From the New Harford Democratic Club:
DECEMBER 07, 2016
Minutes of the New Harford Democratic Club
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 at the Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express
President Johnson opened the meeting at 7:06 pm
Johnson led those present in a pledge to the flag
Steve Johnson welcome everybody and asked those present to identify themselves.
Kitty de Melker was present with three of her friends who are all going to travel to Washington on January 21 for a rally protesting the Trump presidency. They stated that they have five busses from Harford County going to the rally and invited anyone else who would like to go to join their group.
Johnson stated that he was pleased to know there were others in Harford County who shared his and the club’s distress with the result of the election and hoped they would work with the club to support Democrats in Harford County in 2018.
Board member Nickie Fournier also welcomed the group’s interested and noted that the NHDC is working with the African-American Democratic Club, the Young Dems of Harford, as well as the Democratic Central Committee pull volunteers together to work in the next election.
There was discussed among those present about various ways to get involved in the political process in the county.
Johnson asked for a motion to approve the meetings of the last meeting. It moved, seconded and unanimously approved. He then asked for a treasurer’s report. George Harrison stated the current operating account had a balance of $12,529.02. There was a motion to approved, seconded and approved unanimously.
Johnson then introduced George Harrison who presented some of the relevant statistics of the election.
He noted the latest numbers in the national vote count, which is still ongoing, is that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over 2.6 milliion (later figures reveal it ended up over 2.9 million) which is 2% of the total vote. And still she lost because of the Electoral College system. He noted that the numbers fell within the 3% margin of error as reported by the national polling organizations. In other words the polls weren’t wrong, it’s just we all did want to see it. He noted that in the battleground state of Wisconsin, Hillary lost by less than 7/10ths of a percent. He also noted that the Clinton campaigned had decided not to campaign in Wisconsin because they believed they should spend more time in other areas. This decision was made although Wisconsin had twice voted for its Republican governor in the same cycle, the result of an attempt to recall the governor which failed. He also noted the narrow margins in Michigan and Pennsylvania, both states that were consider sure bets for Hillary. In all, he said, the voters in just five states actually elected our next president.
There was further discussion of the difficulty the news media had in reporting facts about the election. So much “fake news” was being reported that the mainstream press failed to counter that effort. The Trump tweets in the early morning hours got the headlines each day and Hillary was left to defend her positions rather that stating the real issues facing the country. The media allowed Trump to run the message of the campaign. Hillary couldn’t break through the noise.
There was further discussion of what is needed over the next two years to assure Democratic victories.
Art Helton announced that the club will hold a fundraiser Jan 21 with Congressman Cummings as the guest speaker with a location to be determined. (It was later determined to be at Ripken stadium from 1-4p at $50 per ticket.) He noted the funds will be used to promote Democratic candidates for county offices.
Submitted by George Harrison, Acting Secretary.
$50 bucks for 3 hours of what?
3 hrs of interesting discussion for some. If it isn’t your thing or you don’t care, don’t bother commenting or being ignorant. Some people might enjoy it.
I would enjoy talking politics with Mr Cummings but if that’s all I get for 50 bucks I will have to pass.
its a fund raiser – clearly stated what the funds would be used for…
No discussion of approx. 1000 democrat elected officials loosing to republicans in the last 8 years. Time to wake up and see that America does not want a socialist country. I was a democrat but the party left me so I left them.
The “New Harford Democratic Club” need to relocate to Balto. City.
“In all, he said, the voters in just five states actually elected our next president”. What is the point of that statement? It was a close election. Without the electoral college, you would ALWAYS have 5 or so states electing the next president! Also, the writer, scribe or publisher of the article really should pay attention to sentence structure, grammar and punctuation.
I am sorry but I fear that Mr. Harrison might have inhaled too many paint fumes in his life. Media coverage was almost 95% against Trump every day. Hillary lost because she was a bad candidate. Democrats seem to forget during the primary season of 2008 his majesty Barack Obama said that Hillary was both a liar and unfit to be president. This can be researched and verified. Later he he tries to paint a much different picture about her. No wonder you guys lost the election. You can’t remember what you said. How does it go…….know your lie live your lie
The media gave Trump $2 Billion worth of free advertising –
The media was biased in its coverage overwhelmingly for Trump. .
Democrats in Harford County seem to be no different from dems everywhere else. Unable to reconcile themselves to the truth. Mr. Harrison gripes that Trump was elected by five states but consoles himself with the notion that Hillary would have prevailed by one; California. If popular votes were intended to carry the day, the entire nation would be following the lead of the unstable state of California. The whole of her margin can be accounted for by that radical, leftist utopia of income inequality, environmental tyranny and fleeing populace.
The false news narrative is a shiny bubble designed for masses that aren’t paying attention. Where exactly are the falsehoods? Wikileaks reports direct comments from Hillary’s own campaign, none of which have been denied, and the dems are in a lather because people noticed and voted accordingly. Remember her comment on needing to have a public and a private position? Translation: lie, lie, lie. A skill she has been perfecting her whole life.
After two losses to the current occupant of the White House, Republicans did some much needed introspection. I didn’t agree with all their conclusions but at least they had an adult response. Not so with the party of divide and conquer.
