From Del. Kathy Szeliga:
Death and Dying – Tough Decisions
As a new member of the Health and Government Operations Committee, I was able to listen to the testimony on HB 370, End-of-Life Option Act, also known as Physician Assisted Suicide. The hearing was Thursday, February 17, and lasted for about eight hours with almost 100 people attending.
This is an emotional issue, regardless of which side of this issue you stand. There were some very sad and passionate personal stories from citizens across our state, both for and against.
The plea of the disability community is very impactful. Many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) face discrimination based on people’s perceived “quality of life” issues. The ARC of Maryland said, “People with I/DD are vulnerable to coercion and trying to please authority figures. One of the top reasons people say they want physician assisted suicide is to avoid being a burden to loved ones. Sadly, many people with I/DD feel they are a burden, even when their family feels otherwise.”
There were many physicians and medical care providers at the hearing opposed to the bill. The American Medical Association, American College of Physicians, the American Nurses Association, and many others oppose this bill. They believe it compromises the relationship between health care provider and patient. They have also seen patients defy the odds and overcome terrible diagnoses, whose lives would have been at risk.
There were ethical arguments against the bill and libertarian arguments for it.
Of concern is the comfort of our loved ones at the end of life, especially those with debilitating chronic diseases and conditions. Enormous strides have been made with pain management, palliative and hospice care. Pharmaceuticals to help relieve pain can make most people comfortable at the end of life.
All things considered, I cannot support HB 370, End-of-Life Option Act, also known as Physician Assisted Suicide. I’m not sure it will pass this year.
Women Rock!
There have been so many news stories lately about WOMEN, Women’s Marches, Women’s Rights, etc. We have 11 women in our House Minority Caucus. We are lawyers, accountants, realtors, business women, sisters, moms, grandmoms, and so much more. We do NOT think the women with those weird female-part hats that marched on Washington represent us and we were appalled by the hateful speeches by celebrities who dare to lecture the world on family values.
I celebrate the joy of living in one of the best countries in the world to be a woman where we women are free to express ourselves, to achieve our dreams, and to be anything we want to be. One of many reasons to be proud Americans!
President Trump’s 1st 30 Days
I was recently interviewed on Baltimore’s Fox 45 regarding Trump’s 1st 30 Days. While it hasn’t been perfect, I did not expect a non-politician to have a perfect launch to a four year term. The economy and stock markets are showing improvement. I think things are going in the right direction. In 30 short days, Trump has:
1. Nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Great pick!
2. Restarted the stalled Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines putting people back to work in good skilled jobs.
3. Will do extreme vetting of refugees from seven countries that the Obama administration said are the biggest sources of terrorists. President Trump’s first attempt to do this was not well done, but the 2nd Executive Order looks good.
4. President Trump’s America First movement is causing manufacturers and businesses to stay in the USA and scrap plans to move jobs out of our country.
5. Cancelled the Trans Pacific Partnership and is renegotiating trade deals.
6. Has begun work to lower taxes, both personal and corporate rates that are the highest in the world.
7. Nominated business leaders to transform Washington in his cabinet members.
8. Finally, Washington will secure our borders. When I ran for US Senate last year, I learned that citizens want secured borders. It’s not just about engaging in immigration reform, but also guarding against terrorists, stopping the drug trade (85% of the heroin is coming across our southern border), and stopping human trafficking.
9. And more …. in just 30 days!
Thanks for your interest in the important issues facing Maryland today. Please be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for the most up to date information.
God bless you and your family!
Delegate Kathy Szeliga
Great assessment and she’s right, we can iron out the wrinkles, after the dirt comes out in the wash, now it’s rinse time… Sounds like new hope on display! Can a brotha get a witness….sah!,
Kathy, I know you like riding the Republican agenda, however, you are a State Delegate. You need to concern yourself with issues that impact this State, not National ones. Everything your press release entails is the National Republican agenda, that you have no vote on woman. You need to end the senseless terrorism regarding CDS and the laws your legislature put into effect in 2002. Even though these laws involving criminal procedure are meaningless, unconstitutional and illegal, they still need to be repealed so that an end to the Organized Crime Syndicate, known as the Maryland Criminal Justice, occurs. Stop wallowing in the trough. Do something for your constituents and the people of Maryland. That is what you were elected to do. Not pander on about the National Republican agenda that you are NOT part of.
Soul crusher’s limited view point is a basis for some of the problems facing this country. It is great that you take delight in the future of this country and the progress made by the Trump presidency so far even without the assistance of congress. Eventually he will have a full cabinet and can better fulfill his agenda.
Your concern for the End of Life Option Act is appropriate and very difficult; then so it end of life that leaves a person without dignity and honor; only existing to take more meds and die a slow waning death by refusing to take care of themselves. The option is needed, but with significant guidelines that do not allow a moment of depression to end life; but it needs a time period for honest assessment prior to using the option.
Many of her constituents do not relish the thought of living in a state full of dope heads, crack heads, and stone boners like yourself. Give the terrorists s#%t a rest. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze stop!!!
The Maryland Criminal Justice System is acting as both an organized crime syndicate and a terrorist organization regarding CDS. They are committing acts of racketeering and domestic terrorism involving the enforcement of CDS laws. They are not upholding the constitution and are breaking the established Federal Law while doing so. Quite frankly, if you can’t see this then you are blind. I have absolutely no concern for anyone who is still taking part in these blatant acts of terrorism to the people of this State. You should NOT be asking me to stop until the terrorism ceases. The decisions of the Maryland Court of Appeals, which are in violation of the US and State Constitutions, are the products of the terrorists who currently occupy the courts. You don’t like what I say, neither do I. The legal community, the courts, the police and the Maryland Legislature should have realized this long ago. You don’t like me calling the Criminal Justice System a terrorist organization or an organized crime syndicate? Well, why don’t you ask them to stop acting like what I am calling them? Or you could just GFY…..
