From Klein Enterprises”
Klein Enterprises announced today that the commercial construction has been completed thanks to a pre engineered metal building contractor and the quick Residential land surveying on The Park at Winters Run, a mixed-use apartment community situated on 17+ acres in Bel Air, Md., between the Bel Air Bypass (U.S. Route 1) and Bel Air Road (U.S. Route 1 Business). People who have booked their homes in advance can easily take their Food Processors and other belongings and move into the homes as soon as they wish.
Each apartment unit touts 9-foot ceilings, walk-in closets, a central ac system installation, a full kitchen with steel-finished, energy star appliances and granite countertops, a full-sized washer and dryer, and top tier bathrooms. All aspects related to electrical were handled by Accurate Electric Plumbing Heating & Air info, experienced pros in the business. For plumbing issues, contractors like this plumber in Upland, CA and plumber in Mitchell, IN were hired. Additionally, many of the units also have internal access to garage parking, as well as elevator access. The building is comprised of 288 apartment units and has been finished with concrete.
Community amenities in The Park at Winters Run include parkland and patio spaces, a 24-hour fitness center, a saltwater swimming pool, a pet wash area, a clubhouse with entertainment kitchen, a game room with billiards, shuffleboard and card tables, a playground, an outdoor patio with grill and fire pit, a 24-hour business center, free Wi-Fi in common areas and 24-hour maintenance. A future retail component is planned for the property which will be done by a commercial construction company; for more information visit
If you’re interested in doing the same for your property, look for a commercial concrete contractor. As a matter of fact, if you have been looking into making your bathroom look luxurious, then you should take a look at how they designed them here.
“Between the convenient location in Harford County and the luxurious amenities within each apartment, this community has it all,” said Michael Klein, CEO of Klein Enterprises. “We’re looking forward to welcoming more residents and getting this community fully leased.”
One-, two-, and three bedroom apartments are still available for leasing. The Dolben Company, Inc., manages the property from the onsite leasing office in the clubhouse.
Thanks for taking section 8 vouchers, we can’t wait for more crime and more drugs.
Just what the county needs…another apartment complex. Enjoy the traffic folks!
More high density. Yuck.
More hoodrats. Just what Harford County needs. As a lifelong resident of Harford County, I’m disgusted by what this once bucolic county has become. Now more than ever we have drugs, crime, trash, more liquor stores, pawn shops, adult book stores, and tatoo parlors. Need to have something to spend all that AFDC money on. Starting to look more and more like Baltimore City all the time.
What did you expect? I95 runs thru your county. Long ago a decision was made to expand section 8 housing to your county. With more people come more business. This includes liquor stores, pawn shops, adult book stores and tattoo parlors. What do you have against liquor stores? They are selling a legal drug that your county and the state profits from. What’s wrong with an adult book store? They are selling a legal product to the public that your county and the state profits from. What’s wrong with a pawn shop? They are providing a service to the community of pawns and sales that your county and the state profit from. What’s wrong with a tattoo parlor? Many people want tattoos, including service men employed by APG. It wasn’t long ago that gambling was illegal. Your county had no problem jumping on and profiting from that as well. You’re looking at the wrong people to blame for your disappointment. You should be looking at those that allowed this change to happen to your county. Think about it…..
You brought up several questions. I would like to offer some of my input based on personal observations as a police officer for many years. Affordable public housing is conceptually a good thing to help people get back on their feet. Liquor stores, adult book stores, and pawn shops, although they certainly do not add to the aesthetics and charm of neighborhood, probably will always be around anyway. The problem is 1) far too many recipients of public housing abuse the benefit by conducting various acts of criminal activity and seem to disregard any upkeep of their property. 2) liquor stores in many cases facilitate alcohol addiction and criminal activity by allowing and condoning the fraudulent use and acceptance of EBT cards. 3) adult book stores often times attract an unsavory clientele. Most of the general public is not familiar of the lewd and criminal activities that take place inside and on the adjacent parking lots of adult book stores. These activities also victimize underage individuals. 4) pawn shops in far too many cases knowingly accept stolen and other property. I have personally been on raids of pawn shops where cases of for example Fusion razors and baby formula, which were clearly stolen from a retail store, were recovered. Many pawn shops have the books they are willing to show the police and their own personal secret records. The question was asked “what is wrong with these things”. I hope that. I provided some insight to help you understand the feelings shared by Miss Gulch and many others.
