From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Monthly Meeting
Holiday Inn Express
1007 Beards Hill Road
Aberdeen, MD 21001
March 1, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Guest speaker Allison Galbraith potential Democratic Congressional candidate for Maryland District 1 against Republican Andy Harris.
The New Harford Democratic Club = Kiss of Death.
Allison has been trying to get a public town meeting with Rep Andy Harris to talk about the Affordable Care Act. Rep Harris is in hiding afraid to meet with his consituates
Mr. Not Sure Who I Am:
You trash the “new” Harford Democratic Club in Joppatowne at at 8:21AM and you tarsh the NEW Harford Democratic Club in Aberdeen at 8:16AM . You must not be a Democrat!
Wait, what?
Allison Galbraith is preparing to run for office and wants to moderate her own debate. Now why would a Congressperson take that bait. This is not someone who wants answers as attacks. And there are no answers yet and the answers are not simple. 662,000 people represented by one congressperson, they don’t always show up because someone demands it. There will be town halls on health care once the bill is written. Unlike the first go around where we had to pass it before we could know what is in it.
Well you really nailed that one. lol
I clicked on link and got this: “This petition isn’t available. Either the URL is incorrect, it violated our Community Guidelines, or the starter removed it.”
This is it. I don’t know why the other one doesn’t work.
If it makes you feel any better, I’m also speaking at the Cecil County Dems Club meeting on March 2.
You are a shitstirrer. A simple google search shows you have tried to cause trouble in multiple jurisdictions and with multiple politicians. I am a democrat but won’t vote for you. We need solid leadership not your personal vendetta and games.
A simple google search will tell you I’m a local mother who cares about healthcare and a small business owner with a history of working in federal contracts and defense, specifically acquisition streamlining and process efficiencies.
Even if you’d never vote for me, I’ll still listen to what you have to say.
Fran I did the google search and came up with nothing you suggested. Help us all out with your claim.
You didn’t google or yahoo FACEBOOK!!!!
When you lack a cogent argument, you resort to namecallng. Are you a paid Harris troll?
I’ve looked over this entire comments section of this article and I haven’t seen Allison call anyone a name on this entire article. Nor, have I ever heard or seen Allison call anyone anything at all. Now, Helen, What drugs are you on and where can I get some that will make me think like you? The answer is there isn’t anything strong enough to make me think like you. Quite frankly, your comments are false and the only one trolling is you. Either get honest or get off the Dagger. Please, GFY…..
I see I owe Helen Chappell an apology. I thought you were talking about Allison. Sometimes the Dagger’s partitioning of statements confuses me and I don’t realize who people are commenting about. I now realize you were speaking to Fran. I apologize for my mistake…..
When will you be speaking again in Harford County?
Higher taxes
More freebies for illegals
No death penalty
No school choice
Anti police
Anti Christian
Releasing thousands of criminals from jail
Zero foreign policy
Anti Israel
Targeting of political enemies by using IRS
Unaffordable government healthcare with no choice
If you like you doctor & heathplan you can keep them
Yeah you guys will do great up here.
You will notice all those points are baseless yet doing an excellent job keeping you afraid of your own shadow. Come on fleabag, grow a set come up the stairs from Moms basement and embrace the world. Work with the majority and make the world a better place. Just because the bad man on TV frightened you doesn’t make it true.
“Regardless of how you voted – we deserve to hear what our healthcare is being replaced with.” Funny thing we didn’t get to see what was in obama care and the democrats that voted for it didn’t even read it before they passed it.
That shouldn’t have been an answer, then or now! Basic transparency, integrity, and communication should be a given, regardless of party. Party doesn’t dictate what works best, or what is right or wrong. Representatives need to advocate for the wellbeing of their constituents, not party, corporate profit, or special interests.
This is what I’d like to talk about. I want to hear what you all think and understand concerns and differing perspectives. To have an open dialogue and share ideas.
Come out and have a conversation. Ask questions. Tell me what you want in your representative, or share that you think I shouldn’t quit my day job. I’ll be glad you cared enough about the future to do it in person. Join the discussion.
