From the Bel Air Police Department:
Over the past several days the Bel Air Police Department has received a number of calls (positive and negative) concerning a highly charged issue facing our society today. This issue involves officer and citizen interaction related to immigration status. Most media outlets who have shared the details of this event have been fair; however, intimate details of the incident were not provided and/or excluded. In an effort to reinforce our belief on transparent policing we are releasing further details of the incident.
The Bel Air Police Department in no manner supports bias based policing/racial profiling tactics while in the performance of our duties. The Bel Air Police Department is transparent in its operations and treats everyone with respect, dignity and in an unbiased fashion. Our goal is to earn everyone’s respect and admiration and to keep our community safe.
Since the initial incident, we have experienced a very productive dialogue with Ms. Pillalamarri and her family who are supportive of our efforts and vision for keeping this community safe. We encouraged the Pillalamarri’s to share their story to reduce the confusion, tension and anxieties that some citizens may experience when interacting with officers, especially for the first time.
On December 21, 2016 at around 9:40 AM our officers were dispatched to Homestead Village, a quiet and small neighborhood located in southern Bel Air. The call involved a resident who was asking officers to check a suspicious person walking in the neighborhood. The caller indicated that she was concerned because in the past there had been thefts of packages from porches in the area. The police department has also investigated several burglaries in that neighborhood. The caller provided a description of the suspicious person including clothing and the suspicious activity. The officer made contact with this complainant who advised the officer that the suspicious person had made several laps of the court, walking slowly and peering into parked cars. She could not identify the person’s race or ethnicity but described the clothing that matched what Ms. Pillalamarri was wearing and the direction in which she traveled when leaving the court.
The officer began searching and located Ms. Aravinda Pillalamarri in the immediate area; who matched the clothing and general physical description provided by the complainant. Upon his approach to Ms. Pillalamarri, the officer was immediately asked by Ms. Pillalamarri if she was being stopped for “walking while brown.” The officer immediately denied this and indicated to her that he had been dispatched to a call for service and was trying to check her welfare. Ms. Pillalamarri then began to walk away from the officer, refusing to speak to him or to provide identification. The officer continued to attempt to establish dialogue.
Upon arrival of the supervisor, he attempted dialogue with Ms. Pillalamarri, including establishing her identity and indicating to her that she was stopped because of a criminal investigation. Ms. Pillalamarri then requested to know if she was under arrest and she was told that she was not. After several attempts to establish her identity, she was asked if she was in the country legally. The officer indicated to her that once identification was made she would be free to leave. After further dialogue that included explaining the reason for interacting with her, Ms. Pillalamarri provided her name. Once the officers verified her identity and confirmed that no criminal activity was afoot she was allowed to proceed. The call for service was concluded with no further action. The entire interaction with Ms. Pillalamarri was less than 13 minutes in duration.
Law enforcement has an obligation to investigate any suspicious activity and the Bel Air Police Officers performed that essential function in this incident. The supervisor (seasoned and well respected in his community) engaged in a dialogue that had migrated into a sensitive and socially charged topic. Diffusing and stabilizing highly charged and difficult situations, like this require constant training and practice. Continual training and education improves awareness and relieves anxieties faster. It is also clear that questioning ones immigration status isn’t the answer for relieving tension.
We encourage open and reasonable dialogue on this topic, however, comments that are rude, vulgar, discriminatory, racist, biased, threatening in nature, will be removed from our social media. It is hoped that open dialogue, such as this, will help everyone realize that hostility and anger are not the key in resolving this issue in our community or country. All officers will begin updated training on bias based/implicit bias within the near future as a result of this incident.
Chief Charles A. Moore
Billy says
Translation: some old, white person saw a brown person walking the neighborhood. Very suspicious. What a load of crap. The department should be ashamed. But hey, at least we’re “Making America Great Again,” right? Vomit.
Matt Jones says
Typical troll. The call seemed detailed to me and cops were just doing there job.
Lance from Hickory says
They are a joke. Just like Police Chief Moore who took several days to respond. I can’t even figure out what politicians support the police or are against the police. Let them speak. The only one I have seen speak up is Commissioner Brendan Hopkins. Maybe the only one that will. I thought better of Bel Air.
M. Sammy says
I hope that Jesse Bane or Chuck Moore run for Sheriff. They’re very good with the community and do an excellent job.
Boom goes the Lib says
I would love to see that too! Sheriff Gahler would destroy those libtards. Boy would that be great to watch!
Cdev says
NO the cops didn’t need to ask for imigration status. They escalated the situation. They confirmed her belief that she was stopped for being brown.
