Rep. Harris Issues Statement on President Trump’s Immigration Executive Order
From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris released the following statement regarding President Trump’s latest Executive Order:
“I applaud President Trump for doing everything he can to assure that immigrants from countries which are either state sponsors of terrorism, or where ISIS has significant presence, will be properly vetted before entry. This temporary pause in immigration from those six countries was long overdue – giving our law enforcement and Homeland Security officials adequate time to work to develop vetting measures that will protect us from terrorist infiltrators.”
Attorney General Frosh’s Statement on President Trump’s New Immigration Ban
From the Office of the Attorney General of Maryland:
BALTIMORE, MD (March 6, 2017) – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh today released the following statement:
“While President Trump has scaled back some aspects of the Muslim ban, it is still a Muslim ban. The new Executive Order at its core remains an attempt to discriminate based on religion. While the Administration’s announced intent was to keep the country safe from terrorism, this new Muslim ban does not make us more safe; it makes us less safe. The Department of Homeland Security’s own analysis demonstrates that citizenship of the banned countries is an ‘unlikely indicator’ of a terrorist threat to our nation.
“My office is reviewing this most recent Executive Order and remains committed to fighting discrimination.”
Thank you, AG Frosh. The voice of reason.
Quite frankly, Saudi Arabia and the UAE should be on that list. The terrorists that committed the 911 attacks were all Saudis. I still believe that bringing the Syrian refugees here is a very bad idea. If they are not sympathetic to ISIS or another radical faction, their children probably will be or will eventually be. I know I sound like I’m being discriminatory, but this is one issue that I agree with Trump on. Does everyone think that these “refugees” will ever return to their country after its rebuilt? That’s the whole point of refugees, they are seeking refuge until they can eventually return home. Not one of those Syrian refugees will go home. They will get here and stay here. They should be called immigrants.
Yes, thank you Mr. Frosh. The Trump people revealed their true purposes in that first Executive Order.
And while were at it, let’s please remind Mr. Harris that the U.S.Government allowed his Hungarian and Polish refugee parents to enter the country as a result of the war in their counties. .
I understand what your saying and I agree with what your saying. However, this radical muslim ideology is contagious. Andy Harris’ parents were not fleeing from a civil war and going to a country where many of their fallen comrades fought with ISIS or alongside ISIS during that civil war. Harris’ parents fled a post world war 2 area that was occupied by the Soviets after 6 long years of German occupation. Who wouldn’t have wanted to get out of there, especially once they saw that the Soviets thought about as much of them as the Germans did. The Germans treated the Poles like dirt as did the Soviets. The Hungarians were actually treated half way decent by the Germans, but the Soviets had no love for those who were once among the Ottoman Empire. Even if they did, being married to a Pole was probably enough to get you considered for a concentration camp. I understand that our country was based on religious freedom, yet I also understand that we are engaged in a warfare where radicalized religious fanatics will simply blow themselves up in a crowded environment to inflict losses to their enemies. Consistently, we have seen that these radical organizations have targeted civilian populations in other countries and will do the same here if they get a foothold, which we have already seen in the recent past. This isn’t the same demographic. Looking at this particular issue as black and white is very dangerous. This is a very gray issue, which takes a vetting process to separate the potentially bad from the rest. This is why I agree with Trump on this issue. It’s not like he’s saying no muslim can enter our country, just that they must be examined very carefully. Just for the record, I think Donald Trump is not a good choice for President and I think that Andy Harris is a joke. I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I am an American.
Hooray for SoulCrusher’s Voice of Reason. Thank you for saying what needs to be said.
We already have a process to vet them. It’s not like they just leave and bam your here.
What is wrong with the current process?
Probably nothing. However, I am in favor of taking extra steps to make sure we don’t allow any radical nuts into this country. That’s all. It would be messed up if we started having suicide bombings at our public events and malls like they do in other countries. ISIS even claimed that they were goin to get their people in here when Obama announced we were going to start taking in refugees from Syria. Let’s be sure it doesn’t happen.
What does the vetting process we now have in place actually consist of? I keep hearing that the process takes almost two years. OK, two years of doing what? Many of the countries have no viable government to check with, and others have governments that sponsor terrorism. Should we not be very cautious when accepting people from those countries?
