From Krist Boardman:
Now we have it in black and white: Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler won’t back pay increases for deputies unless he gets a whopping pay increase for himself of 20 percent amounting to $23,688 more per year starting in 2019, if he is re-elected. Apparently he’s been having trouble getting by on the measly $117,645 that he makes now.
The deputies and their union are making nice to Gahler because they need his support for any pay increase that they can get, and he has shamelessly taken advantage of this to try to put through a big raise for himself. The deputies have been put in a position of poverty and the sheriff’s agency has been losing experienced personnel to police agencies in the state because of their difficult situation.
If Sheriff Gahler were so interested in transparency he would publicly release the salary study done by the Management Advisory Group International Inc. hired by his own agency. After all, the study whose cost has not been mentioned in published reports, was also paid for with public funds. Presumably this study graphically illustrates what hardships the deputies have endured in recent years, though it is probably asking too much of the sheriff that the study be shared with the public.
Of course, in all fairness to Sheriff Gahler, maybe it is asking too much that he be left off of the gravy train when so many of his Republican colleagues are being treated so well, including the county executive, state’s attorney and county council and numerous others from their party also at the public trough. The irony is that these Republicans are so sanctimonious about Democratic spending except when it comes to treating themselves so well.
In his letter, Executive Glassman mentions Governor Hogan’s “ethical reforms” but apparently overlooked that the one state senator who sponsored the bill that would increase state’s attorney Joe Cassilly’s pay was his own brother Robert Cassilly. What kind of ethical reform was that?
No, I think the legislature should withhold Gahler’s pay increase while giving the deputies their increase, or at the very least scale it back to less than the percentage to be gained by the deputies, since 10 percent of Gahler’s salary is a lot more than any deputy’s. And at the same time, unless there is another reason I haven’t thought of, the deputies should be given the right to collective bargain as well.
Krist Boardman
Lets see…..Public trough. Dutch, Babs, Sarbanes, (father-now son),Cardin, Busch, Miller, Cummings, Hoyer, and the list goes on and on. We need term limits in all areas of government. These people only care about getting reelected and staying at the trough. Drain the Swamp!
From what I have read, this could not be further from the truth. The deputies go small increases each or the sheriffs first two years and now with the salary study he is supporting fixing theirs and his salary from years of neglect. Not at all the way Lying Boardman suggests.
Hey Krist or Chris or whatever your name is this week. Where is it in “black and white” because I certainly can’t find anything to validate your claim? Please show us all you are not a liar and post the link to where we can all read what you are claiming – should be very very easy unless you are completely lying. My money is on the lie, but please prove me wrong. People are waiting for you to show you can be trusted and not another typical democrat.
The news report was in the Aegis : You gotta buy a newspaper. just once. Stop being a typical lazy republican .
Boardman should have provided proof of his acusation. After reading the article i do not see a link between the deputy and sheriff pay. While i disagree with linking the sheriffs pay to a district judges pay, no where did it say the sheriff would not support raises for his deputies if the link did not happen. So boardman lied, but he is correct if there was a study done then the taxpayer should have access to it.
It is obvious that Boardman and the rest of the Democrat libs are working on their opinionated “crybaby tactics” to oust one of the best Sheriff’s Harford County has had in many years. It is also obvious that Boardman is oblivious to how a Sheriff in Maryland has his salary set. The Sheriff does not set his own pay, nor does he have a say in it. In Maryland , a Sheriff’s salary is determined by the General Assembly, as a Sheriff is an elected State official.
I’m sorry but a $23,000 raise for nothing is outrageous. That like an extra $500 per week on your paycheck
Well, if a $23,000 raise for nothing is outrageous, what would be an appropriate raise for nothing?
Several senior ranking Deputies of the Sheriff’s Office currently make more money than the Sheriff. Should these Deputies receive a pay raise?
Not only should the pay study be made public for all of our Harford County citizens to see, but the current pay scale for both Deputy and Civilian positions at the Sheriff’s Office should be made public. I would be very interested in seeing the “poverty” wages being paid to our public safety employees of the HCSO.
You mean high ranking deputies that have been working for 20+ years? They should make more then the Sheriff that has been here for two years and already wants a 20% raise for himself. It appears he is using the salary deficiency with his deputies, to pad his own pockets. Sneaky Gahler
Its underhanded and unethical — !!!!
