From the Office of Rep. Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris Responds to the Trump Administration’s Decision on School Bathroom Policies
Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement regarding the Trump administration’s decision to return authority over school bathroom policies to state and local governments.
“I applaud the new Trump administration for walking back the previous administration’s ‘bathroom guidance’ letter concerning gender identity in elementary schools. With our public education system falling behind that of our global competitors, I am glad we will no longer be distracted by such issues. As I pointed out in my letter to the superintendents of public schools in Maryland’s 1st District, the Obama guidance most likely wasn’t legally binding, since it clearly did not follow the clear meaning of the underlying statute, and would most likely have been overturned by the courts.”
Congressman Andy Harris Announces Upcoming Town Hall Meetings
Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement regarding upcoming town halls and tele-town halls in his district:
After reaching over 4,500 constituents through his last tele-town hall, Congressman Harris will be hosting two more tele-town halls next week. The first will be Monday, February 27 at 5:30 PM and the second on Tuesday, February 28 at 6:00 PM before the State of the Union address. Congressman Harris has also said he would hold brick-and-mortar, in-person town hall meetings when an ObamaCare replacement has been proposed. Since one should be available by the end of March, Dr. Harris will be hosting a brick-and-mortar town hall on the Middle Shore in Easton on Friday, March 31 to discuss Congress’ new plan to replace ObamaCare and repair the country’s health care system. “It’s important to me that we have the proposed plan details in hand to share with attendees of the brick-and-mortar town hall so that I can answer their specific questions at the town hall, rather than offer only speculation, which is all we have at this time,” Congressman Harris said.
The time and exact location for the town hall are not yet finalized, but details will be made available on the Congressman’s website and social media accounts as soon as they are confirmed. Dr. Harris looks forward to answering questions about the proposed replacement plan, and to continuing his proud tradition of holding public forums (over 60 brick-and-mortar town halls and over 50 tele-town halls since 2011). Feel free to contact his office at 202-225-5311 if you have any questions about these events.
It seems to me that Congressman Harris is blindly supporting everything that #45 is pushing through, regardless of how his constituents feel. Give it up, Congressman. There is no place for you in his cabinet.
You lost.
Now, you can eat your peas you bunch of flea-baggers.
Not sure about there being no room. Of the 549 positions that the president mominates, he has only nominated 34. That’s still 515 openings. Just make sure you can pass a background check. Six White House staffers so far have had to leave due to failing a background check including his chief digital officer. But no worries, they gave them positions elsewhere in the government. Surrounding himself with only the best people. Drain that swamp!
I’m a constituent and I approve. Don’t speak for me.
Great! After losing my ass under Bush who I recall being a Republican, I made over 5X my portfolio value during Obama’s 8 years. Thanks for asking.
Any one who can look up the DJIA since 2000 will know you’re a special kind of stupid Democrat for making that claim.
Put your money where your mouth is @zzhole. Only an ignorant moron would put their entire portfolio in a DOW ETF or index fund. You do know that is only 30 companies? What did you just look that up off the “web”? You still using that buy and hold strategy? Why don’t you get yourself an online trading account. We will both start with 10k. You invest in the “DIJA”, and I will invest in whatever the stupid way that I want. At the end of one month or one year high account balance wins. If betting were legal, I would say winner keeps it all. Better yet if I’m so stupid (but not a Dem) and your so all sure of yourself, hell I would say up it to 30k, but again betting isn’t legal so we can’t make that wager. Even better than that – the title to your house or in your case trailer if the bank doesn’t already have it in foreclosure. I play poker too, but although I do bluff, I’m holding the “nuts” right now. I do this for real, so don’t piss down my back and try to tell me it’s F..,ing raining.
Actually, only an ignorant moron would put any money into any Stock exchange because its getting ready to collapse. The American dollar is ready to collapse and anything other than gold is an investment into futility. Gold, Silver and diamonds. This is the only true wealth of this world, other than faith and family.
Soul succubus – diamonds aren’t really worth squat when the real s..t goes down unless they’re industrial – no real market and engagement rings won’t be in the forefront of people’s priority list. Gold, guns and guts along with a good store of emergency supplies. I don’t keep much with religion so shove the faith crap. Plenty of ammo and a few good men round out checklist. By the way, gold will cost you 1259.60 an ounce unless you have prepared. I hope you took advantage of the last decade to buy low, diversify and accumulate wealth, if not, you come are way too late to this party.
You might be right about diamonds, but they will still be here when we’re shadows and dust……
Madoff Windfall,
Just noticed this thread. Wow! You got handed a beat down like taken to the woodshed dude. Maybe you should pull your foot out of your posting mouth. Asked and answered could have actually gotten this return from one stock during the rough time period he/she states. Bad post on your part.
Yep. Just like Babs, now Van Holland, Dutch, “Take every penny” Steny, Sarbanes, Cardin, Owe Malley etc,etc, did for years and years. Like they say, turn about is fair play. Get used to it. There’s a new sheriff in town. Wawawawa snowflakes.
