From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris released the following statement in response to the United Nations Security Council’s Anti-Israel resolution:
“Senators Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz have called for the U.S. to end its financial support for the U.N. until the Security Council abrogates Resolution 2334. As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I stand with Senators Graham and Cruz in supporting de-funding the U.N. until the resolution is rescinded.
“The U.N. Resolution is a tool used to legitimize Palestinian claims against Israel. It serves to criminalize Israel and its people and to undermine Israel’s right to exist.
“It is shameful that President Obama failed to oppose this resolution, and it appears the Administration may have even helped orchestrate the effort. With just days left in office, President Obama should stop undermining our best ally and allow President-elect Trump to fix eight years of disastrous foreign policy. The Middle East will be more peaceful when Israel’s right to exist is unchallenged.”
You have got to be kidding me. Donald Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country, and he will surely bring this country to war. He represents the darkest parts of America – racism, sexism, misogyny, intolerance, hatred. He encourages violence and his understanding of world events is nonexistent. He cannot even answer simple questions in a press conference. He is the exact opposite of everything that Obama was and is. Obama led this country with strength and grace, and this country is in much better shape than before he took office. Andy Harris, you are an embarrassment to this county, this state, and this country. You may continue kissing Donald Trump’s ass, if you’d like, and we will all continue to watch on, in disbelief. Two peas in a pod. smh.
clues liberal as ever. get your head out of watching cnn and you might learn something! btw, the election is over and hillary LOST
What the hell is a “clue liberal”? Your ignorance is showing again. Time to crawl back into your hands with your idol, Mr. Tiny Hands. And more of us voted for Hillary than for that cretin, Trump. Idiot.
correction…crawl back into your cave with Trump.
just a quick education, your side lost. i know it’s hard to comprehend being a liberal and playing by a different set of rules.
We lost the election, because it seems that ignorance is running rampant in this country. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the real losers will be the Trumpers who are about to lose their government benefits. It’s karma, but we bleeding heart liberals actually feel a bit sorry for them. For the record, I don’t need or want government benefits, and I never have. But there are those that need them, and most of those people just voted for the man who wants to take them away. Smh. Ignorance.
FYI – you are in the minority, and your orange boy is very unpopular. By the way I’m not a Democrat or liberal.
Simple, the libs/dems/alt-left (aka mainstream left) always change rules like good Soviets do. When they lose, they win, when they win they win. What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.
They also control the referees (media) but Amerikan capitalist pigs are on to them and tuning out, in record numbers.
Oh stupid of capitalist elites to give average paroles access to intarweb. In Soviet Russia, only daily Moscow control narrative. Now there are things like Young Turks, Louder with Crowder, and Powerful Joe Rogan Experience. Throw in podcasts like Dan Bongino and Adam Carola, and pandora opened box. Silcon Valley better become new referee in rigged game, fast, to control “fake news” and ensure proper Rodina propaganda.
Soviet Amerika must awaken fast to stem bleeding of cadaver on slab having lost 1000+ legislative seats country over. Good Comrade Obama must continue march to ensure legacy of failure!
Now, more capitalist pig vodka.
I guess this is more in line with NHD’s beliefs …
Ignorance is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result. Hillary lost. Get over it. Move on. Stock market is up. People are feeling good about the new year. Accountability is coming back.
All we are saying … give peace a chance.
Happy New Year!!
Stock market is up because of Obama, not #tinyhands. He is an embarrassment to this country, and he will lead us into World War 3. He has already made huge errors in the international communities. That does not sound like peace is forthcoming. And I love the way Republicans tell us to give him a chance. Did you give Obama a chance? He did so many good things for this country, but Republicans still hate him. Why? Because he does not fit into your picture of White America. That is ignorant.
Talk about theater of the absurd and being off your meds. Like Lennon would in any way have supported Trump.
Take California out of the equation and Trump won the popular vote. We all know that California is a haven for freeloaders and liberals. They have a Democratic plurality. If you knew politics then you would know that Trump campaigned to get the support of electorates. Smart man! Too bad California isn!t a country of it’s own. It would be interesting to watch it tank in 5 years.