Well stated, Open Your Eyes.
Well said, Open Your Eyes. The thing that SoulCrusher doesn’t realize is that establishments that I mentioned factor into the strength or weakness of a community. As a doctoral level nursing student I was offering a little of the public health nursing perspective. When communities begin to have more of those types of businesses, rather than schools, churches, libraries and daycare centers etc., communities weaken and maladies abound. All we need are a a couple brownfields and we are Baltimore City in the making.
Personally, I agree that the businesses you’re mentioning aren’t the most highly regarded. However, a police officer’s opinion is skewed by the BS they have to deal with on a daily basis and let’s face it, most police officers consider themselves above every one else and consider the people as “sheeple”. Now, the state has made these businesses legal and you should respect that. You mentioned schools, churches and libraries as businesses. Clearly they are not. Schools and libraries don’t profit and are for the good of the people. Churches are nothing but leaches on society, as they take money from the members of their parish to provide their sanctimonious charades to the public. Day Care Centers are businesses. So I have to give you credit there. You got one right. If you think there should be a school, church, library or day car centers on every corner that the other businesses occupy then you would have to realize that 3 of the 4 are not for profit and cost the public more than any member of the public will ever get out of these costs. The next time you’re giving money to the church when they pass the plate around, look in the parking lot and see what kind of car the preacher and their kids are driving. That will surely tell you where your money went……
Come on people Trump is going to make us all great again. We are going to have a tremendous amount of money because he knows money and knows people who know money. We won’t need section 8 because that tremendous amount of money he is giving to his buddies is going to trickle down into your wallet so much you won’t have time to spend it all. It’s going to be great. He is going to do a biggly job working on Thanksgiving but Carrier is still leaving and minimum wage is going down. He knows business he has bankrupted plenty of them.
Well welcome to the next episode of “Leave it to Beaver”. I know you think Harford County should be the home of “Happy Days” or “My Three Sons”, but that’s just not reality. If you want to live in the 50’s then you should excuse yourself from the 2000’s. Things will never be what you want them to be, Lawdog.
Please re-read what I wrote because I never referred to schools, libraries or churches as businesses. I am well versed on the role of nonprofit organizations. Actually, the nonprofit organization is able to make a profit. The difference has to do with what they do with their profits. Organizations will often develop a for profit arm that sells goods or services but these goods and services must fall within the organization’s mission or they risk losing their tax exempt status. As for. “getting one right,” I didn’t realize I was being graded on the info shared with you and other readers. Look the info up and re-grade please. There is an entire community organizing content within public health nursing that assesses the health of communities based on the assets contained therein. Libraries, schools, daycare centers and other licensed providers add to the health of the community. Assets such as hospitals, doctors and dentist offices also add. Fortune tellers, strip joints- not so much. Grocery stores are huge when evaluating a community for health and wellbeing. Many at risk communities do not have grocery stores and those that have corner marts often do not have access to fresh, healthy food choices.
You are right, I misread what you wrote. I apologize and do not want to cause you any emotional distress. However, if you think your county went down the tube because of legal businesses operating in your community then your not being honest with yourself. Everything that has happened to your county was by design. Those who made the choices to allow what you fear or dislike are the ones you should blame. No your not being graded, but you are blaming those who should not be blamed and are conveniently putting the blame on those who are running legally established businesses. Instead you are agreeing with the opinions of a known domestic terrorist like “Open Your Eyes” and I find that to be the error of your ways.
I am only talking about the health and wellbeing of a community or communities. I am not talking about placing blame or what is legal. You are entitled to your opinion. I won’t argue with you and don’t care to be compared to anyone but myself. You are making assumptions again. Please do not respond further to my comments.
Fine. I expect the same out of you prude…..
@ Miss Gulch
I find it refreshing to read posts from people who have what appears to be a good morale compass. Someone that seems to care about the strength and wellbeing of the community as a whole and not just themselves. Thanks for your posts. I know it may not mean much coming from a “known domestic terrorist” but again thanks.
