From Gloria Moon:
Last month I thought I had seen the end of incivility and rudeness in the political arena when the presidential election ended. But Tuesday night I was again reminded of it by my own County Councilmen’s lack of courtesy. It truly was a disappointing display by my local legislators.
(Video of the Council meeting, click here. Amendments start at 24.33 minutes.)
Once again this County Council stood mute refusing the courtesy of seconding amendments offered by one of their own. Nor would they discuss the reason for their lack of offering a second to discuss certain amendments to the Magnolia Neighborhood Overlay District Bill 16-029. It was a mighty display of contempt for the Councilman, his district and for the people of District A.
Councilman Perrone met many times with the people of Joppa and sincerely desired to learn what they thought would be the best way to have growth in a welcome format. Consequently, he brought nine amendments to be considered to improve the Magnolia Neighborhood Overlay District bill. They were not considered, discussed or reviewed.
The Council has every right to disagree with the Councilman of that district and with all the citizens who took the time to write, call or publicly speak at the hearing for the bill. No one was against the bill, but only asked for some added protection for those who live there and especially for the land and its welfare. The Council certainly should have the courage of their convictions to state what their concerns were for every amendment they silently turned down by refusing to speak.
We ask them now to publicly state what the reasons and convictions were for opposing the amendments since they chose not to speak nor explain their reasons to the people of this County during their Council meeting.
So Councilmen Slutzky, McMahan, Shrodes, Vincenti and Beulah, we ask you to speak up and publicly explain your actions. Your silence is ominous.
Gloria Moon
Councilman Perrone committed a great sin by openly opposing the bill to give the council a raise. It is abundantly clear that if you get out of line you have to pay the price. Councilman Perrone paid the price. He has been effectively rendered impotent. Sadly the real people paying the price for this childishness are the citizens of District A. Independent thought?? Not welcome on this council. Dialog and debate??? Not welcome on this council. Transparency?? Unthinkable. A real government should not be run this way. Harford County does not have a real government though. We have a government that for all intents and purposes is run by small cabal of people behind the scenes. The elected officials are just the front and are essentially puppets for the cabal. That is why we see this behavior. Shameful. Appalling.
If that’s truly the reason, then anyone who voted for these frauds should be ashamed of themselves. Ignoring proposals that could impact the welfare of Harford County residents just because their widdle feelings were hurt is disgraceful and insulting to all citizens, not just those of District A.
Who is paying their salary? They are supposed to represent the people of their district, not their own views. Councilman Perrone represented the people who pay his salary views. The rest should be ashamed of themselves. Thanks for nothing the rest of the council.
And yet, those council members keep getting re-elected. One wonders if the majority of the people are aware of whom their council person is or of anything that is going on in the county. Until a Wal Mart is on the horizon.
I think it’s time to build a Wal-Mart in Bel Air!
No Walmart…Just a wall
Here Here… maybe one of our Judges may not be here… Persona Non Grata, Como me gusto me ahora? Yo..Yo..
Typical republicant reactions.
They have become the crybaby party.
Not a petty thing as Perone is a republican
Disgraceful performance by the council. Mr. Perrone is not one of the “good ole boys” and is being penalized for it. The boys miss ole Guthrie. District A is proud of you Mr. Perrone. Keep up the fight.
Thank you… I intend to!
Keep up the great work, Councilman Mike Perrone. You are a true champion!
Thanks, Joe.
How to you put up with Captain Jim
If any of you believe the actions of your current county council are not appropriate, you need to complain to the Harford County Ethics Board. This includes the vote of raising their own salaries that occurred earlier this year. Here is a link to your county’s code so one of you may determine if the county council has acted inappropriately. Read the section under 23-3 Ethics Board. I do believe some council members did act inappropriately by voting to raise their own salaries under the Code of Maryland.
I think Mike Perrone, is the only one that truly is concerned for the people he serves. We need more like him to represent our council.
Vindictive little men.