You comments about Sheriff Gahler are unfounded and slanderous. You obviously do not have any idea about how the Deputies receive their pay raises. The Sheriff argues before the County Council for pay raises for his men and women. They are the ones that decide the pay raises. The Maryland General Assembly, and only the Maryland General Assembly sets salaries for all Sheriff’s in Maryland and individual Sheriffs have nothing to do with the outcome. You owe Sheriff Gahler an apology!
Your are wrong the Sheriff never goes to the council for any pay or any budget issues. The Harford County Council does not have appropriation authority. Only the County executive does and that is whom the Sheriff and the School System talks to for pay increases for employees. The County Executive makes the budget and the council can only cut from it. So the council does not decide the Deputies pay raises and you will never see the Sheriff asking the council of it.
Section 504 of the county Charter – Formulation of current expense budget.
Not later than four months prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the head of each agency which receives or disburses County funds shall furnish to the County Executive annual work programs setting forth the nature, volume, cost, and other factors concerning the work to be performed and the estimates of the revenues and expenditures of their several operations for that fiscal year. Estimated revenues shall be detailed as to source, and estimated expenditures as to program or project. All such estimates shall be submitted in such form and with such other supporting data as the County Executive may request. The County Executive may amend the budget proposals, except for the budget request of the Legislative Branch and any County Board of Appeals established pursuant to Article 25A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and shall cause to be prepared the County budget as set forth in Sections 506, 507, and 508 of this Charter.
Section 512 of the county charter – Action on the budget by the Council.
After the public hearings, the Council may decrease or delete any items in the budget except those required by the laws of this state or of this County, and except any provisions for debt service on obligations then outstanding or for estimated cash deficits. The Council shall have no power to change the form of the budget as submitted by the County Executive, or to alter the revenue estimates except to correct mathematical errors, or to increase any expenditure recommended by the County Executive for current expense or capital purposes.
The adoption of the current expense budget and the capital budget shall be by the affirmative vote of at least four members of the Council by a law to be known as the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance. Any borrowing to finance capital projects must be authorized by an existing law of the General Assembly of Maryland or by a law of the Council adopted in accordance with this Charter.
The Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance shall be adopted by the Council not later than 15 calendar days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, and if the Council fails to do so, the proposed current expense budget, as submitted by the County Executive and as may have been amended by the Council shall stand adopted, and funds for the expenditures proposed in the current expense budget shall stand appropriated as fully and to the same extent as if favorable actions thereon had been taken by the Council.
[Amended by Bill Nos. 78-25; 12-30]
So unless the Sheriff is asking for his budget to be cut, he is not going to the council.
Damit I hate when this happens……
Of course the Sheriff appears before the County Council regarding budget issues. It would be wise to appear before the Council to advocate for no cuts to your budget, which you have acknowledged the Council can do. I have personally been in attendance when the Sheriff along with several of the HCSO department heads have appeared to speak on behalf of the budget before the council.
The only way any deputies are making more than the sheriff is by working a lot of overtime. Most of regular overtime gigs are reimbursed by whoever is benefiting from them (i.e. churches, apartment complexes, etc) and ultimately doesn’t come out of taxpayer money.
The rest of the overtime is typically because of shift’s being short staffed which goes back to the problem of hiring and retaining deputies….primarily because of the pay situation.
Do yourself a favor and actually look at the current HCSO pay scale for Law Enforcement Deputies.
The scale, along with the scale for Corrections and Civilian Positions within the HCSO used to be included in the HCSO web site under starting salary but has been removed after the last significant raise this past July that singled out certain Law Enforcement grades for additional compensation over and above all other positions.
If you ask me if members of the HCSO are fairly compensated, I would ask; in relationship to what? When comparing the salary of HCSO members to other surrounding agencies the answer would probably be, NO. However, we certainly don’t have any sworn Deputies making a poverty wage, far from it. I would never discourage giving more money to our public safety personnel in order to keep the best folks available in our various agencies from going to other Counties.
I would also not do what Mr. Boardman has done, which is to make a political issue out of the Sheriff trying to do the best for their employees.
Gahlers job is an elected position. If he didn’t like the salary don’t run for office. His salary should have no correlation to deputies who spend their lives getting to where hey are through hard work and dedication.
Didn’t Jeff retire from the state police? Is his pension and salary combined just not enough to make ends meet?
