From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris Responds to President Trump’s Address to Congress
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement in response to President Trump’s address to Congress on February 28.
“President Trump delivered an exceptional address last night, and offered a bold, optimistic vision for the future of the United States. The President’s speech reminds us all that we must put America first. The government has a duty to protect and empower all Americans, a duty that was neglected by the previous administration. I am committed to working with President Trump and the rest of Congress to repair our nation’s economy and health care system, to secure our borders, and to enhance our national security.”
Congressman Andy Harris Reacts to President Trump’s Roll Back of EPA Overreach
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement regarding President Trump’s Decision to Roll Back the Waters of the United States Rule.
“I applaud President Trump’s decision to roll back the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. This rule was a classic example of government overreach, vastly expanding the power of the federal government over areas best regulated at the state and local level. The WOTUS rule would have imposed costly burdens on Eastern Shore farmers by expanding the definition of “navigable waters” to include federal control of drainage ditches and other small, temporary collections of water. In contrast, the new Executive Order will allow federal regulation of permanent, standing bodies of water with a continuous surface connection. Rolling back the WOTUS rule was a common sense decision that should have been made long ago by the previous administration.”
Donald Trump offered more lies. That’s it, nothing more.
Oh….and farewell Jeff Sessions (another Trump liar!).
You mean like, “You can keep your doctor, keep your plan, premiums will go down”. Benghazi was a spontaneous reaction to a video?
Admitting Trump lies worse than OBama must have been difficult for you Mr Jackson.
51 Lies in 61 minutes!
Yo Bam Bam Bigelow lookin’ mofo, you think you can sponsor me as a member for the Aberdeen Lions club?
“The WOTUS rule would have imposed costly burdens on Eastern Shore farmers”
The costly burden of cleaning up the pollution they dump into the environment. Now we can dump antifreez and used oil back into the bay. Thankyou preznit Trump.
I like my rockfish sushi with big red oozing sores
Sorry that you Lib/Dems screwed up the election so bad that Hillary didn’t get crowned. Now you get to live with it. Next time nominate someone that has a chance. Meanwhile cry in your beer. Poor you.
You should really try to get over the election VaJJ. It’s time to move on to the new Russian government
Sure Andy, the EPA has “over reached” with the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule because we don’t care if water poisons us.
Harris is bought & paid for by Koch brothers & pharmaceuticals…He’ll go along w/whatever the republican position is. He needs to go.
Andy Harris has not shown any commitment to the health of his constituents or Maryland’s waters. He is more concerned about bowing to the party line and avoiding face to face interactions with those he is supposed to represent.
Since you are a doctor, I am sure you understand that clean water means healthy citizens. I am not sure how we are helping the eastern shore farmers long term health by rolling back protections on safe, pure water.
Andy Harris, you have your head so far up Trump’s butt, it’s embarrassing. He’s not going to give you a spot on his cabinet. Try having an independent thought.
Andy Harris doesn’t care about his constituents. If he did, he would be AGAINST polluting waters, AGAINST the Russian President and would be actually willing to meet them face to face.
Andy Harris can’t heed Gabby Gifford’s advice to grow a pair and meet constituents. A bunch of ladies worried about health care aren’t going to hurt you just your chances of being reelected.
As long as the Eastern Shore counties of Maryland remain in District 1, Harris will be reelected with at least 60% of the vote.
Andy Harris likes the Russians. He is completely fine with having APG as his base and somehow colluding with America’s sworn enemies.
Please educate yourself on politics 101. Andy Harris’ base in not APG, it is the eastern shore of Maryland.
While APG itself is not in the District, many who work there are. The District also includes Cecil, most of Harford, part of Baltimore, and part of Carroll Counties (which are half of the voters), not just the Eastern Shore.
Within those Counties that are not on the Eastern Shore what percentage of the vote did Harris get? Then look at the percentage of vote Harris received in counties on the shore. The Eastern Shore is his base and as long as his district stays the same, he will be reelected.
The good folks who work at APG, and are in his district, will also vote for him. They know he won’t do anything stupid to jeopardize their jobs, like back a lawsuit against The President. The dems apparently don’t care about any loss of federal income as long as they can rule this state.
You are a well disciplined comrade.Please keep the propaganda coming comrade. You will get rewarded for your loyalty to the Party.