As for your fundraiser, would this be the same Mr. Cummings that colluded with the IRS to keep Tea Party groups out of the picture during the 2012 election? Perhaps Harford County conservatives should send buss loads of protesters to your next shindig and remind everyone of his questionable ethics.
Vicki’s comments are an accurate description of the behavior of the Democratic Party, both internally aka Bernie Sanders, and externally, aka refusing to accept the election of Donald Trump. For a look at WHY they act as they do, read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. It was a cornerstone of the emerging “peoples movement” beginning in the 60’s that has divided this Nation into hundreds of factions at each others throats. (It can still be purchased at on-line outlets or summarized in commentary online.)
First, I have to say Bernie Sanders is NOT a democrat. He ran on the democratic ticket this last campaign, but he is an independent. Bernie Sanders has had the longest tenure of any INDEPENDENT in US Congressional history. He ran on the democratic ticket because it was the only way to get exposure for his campaign. This is because of the two gang system that American politics has become. Bernie Sanders has had the longest tenure of any INDEPENDENT in US Congressional history. You are correct about the results of the election. Trump won. End of discussion. Everyone can debate how it was done, but you have to face the fact that he is going to be President of the US come January 20th. In hindsight, I believe he taught the career politicians a lesson in running a campaign, regardless of how distasteful or controversial it was. However, it was very similar to the campaign run by a notorious german in the 1930’s, whose rise to power did bring the worst conflict this world has seen in recorded history. There is nothing wrong with democrats or republicans. There is something wrong with the far right and the far left as they are the radicals. It is interesting at how some normally middle of the road democrats are acting about Hillary’s loss, but it will diminish over time. Apparently a lot of those middle of the road democrats voted for Trump. We all need to accept the fact that the election is over and Trump just plain beat her. End of discussion.
Bernie is a sellout. I’m not convinced he ever wanted to win. He allowed the Clinton machine, Obama and that Debbie does the DNC chick to collude with the main stream media to steamroll over him even though he KNEW they were doing him. Then in a fit of bravery he endorsed her. Pathetic loser. Unfortunately my write-in candidates “Weiner/Holder” lost… but I’m still hopeful that they’ll pull it out in 2020.
Your orange, bloviating man-child was elected by a small minority of gullible citizens of this country. So back off your high horse.
The operative word in your post is “elected.” Makes no difference by whom or how many elected him. He played by the rules, he was elected by a majority of the states and he will be the next President. Those who want to ride a high horse are free to do so and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.
Right you are. Just under 63,000,000 deplorable voters across all demographics is a small minority. You and similarly minded liberals lack of respect for people will continue to turn the Country red.
Made in China or maybe Russia,
Dream on old man. Conservative positions always end up just like the T Rex -big, bold, bad and eventually extinct. If you don’t adapt and evolve, you die. Simple evolution. Oh I forgot, you right wingnuts don’t believe in the concept. Same is true of the dysfunctional Dems, but they mostly get the whole evolve or die concept. However, I don’t want to leave the them feeling left out of the discussion.
The shift is always to (in the greater population) the progressive direction. As old conservatives die off, they are replaced by generally more progressive generations. The more moderate middle age group will be the most conservative group relative to younger generations. It is an endless transition. So in the greater sense, you are correct, and the “turn the country red” is a relative statement which as a long term trend is never going to happen. However, there are always unexpected anomalies every now and then e.g.Trump.
The Trump propaganda media is up and running trying to control an alt-reality. –
But you guys can have your own opinions but you cant have your own facts.
Media propaganda machine – www.
Libs and dems- quit whining. The election is over and you lost
@Hydesman, agree, either side doesn’t seem to want to give up. Wish they would just move on.
$50 bucks for a fund raiser? Really, if this were a Republican fund raiser tickets would start at $1,000. This tells a lot about Democrats when it comes to spending their own money.
@ Vicki say, you refer to the President, not as POTUS, but as the current occupant of the
white house. And you republican say respect Trump, we will show him the same respect you showed President Obama, none.
OK. Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America, has spent the last eight, sorrowful years dividing this country and diminishing us in every way possible. I have come to believe it was not just a matter of style but of motive. Trump’s victory was not just a rejection of Hillary but of PRESIDENT Obama’s administration.
In 2008, I was proud that my country had chosen to elect an African American to the office. I was hopeful that the drumbeat of racism would decline. In 2012 I knew better.
True to your liberal DNA, Mr. Word, you have chosen to focus on a trivial component of my post rather than respond to the overall message. Likely because there is no credible argument for you to make. The truth is indeed powerful.
Spot on with your assessment of Obama’s terms as president. I wonder if the history books will see it the same way.
However, I must question why people keep bringing up the fact that Obama was an “African American” elected president? Wasn’t he as much Caucasoid as he was African? If he “looked white” would people still be referring to him as “African American”? I just don’t get it.
Voters in just 5 States elected Donald Trump as President elect. If you put it that way, voters in 1 state, California, gave HRC the popular vote. Putting it in even more perspective, voters in New York City and Los Angeles alone gave HRC the popular vote.
Get over it please. HRC lost and the Donald is now our president. Where were all of you libs in 2008 when HRC received more votes than Obama but less delegates? I guess the system worked then and only if you want it to.
5 Busses going to DC to protest Inauguration Day. Have a nice trip. You will be there a day too late. Typical. It is just so sad