Hick Or E says
It’s a legal question, especially if she fails to ID, or attempts to evade as she was doing.
just a point says
This is a true fact. My friend who is a South American, and who has been a citizen over here in the united states for years. (heavy accent) was pulled over driving and was asked for his paperwork pertaining to his immigration status. My buddy says I have been a U.S. citizen for years and looks over at the guy in the passenger seat and tells the Cop, why dont you ask him? The passenger was on a work Visa from England. However because my friend had a heavy accent he was then questioned.
Big Black says
No one gives a shit what you think Boniface. You are just another PC political hack. You are lucky to have a job thanks to Jim McMahon.
Open Your Eyes says
@ Mr. Boniface
The Bel Air Police received a call for service and responded accordingly. I do not understand why you say they should be ashamed. My translation of your post is if a suspect is a person of color the police should not investigate for fear of offending someone. I don’t know if you read of a recent incident where a female police officer did not use deadly force and was beaten down by a black male in a situation where deadly force was warranted because of her concerns about being second guessed by people the likes of you. News flash Pal, people of any color can be criminals. When the police are called they are obligated to respond and investigate. If anyone should be ashamed iris you Sir.
M. Sammy says
Billy: Thank you! We have to stop the profiling.
Fake news is bad for everybody says
For the record the M Sammy posts are bogus. They are obviously being posted by a Bane hating troll who is trying to incite anger and hysteria along with facilitating racial disharmony. Nice try but I call B.S. on this one. They want you to believe that the M Sammy post were made by a liberal Edgewood community activist named Mildred Sammy. Feel free to contact her about the posts and I am quite sure it will be verified that the post are bogus. Bane haters stop putting out fake news. Very lame!
Matt Jones says
I can’t believe this is even an issue. I just saw the press release on one of the town commissioners Facebook page. He/She is courageous for standing behind their police department. It’s about time we saw a local politician with a set of balls. I just wonder why the department and chief waited so long to make a statement.
Elmer Fudd says
He had to read his own policies first. Right after the incident he said he didn;t know what the polcy was!
John Hinkle says
Is this what you’re talking about- ?
John Hinkle says
I’m not sure if the link worked but it was Commissioner Hopkins page. He is a Bel Air Commissioner.
Mike Callahan says
Thanks for the link. Theres more info here than in Sun,Aegis! Allison Galbraith should run for political office BAPD should apologize. Police didnt investigate complaint. They use it to harass a citizen who wasnt white. BAPD needs to retrain its entire police force. A law suit might wake them up. .
Big Black says
Probably getting a lesson in being Jesse Bane’s political Biotch.
Lance from Hickory says
Are we really surprised. It’s Jesse liberal Bane. Head of the dept Charles Moore also falls into the chicken category. Way to stand up for your people. I looked at a link the only notable person that stood up is Brendan Hopkins. What about the other Town politicians.?You guys are a joke!
M. Sammy says
Out come all of the Jesse Bane bashers. Who cares who did what. We have all the facts now. That’s all that matters.
Phibeous Fromenbunger says
Got it. She made it a confrontational and racial issue and now everyone should kiss her butt. Good thing Chief Bane was there to smooze her.
Lance from Hickory says
It seems Jesse Bane and Chick Moore are up to no good. Glad I live out of town. But I still travel there.
Billy Jack says
The PD made it a racial and confrontational issue. She showed great restraint. Unacceptable behavior on the part of law enforcement. Period.
Hick Or E says
How, exactly, did the PD make it racial and confrontational issue?
This lady was the FIRST to make her smart-ass remarks about “stopped for being brown”. That, right there, immediately escalated the situation.
Then she failed to obey, failed to ID, and continued walking away from the officer in an apparent show of willful disobedience. Yes, “great restraint” at not being a self-righteous b!tch.
Are you not aware that they are LEGALLY allowed to ask that question? How is it unacceptable to ask if the person is here legally? How?
Keep giving her the 15 minutes of fame she desires.
Fed Up says
“The officer indicated to her that once identification was made she would be free to leave.”
Pretty much sums up the entire racial witch hunt. There was no suspicious behavior. There was no “criminal investigation”
Just a person with dark skin out for a walk, which thanks to Fox news and the republican party is enough to shoot to kill from your safe room duct taped shut with poly sheeting.
I would hope the Bel Air police department did a thorough investigation of the reporting person which include a background check and lie detector to qualify this persons report of criminal activity.