We need a new crop of Democrats, Independents and Republicans to run for County Council and Council President in 2018. People who are not so intensely loyal to developers and the status quo. With the exception of Councilman Perrone, these men aren’t getting the job done. A couple of the councilmen are nice people, but really, what are they doing for our citizens? The average person is NOT being heard. Finally, I’m tired of our county becoming townhouse and apartment central. Why does every open space have to be developed? Part of our county’s charm is seeing farms, fields, and woods while driving on our roads. They are disappearing so quickly. Makes me sad, as I’ve lived here for 30+ years, including my childhood/early adulthood from 1971-1996.
Unless you have an R after your name, you aren’t going to win in good old Harford County. Now we see where that voting pattern has taken us.
One strategy would be to run an anti-development, non-good-old-boy candidate for all elective positions in the next Republican primary. However, the current gang in charge would probably mount smear campaigns against anyone who did so. Additionally, most people don’t bother to research their local candidates, they just pull the lever for someone they’re familiar with, even though they complain about the county government policies.
It doesn’t matter if they are a (R) or a (D), or any other political affiliation, they are taking after State and Federal political actions of self-imposed greed The exceptions are people like Mr. Perrone, who actually seem to be working for “We he People”.
Correction….meant to state “We The People”.
Wouldn’t it be grand if Councilman Perrone someday became council president or executive. Didn’t Mr. Trump’s election signal a great many Americans are sick of politicians, especially the ones who tell you how much they are doing “for you” when they are really doing it “to you.” The council just keeps proving over and over now they think they know more that the citizens, and how we should fall at their feet in humble gratitude for lining their own pockets through switching employment rules and raises. (aka: Glassman/Boniface rule switch). The sad part is we all love our own councilman and keep sending him back to the collective so we can continue to get ripped off. Next election I will do my part to help remind my friends and neighbors, few they might be, of how we need to say goodbye to the coaches, captains, and cons, at least when it comes to serving in county government.
I viewed the proceedings online. Every last one of them should be ashamed of themselves–specially after voting themselves a big raise recently. I’m glad they are not my representatives. Thanks for representing us, Mike.
I am truly disappointed in the performance of the other Council Members at this month’s council meeting who disrespected Mr. Mike Perrone. Mike worked very hard with our community, held/attended meetings to hear our concerns, ideas and issues, gathered feedback and valuable suggestions. He came to that council meeting well prepared and reasonably expecting the chance to discuss them and to to add value to the amendments on the table. He received undeserved pettiness instead. Sorry Mike, you didn’t deserve it.
Chad Shrodes is a joke, Captain Jim is a Dinosaur that needs to go. Bel Air Mayor Susan Burdette is very close to Captain Jim. Look if you idiots choose to surround yourself with these fools then you have nobody to blame but yourself. They aren’t Looking out for you and if you think they are get your head checked. Keep being stupid see where that gets you?
One more thing leave the boys alone on the county council for their pay increase, Its simple they said we want our cut or …. We can tell what knowledge we know…. Good old extortion!…. No holds bared! Right Coach?
You may be right. However, whatever their motivations, the raising of their own salaries is perceived as a violations of the ethics statutes of the state of Maryland. Now, if you do make the complaints to the Ethics Board and they decide to let the Court handle the case, you still have to deal with the Courts knowingly making a decision against the law. You will have to appeal. Maybe even into the Federal Courts system because everything I’ve seen from the Courts of Maryland leaves me to believe they are a corrupt institution of Domestic Terrorism and are nothing more than an Organized Crime Syndicate. The branches of the government are supposed to be separate to impose a system of checks and balances, yet they seem to work together to cover up the blatant corruption of each branch. Yes, its a good ole boy system of corruption, racketeering and terrorism against anyone who has the stones to stand up to them. Maybe the citizens of your county need to peaceably assemble and disrupt everything they are trying to do. Call the media. Not local newspapers. I’m talking national news services that love to get their teeth in local corruption…..
Glassman didn’t give them permission to speak. They are all his puppets.