From Maryland State Police:
On Tuesday, December 13th, at 1:30 PM, troopers from the Bel Air Barrack responded to a report of an armed robbery at the Exxon Gas Station located at 2019 Rocks Spring Rd., Forest Hill, MD.
The clerk informed troopers the suspect entered the store and displayed a knife. He then walked behind the counter, took an undisclosed amount of cash, and fled the store. He was described as a clean shaven white, male in his early 20’s. He was wearing navy blue and brown colored athletic shorts over top of gray sweat pants, a large white sweater with brown stripes, black Nike sneakers and a black hat and mask.
Troopers canvassed the area and attempted a K9 track, but were unsuccessful in locating the suspect.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Bel Air Barrack at 410-838-4101.
Could be the same kid who held up the Whiteford sub shop with a knife, working his way south.
White people… dopefiend maybe?
@ realist…at least he fled the scene and thankfully didn’t harm the worker. Take a look at what is happening in Baltimore. It would have been a different outcome. All lives matter.
Very true Miss Gulch but I don’t care about Baltimore,I live in Harford County… It’s painfully obvious there’s a drug epidemic here and it’s only going to get worse, robberies, home invasions,thefts,etc… At least no one was injured.
You should blame your courts. Up until recently, the courts gave people addicted to opioids a break, due to the fact that the Judges themselves have raised heroin addicts in their own homes. One of your Judges, a former administrative Judge, even has custody of his grand child because of the obvious problems with his daughter. This same Judge, has shielded his addicted offspring from criminal prosecution many times over. This is the problem with your county. Complete and utter corruption from top to bottom……
Too bad the clerk wasn’t carrying and blew the kid out of his socks. Problem solved.
I don’t think it’s problem solved. it sounds so easy, to blow someone away, but doing it leaves lifelong issues for the shooter and all involved. So stop talking like an idiot
What leaves life long issues is having someone you love killed by some drug crazed person who will get more and more bold in his subsequent robbery attempts until he finally ends up killing some innocent person.
You answered off topic. You spoke about how easy it would be to “blow him out of his socks”. Could you shoot someone so easily and worry free? I feel sorry for you if you can.
You’re hung up on this gun thing for some odd reason, can you tell me why?
If someone uses their bare hands, flame thrower, shovel , vehicle to stop a threat on their life, and justified. Why does it matter?
I think youre confusing (trolling) premeditated killing (murder) over stopping the threat on your life?
You would use whatever force necessary to stop the threat on your life.
Why not blame the people who are doing the drugs and committing the crimes?
If someone commits a crime that harms another, in order to obtain drugs, then yes they should be blamed. When an incompetent system of foolish court administrators let that same someone off the hook, for committing a crime that harmed another, then those same court administrators should be blamed for allowing it to happen again. The whole point is their addiction harmed another…..
Nope, I am not hung up on the gun thing, not even a little bit. I was only referring to what was posted in the comment, no other weapon options were listed, so, again, off topic on the response. I simply asked if it were so easy for someone to tragically wound another and not think twice about it, since it was a simple statement that came so quickly. I wasn’t talking to you anyway, cant he answer his own questions? Why do you feel compelled to answer for him? Speaking with uneducated people is so bothersome.
Yeah, but you’re replying to me. You can simply ignore it, as I can.
I will eagerly await your reply, again.
I look forward to you “telling me how it is.”
Oh? I’m sorry, it’s not how public commentary works, you don’t get to dictate the responses.
Ask the for the guys phone number if you wish for only him to respond to you if you seek his reply and none others.
How dare you, I know who you are referring to, and he made programs for protecting all kids, I bet he’ll kick your bitch ass if you say it to his face coward, he’s for former Vet!,
Yeah, like Valerie Carlton’s?
Oh and by the way RICO, why don’t you explain how a system that uses illegal and unconstitutional arrests and convictions, to get forfeitures and then finance a Police Department’s Aviation Unit, isn’t a RICO Title 18 violation in itself. Same thing applies to Parole and Probation fees. Simple racketeering bud. Nothing but an organized crime syndicate…..
Another typical day in Harford County.
It seems like our society just wants to blame everyone for an incident or happening. Its someone’s fault, everyone’s fault but our own. Blame it in the drug dealers, blame it on the judges, blame it on the cops, blame it on the lawyers. Everyone to busy pointing fingers to actually do anything about it. Disgusting.
Unfortunately, the opioid epidemic your county now suffers is the fault of the legal system. I wouldn’t blame the cops for it, they did their job and made arrests. However, the Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers were all too busy turning tragedy into a racketeering operation that they failed to see the forest because of all the trees…..
Most of the comment have nothing to do with the article.