, there are idiots who will focus on that, instead of on the real issue – because they know you are right and they can’t debate you.
The original Question post was fair. Rather than just posting the correction, most just wanted to draw blood or double down on the error. I would pay to see the two groups of people in a steel cage match not a debate. Most comments posted on here are not of high quality and would not rate a debate.
If in fact the only thing that people could find erroneous in my post was a simple wording mistake it is very sad. The posted bill and its contents has the potential to be devastating to the avg employee nationwide. This bill has far reaching affect through the middle class lives that carry this nation. Do you think unknown abnormalities in you or your family’s DNA can be considered pre-existing condition? But, you are right, lets focus on a wrong word and argue about that. Pathetic, outrageously pathetic.
The original question was fair. Someone with the right attitude would have honestly reviewed their post and made the correction. Instead, probably for emotional reasons, the poster failed to see their error and keep trying to push what was their original point. The others just enjoyed the posters stubbornness and led he/she on.
You are correct in that most comments posted here are not really worthy of real debate.
And these are the same people who voted fr a President that can’t spell but that’s ok because God sent him.
Yes. It’s pathetic. When they can’t make a legitimate argument to solid facts, they resort to nonsense. Ms. Moderate made very valid points, and instead of addressing those points, a few morons chose to focus on one incorrect word. If these people truly cared about the future of this country, then they would take this seriously. They’ll learn, sooner or later, when the reality affects them and their families. And then they will probably blame Obama.
It’s not that they jumped on a wrong word to use for an advantage the fact is they didn’t recognize it was the wrong word and came to some bizarre conclusion. Trump voters don’t think or debate like normal people. Here they are in their natural habitat having a debate
Wow, for probably the first time I have to side with Moderate. Point well made. Agree on the pointless run on from Barbara and gang regarding the wording.
Actually it’s one of the few times that I disagree with Ms. Moderate, but I see you are still 100% wrong.
What are all you trying to say? If president Trump thinks we should be tested to get medical then that is the deal and he looks after the working people so it must be OK. So, we are proud to be Republicans and voting for Trump. Its our right to blame who we want to for this mess. We can start with Obummer, Democraps, libturds, illegals, Rhinos, politicians corrupt judges and foriegn people or whoever else is destroying our country by blocking the presidents plan and spying on him. We finally got control of all the government and there ain’t nothing yall can do about it!!! And if president Trump doesn’t get done what he wants and promised then its not his fault because people like you on here and dumbocrats and foriegnors are responsible plus traitors.
Hahaha! You are EXACTLY the sort of person who voted for #45. Totally clueless! He is for the working people? That explains all of the lawsuits from the people who worked for him. It’s your right to blame who you want? Yes, it is, but most of us want to blame the people who are responsible. Foreign people? Unless you are indigenous, your ancestors were foreign people. And best of all, you really believe that someone is spying on him? If anyone is spying on him, it’s his friend, Putin. And I love all of the name calling – did it make you feel intelligent? That was the best laugh I have had all day.
Sad thing is, you are EXACTLY the sort of person who will suffer if his plans ever come to fruition. But it’s ok, because you’ll just blame Obama. Lol, thanks for the laugh.
Good comrade citizen,
You are a true patriot! Follow your president Trump and the Republican party. You will be rewarded for your loyalty. The media and the Democrats are wrong about Russian interference in your government. More investigation would just waste your tax dollars. These dollars are needed to build president Trump’s great wall not to chase falsehoods. Why would Russia want to meddle in your internal politics? Russia wants to be president Trump’s friend and wants to be friend to all Americans. Your press should investigate Hillary Clinton. You were right not to vote for her because she was not good for the relationship between Russia and the United States.
WASHINGTON (AP) — “The Trump administration wants to build a 30-foot-high border wall that looks good from the north side and is difficult to climb or cut through, according to a pair of contract notices posted to a government website further detailing President Donald Trump’s promise to build a “big, beautiful wall” at the Mexican border.”
Looks like you were right about those tax dollars needed for that wall. Good guess?
Hiya Hedley! It’s the other Hedley aka Renfield, a self proclaimed homosexual bottom (I can cite the Dagger post with his coming out admission), I am happy that you don’t agree with Ms Moderate. Now run along now like a good little boy.
How many of you Lamarr losers are there on here? What’s this some kind of family feud?
In my many years on here, I’ve seen a Hedley, Hedlay, Headley, Headlay, Hedly, Hedlee and probably a few more. Just might be West Virginia spawn. Then, a couple of them talk about a Renfield who must be some cousin or mixed spawn. Also, they talk about being sexually confused a bunch. Perhaps, I am wrong and it’s some multiple personality Freud type thing?.