Harford County Constitutionalist says
This happens to white people all the time in bel air, the only difference is that people only care if it is a brown person. You matched a description that somebody thought was up to no good, maybe it was you maybe it wasn’t, show some id and move on. Grow up your acting like a child. Let’s not use tax dollars to pay for “learn how to not offend people classes”. The job of the police is to keep the peace, not stop policing because someone is brown.
denny says
You are implying the Bel Air police stop white people walking main street everyday and demand to see their papers.
I can say without a doubt…… once again you are wrong.
Please stop lying.
Hick Or E says
What he said, if you paid any attention, was that “other” people are stopped all of the time for suspicious circumstances.
Are all of them asked about their immigration status? Probably not, but the question is not an illegal one the police can’t ask. They are perfectly within their legal authority to question if the person they are speaking with is in the country legally…
As for you, “Fed Up”, we are all “Fed Up” with the armchair quarterbacks to went to the Facebook School of Law.
You mentioned, “The officer indicated to her that once identification was made she would be free to leave.” How silly those cops are that they want to verify with whom they are speaking…how rude.
The best way for them to clarify any situation is to ask questions. With all due respect to citizens’ rights, officers have a responsibility to properly investigate matters which may threaten public safety or involve breaking the law. Their questions are not necessarily an accusation and cooperative response can alleviate potential conflict.
What’s the harm in providing ID? Or is she just so far above because she lives in Bel Air? I guess she was expecting some type of privilege, right?
Harford County Constitutionalist says
Thanks for clarifiying Hick.
Needs to know says
What have courts ruled on RAS?
Info we know:
Suspicious person walking. Past tense of package thefts and burglary incidents, as in, this specific incidents “call” was not reporting either.
Did this person really have to provide ID, just walking down the street with nothing on their person that alludes to any past tense neighborhood issues, IE; holding a cardboard package ??
Minding my own business says
I find it hilarious someone called the Police over another person who was presumably just minding their own business, walking down a presumably concrete sidewalk at 9:40am.
RU Kidding says
A resident made a call, the police responded, end of story. It could have been a different story if the suspicious person was attempting to commit a crime.
The suspect was seen walking slowly and looking into cars, A concerned neighbor called the police to report suspicious activity. The suspect turned it into a racial incident. I guess the police shouldn’t have even talked to her BUT ISN’T THAT WHAT POLICE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO? Great job Bel Air police. Shame on the racist suspect.
Gerald says
News flash neither walking slowly or looking in cars are crimes. Perhaps if the person so frightened out of their mind and hiding behind the miniblinds took the effort to go out an actually meet their neighbors things like this wouldn’t happen. But who am I kidding the caller would never want to actually meet a brown person.
Laughing loudly says
“Peering into cars.” Of course you have to believe that’s what the caller actually witnessed.
I’m glad everyone in Harford County would never lie or make up anything.
rjbaskins says
Sounds to me like she wanted her 15 minutes of fame. “Upon his approach to Ms. Pillalamarri, the officer was immediately asked by Ms. Pillalamarri if she was being stopped for “walking while brown.” Kind of sets the tone for the rest of the encounter, wouldn’t you say?
kelly says
Tell us all about your life as a minority dealing with law enforcement Mr Baskins.
Open Your Eyes says
I can’t tell you about that because for over 30 years I was a white cop working in predominately black areas. For the record I never had a brutality or demeanor complaint. What MSNBC and the rest of liberal media fail to show is the routine open defiance by blacks toward law enforcement. It was the norm in my career. Before you go there I agree there is a very small number of police who don’t deserve to wear the badge and give the rest a bad name. With that being said I give you a routine example: On many occasions I would be dispatched to an area for disorderly conduct calls. On one particular night a call for service was put out in an apartment complex at 3:30AM. Upon arrival, I find approximately 6-8 intoxicated black males drinking and playing dice. I approached and said hey guys we are getting complaints about the noise. The comment was immediately made that they were being discriminated against because they were black. I advised them that a resident had called being unable to sleep. The complainant happened to be a black resident. The group still continued to play the race card having total disregard for area residents. This type of situation was the norm. The purpose of this post is to show that every one needs to help make things better. Claiming. Racial foul (crying wolf) when it didn’t happen only worsens things and increases racial divide. People don’t want to admit that prejudice and racism goes both ways. For some reason the liberal media doesn’t want to go there.
kelly says
Cool story but has zero to do with this article. In the theme of the article how often do you and Mr Baskins, who I will assume is white also, have the police called on you for walking around your neighbor hood?
Hick Or E says
My goodness, Kelly. You didn’t do too well in school, did you.
His article has EVERYTHING to do with what happened here. I like how you bleeding hear liberals ALWAYS end your glee-filled statements with “I will assume” and “how would you like it” statements.