Quite frankly, the deputies should have already been given their raises. This whole take it to the legislators thing is ridiculous. I mean the deputies have been given raises in the past. There is no entry level deputy that is making the same amount that an entry level deputy made in 2000. No act of legislation was needed then and none is needed now. The whole thing is just a bunch of red tape to prolong the avoidance of giving the Harford County Deputies their just pay. Just my opinion, but I think I am clearly making sense……
Why should someone with less education or accomplishments than myself deserve to earn more money for a position that does not entail any deep thought. It’s not like Gahler is putting his life in harms way like those under him. If he doesn’t like it, get out and let someone else do the job!
Is Jeff still an operating partner at Advanced Leadership Consortium? I know he backed off his request to moonlight while being the elected sheriff but what ever happened?
What is it with this guy and money to line his pockets, sounds like Trump.
You mean the same Trump who voluntarily is not taking the $400,000 per year salary that comes with office?
Who needs $400,000 year when you can make a million in one night at your own superbowl party, or 5 million on renting rooms to secret service, or 900K on a new years eve party….
Yea that Trump
You’ve got Trump confused with the Clintons, Biden and a few others that “rent” living quarters to their Secret Service protection details..They “rent” property to the Secret Service to the tune of $15,000 to $25,000 per month…..for the remainder of their lives……and We The People pay for it!
Nope old Trumpy is renting out an entire floor of Dump Towers in NYC to the secret service so the wife and kid don’t have to live with him.The security detail is costing $1 million per day to the taxpayers but hey it’s not like it’s his money.
It’s $1.5 million per year, not per day. Don’t be so melodramatic and try to inflate the numbers.
This is commonplace. How do you think these ex-President’s actually pay their mortgages? By renting space to the USG for protection.
Clinton’s mortgage is roughly $11,500 per month. The Clinton’s added a new wing onto their New York mansion to house the Secret Service and charge them $10,000 per month in rent.
Ex-President’s are also paid a stipend for travel, office space, communications, printing services, supplies and materials and “other” expenses. The total, before Obama, was about $3.5 million per year. This is outside of what the Secret Service pays to each former President.
Let’s not even get into the cost to the USG for all of Michelle Obama’s world-class vacations.
It is estimated that the protection for Obama is going to run upwards of $2m per year while he remains in DC. Not to mention the fact that the USG will have to foot the bill for all of the additional construction to the house, as well as modifications made to the neighborhood.
$1.5 is a drop in the well with all things considered. I think with him foregoing the $400,000 a year salary it’s at least a decent move.
Yes, he will ultimately make millions more while in (and out) of office. However, why blast him when it happens for everyone of them? How is he any different? Aren’t we all “about the money” in the long run?
Reagan made nearly $2 million months after leaving office. In 10 years after leaving office, Bill Clinton has made nearly $75 million. GW nearly $15 million.
Yes, Trump is obviously a bad man making all of that money. Shame on him.
Another Boardman lie. Big surprise from a democrat. Sheriff Gahler has already done more for all the employees in his first two year than democratic Bane managed in 8 years.
Just want to remind you to not throw around that you are a member of HCDSU to gain support. I am also a member and I completely disagree with you. What has changed for the good in the last two years? I’m guessing you are now left alone. Is your name Danny or Donnie or Carl by any chance?
Remind me….what has he done?
Everything he promised to. Sorry that makes you sad little SJW.
Raised pay first two years and fighting for a raise for everyone this year. That’s 3 for 3 unlike Jesse Bane who was 0 for 8.
Got rid of that damn helicopter!
Leading heroin fight
Bringing 287g to jail.
I can go on, but you have probably already retreated to your safe space and stopped reading.
Boardman you are way off base on this. Sheriff Gahler has done more to support the DSU than the Bane did his entire time as sheriff. Why do you think they are so far behind, because Bane didn’t care about them and let them get screwed by the County. The deserves a raise too period.
