From Harford County Public Schools:
Board of Education of Harford County Passes FY18 Operating Budget with Amendments
Budget now goes before Harford County Executive Barry Glassman
At last night’s Business Meeting, the Board of Education of Harford County (Board) voted on the FY18 Operating Budget to include the Food and Nutrition budget, Unrestricted Operating budget and Restricted Operating budget.
The operating budget request includes funding for the second year of the negotiated agreement for 2% COLA for all employees and two (2) steps for eligible employees.
Board members discussed input received over the past few weeks from staff, community, parents, guardians and students. Prior to voting on the budget, the Board voted to make the following amendments:
1. Rescind the drama participation fee (eliminate a $100/student fee).
2. Restore instructional and interscholastic swimming program and all operating costs for all three (3) pools ($547,296).
3. Restore Harford Glen overnight program by increasing funding request by $271,453. On February 13, 2017, the Board will revisit the capital budget.
The Board-approved budget request is due to Harford County Executive Barry Glassman by February 28, 2017, for consideration and decision. At that time, County Executive Glassman will determine funding for Harford County Public Schools and deliver his budget in April to the County Council.
The County Council must approve a budget by June 15, 2017. At that time, depending on allocations, the Board must reconvene to reconcile and adopt a budget for FY18.
Yeah because approving all of that spending will be met with more money from the county. SMH
You use an appropriate name because HCPS has no taxing authority. All money comes from the county, state and federal government except for a few grant funded items.
No, the first poster makes a valid point. The board just wanted to look good and punted to the council.
The board can generate revenue through fees. Fees are really a tax.
How many tens of millions do you plan on generating from fees? If the board tries to impose a fee generating several thousands of dollars to offset cost, 1000 parents show up to protest it the next day. Get real dude. Try living in a district system where you and your friends would be paying a school tax in addition to county tax, state, tax and federal tax.
None whatsoever. I don’t like fees. I was pointing out to the second poster that the board can enact taxes through fees.
It is typical of the school board to go around saying that they can’t tax and pretend to be angels. That is not accurate. The drama fee was nothing more than a tax.
The Board was lame. It failed to take a hard look at the School system and make some cuts in order to pay for the Swimming Program and Harford Glen. The Harford Board of Education needs to take a factual look at the funding and make some decisions rather than just adding money to the budget for the County Exec. to cut. When the Board of Education really gets serious with the budget, then they will include cuts in the budget that make sense and show some real leadership!
At some point, I hope common sense begins to have some influence on the Board of Education and they can submit a meaningful budget to the County Exec.
Cuts always come in may not now
My advice to any teacher after watching that meeting is to get out. It was like a kangaroo court. It is no wonder hcps is in shambles. Why would you put everything back in the budget when you know you are not getting all that money.
Sound advice. Somebody needs to take a big broom to that organization.
There are many excellent teachers we don’t want to lose! However, some of the administrators and department heads can take a hike.
The members of the board of education are not heroes. They would like everyone to believe that they saved the day at the last meeting and that no fault lies with them. But be wary of the board and understand they are just trying to look good and redirect the pressure. It was easy for them on Monday to get rid of the drama fee, pretend to save the pools, go to swim meets and meetings, support teacher pay, and point fingers at the county council, because this is only a budget request. The bottom line is that it is likely they will need to make budget cuts in June. It is not over. They need to still feel the pressure now.
Also it was obvious when they were discussing the capital budget at the last meeting that hardly anyone on the board knew what they were doing.
It is depreasing, but I think often they are not given all the information. Canavan is very controlling. This is a volunteer job and I think many of them need to grow a pair and stand up to her and the county government, but I do appreciate most of their attempts…Voskuhl has been a. disappointment.
We all need to speak to the county government about our priorities, and be prepared for them to tell us that they don’t control the money and how it is spent once HCPS gets it and that other community agencies need money too. We also need to keep going and speaking to HCPS about our priorities as they await the county fund allocation. Squeaky wheel…
Agreed on Voskhul. Drama fees were his temper tantrum last year over the swimming cuts. He even told a swim parent it was a done deal and they shouldn’t bother to try. He needs to go. He does what ever Canavan wants.
It is depressing, but I think often they are not given all the information. Canavan is very controlling. This is a volunteer job and I think many of them need to grow a pair and stand up to her and the county government, but I do appreciate most of their attempts…Voskuhl has been a disappointment.
We all need to speak to the county government about our priorities, and be prepared for them to tell us that they don’t control the money and how it is spent once HCPS gets it and that other community agencies need money too. We also need to keep going and speaking to HCPS about our priorities as they await the county fund allocation. Squeaky wheel…
They need to seriously reconsider building a brand new school in Havre de Grace. That a lot of money to spend when enrollment is declining and there are other budget priorities. Other couny schools are under capacity and can easily absorb the Havre de Grace students. We need to come to grips with the fact the BRAC enrollment increases did not materialize, and the Trump administration Federal hiring freeze will further exacerbate population and enrollment declines.
Maybe it would be better to close the sinking and flooding Joppatowne HS which is very under capacity. It was built on a wetland. The land around the building collapses continually. Pumps run 24-7 to keep it from flooding. Redistrict those students to very under capacity Fallston HS and Edgewood HS. Then, if it must be built, find a better location (out of the floodplain and wetland) for the Havre De Grace project.
Education is about the kids. Facilities for learning and extracurricular activities should be optimized, and our tax dollar should be spent appropriately in this regard.
Keep the pools
Cut the drama fees
Build new Havre de Grace school, and any others that have outlived shelf life
Optimize technology. Assure school websites are updated daily to disseminate important and relevant information to parents and students.
Fire underperforming or redundant teachers and administrative staff.
There is not enough money to do all of these things.
Perhaps you already know, It is extremely difficult to terminate the employment of a (local) government employee based on performance, or rather; your opinion of their performance.
We can have Mexico pay for it!
Not funny when you’re previous post suggests the taxpayer foot the bill for your laundry list of wants.
The Aegis also got it wrong. The actions of the board at the last meeting did not mean they were finally “overruling Canavan” and standing up to the superintendent. The board was just doing what they saw as popular with a tiny part of the budget so they would not feel any more political heat. Most of them have never attended a swim meet until recently when they perceived it would be popular. Canavan also doesn’t care about drama or swimming or Harford Glen. She does care about IFs for example and look how the board didn’t touch IFs.
This board isn’t dealing seriously with the budget and are just looking for ways to be politically popular. They don’t want to make hard decisions and they want to avoid political pressure. They have all been disappointing.