Mr.Jackson you should run for Mayor of Aberdeen. Your Alt Right enough!
Are you a bald, fat, middle aged white guy?
No, but I am SNOWFLAKE!
You’re, you’re… the contraction of you + are, as in “You are Alt Right enough!” not your as in it belongs to you… tomorrow we’ll work on they’re, their and there… You were saying something about low IQ?
Wawa has the best snowflakes. People are saying it. The best people. Any negative polls about the snowflakes are fake polls.
Well of course Andy HarASS supports tRUMP’S agenda. He has no mind of his own!
If our “public schools are falling behind that of our global competitors” (like you said Android),
then it’s certainly not from bathroom identity issues. More than likely, it’s bad parenting AND lack of support from your party (throwing public money to private schools called “charter schools”).
Shame on you for your total lack of knowledge and backbone to do the right thing!
Also, what a “wus” you are for not having “bricks and mortar” town hall meetings with your constituents!
No excuses A-hole, because you’re willing to have screened call town hall meetings! You suck (literally). 🙁
Public schools were falling behind long before charter schools showed up. It’s been my experience that the public school curriculum and grading is much easier than private. But of course if the schools are failing, let’s not go and try anything different. What exactly would be the point, as you see it, for any Republican to hold a town hall meeting when it’s certain to end up being a room full of liberals who will spend the whole time shouting him or her down? Protests are fine, but not when the intention is to have a back and forth discussion and short of offering themselves up as a punching bag, no one will leave satisfied and the entire event is a waste of time. News flash: conservatives weren’t happy when Obama won… but most conservatives accepted the loss, planned for the future and went back to work. Most liberals will spend the next 4 years whining and crying over the loss and never move on. This is why they’re never mistaken for conservatives. I’m waiting for them to take things to the next level – falling to the ground and kicking and screaming until someone gives them what they want. The party elites actually seem to be doubling down and pushing further left. I’m still angry at the DNC for offering up such a crappy candidate. He wasn’t my first choice, but I refused to vote for her.
wow,typical liberal reply:when logic and common sense fail, sink to profanity. surprised you didn’t take a cue from your buddies Madonna and Michael moore and slip in few ‘F’ bombs.
Good Grief! Anyone who does NOT agree that a person with a penis should use the Men’s Room is totally out of their mind. Anyone who does NOT agree that a person with a vagina should use the Ladies Room is also out of their mind. This is common sense, not a political statement and the policy of the Obama administration that allowed this identity recognition and the use of the wrong bathroom is one I never agreed with. Now, Andy Harris is nothing more than a hypocrite that panders to his party’s speaking points. Andy Harris is a doctor. As a doctor he knows that addiction is a disease. As a doctor he knows that a disease should be treated, both medically and psychologically, with care and respect. Yet he supports the open system of Organized Crime and Terrorism that is the current policy of the Maryland Government regarding CDS and addiction. As a doctor, he knows that waste from any animal or human entering our water system is harmful to the environment, yet he declared that Cow Manure is harmless to our environment some years back. Quite frankly, I think that Andy Harris is not only a hypocrite, he is a complete moron. Drop your partisan BS and come up with some opinions that actually adhere to your background. What a useless tool……
What is amazing is that schools across the national are failing and the #1 issue for the demturds is allowing the trans-genders students access to the bathroom of their choice.
Ironically, the demturds support the bathroom of choice for students but oppose school vouchers which allow the parents of kids in failing schools to make the choice to send their kids to an alternate school of their choosing.
Trumpanzees – do they ever have an original thought or is it all just lines from Faux News?
They want to see your junk to make sure you’re in the place they want you. It’s a republican thing you wouldn’t understand.
From Russia with Love asks “do they ever have an original thought” and uses the term Faux News. How did you come up with that one?
I can’t believe with all that’s going on the demturds reversed this ruling. Those demturds are so stupid don’t they know God Trump is just going to turn it back after he fixes all the impotant stuff. He’s just to busy making America great again but just wait you demturds.
With all the BS coming from you, I guess you might consider yourself to be a “turd” expert.
Andy Harris is worthless as a representative. He won’t take phone calls, meetings in his office and is a coward that won’t show up to town halls with his constituents. There has never been a position republicans have taken that he hasn’t stood behind, even when unconstitutional or unethical, or in Trump’s case, full of lies. Without gerrymandering he would have never gotten in.
We have a president that attended private schools, yet he is poor at spelling and vocabulary. By contrast, go to any public high school and look at their student hall of fame display. You will see many successful people have graduated these schools. Maybe it is not the school, but the student and family support that makes the difference. Finally, can we stop with the name calling. The names aren’t even clever.
“Maybe it is not the school, but the student and family support that makes the difference. Finally, can we stop with the name calling. The names aren’t even clever.”
You have set the bar pretty high for most of the folks who post here.
Trump lifting the bathroom guidance has no effect in Maryland becuase we fall down n the 4th circuit.
You probably don’t want to be the he/she that walks in to the locker room or bathroom where my daughter is. It won’t be a good day for you.Just sayin’.
She a registered offender too?