From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: Representative Andy Harris (MD-01) issued the following statement today regarding President Trump’s proposed budget for 2018:
“The Chesapeake Bay is a treasure, and as a Member of the Appropriations Committee, I am committed to working with the administration to prioritize programs within the Environmental Protection Agency that would preserve Bay cleanup efforts. As the worldwide terrorist threat and other international dangers grow, President Trump’s proposed increases in defense and homeland security spending are vital for continuing to keep Americans safe, and I support his proposed increases.”
Dr. Harris currently serves on the following Appropriations Subcommittees:
· Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
· Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
· Homeland Security
Andy news flash Trump is cutting funding for the bay cleanup by 93% from $73 million o $5 million
And you support this?
73 million and the bay still looks like shit. What does that money do for us?
What have you all been doing with that money? Just dumping the cash into the water?
Think it looks like shit now? Andy supports dumping more chicken shit and fertilizer in the bay top that with losing $73 million and there won’t be a fish, crab or oyster left alive that anyone would want to eat but hey who wants to eat crabs when you can have a tasteless Perdue chicken for 99 cents a pound.
We met with Andy last week, when he gave his constituents 10-minute sessions. Big of him, right? He specifically told us that he supports cleaning the bay, and will not support any legislation that would allow further pollution. He also lied about health care, over and over. Disgusting.
Hell, most of these assholes who eat crabs who don’t physically go out in a boat and crab for themselves, are getting crabs shipped in from all over, from probably even more polluted waters.
I don’t understand “Save the bay.” Millions and millions and millions and what will it take to finally make the bay “clean”? The Susquehanna shits other states pollution.
And the EPA cleans up those waters too. It’s a shame it appears you are past the age limit where the EPA stepped in to stop you from eating paint chips but look at the bright side your kids can eat cancerous crabs.
Spoken like a true fool who never had to make a living as a waterman.
Andy Harris – you just agree with whatever stupid thing comes out of #45’s mouth. You lie to your constituents – nobody is going to lose health care? Really? Give it up, already. #45 doesn’t even know who you are.
Andy, your nose is brown.
So is yours.
Must be the pollution your ilk would have me wallow in alongside you.
Andy, you are terrible. I have no faith in you, you do nothing for your people. You are a disgrace as well as the very few that support you.
I do not support exchanging the health of Americans for toys to blow up places shouldn’t be carrying on wars in in the first place.
Sure there is “fat” in the budget but the republicans have been in a frothing rage over Obamacare ever since it as first introduced. I don’t understanding why either.
If the problem with The Bay is pollution caused by chicken and hog farms, why aren’t they either (1) taxed the full amount of cleaning up their mess or (2) prohibited by law (with steep fines and penalties) from doing it in the first place?
Maybe if the farmers had to pay for processing their “runoff”, the cost of chicken would be significantly higher than 99 cents a pound.
Has anyone considered that the cost of keeping the Bay clean should be shared with the folks chowing down on Perdue chickens in Oregon?
Trump’s budget will hurt many people. Trump has agreed to the demands of conservative congressmen to allow states to impose work requirements on some of Medicaid’s 60 million recipients….” Who are these recipients?
• 42% of recipients are white,
• Medicaid covers approximately 49 million low-income children, pregnant women, elderly people, and disabled people. The greatest impact of Medicaid and CHIP has been on children’s coverage.
• Medicaid payments currently assist nearly 64 percent of all nursing home residents
• Medicaid covers 77% of children, 46% of births, 16% of adults with functional limits, 41% of HIV in regular care, 64% of nursing home residents (20% of total Medicaid beneficiaries)
• Medicaid covered over 75% of all children living below the poverty level
• In 1996, in a major federal overhaul of the welfare program, which is now known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Congress de-linked Medicaid eligibility from welfare eligibility and gave states flexibility to expand income eligibility for Medicaid broadly to cover more working families. Severing Medicaid from its welfare roots fundamentally altered Medicaid, transforming it from a welfare program to a health coverage program for low-income children and families.
• Medicaid covers foster care children up to age 26
• Medicaid covers over 600,000 veterans who will lose coverage under Trump including service-disabled veterans and spouses and children of disabled or deceased veterans. (However, House Passes Bill To Help Vets With Mental Illness Buy Guns; they disregard objections that 20 veterans a day kill themselves, mostly with guns, did not stop the measure.)
That means over 81% of Medicaid recipients are out of luck with Trump.
A note to Trump voters who will be harmed by his policies: Instead of voting for someone who spent her whole life working for the benefit of the disadvantaged, you voted for someone who spent his whole life working for the benefit of himself and screwing people like you. You should have seen this coming!
Trump’s policies can be compared to the solution to a car that keeps breaking down is to put black tape over the “check engine” light.
“Trump’s policies can be compared to the solution to a car that keeps breaking down is to put black tape over the “check engine” light.”
I owned a 1986 Ford Ranger 4X4 pickup truck. Five years later, when it had about 60,000 miles on it the check engine light came on. I took it to a friend who was a mechanic and he unhooked the light. Twelve years later and no problems with the engine during that time, I sold the truck to another friend who still had the truck two years ago and had not had any problems with the engine.
It was the gas cap and driving it for 12 years probably cost a couple of thousand in extra fuel. Good job numbnutz
Got great gas mileage. Try again.
While others had their engine burn out. So your point would be to ignore an identified problem and trust in luck? Good luck with that for your health. Would you ignor a heart attck as well?
No, I would not ignore a heart attack, which is quite different than ignoring a check engine light. My example was it is not always so just because someone says it is so.
I would never ignore an identified problem and trust in luck. Key here is that the problem has been identified.