You could say the same about New York. California may be a Democratic state, but it is a state that follows the law, unlike Maryland. New York also follows the law, unlike Maryland. California realizes that a plea bargain is an act of extortion and both CA and NY realize that you have an expectancy of privacy in your home. Maryland realizes neither. The sooner the citizens of Maryland realize that their current Criminal Justice system is an organized crime syndicate that allows acts of domestic terrorism and racketeering to enforce the law, the better. The constitution is the supreme law of the land and Maryland does not recognize this. The Maryland Judicial System is an abomination of law that believes the Constitution is nothing but an old piece of toilet tissue and they wipe their buts with it frequently. When you have Judicial System that is void of law in its own courts, it under minds the integrity of the courts and the people lose confidence in the courts ability to administer justice properly. Make Maryland a country and we would tank in 5 months. We can’t survive without Federal funding.
The truth will hurt when Trump’s self enriching policies crush your love affair fantasy with the bloviating yam. I could care less about you, but the damage to the country may be enduring.
Soviet Russia happily welcome Republik of Commiefornia to CommBloc vassal states.
Take California out of the equation? Given that California is one of the 50 states, and that California voters actually count in the election, the point is moot. Trump didn’t win the popular vote, end of discussion.
And don’t get on the whole “liberal, Hillary lover” soapbox with me, because I’m neither. But even if I was, it would be irrelevant; Trump did not win the popular vote, regardless of what I am, you are, or anyone else is.
If you take out the same number of voters in red states that equal California voters Trumps loss would have been a landslide. It’s too bad Fox news didn’t tell you that little fact before you made your self look stupid,
I concur, sadly California is one of the 50 states where the Democratic plurality has caused a system where more people vote for a living than work for a living. Sure they are going to vote for the people that will give them free stuff forever and never ask them to work. Over one million people on welfare in California. Way to go Dems. Just for food for thought. Look at the 10 most impoverished cities in the U.S. They vote Democrat for a living and have done so for a long time. Liberals make me belly laugh. Tell me more about that Obama hope and change that Broomhilda Clinton was going to keep pushing.
Truth Hurts – resorting to concurring with your own post = pretty desperate and lame but typical of your sides tactics..
Our country lost.
Soviet Russia welcomed DJT you idiot (Checkpoint Charlie).
And Andy HarASS, shut your partisan pie hole. You may as well tweet your dumb drivel out to the public like your orange skinned hero DJT. Bibi is an arrogant Bozo, and Trump is his Blowzo.
Dah Good Comrade.
Leftists unhindged is grand site. Sportin clean yak hair undies today in Mom’s basement?
You could at least get the political/ideological references up to date, otherwise, you just sound like a babbling moron. Sounds like you’ve just read Battleground Berlin or Bridge of Spies and somehow think the USSR and the Eastern Bloc are still relevant today. Where you in your backyard bunker for over 3 decades still waiting for the “big one” to drop?
More like just release from Obam’s gulag. Not coincidence he banned spies yesterday no? This what happen when lame duck in chef continue acting like grand marbles master.
As for folk here, I see real Russians w/ more humor sense on polonium.
Maybe resolve for 2017 is less serious cats? No?
Wait…you think we SHOULD allow spies in this country?
Ahhhh, another champion marble player…or perhaps your game is dice?
I agree w/ King’s Men below…clearly brain of Soviet Amerikan her cannot discern hyperbolic thought & satire from real insight / analysis. Density matters.
Sounds like Charlie is really Tasharuli. If Obama had him locked up he must be a Taliban or Al Qaeda. I bet you that prison was Gitmo.
As they say in Amerikan prison, three hots and a cot?
Certainly have me pegged as double entendre spy there wardog. Salude.
He sounds Chechen to me.
Only good Chechen is a dead Chechen.
Andy Harris is a disgrace!
Please Andy, just STFU…
Who wrote this? Are they smoking crack? Israel has stood in the way of the two state solution for the last 30 years. They want to maintain the status quo of indiscriminately bulldozing homes and olive groves that have stood for hundreds of years in a blatant grab for land, being that possession is 9/10ths of the law. They don’t want peace, yet they complain about terrorism. We should have let this vote go through earlier.