Great job on presenting FALSE NEWS AND ALTERNATIVE FACTS !
Lets recap
People shouldn’t have the right to die peacefully
Women shouldn’t have the right to protest that don’t agree with republican ideas
Refugees with certain religions shouldn’t be allowed entrance
Take land for a pipeline to carry foreign company oil is good
Reducing income is ok without reducing spending
People running the government with zero experience is good.
And finally Americans paying for a wall that will not stop terrorists or drugs is what we need
Hey Kathy you left out how everyone will do much better without healthcare insurance.
This is Republican logic.
Well said.
That last point on your list should be tweaked a bit, “People running the government with zero experience passing laws that only benefit the top 1%.”
I can’t wait to see what you say after Trump kills the EPA and all the progress made in the quality of the waters of the Chesapeake Bay goes out the window.
The upside is waterfront property will be a bargain if you don’t mind the tumors it causes.
I guess we will all find out soon enough as Trump just signed an executive order repealing Obama’s water ways protection and limited the clean water act.
Really? 3 national security advisors, more executive orders, lots of law suits? 30 some percent approval?
Everything is so great again. For once I agree with everything that Soulcrusher says in his post.
Del. Kathy…”President Trump’s America First movement is causing manufacturers and businesses to stay in the USA and scrap plans to move jobs out of our country.” Do you even read this stuff before you put it out? Are you kidding? Have you read the newspaper in the last week?
Del. Szeliga: You are not doing the Republican Party any good by claiming the President is moving in the right direction. I have had the good fortune to meet three Republicans who currently hold office in Maryland and even though we have never talked about politics, I am pretty sure they are embarrassed by the current President. I am so glad that not every Republican feels they way you do, Kathy.
I have to decide if you are intentionally lying or if you are incapable of seeing the consequences of Trump’s actions.
Put people above the party and the party will do well.
I don’t know about that. Andy Harris seems to be kissing Trump’s butt so much that he needs industrial grade Chapstick.
From your lips to Gods ear Cher.
Oh my! Are the losers still whining and moaning and throwing tantrums because Hillary wasn’t crowned? Eventually you all will get over it. Or maybe not. But nevertheless you guys LOST. Poor you.
You do realize with all the comments you are the first to mention Hillary right?
I think we hear the cackling, bloviating calls of the female Trumpanzee.
Make that WINNER and not LOSER like you and your minions. Cry-babies.
Look you back woods hillbillies, President Trump is a New Yorker, OK… Now we can all Bite the Big Apple, The failed state of Maryland forfitted its Electoral Votes to the Mid West, to currupt to be recognized as part of the united States, lots of geeks gonna be jobless!
At least I’m educated enough to know not to have voted for Putin’s candidate!
Can you say – Special Prosecutor? Better get used to it loser.
He did great except for: 1) anti-immigration and anti-Muslim; 2) uses secret, dark money; 3) believes in extrajudicial killings of enemies; 4) election tampering and disenfranchisement of Democrats with voter IDs; 5) enemy of free speech and the media and considers them enemies; 6) uses the big lie strategy of propaganda;7) fits into the Hitler template of power grabbing and political control; 8) uses private “security” to control public appearances; 9) overly sensitive to image and works to change it; 10) bullies and intimidates anyone that disagrees with him; 11) tries to appeal to Fundamentalist Christians to the exclusion of all other religions; 12) blames others for own failings and divides the world between “us and them”; 13) unscrupulous in all dealings, private and public – always looking to take advantage of weaker people; 14) does not hesitate to throw own staff (or wives) under the bus if it improves his position; 15) only cares for big business and making money to the exclusion of everyone else; 16) considers women only as sex objects and assaults them with impunity; 17) has no compassion and is selfish and self-centered to an extreme; 18) is homophobic; 19) unable to tell the truth and considers facts as opinions or “alternate facts” and uses lies as a strategy; 20) is reckless and considers winning paramount irregardless of consequences to others; 21) does not hesitate to use military power to further ambitions and wastes American lives in unnecessary engagements; 22) ignorant of history, science, politics, ethics and education in general and has no interest in learning; 23) is secretive and suspicious of everyone, the opposite of transparent; 24) Is childishly petulant, thin skinned and considers whining, temper tantrums and revenge normal behavior; 25) Is a war monger but also a draft dodger (“The Cong were after me,” Trump said, visibly stirred by the memory. “And then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.”); 26) Is opposed to environmental protection, dismisses climate change and denies science as “elitist”; 27) Is an incompetent and dangerous actor playing a role for which he has no concept.
Get over it Danny Boy. He’s our President and he’s going to do whatever it takes to make America great again. And you will benefit from it. Checked the stock market lately?
Danny Boy is not in the market. He has never made enough money to have funds to invest. He is a follower, not a leader. He is probably a hard worker who doesn’t understand why he is not getting ahead.
Yea, let’s look at that stock market a bit closer. All the stocks that are leading the latest rally are financial investment firms (no longer shackled with the responsibility to do what’s in the interest of the investor), and firms that employ workers making minimum (and below minimum) wages. That’s making America great again.buddy! Just like the stock market of the 1890’s, dominated by robber barons. Too bad you’re not a follower of history, the more enlightened of us know how that ended.