From the Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union:
Deputy Sheriff’s and Correctional Officers – Collective Bargaining
Mike Montalvo, President of the Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union, applauds the introduction of HB1431 by the Harford County delegation, chaired by Delegate Teresa Reilly. President Montalvo thanks Delegates Mary Ann Lisanti and Rick Impallaria for their extensive roles in getting the bill introduced.
This legislation will provide Harford County Law Enforcement and Correctional Deputies the ability to collectively bargain with the Sheriff and the County Executive over matters of salary and benefits. There has been no formal mechanism for such negotiations until now. Ultimately, this bill will enhance public safety and improve recruitment and retention of qualified deputies.
“The members of the Deputy Sheriff’s Union and the Harford County Correctional Association are only seeking a seat at the table to have a say in the fate of their salaries”, Montalvo said. He added “It is vital that the County Executive be included in the legislation because he determines the budget. Ideally, County Executive Glassman will be able to fund the request from Sheriff Gahler as a result of the salary study conducted by Management Advisory Group. Then the only thing to negotiate will be annual step increases and the occasional COLA.”
“The Executive Board appreciates Delegates Reilly, Cassilly, Impallaria, Lisanti, McComas, and Szeliga taking the time to meet with us, learn and understand our issues, and ultimately voting to introduce a bill that met our members’ needs”, said Montalvo.
The Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union represents over 300 active and retired law enforcement deputies.
Once again I would like to remind everyone that this bill is unnecessary and just a bunch of red tape. Harford County Deputies have received raises in the past and have never had to ask the Legislators for their approval in such matters. If I am wrong in this matter, then it means every salary in the HCSO that is above the base hiring salary was done so illegally. The only exception would be the salary of the Sheriff, which is an elected state office and is determined by the Legislature. Point blank truth. You can like what I say or you don’t have to like it, but you better learn to love it because the truth sometimes just plain smacks you in the face…..
It’s not the deputies asking the legislators. It’s being able to talk with the executive about the funding available versus having the whole decision being a surprise.
It’s not red tape when this right doesn’t exist, county charter/law states that in order for this to occur state law has to be made/amended. All it gives is the ability for a conversation to occur whereas now no conversation has to occur.
What you are referring to is Red Tape. How did any Deputy receive a raise or negotiate a salary in the past? Since you would like to “twist” the situation to make it seem like I don’t know what I’m talking about, please answer how did Deputies in the past receive raises? Did they ask for them? Was it a step increase? If it was a step increase, who negotiated that step increase? Did the Deputy’s Union in the past help negotiate salaries? Did the Deputy’s Union negotiate the step increase? Once you answer those questions, you will see that everything I’m saying is true. The County Charter isn’t a new document. Nor is against the law to speak to a superior about a raise. You talk about a right to speak of a raise, WTF. There is this thing called freedom of speech and if you can’t exercise that right because of governmental Red Tape regarding a raise, then the whole process is unconstitutional. Deputies received raises in the past and they can receive them now, regardless of what some twisting attorney says of the process. You guys are getting buffaloed by a bunch a bureaucratic buffoons. Demand your raises. You were promised them…..
“All it gives is the ability for a conversation to occur whereas now no conversation has to occur.”
The Deputies have always had the ability “for” a conversation to occur, and many conversations regarding pay and compensation with County Executives has occurred in the past. What they want now is the “requirement” for a conversation to occur.
Whether this is productive or not remains to be seen.
Alright Mike, I’ll go along with that. However, I still think this whole process is unnecessary and was designed to hold off on giving the Deputies the raises they should’ve been getting long ago.
Without binding arbitration included in the legislation it will not mean much except requiring the two parties to have a conversation. I have heard that binding arbitration is no longer in the bill being considered by the legislature. I have not confirmed that information.
I do believe that the sworn officers will get a significantly better pay plan than currently exists.
If you only knew what you were talking about. You must have the same reality of FAKE news. The deputies want the ability to talk about money. The only people that I like are the ones who protect this county wearing blue!
Please refer to my response made to “justthefactsjack”. If you think you need the ability to talk, please try removing your thumb from your mouth. Maybe that will give you the ability or even the courage to do something for yourself……
If you only knew what you were talking about. Just another uninformed person. Are you the smartest person in the room. Btw last time I checked im older then you think and know more then you think. Keep spreading your FAKE ideas.
Whatever, if you can not see the truth then its your loss. I have no idea how old you are, nor do I care and I’ve been called much worse than FAKE and it doesn’t bother me one bit. If you wish to a product of social conditioning then that’s your business, not mine. I just try and spread the truth to the public so they can make an educated decision for themselves…..
You spread the truth using a fake name. I’m sure you care because you want people to think you know what your talking about. One piece of advice…’s not working. I’ve seen people like you come and go. It’s the hard working deputies that stay the course.
Heres the Truth!!!……Why would we give Harford co killer cops and the scum that work at the pissing palace…..More money? They don’t earn the pay they already receive. Yes , I will give you a raise…..Bend over pig!