DoD may be fine, but people seem to be forgetting that all the federal agencies Trump and his mini-me Harris are willing to burn down from the inside out also provide high paying employment to MANY Maryland residents.
Too bad once they’re unemployed, Harris also won’t lift a finger to help them keep pollutants off their land, get health insurance, or even approve funding to help rebuild their homes when they’re wiped out by hurricanes.
He is willing to help them get gun silencers though. Do gun lobbyists give him campaign contributions?
Just Sayin,
Here’s what I found regarding federal employees in our state:
A cursory glance tells me that the DOD employs a fairly large number of Marylanders, at least a third. What agencies do you see The President and, particularly Congressman Harris “burning down” and to what degree, that provide employment to “Many Maryland residents”?
I don’t think Congressman Harris needs much funding from the gun lobby: The attempts of Obama, O’Malley, and Frosh to destroy our Second Amendment pretty much guaranteed that a Republican was going to stay in control of our district.
Replying to I’m afraid of Americans – that info is interesting but doesn’t include 1) contractors supporting these agencies or the vendors supplying services or 2) Health and Human Services – huge portions of which are headquartered in MD and funded under the ACA.
Also I cross checked with a few other sources (like state employment data) and there are discrepancies in numbers. Between that and leaving a huge agency off does make me question the rest. What I did find is that the federal government employs at least 5% of Marylanders and that doesn’t account for all the contractors that support them.
As far as what they’re “burning down” is concerned – EPA, dept of Ed, and HHS are under pretty significant risk from this administration. Funding for bay could be cut from $73B to $5B. That means jobs.
Andy should take a big swill of that pollution he’s rejoicing about dumping in the bay. But what does he care, he doesn’t have to live there or make his living as a waterman. Just another 1% forcing us to live in the wasteland of their making and telling us how wonderful it is.
At least 30 states filed suit against the WOTUS rule. Don’t get me wrong, I’m for clean water, too. I believe the rule might have been an overreach based on what I’ve read so far.
No surprise here – he decides before anyone speaks what his opinion is going to be – 45 is right up his alley – so he doesn’t hear the lies because they are the same lies he tells – no listening to anyone else & no empathy for anyone else’s pain.
Harris won Cecil County by a margin of 17,079 votes. He won Cecil County with over 70% of the vote. If you didn’t vote for Harris, you are in a significant minority.
Yes I heard the figurehead give his campaign speech of lies to congress. Now I want to know when President Bannon will hold his speech to congress. Isn’t if time we hear from the real president?
You will be waiting for a long time since there is no President Bannon. On a different note, what did you think of the clever ways the Democrat women of Congress made use of all those old Klan white sheets left over from their parents?
It’s not fair at all to bash those ladies over a “fraternity” formed in 1866. None of them were alive at the time and I’m certain they don’t subscribe to the idea of overthrowing the Republican Party today..
Except the parties switched platforms in the 1960’s.
Interesting that the guy who was just arrested for threats against Jewish Community Centers and schools is a journalist fired for making up false stories and a rabid Bernie Sanders supporter.
Wait a minute Trump said it would be a Jewish person.
Well maybe he is Jewish. Some Jewish people support Bernie Sanders.
But whoever heard of a journalist that would make up a false story? Oh, yeah, I guess there might by a few out there. Well, maybe more than a few.
Ms Jaguar: The news reports say the individual arrested for threatening Jewish centers was fired as a journalist at Intercept but there is no mention of him being a “rabid Bernie Sanders supporter”. That part was made up by right-wing internet trolls.and Faux News.Nice try.
Actually, no, Thompson himself posted it on his Twitter feed. Better do some actual research instead of leaping to conclusions that fit your prejudice, Mikey.
Reader of the Dagger can always count on Judy to represent the conservative trump voters.
Here is what we know Jaun Thompson lied about news articles, he lied about bombs, he lied about his girlfriend ,pretty much everything Jaun said was a lie but hold on folks he wouldn’t lie about supporting a Jewish Presidential candidate…Judy reread that as many times as you need to for a complete understanding.
Judy I actually had to google your claim and just as I figured the news sources google came up with were…. Brietbart, gateway pundit, milo yianopolus and every other conservative fake news site.
So to use your quote Judy:
Better do some actual research instead of leaping to conclusions that fit your prejudice
Speech full of conflicting promises and basic math that didn’t add up. The only thing good about it is that it showed Trump can read. Harris doesn’t listen to his constituents. He’s too busy following party.