Khan, you should really learn your history. Factually you are WAY off. I’d help clarify but I’m sure you have the internet.
Lou, you require a reality check.
In Soviet Russia, when borders defined, they remain defined, until capitalist pigs in Reagan America crumble wall.
Perhaps Red Bear would have been better off with two state solution during cold war?
Reagan didn’t crumble that wall. Years of overspending on nuclear weapons and other weapons and technology crumbled that wall. Reagan was in the right place at the right time, on multiple occasions. The myth that Reagan got the hostages out of Iran, is diminished by the fact that Jimmy Carter worked tirelessly to get those people out of Iran. The Soviet Union collapsed because it went bankrupt, end of story. Reagan did introduce the War on Drugs. Reagan did allow the sale of US arms to Iran so they could be in conflict with Iraq, who was using American weapons as well. Reagan’s administration did cover up these sales as sales to a rebel group known as the Contras in South America. This was ALL done by the Republican poster boy who should have been called a terrorist. Instead he is remembered as the greatest Republican president in recent history. History is nothing but a collection of agreed upon lies. However, I lived through it and know the truth. I assume you did too…..
Obviously the Mossad has the goods on Andy.
Not to be too obvious but Trumps base, the bigoted white supremacists are not fans of Israel.
Obama’s legacy will be that he has made this country a laughing stock. He will go down in history as being the worst President ever. He was to be a savor bringing all races together, the divide has never been greater. He has zero class, and to prove this look at what he is doing to the transition, he makes me sick and the liberals who support him make me sicker. To the Dems, are you that blind that you cannot see what he has done to this country, can you not see that the dems lost seats in the house and senate and look how many republican governors there are now. BTW, Dems, keep up the good work.
Stock market all time high, unemployment low, still have my guns,able to get health care with pre existing condition, house values up, Yup he destroyed this country,
Just Imaging if the likes of McCConnell, Bohner, Ryan and horton hears a who reading Cruz had actually done the job they were paid for where we would be……
Typical Obama hater, can’t explain why he hates because he’d have to expose his racism.
There is an old but very true figure SMH. Figures don’t lie …liars figures. Really investigate with an open non-liberal mind the numbers and circumstances you quote. Obama is quite the great deceiver.
Did you forget to take those meds again?
Word salad, It must be so frustrating when you think you know what you are talking about yet can’t produce 1 fact to back it up.
Lets see where we are headed from this disastrous world Obama has created and Trump is going to make us great again.
Ocare is gone with out a replacement ( they had 6 years and still nothing) Millions lose insurance, Medicare/medicaid … gone, making sure grandma is dirt broke before they let her die. Social security cut grandma goes broke before she gets sick. Disability… gone. Minimum wage lowered, overtime pay removed. tax cuts for the rich
So truth hurts tell us all how taking money out of the economy and out of the hands of the middle class and putting more into the swamp monsters pocket will make America great again. This isn’t a football game where we all root for a team then go home and have a beer. These were all campaign promises and either you think they are lying or you can’t figure out what these cuts will do to the great country.
SMH, If Obama has done such a great job please explain why the Dems are no longer in control of the House and Senate, lost the Presidential election and are losing Dem Governors left and right. The Democratic party is in total disarray. I could go on and on but I believe I would be wasting my time.
The perfect job for Obama, used car salesman, he is great at the shell game.
The dems are no longer in control of the house and the senate because this election brought out all of the haters who finally found a candidate they could believe in. Every racist, misogynistic, anti-LGBT hatemonger came out to vote for him, and since they are largely republicans, that was the result. In 4 years, maybe some of them will come to their senses and finally realize that these lawmakers do not care about the average person, and they only want to advance their own causes – those that will benefit rich, white men. Good luck. I don’t need any type of social services, but I suspect that you and your family will find that life is about to get a lot more difficult.
Why? you should visit the flyover states sometime it’s a real eye opener. As I stated The majority of people in this country view politics like a foot ball game it’s all about the win. There isn’t a Trump policy that is going to help them they didn’t bother to listen and voted against their own best interest. Hell Trump gave Carrier a tax break so Americans can pay for a plant in Mexico. That’s messed up.