Yes, the problem being Trump’s unconscionable cuts for the benefit of billionaires on our backs.
I would like to add a supplement to the health care bill. Every Republican who does not have health care insurance must wear a health care alert bracelet instructing emergency medical care personal: “If in Accident, leave me at side of road – I do not have insurance and I do not accept hand outs.”
Those are terrifying statistics, and anyone who is sitting back and allowing this to happen is heartless and cruel. We used to be the country that the rest of the world looked to for leadership. Now we are a laughing stock, and we are catering to a dangerous, ignorant tyrant who has never cared about anyone, but himself. Wake up, people, before it is too late! #45 does not care how many lives are lost, as long as his bank account gets larger.
Happy Dan,
I didn’t know about a lot of what you said. Thanks for educating me.
I have one comment. In Trump’s “Blueprint” he comes out solidly behind America’s veterans.
He “Ensures the Nation’s veterans receive high quality health care and timely access to benefits and services.” He backs this up by proposing a $4.6 billion increase in discretionary funding for VA health care…”
He also “extend the Veterans Choice Program …” so “every eligible veteran continue to have the choice to seek care at VA or through a private provider.”
He goes on to state that he “supports programs to provide services to homeless and at risk veterans and their families…”.
Just thought you might like to know….
And the 600,000 veterans who will lose coverage under Trump? Trump has not delivered on ONE of his promises. Trump uses proven propaganda strategies:
• “Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people.”
• “All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed.”
• “The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses.”
• “The great majority of a nation’s thought and conduct is ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. Playing on widely held fantasies: (the candidate) offers (argument) that supports the fantasies of the audience thereby triggering powerful desires to believe that override normal desire for truth or logic. “
• “The broad mass of people…fall victim to a big lie more easily than to a small one.”
What coverage do 600 thousand veterans currently have that will be lost under a Trump health coverage plan?
Look it up. Google is your friend.
600 thousand is the estimated number of vets, not including their spouses and children that are presently covered under OBamacare that will lose heir coverage
Do people that post here even bother to educate them selves?
Happy Dan,
I couldn’t agree with you more.
Like you, I believe this “Blueprint” is a direct attack on the American taxpayer. The intent of this document should send warning lights down every taxpayers spine.
How in the f### do we stop this bastard before he gets us all blown to hell and back?
The study you provided a link to is something that does nothing but “suggest”, “imply” and talk around what may or may not happen if a new health care plan is implemented.
Ok this has to be the dumbest thing ever on the Dagger.
Billy Bob you won the internet.
Deer God,
Au contraire. The “Blueprint” is very specific about what Trump intends to do with the budget. I suggest you read it.
Go to the Office of Management and Budget website (Google it). You will find the “Blueprint” as well as the actual proposed budget itself. Good Reading!
@Happy Dan
I reviewed the article you provided a link for and extracted the following from that article:
“Largely because of Obamacare’s expansion of the Medicaid program and marketplace subsidies for lower-income Americans, implementation of the law slashed the number of veterans that were going without any health coverage. The share of non-elderly veterans who were uninsured slid 42% between 2013 and 2015, according to a report from the left-leaning Urban Institute. Veterans’ spouses saw a similar decline in their uninsured rate. (Although some 600,000 vets are expected to go without insurance in 2017, the same study found.)”
So, the study you refer me to says that 600,000 vets are expected to go without insurance in 2017 under Obama Care. The study you provided a link to is something that does nothing but “suggest”, “imply” and talk around what may or may not happen if a new health care plan is implemented.
Until there is an actual plan on the floor for a vote you, nor anyone else will know what affect, negative or positive, the plan will have on access to health care coverage as changes are already occurring with the plan being proposed.
I am not willing for ONE veteran who has sacrificed so much to lose healthcare because our so-called-president wants to give a very big bone to billionaires and neither should any American. People should be ashamed to “support our troops” and allow them to be thrown into the street.
Happy Dan
Hear!! Hear!! American Vets deserve everything that was promised to them in addition to anything else they need to reenter a happy, healthy civilian (or career military) life.
The study you provided a link to is something that does nothing but “suggest”, “imply” and talk around what may or may not happen if a new health care plan is implemented.
Ok this has to be the dumbest thing ever on the Dagger.
Billy Bob you won the internet.
Well, you should be livid that 600,000 were thrown into the street by Obama Care if the article you referred us to is correct.
Was it not under Obama that the VA scandal surfaced where we learned that veterans were dying in the street waiting to get into a VA health care facility. What has happened under Obama that corrected this outrageous finding? Nothing. Time for those swamp VA people to go and some should be prosecuted and sent to jail. Drain the swamp!
News flash billybob this is gonna come as a shock to you but OBama isn’t the President anymore.
@Deer God
Correct, however he would have been had Hillary been elected. Fortunately for America the voters rejected his agenda which Hillary had doubled down on. Now it is time to drain the swamp, especially in the VA and quit putting veterans in the street to die as Obama did.
Billy Bob,
Are you a vet? If so, do you receive care at a VA?
News flash Billybob Hillary lost.
Do yourself a favor and google up the veteran meeting you savior President had Friday while he was vacationing again. You’re not gonna like it…..
Drain the swamp…..LOL You got played.
@Just a Thought
I am a vet. I do not receive care at a VA facility. I pay for my own health coverage. I do not receive any subsidies.
@ Deer God
Yes, Hillary lost. She was the first step in draining the swamp. Many more to go down the swamp drain hole.
And when the swamp is drained you will find the GOP/Alt-Right/Tea Party in the slimy mud waiting to give your money to billionaires. Can’t wait.