The sheriff of Harford County and the Deputies are all under paid. The Harford County Sheriffs office is the largest sheriffs office in the state. Let’s see, the police chief of Baltimore County makes $250,000 a year. The sheriff of Anne Arundel County and Queen Annes County make between $135,000 and $140,000 and each of the agencies have only about 100 employees. The Charles County Sheriff makes 143,000, $30,000 more then the Harford sheriff which has about the same number of employees and the same responsibilities. While sergeants, LT and Captains make about 20 to 25k more then the same ranks here in Harford. For 7 years the steps and salary increases for deputies were frozen, now that the economy has turned around it’s time to help all ranks of the sheriffs office catch up to the rest of the state. We have a very low crime rate in the county, thanks to our deputies and sheriffs. Let’s not lose them to other agency’s that pay more.
Sheriff Gahler is supporting the salary increase for his deputies. The current salary for the Sheriff is below the comparable surrounding agency heads of police departments in Maryland. Plus the proposal submitted in Annapolis will not take effect until the next Sheriff takes office in 2018. We can assume that will be Gahler but regardless, now is the time to submit this proposal to correct the compression issues created over the past several years and to pay the county Sheriff a wage that is appropriate for such an important elected position. Fair and Balanced comes to mind here.
Gahler is way underpaid fro his level of responsibility. As a taxpayer I support raising his pay to at least $150K annually.
Typikal drivel from a demokrat. Enjoy the super bowl and revel in the Trump hating indoktrination kommercials.
Mr. Boardman,
Can you please let us know where you got the information to support your claim that Sheriff Gahler is not supporting a raise for his personnel until he gets a raise? I read the article on the Dagger and the article in the Aegis and neither support your claim. It appears that he is trying to correct years of neglect by the previous sheriff and executive for all positions and that the correction for the employees is not conditional on the Sheriff’s position being raised.
Mr. Boardman the problem with the Democratic Party is clear and clearly demonstrated in your post, an inability to be honest. Congratulations on continuing the proud example of your party, dishonesty.
Sheriff Gahler has not tried to sneak anything through like others. He has laid it out for all to see and to honestly assess. Too bad you have no integrity to treat the topic honestly.
Devious, underhanded and unethical
What, exactly, do you feel is underhanded and unethical? He didn’t propose the pay raise, the legislators did. He is merely voicing public support – who wouldn’t?
The sheriff is under paid for what he does compared to any law enforcement agaency in this State. So are his psersonnel. They both deserve a raise. I believe Harford County is the only county where the Top law enforcement exec makes less than the county exec or mayor. Hmmm, ponder that
If these clowns who played in the super bowl can earn millions of dollars annually, both Gahler, and all the Harford County Sherriff’s Office uniformed officers certainly deserves a decent raise. BRAC brought many high paid wage earners to the County who can certainly afford a property tax increase to pay for the raise.
All those high paid wage earners are too busy crashing their high paid motor vehicles around the county and crying out for a traffic circle at every 4 way intersection in the county.
I love those traffic circles. It slows down these crazy drivers who think they have a right to drive their pickup trucks through my 25mph residential neighborhood doing 40, 50+ mph!! Slow down guys – what’s the rush?
Your comment makes no sense.
A traffic circle in a 25mph won’t slow anyone down if they have the ability to speed. You can simply drive straight through the “apron” of the circle without navigating the “circle” and more so with them pick-em-trucks.
There’s a more cheaper alternative to slowing traffic down in your neighborhood, it’s called a speed bump.
What people want are “traffic circles” placed on +45mph roads. Makes no sense, and even less sense than no sense when these roads have no traffic signals for miles and just stop signs guarding perpendicular roads.
The Sheriff should make more than his subordinates but it must be equitable. The Deputies MUST receive pay parity with surrounding agencies or the quality of law enforcement in the county will diminish; just common sense.
Clearly we have a few liberal deputies and their friends posting the same crap over and over. Lets not forget people we are a conservative county, for smaller less expensive and less intrusive government.
If the replies here were any thing close to he way the county leans Hillary would have won the election.
You fail.
Even if Hillary had won your county it wouldn’t have made a difference, Hillary would have lost by the rest of the states that voted for Trump. Just to remind you, Hillary did win Maryland and your county’s vote had no factor in the election. Maryland traditionally votes democrat and she definitely won Maryland. I’m not trying to start a political debate, but I think you typed before you thought about what you were typing…..
So you think a fiscally conservative county which always votes Republican is suddenly all for liberal ideas like bigger government at an increased cost?
One of us isn’t thinking and for a change it’s not me.
What? I didn’t say that at all. I see that you do want to start a political debate. The election is over.