Is it your belief that someone actually knows what you healthcare is being replaced with? Who is this person that knows?
Mike I believe that is the point. The Republicans have no clue what the new plan is going to be and they sure as heck don’t care what their constituency want. It’s a plan being written by lobbyists and the insurance companies. That’s who Andy, Trump and the rest of the republicans work for.
Follow the money.
I would disagree, and I don’t intend to make this something political since healthcare affects all of us.
I will agree that the Republicans don’t have a complete plan at this point in time. It is why I posed my question in the first place. You can’t brief on something if you don’t the details. I do not agree that they “have no clue, and sure as heck don’t care what their constituency want.” In my view they do care, as did the Democrats and it is time for all of them to work together for the best healthcare plan possible.
It was written by lobbyists and the insurance companies the first time. How the rest of us would like to have a product that if the customers don’t buy there is a penalty. The only business I can think of is car insurance.
Remember Big Money put there money behind Clinton, not Trump. Trump collected almost a million dollars less from Insurance groups then Clinton and Bernie combined.
You are either naive or stupid.
It’s wholly reasonable to ask representatives what they will or will not vote for. Those questions aren’t that complicated and don’t require a finished bill to answer.
For instance, I can give you a straight answer about whether I would vote for legislation that allows lifetime caps, or cuts out coverage for mental health. You probably could too, right?
Allison…. Andy needs to be instructed on what his straight answers are. God forbid he was for pre existing conditions before being told he was against it.
Precisely, Andy wants to make sure all his cronies in the Health Industry and the Pharmaceutical Industry get paid, so he gets paid. Lobbyist are just full of cash and incentives. Why don’t you ask him how much Emergent BioSolutions is paying him to keep marijuana illegal so the medical community can push their poisons instead? Andy is not who I would want to be having the Health Care conversation with, because as a doctor he doesn’t give two sh_ts about your health or concerns. He will top it off by saying “I am a doctor and I know what’s best for your health”. He is a complete useless tool, regardless of his political affiliation…..
Don’t quit your day job, Allison.
I know nothing about Allison, but I am impressed how she did not take the bait from the name callers. The fact that the Republicans have been critical of the ACA but can not clearly articulate what the new plan should look like is puzzling. The ACA has been law for how long? And the Republicans haven’t yet figured out how to refine it? If you are upset that no one knew what woul be in the ACA before it was passed, then make a commitment that that mistake will not be repeated. Don’t use that as justification for doing the same. I want to hear what Allison has to say, so I say, let her talk. I’m listening.
Allison You don’t have a chance in France. I searched the Internet as the user “Fran” suggested. I used your name and Harford County and then Bel Air. You are clearly on a liberal war path. It seems you also don’t support the police. If you don’t support the police I don’t support you. My son is a Baltimore Police Officer and works very hard to keep the citizens safe. This is why we can’t get anyone who is democrat elected in this county because they are anti everything. Not my Democratic Party. If you get elected I will change my party.
1. Allison is not running in France
2. The news reports I read said Allison was against the BPD not apologizing for racial profiling.You make t mistakes , you apologize.Thats the democratic way.
3. Allison is not anti-everything. She is pro-ACA She wants to fix a flawed program . Not repeal it.And she is pro-professional policing Whats a matter with you. Your acting like a right-wing paranoid Republican.
4. I dont think your a Democrat if you support police abuse and are opposed to health care for all.
5. Turn in your fake-Democrat Party card, because if she runs shes going to win.
Just like how you told us all Donald Trump long lost the electoral college.
Please counter with the “popular vote” rhetoric or a personal insult.
@Mike Callahan
What are the flaws in the ACA that Allison wants to fix?
Uh oh, we have another prediction for a Democrat victory. It reminds me of when North Harford Democrat (where is he/she?) said Hillary was going to win two consecutive terms followed by a term with a transgender president.
Please thank your son for everything he is doing. Being a police officer is a dangerous and often thankless job, and they deserve more recognition and appreciation than they get. They deserve a raise!
Now, I assume you either read the Aegis article or what I was saying to one of the councilmen about owing an apology on the same incident. This is simple. Like I tell my son – when you do something wrong, you acknowledge it, admit it, and, if you hurt someone, you apologize. You correct the situation and learn from it so it doesn’t happen again. Same exact concept from kindergarten. Basic accountability for your actions.
