From Del. Glen Glass:
Maryland State Delegate Glen Glass from Harford County had hearings for two Smart Meter opt-out bills on Thursday in the Economic Matters Committee. The two Smart Meter bills are HB 1406 and HB 1419.
Delegate Glass continues to fight against Smart Meter abuse by the MONOPOLY Utility Companies, along with MARYLANDSMARTMETERAWARENESS.ORG
Delegate Glass said, “Smart Meters only benefit the utility companies, not the citizens of Maryland. They also cause electric bills to go through the roof; BGE put a Smart Meter on my house without permission and my electric bill doubled. A Senator had his bill tripled by a SM. I believe there are many others who have been gouged by BGE/PEPCO. The CITIZENS of MARYLAND are NOT an ATM MACHINE for BGE, PEPCO, or other Utility Companies. After five recent rate increases, the citizens of Maryland need a break. Don’t forget Deregulation in 1999 that doubled electric rates on all citizens and businesses.”
It has been proven that BGE/PEPCO is hot swapping meters, which is very dangerous and can cause fires. The Smart Meters are also making those who have EHS, electro hypersensitivity, very ill. To top it off, Smart Meters are not exactly impenetrable. Research has shown that they can be hacked just like any other wireless device.
As a homeowner, you should have the right to say what happens on your property. There have been incidents of BGE showing up without the knowledge of, nor permission from homeowners to switch out meters. We have received several phone calls and emails from customers recently who have paid the opt out fee and BGE is still threatening to turn their power off if they do not allow them to exchange the meter.
Delegate Glass said, “My bills would give people the right to opt out from Smart Meters, keep their analog meters, and get rid of the opt out fees. Marylanders, especially the poor and the elderly cannot afford the high bills caused by the smart meters and the FOREVER OPT OUT fees. It is about time the utility companies and the public service commission started treating the citizens of Maryland with a little bit of respect. Are the utility companies going to go back to the Public Service Commission for a rate increase to pay for these new digital drive by lite Meters ? AGAIN, the Citizens of Maryland should not be an ATM MACHINE for BGE and PEPCO.”
Delegate Glass is a leader in the fight against Smart Meters and is working with to pass legislation that protects the citizens of Maryland from the many dangers of smart meters.
If Glass and other residents don’t like the manor in which BGE or PEPCO delivers their products directly to your house go buy it from someone else. It’s a free country don’t give them your money or do business with them. If enough of you band together surely the electric companies will listen.
Expect that BGE and PEPCO are the only ways to get power. Maybe get a clue after you get a dictionary. It’s ‘manner.’
Except•. Stupid autocorrect
Buy a generator
you’re not the only one with autocorrect dumbass
Can Del. Glass cite any examples of this happening?
Damn, he almost made it through the session before the medication wore off.
Cheers Mr. Glass, but you’re a bit late to the show. Already had BG&E threaten to cut off our electricity service back in 2012 if we did not allow them to install a smart meter. And contrary to what “Fed Up” states, we had an alternative provider, but BG&E owns the transmission lines, which includes the meter. Guess he’s into alt-facts like most Trump supporters.
Oh my BGE owns the lines and meter and you are not happy they won’t run their business how you want. Buy your own lines and meters.
You sound like a small child whining that you can’t have ice cream for dinner. Grow up the world does not revolve around you.
The “Smart Meters” generate higher bills of about 12% and have been doing this since their inception. If you have not noticed the increase then you should look at your past records. I don’t know about them being fire hazards. The “Smart Meters” also allow BGE to monitor your usage in real time which some would consider an invasion of privacy, however they are not a government entity. Personally, BGE is going to know what you use at the end of the month and it doesn’t matter to me if they know how much I have used at a certain time of the month because I’m going to have to pay it anyway. The “Smart Meters” allow them to cut off your electric from their offices and don’t require a technician to cut off your electric in the field. A lot of people in Baltimore play the musical meters game, meaning they have opted out and own a stolen meter that they switch during the month to generate a lower bill then return the original meter to transmit the tampered bill when the reader truck drives thru the neighborhood. All in all, the “Smart Meters” are just another form of over reach into a person’s affairs and are generating higher bills that BGE controls from their offices. I’m sure that the government can access the usage records and they are probably doing it without a warrant. Just another means of control…..
when they installed smart meters in Germany the electric bills went thru the roof and it’s the same thing here,just another rip of
My electric bill has gone down since the smart meter was installed. Please explain.
The only possible explanation is that you’re old meter was one in a million. Your meter must have been defective and generated bills far exceeding that of your actual usage. When the new meter was installed, it started giving more accurate readings. You see, when the “Smart Meter” program was initiated, a group of about 15 of my friends and myself all compared our bills to our prior meter’s bill. Everyone of us had an increase in our usage and bills, the average was about 12% actual cost on our bills. If your bill went down, more power to you. However, for most of us it did go up, as did our usage calculations, yet we were not using any additional electric to the best of our knowledge.
What a coincidence I had a group of about 15 too. I can only say about 15 because it’s a big number and I can’t be exact because I can’t count that high.And when we compared our bills they all went down on average about 11.56246% plus or minus.
so weird.
We can agree to disagree, however I do know what I’m talking about and have studied this very carefully when it was first introduced. It’s interesting that your figures point to a 12% decline, yet mine pointed to a 12% incline. So weird……indeed.
FYI, enclosed is a link to my comments from a February 2015 article on the same issue. My figure of 12% came from a study I did on 16 people who I knew at the time that gave me access to their BGE bills. The actual figure for people who noticed a rate increase was 20%. There was 14 individuals that had increases on their bills. However, there were 2 that did not have an increase and noticed a slight drop in their bill. Calculating ALL 16 people the figure comes to 12%. I did say we all had increases and I apologize for that as 2 individuals did see a slight drop.
Glass, my hero. Thank you! And he’s so cute too.
Nobody has mentioned the 800 lb Gorilla in the room, that smart meters enabled peak usage pricing, a new and creative way of gouging the consumer. That’s why you see the increase in your bill. Just one more way the 1% drains money from the rest of us.
China will enjoy ongoing trillions in profits from these involuntary wireless transceivers being forced on our homes. And Made-in-China General Electric, putting chips controlled by the wireless transceivers will enjoy profits too. Twenty-six top cancer specialists from around the world believe the kind of emissions blasting through our homes by these “meters” may cause cancer. People are so stupid they are demanding to be exposed to these emissions until it can absolutely be proven that it causes cancer. Big money and China will not let it be proven until they get about 5 decades of BIG, BIG money out of it. Big pharma likes them because people we increasingly be sickened and buy more medications. Government likes them because it provides minute by minute surveillance and control of power use. The electric companies like them because 0bama handed out billions to them to force these “meters” on our homes. 0bama loved them because he loves China and wants their population to have as much money as Americans. The trolls love them because they’re too stupid to know any better and they’d rather have money than their health… They believe if they don’t immediately drop dead then they are safe.