Way to detract from the fact that you failed to have an original thought in that massive blond head of yours.
Fake Hedley Lamarr says
The caller “COULD NOT IDENTIFY RACE”, just the clothing. So where does the racism come into play? I have a great idea, everyone should wear the same shoes, clothing, hats etc., like a nice Carolina Blue leisure suit. On another note, SCREW POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. If you see something suspicious call the police PERIOD
A Bundy says
Fake Headly you have surely seen a picture of Ms. Aravinda Pillalamarri on the national news. If a persons eyesight is so bad they could not make out her race they would also not be able to see what she was wearing or what she was doing.
The callers claim is ridiculous.
New and Improived Hedley Lamarr says
Bundy, that comment is ignorant. Often times I have seen a person and couldn’t see a face because of the angle, but since clothes usually go all the around a body, the color is easy to see.
A Bundy says
If you couldn’t see a face or hands you can’t see what they are doinbut you called the cops any way. You are what is wrong with society today.
Hick Or E says
Butthead, didn’t you read the article? Caller stated that the person walking was peering into parked cars. Pretty sure it said that because up above it says, “peering into parked cars”. Check it out…right above. Black and white.
Does that change your statement into “can’t see what they are doing”?
You sir, and your assumptions, are what is wrong with America today.
A Bundy says
You Mr hick win the internet.
Another fine product of the public school system
Laughing loudly says
That’s assuming the “caller” told the truth.
Again, I’m glad everyone in Harford County never lies, and never have agendas.
Phillip says
Why would the police apologize for doing what every citezen expects them to do when they call. The “brown person” wasn’t stopped for being brown. She was stopped because someone called about her looking in cars in an area where cars are being broken into. She has the issue not the cops. Get over it and the Chief should back his cops and not play political games. I guess he isn’t in charge or he is a coward.
M. Sammy says
Chief Moore is a very nice person. Jesse Bane who is the administrative head in town is also a very nice person. They will not stand for bad police work. That’s why they waited so long. Delegate Brandon Hopkins should be voted out. All he wants to do is back the police. He needs to make sure an apology is given to his woman who was just walking.
Jack says
@M.Sammy- what are you talking about?? So you think they are a “nice person”. What does that have to do with anything? It’s Commissioner Brendan Hopkins not Delegate. Why does he need to make sure the officers apologize? They didn’t do anything wrong! He should back the police. He has my vote.
Ms Moderate says
So, if I understand you correctly, because Moore and Bane are nice people and because they will not stand for bad police work, they waited a long time before they did or said anything about a prior police encounter?
Concerned Citizen says
Are Bane and Moore associated with NAMBLA?
Five Iron says
Maryland is not a Stop and Identify State and you cannot be arrested for not providing ID (unless it has changed after 2014). Calmly ask if you are under arrest, if not, walk away. It falls under “casual conversation” not Detention or Arrest which have a fully different set of laws. Both sides escalated a minor incident from a busy body neighbor of a lady who lived in the neighborhood for 25-30 years.
Khan says
Translation: If you have an attitude, expect to be detained, regardless of who you are. The cops did nothing wrong.
LAPD code Tom says
I think Belair Police were set up. There are groups here on the West Coast that will do exactly what you are experiencing. They fuel off ACLU lawsuits and the department admitting fault, even if they really weren’t at fault. I would watch admitting fault if you truly weren’t at fault. It shows weakness but it’s the easy way out by weak politicians and police chiefs. These groups are structured and systematically attempt to ruin a police department. You must stay one step ahead. The citizens of your municipality must stand against this. You can get through this together. If you sit back or get weak they will ruin you. You have been warned. Good luck!
Amy says
You are taking about a Moore and Bane, two of the weakest politicians ever. They don’t understand what your saying, or they don’t care. Bane would ruin anyone that second guessed him, he would also ruin good police officers. He is the Webster definition of “Chicken Shit”. He also may be suffering from Dementia. He ran unsuccessful for Sheriff.
Harford County Citizen says
Big J says
More waste of our tax dollars and resources harassing the innocent citizenry of the county. How about we do something about the heroin, crime and other REAL problems instead? Disgraceful.
Clarence M says
I live in Bel Air and have never had a bad interaction with the police. As an African American male I have been stopped but at no point did I feel it was because of my race. Twice I was speeding, One time I didn’t use my turn signal and one time a stealing happened down the street when I was out for a run. The thing is I always gave my id or my name and birth date and they let me go. Once with a ticket but that was my fault. This lady is looking for trouble.