You could try googling “how are immigrants to the US vetted”. It was actually very easy to get the info. Give it a try!
You don’t know either, huh?
I have already done that. What you find is they are interviewed, some are given an iris scan, their background is checked (doesn’t say with whom), their case file is reviewed by over nine different agencies (doesn’t say what is in the case file, how it got there, who provided information in the file), says their criminal background is checked (doesn’t say with whom it is checked), etc, etc,.
With 50 Muslim nations on the planet how can delaying entry to folks from only 6 of them be considered a “Muslim Ban”? If trump wanted to ban Muslims he would likely have done exactly that. Instead, he wants to delay entry from Obama Identified Terrorists states until they can be properly vetted. All the reporting about this is a perfect example of “fake news” It’s NOT a Muslim ban at all if people from the other 44 mostly Muslim countries aren’t restricted.
Agreed. However, the whole “Fake News” thing is a misnomer. The television stations that deliver news are no longer impartial. They haven’t been for probably 15 to 20 years, maybe longer. These media outlets are politically motivated and don’t deliver just the news, they deliver their take on the news. We have to remember that people are getting their facts or perceived facts from a multitude of sources that are less than reputable. It used to be that news papers and TV news gave pretty much the same news and delivered the news impartially. If a news outlet wanted to give an opinion, it was called an editorial. Now ALL news seems to be delivered in an editorial reproach. It’s sad. The version of the news you receive seems to be based on a Republican or a Democratic view and not an impartial view. The days of unbiased news is over. However, you can’t regulate the media and preservation of Free Press and Speech is vital. We have already had our rights trampled on by this government and can not allow any more advances by the over reaching monster that has been created….
People need to start vetting their news!
Never mind, I think I found something. I am such an idiot sometimes, well most time, but I don’t like admitting that to everyone. What does vetting actually mean? lol
Didn’t find anything that tells us the process. But I do notice that someone is posting under the same name as I post.
I suppose that when a background check is done on the refugees they ask the ISIS or Taliban leadership if the potential refugee is or has been one of them. If the answer is no, then the refugee must be OK. Perhaps they even go back into Syria and conduct a neighborhood check to see what the refugees neighbors thought of them. Perhaps they ask the local police in Mosul if they know of any criminal activity that the refugee may have been involved in, or go to the local bombed out police station to run a criminal records check. I know, if President Assad says they are OK then we can take them in. Who better to vouch for a potential refugee than the President of Syria.
I am sure you know better than that. I prefer they don’t make all the people they get intel from public. This way we keep getting it bottom line is none of these people who get here are the problem. This is an answer to a non existent problem.
I prefer to know what the process is and how it is conducted. No one is looking for individual names. The bottom line is we do not know who checks with who and how whatever information in complied is obtained.
Hey, you have my name. Hiya sister!
Ms. Moderate, they don’t really have any good intel because the Syrian government has been decimated over the years. Most paper records are gone, probably burnt up by the Civil War. They check for military involvement and Interpol records, because that’s all that really still exists. I personally think they make most of their decisions based on age, health, sex and their behavior from within the refugee/relocation camps. I read on Time Magazine’s web site that something similar to what I’m alluding to is what happens. Time even said that only 2% of the refugees allowed admittance are males of fighting age. This article was from 2015 and claimed that 750,000 refugees have been admitted since 2001 when 911 occurred. So feel safe that only 15,000 potential terrorist that are male and of fighting age have entered this country since 911 occurred. They also state that the only occurrence of terrorist activity happened in Kentucky when two Iraqi’s were attempting to aid Al Qaeda. Read it for yourself, but the article still doesn’t answer a lot of your questions…….
Correct, they really don’t have good intelligence This vetting program is mostly a seat of the pants operation given there is, in most cases, no legitimate viable government with which to conduct a legitimate inquiry.
Agree, 100%….
Governments are not the only source of intel. This is why the process takes two years assuming things are neat and orderly. Again the process is there The Who is not.
It’s like having a phone that never rings because there is no one to talk to. You don’t know who they converse with or why. The reason it takes two years is because they can only monitor a refugee from the time they apply for that status and accept that who they say they are is correct.
You talk around this issue just like all of the rest. I have asked numerous people, who claim this long thorough vetting process, what is actually done in the process and they look at me with this blank stare. They don’t know and neither do you.