It’s probably all too complicated for you to understand so get a tiny foam hand and cheer your team on, it’s going to be a wild ride.
What I’m seeing is that there are a lot of old (60 years and older), angry, left political leaning goofs still harping about the election.
The only thing I can assume is that they hate the idea of entering senility and other age related professional geriatric care with a Republican President.
So says one of the more typical angry old ultra right wingers who ranted and raved about how horrible this country and president had been for the last 8 years. I would call that more than just a shade hypocritical, but typical right wing double standard and ability to rewrite history. (off on my age too)
I didnt vote and not affiliated with any political side.
If you didn’t vote, then you really have no right to criticize anyone, and nobody really cares about your opinion. No, I’m not 60+, but I do worry about how the people that I love, who are 60+, will survive for the next 4 years, with Mr. Tinyhands cutting the social security they worked all their lives for. You and the orange guy are both idiots. And this will really blow your mind – if you are not a rich white man, he will do nothing to help you. Neither will Andy Harris, who apparently is hoping for a spot in the new administration – shameless.
Blah blah blah.
You have no right to tell me I have no right.
Maybe you should high five a bus?
you’re not acting like a grown up…
Hey, cool. Neither are you.
Please respond back with some personal insults, love to read em.
Don’t forget to “tell me how it is” too.
I love the whole “THATS NOT MY OPINION SO ITS WRONG” thing going on here, too.
Hilarious shit.
You sound upset. It will be ok in about 4 years.
Oh, okay? No problem.
Herp durp.
Hey Noticer – you should change your name to pinocchio.
He’s too stupid to respond to the correct post.
Yeah, you got that right.
I’m definitely too stupid.
Right? Exactly.
I rest my case.
Oh boy, you sure did.
Or something.
Internet high five, bro. You’re so great.
“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”Sun Tzu
Historically republican Presidents and especially republican congress combination is disastrous for the middle / lower class and ruins the economy but hey lets pull the insanity card and claim doing the same thing over and over one day will yield different results.
What a bunch of whiners and cry babies. I just read all these comments and you all sound like a bunch of idiots. Anybody that has nothing to do but get on here and bitch and moan all day needs to get a life and become a productive citizen.
Get a life, find a hobby, volunteer somewhere. Really. What a waste of time. Everybody chill. Do something useful.
I see that you had time to opine on The Dagger (aka cry and whine). Maybe you should heed your own advice? I hear the bingo night is really hopping down at the senior center.
In reply to the big mouth with little hands….lol. Hell yes, he will bring us all into the new world of war and destruction. I can’t wait to see all the rich pricks running for their lives with their long rat tails tucked between their legs. I just hope my fine people are waiting for the judges and the politicians and killer cops outside their homes with guns and chains and chain saws to make the appropriate cuts. To equal the field and to help with the end. I would rather live in the light with death and destruction then follow ass holes like obamby who would destroy us all when we least expect it….History will remember him as a fool.
I guess the petulant, mom jeans, dumpster fire legacy, middle America hating, social justice warrior wanted one last foreign policy FU on his resume. The man who treats his enemies better than his allies (Iran says thanks for the H bombs and $400 billion Barry). I guess is wasn’t enough to wreck health insurance, double the debt, stoke race riots, leave the economy in 1st gear, step on the Constitution, put men in the girl’s room and attempt to con tort America into some utopian progressive fantasyland. What an asshole.
Hey Trumpkin,
You must be one of those cry baby whiners that runs when he sees a little clown, Then again, your probably just one of the multitude of old, angry, male right wing nuts who like to trash talk on The Dagger.
Obama played the race card. Hillary played the women card. And hard working, fed up Americans played the Trump card. Moral of the story some people didn’t play their cards right.
Well, Trump cards don’t work when playing Russian Roulette. Trump better watch out because he is going head to head with a Senate that believes the Russians have interfered with our election. I don’t know if I believe that rhetoric. However, John McCain and Lindsey Graham do. This could bite him in the backside. Remember, McCain isn’t happy unless there is an active conflict going on…..
Say what?
Representative Harris.
Will you be making of public statement on whether or not you voted to move the independent Office of Congressional Ethics and place it under the House Ethic Committee?