You are right you didn’t say that, I tried to bring the conversation back to the original post and you are trying to explain the voting habits of Maryland. It’s not a debate you are derailing the conversation.
Please revisit the last complete sentence of your post from 2/6/17 at 9:33 a.m. and think about that sentence. “If the replies here were any thing close to he way the county leans Hillary would have won the election”. My response was to this sentence because it made no sense. Sorry to burst your bubble or cause you any emotional distress, but I call them like I see them….
Harford County has always paid it’s government employees, deputies and teachers less than the surrounding counties. The Craig administration exacerbated the wage disparity by withholding salary increase from these people during his tenure as County Executive. It is hard to fund pay increases when all the available tax revenue is being used to construct fancy new buildings. Nice buildings are great as long as you have quality people to operate within them. If not those buildings are of little value and certainly not worth the return on investment. Harford County has been paying the price for David Craig’s short sighted approach to government responsibility to it’s employees, citizens and businesses. Under Craig the pay dropped so low we couldn’t keep quality employees or attract quality replacements. The Glassman is now put in the position of having to put all it’s added revenue resources into salaries to compensate for Craig’s previous 10 years of mismanagement. In doing so Glassman is having to put the skids on Capital projects to pay for these needed salary increases and lower the debt service which was eating up too much of the counties tax base. Hopefully we can at some point return to a position where we can both keep and hire quality people in Harford County while also attending to our Capital needs to properly maintain or current infrastructure and add new as the need arises.
Like we needed more proof that Republicans are just bad for working people and tax payers.
Glassman is a Republican. It just depends on where your priorities lay. Craig’s was about building monuments and at this point Glassman is holding true to his campaign to invest in human capital.
Craig was a Democrat. He turned republican so he could win elections in Republican dominated Harford county. What Craig did for ten years to this county is despicable. All of his “policies” were simply to set up his run for governor. Don’t forget he also lowered property taxes in the midst of the worst real estate crash in decades. Property taxes were already going to be lowered as a result of the decline in property values. He irresponsibly lowered them more further reducing revenue to the county. Dreadful.
I agree with the posts about David Craig.
When I was a candidate for Harford County Council president in 2014 and appeared before the
deputies’ union, it was clear the major issue they wanted to discuss was the delayed and deferred
step increases to their pay, so that is what we talked about. I have spent a lot of time talking to Harford
deputies over the years so this is something I am sympathetic to. But the fact is that Sheriff Gahler has
been in office for over two years and his recent activity is long overdue. REGARDLESS OF HOW MUCH
HE PERSONALLY GETS PAID, his first job after getting sworn in should have been to get the pay situation cleared up for the people who go out and put their lives on the line with the public every day. Where were his priorities? He had all kinds of pet projects he was pushing with his pet legislators during
his first two years and they didn’t have anything to do with the compensation mess. It had more to do with his empire building.
Now some of you can make a lot about how underpaid the sheriff may be. I personally don’t think
he is underpaid, but for the sake of argument let’s agree that other sheriffs and police chiefs make more in other places. Why did Jeff run for the position if he didn’t think it was paying enough? Why didn’t
he campaign on a platform that he needed a pay raise? Now that he’s let us know he thinks his services are undervalued, why does he do it at the same time that the deputies need to have their pay corrected? It doesn’t look good for him to do this especially at the same time. Whether or not this is true, he looks like someone who is so in love with money and never has enough of it. The taxpayers gave him a nice job and al he can do is bellyache about why he needs a raise.
Don’t jump on my bandwagon about Craig and use that as a pretext to bash Gahler. I agree with the Sheriff on these issues and disagree with you on everything else you have posted on Dagger over the years.
It doesn’t look good for him to advocate a revised pay plan for his sworn employees? What does not look good?
Gahler is pursuing a new pay plan for his employees with the County Executive and County Council and, in a separate initiative before the legislature a pay increase for the position of Sheriff of Harford County.
I see nothing in either of these initiatives that reflect badly on Sheriff Gahler in asking for consideration of these requests.
The only individual trying to make this a political issue is Mr. Boardman.