You don’t look at your child hitting the neighbor kid and say, jeez, if I tell him not to do that, it means I don’t support my children. You tell him not to hit! You may think it wouldn’t have happened if the neighbor kid hadn’t said something that upset your child, but that doesn’t make it totally fine for your child to hit the neighbor. He still owes an apology. He still needs to learn not to hit. He doesn’t learn if nobody speaks up.
Just like a parent can love and support their children while simultaneously being disappointed with a particular action of a single child, I feel we can all fully support our police departments while acknowledging that select individuals made poor choices in a particular instance, and agree on the need to address those incidents in a responsible fashion.
To be clear, I was saying an apology should be issued and that the department needs to be sensitive to the tense environment lately and make sure that their press releases didn’t inadvertently draw hostility or aggression towards innocent people, not calling for mass reprimands. I also made a point to mention that I grew up in Bel Air, appreciated everything the BAPD does for us, and had never personally had any problems.
Is that acceptable, or does supporting an agency require us to give blanket passes for bad behavior on the part of its individuals?
Worked for the Nazis and seems to be working real well up in North Korea. And hey, you check out Putin’s Russia this weekend? Hoo-boy, now that’s the way to stifle differences of opinion.
Healthcare costs themselves need to be addressed. There needs to be more transparency in the cost of services.
We need to be able to bring in less expensive but equally safe and effecacious prescription drugs from other countries.
And we need to put a stop to drug companies jacking up the prices on life-saving drugs like the epipen just because they feel like it.
We also need to find a way to address the premiums and the age pools, and reduce deductibles, because while ACA might be awesome for me in my 30s, I’d feel completely different about it if I were 55 and healthy.
Oh, my, Allison. Showing a little age discrimination are we?
Obama had 8 years to address the many issues with ACA. But he accomplished nada. It is a terrible law that might be able to be salvaged. “Less expensive but equally safe drugs from other countries” I believe you said. Help me understand what the Obama administration FDA has been doing for 8 years. I couldn’t keep my doctor. The premiums didn’t go down. Pelosi said they had to pass it to see what was in it. They passed and we saw what was in it. Crap that screws over most of us while we pay ever higher premiums. If the price of gasoline went up buy the same percentages as health care over the past 8 years there would be armed insurrection in this country.
Allison, don’t quit your day job.
Oh my Judy what happened….. were you asleep the last 6 years of congress doing nothing about healthcare but trying to take it away and now they are. The only one screwing you are the people you voted for. Judy may I suggest stop watching Fox news and enroll in a course at HCC that explains how the government and laws work. Unless of course you are satisfied going through life looking like an uneducated republican moron that votes against your best interest.
I imagine Judy is one of those angry, old women who fall asleep in their rocking chair during the party propaganda breaks at Fox “News”. However, she will still qualify for the senior citizen discount at HCC.
And she will howl like a monkey when Paul Ryan takes away her Medicare, sells her Internet history, and poisons her air and water supply…and then will blame the libtards.
Hey All – Take it easy. Judy is right about a lot of things, actually.
Judy – understanding that ACA presents problems for older people isn’t showing age discrimination.It’s recognizing it.
That said, your observations about the last 8 years are legitimate. There is plenty of blame to go around on both sides of the aisle, so let’s not pretend it was all the Dems. Let me also point out that I’m not Obama, Pelosi, or whatever political name comes to mind. I’m not even a politician. I’m a middle class citizen sick of our elected officials not understanding the perspective or representing the needs of their constituents. One who believes there’s no reason the interests of big pharma or the insurance companies should be put before ours.
I’m also someone who thinks that it’s alright – ideal, even – to admit flaws on both sides of the aisle, so we can learn from our mistakes and do better next time – even if I do side with the people over wealth ideologically. So much, even, that I’d consider sacrificing what little “wealth” I do have if it means putting government back in the hands of the people. Even people with different perspectives.
Also, I hear you on this day job business, okay? I actually responded the first time. 😉