From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Minutes of the New Harford Democratic Club
Wednesday, January 4, 2017, at the Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express
President Johnson opened the meeting at 7:06p
Johnson led those present in a pledge to the flag
Steve Johnson welcome everybody and asked those present to identify themselves.
Motion to approve the minutes from last month, unanimous approval
Treasurers report from George Harrison. He reported on the fiscal year 2016: The current operating account has $12,687. 28. Total income for the year $4,069.88, $2,836 from Dues, $467 from Miscellaneous contributions and $471 for contributions to the room rental. Expenses totaled $3,816.31, which included room rental, contributions to candidate campaigns and a membership dues mailing. Motion to accept the report was approved unanimously.
No reports from other clubs.
President Johnson reported on club efforts to support candidates for office. He noted that the club offers financial help at a 50-50 match, as well a pro bono consultation, message development and mailer designs.
Discussion followed concerning elections in 2018 and how to compete with the Republicans.
Johnson introduced Ryan Burbey, president of the Harford County Education Association.
“We need people to come forward on behalf of our teachers,” he said. “We are losing 300 teachers a year. A 50% turnover on the Route 40 corridor. Many of these students do not see the same teachers year after year. The school board is going to have to make some hard decisions because the money is just not there. We have to work within the realty we have now.”
He said in order to change the political climate you must organize around the issues. He said most of the people at the bottom, who live paycheck to paycheck who don’t have confidence in the system. They don’t care about politics, he said, but they do care about those things that affect them directly.
He then discussed ways to get citizens involved. He suggested that Board of Education elections are easiest to work on and it is a stepping stone for higher office.
Discussion followed on how to connect with potential voters.
Meeting has adjourned at 8:45.
Submitted by George Harrison, Acting Secretary.
And a dandy event it was. Thank you all and Mr. Burbey.