You really are as dumb as they come. If you ever hope to hold the people’s trust, you best start pursuing a path of honesty. Sheriff Gahler started the process of a salary study right out of the gate. He pursued fair increases while waiting for the study and now, armed with real facts, has gone to bat for his personnel. At the same time Sheriff Gahler told his employees he would not seek to rectify his own salary until he was successful in getting them some increases. That occurred in each of his first two years as Sheriff. Keep digging, but you will only find yourself deeper in the mud against a Sheriff who has been true to his word, unlike the last Democrat Sheriff who did nothing for his employees. You are following a path of failure and tired old Deocratic spin. Go attack someone else because Sheriff Gahler is in a league of his own, an honest elected official.
Mr. Krist likes to post looney writings to get everyone all riled up. He hopes this exposure will get him to the trough. Dion, Mary D James (who have been at the trough and dying to get back) and Krist are forming the “New Democratic Club” along with Jansen who is currently at the trough. Should be a real hoot. All should go and listen to their ramblings.
Why did it tale Sheriff Gahler two years to propose a plan to fix the compensation for the deputies, and why did he tie it to own pay raise? Can your answer that or are you simply going to try any kind of abuse?
Who cares why it took Sheriff Gahler two years to propose a plan to fix the compensation for the deputies? He did not tie their plan to his compensation increase. One is an issue before County Government and the other before State Government.
Lol! When you are defending yourself in the comments of your own crappy letter, you know you lost the trust of the readers.
All of a sudden Chris/Krist is concerned about the taxpayer dollar when it comes to Republican Sheriff Gahler, but had no problem with the $38,000 per foot, at the minimum, cost to build the Red Line or pushing to spend our money to buy back a bunch of broken firearms. Apparently, he loves the idea of spending the working man’s money to further his democrat agenda.
“The True Democratic Club of Harford County (TDC) will host its first organizational meeting at 7 p.m. at the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office on Pulaski Highway in Edgewood on Wednesday February 22.”
I’m curious. How much is your lib club paying for the use of the precinct?
Ms. “Moderate”, The deputies cared about this two ad a half years ago, even longer than that. It took
the sheriff more than two years to do anything about it. If I was a deputy I would be incensed that it would take him so long to correct a problem that is central to the operation of the sheriff’s agency, and then to tie his fixing of the problem to a big pay increase for himself when he is already being adequately compensated. If you can’t see anything wrong with that then that is your own problem. Anyway, you can abuse me all you want for pointing out this simple truth but the fact is Sheriff Gahler is going to have to get this through the legislature and that may take more than just sending nasty comments to me..
If the Deputies cared that much about the current convoluted pay plan why was their Union over with Glassman last year negotiating a special pay increase which (again) was just for the Senior Deputies and Corporals which Glassman was happy to provide to them.
As you know Mr. Boardman, any new pay plan for the Deputies is not an issue before the Legislature. Only the compensation for the Sheriff is considered by the Legislature. The Deputies pay plan is one that is approved by the Executive in concurrence with the County Council agreeing to fund the plan.
Your continued efforts to mislead the readers of this forum is very evident, and shameful.
All. Ole Krist/Chris letter appeared in the Aegis today. He wants that trough water so bad.
He should pack up and move to San Francisco. He would be a perfect fit.
The Aegis agrees with me as they created a cartoon and wrote an editorial emphasizing many of the same points. Jeff is going to have to look for another job after he loses his re-election bid and hangers-on are going to latch onto someone else because Jeff’s star is falling. He’s only into being sheriff for himself, that should be obvious.
That’s interesting. A little over two years ago everyone on this forum was saying that Sheriff Bane was going to win the election. As we now know, Gahler trounced Sheriff Bane. He certainly has not made everyone in the HCSO happy, but to suggest that his star is falling is just ludicrous. That said, there is plenty of time left before the next election for his star to fall, but it has not done so yet, nor do I expect that it will.
Mr. Boardman,
Suggesting that The Aegis validates your comments is laughable. The Aegis is one of the least credible newspapers in Harford County.
And you are more credible? we don’t even know who you are. You don’t have the courage to
identify yourself. You sound like Donald Trump, attacking the press, but at least we know who he is.
Ah, Mr. Boardman, you wish to take the discussion to a personal level. I thought you would rise above the normal Democrat rhetoric of labels and stick to the issue, but of course you didn’t disappoint.
You’re busting on the sheriff while at the same time planning to have your Hillary boo-hoo get together (the TDC) at his precinct. That’s jacked up, Kris. I sure hope you’re reimbursing the taxpayer.
Trump won. You never have..