Reminds me of the Lagmeister’s meltdown back in the day.
As I have stated before, and which bears repeating:
Trump has agreed to the demands of conservative congressmen to allow states to impose work requirements on some of Medicaid’s 60 million recipients….” Who are these recipients?
• 42% of recipients are white,
• Medicaid covers approximately 49 million low-income children, pregnant women, elderly people, and disabled people. The greatest impact of Medicaid and CHIP has been on children’s coverage.
• Medicaid payments currently assist nearly 64 percent of all nursing home residents
• Medicaid covers 77% of children, 46% of births, 16% of adults with functional limits, 41% of HIV in regular care, 64% of nursing home residents (20% of total Medicaid beneficiaries)
• Medicaid covered over 75% of all children living below the poverty level
• In 1996, in a major federal overhaul of the welfare program, which is now known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Congress de-linked Medicaid eligibility from welfare eligibility and gave states flexibility to expand income eligibility for Medicaid broadly to cover more working families. Severing Medicaid from its welfare roots fundamentally altered Medicaid, transforming it from a welfare program to a health coverage program for low-income children and families.
• Medicaid covers foster care children up to age 26
• Medicaid covers over 600,000 veterans who will lose coverage under Trump including service-disabled veterans and spouses and children of disabled or deceased veterans. (However, House Passes Bill To Help Vets With Mental Illness Buy Guns; they disregard objections that 20 veterans a day kill themselves, mostly with guns, did not stop the measure.)
That means over 81% of Medicaid recipients are out of luck with Trump.
Now if this does not concern you Kathy, you have no business claiming to be a representative of the PEOPLE.
Two quotes that bear repeating:
1) “Let’s eat, Grandma” or “Let’s eat Grandma”
2) “Mr. (fill in the name), Tear down this wall!”
1. It amazes me that anyone still quotes polls. They’re almost always wrong these days. ACA did exactly what it was intended to do… allow millions who couldn’t afford insurance to get it at the expense of the middle class. I was amazed that when it was announced that millions would be added to the health insurance rolls and we’ll all save money, millions of American want-whit’s actually believed it. What idiot decided it would be smart to cave to the insurance industry and prevent buying across state lines? You want to drive costs down, not mandate monopolies. What idiot decided that if the penalty for not buying insurance was less than the actual insurance, young people would still buy it – knowing they wouldn’t be denied for a pre-existing condition if they should actually need it? DC is full of idiots… they’re on TV right now, just turn it on.
2. If the travel delay EO had been signed by BHO or HRC the very same judges and AG’s now opposing it would instead be in their chambers masturbating over it. They don’t really give a crap about these people, they just have to fight anything coming from the WH. 90% of the people protesting the travel delay don’t even know a foreigner, and if they do, they’re busy mocking their accent.
March 20, 2017 Ever hear of the Maryland Insurance Commission? This is the office that keeps insurance companies from screwing you. When you allow insurance to be bought across state lines, you lose this protection. So no, not a good idea.
March 20, 2017 Ever hear of the Maryland Insurance Commission? This is the office that keeps insurance companies from screwing you. When you allow insurance to be bought across state lines, you lose this protection. So no, not a good idea.
So, if someone from South Carolina were permitted to buy insurance in Maryland they would stand a good chance of getting screwed? To my knowledge, all states have an Insurance Commission of other office of insurance regulation that regulates insurance sold in their particular state.
I have health insurance in Maryland and when I am at my winter home in Florida it works fine.
If a Maryland resident buys insurance buys insurance from some other state, then the Maryland Insurance Commissioner would have no jurisdiction to regulate or adjudicate if you have a disagreement.
As you said “…all states have an Insurance Commission of other office of insurance regulation that regulates insurance sold in their particular state…” Do you understand what “in their particular state” means?
My question was if a resident of South Carolina purchased insurance from Maryland would they be getting screwed? Seems to me that anyone who purchases insurance from Maryland would have the benefit of the Maryland Insurance Commission to regulate or adjudicate if you have a disagreement with your provider.
While I am not convinced that being able to purchase health insurance across state lines will bring the significant cost savings that seem to be suggested, I also don’t see the getting screwed scenario that you proffer as being a real issue. All states have insurance regulatory bodies to handle disagreements with providers operating in their states.
You answered your own question “…All states have insurance regulatory bodies to handle disagreements with providers operating in their states….”
If you are not a resident of the state that issues the insurance you are screwed if there is a problem. I’m happy you have never had an issue with an insurance company, but I can assure you that is not the case with many people including me.