Morality and political correctness is the future huh. As for the “domestic terrorist” thing. You are the one who has debated me for years now on the domestic terrorism I refer to. You are admittedly a police officer for many years. You know the Federal Statute of USC@2033. You have and condone the breaking of established federal and state law that includes acts dangerous to human life, meant to intimidate and coerce the public in both pattern of practice and policy. That’s domestic terrorism sunshine. Yes, you are a known domestic terrorist…..
You bobbed when you should have weaved. You zigged when you should have zagged. You knowingly violated the law and got caught. Now all police are domestic terrorists. You sir are a hoot………… here comes the name calling and personal attacks……….You are so predictable. LOL
I didn’t get caught. I got persecuted. The officer’s violated my reasonable expectancy of privacy while trespassing on a constitutionally protected area to conduct a warrantless search. Every one of them was acting under the mandate of domestic terrorism and a general warrant handed down by the corrupt Maryland Court of Appeals. No, all police are not domestic terrorists, however you are. Police who patrol to protect and serve are what we call “friends”. Police who conduct their business in the shadows, wear masks to conduct their business, use warrantless dog’s to sniff homes and use warrantless roving wiretaps for intelligence are domestic terrorists. You subscribe to a pattern of practice and policy of domestic terrorism and teach it to others……
@ Soulman
Since you seem to have a lot of time on your hands why don’t you get on YouTube and look up the Bobby Fuller Four “I fought the law”. Every time I hear it I think of you for some reason. LOL
Why would I do anything you want me to do? You know that’s not the way it works…..
@ Soulman
Many of your readers and fans would like you to answer one and only one question. Did you or did you not knowingly violate the law? We always here your redundant defense arguments but did you know or think that what you were doing was in violation of the law?
Absolutely. I knowingly and willingly grew my own marijuana for personal use and for the dying father of Ralph Edward McMahan Jr. formerly of Preston, MD. Ralph now lives in Colorado and grows his marijuana for a living since his father past away. Now, you answer a question for your many fans and readers as well. Did the State knowingly trespass into a limited common area, manifest in its design to keep intruders and the general public out of the area, that was appurtenant to my home? Once, you answer that question the many fans and readers of both of us will know the truth. The State broke the law to gather probable cause by conducting an unwarranted search that violated the privacy of my home and trespassed into a constitutionally protected area. Everything afterwards is the fruits of a poisonous tree…….
By the way, if I still smoked marijuana, I would continue to grow it in my home. End of discussion terrorist…..
I used to wonder what your issues are. I notice that for every topic that you comment on, you seem to spin off to your own issue. You need to just let it go, or you will continue to be bitter and broken. Pull yourself up and move on with the positives in life. Otherwise, go see someone for help.
@Open your eyes, I’m not sure why he keeps calling you a terrorist. I have the utmost respect for law enforcement. You put your life on the line every day to uphold the law. Seems pretty selfless to me. It can’t be easy work and you have to always be thinking on your feet. Kudos.
My thought about drugs, esp Marijuana that many people think is harmless…it is toxic to the brain, esp for younger people who are still developing. I have seen many youth who have come into the hospital after having a psychotic break. Marijuana, by itself doesn’t cause the psychosis, but if someone is vulnerable for developing a mental illness it will make it more likely to surface. K2 is a different story…I have cared for numerous young people smoking synthetic mj who have come in violent, combative and psychotic. Sometimes they can recover and many times they are never the same.
Uh Gulch, I thought we were not going to comment to one another. I didn’t bring up my issues at all, the domestic terrorist Open Your Eyes did. Any police officer acting under this contrivance is a domestic terrorist as defined by the US Code, unless a remedy is allowed. Since no remedies are afforded to me, not only is the Harford County Circuit Court acting as a domestic terrorist organization, the entire Maryland Judicial System is as well. The common remedy is a reconsideration hearing, but this will allow the contrivance to continue to the next man and this is unacceptable. It must be ended. The least I can do after being a surety agent for the court for 13 years and bringing people in to face this domestic terrorism that I now suffer, is to permanently end the acts of domestic terrorism conducted by the corrupt Criminal Justice System of Maryland. They will comply with the Supreme Court. It may kill me, but my murder is their will. I move on for no terrorist and I don’t let things go until I say so. Not when some corrupt Judge says so. We are fighting a war against terrorism an ocean away, yet our government is the terrorists that we should be fighting. Seems to me our troops should be brought home and placed in our police stations and courts to keep terrorism from being conducted by our own government. I hate Open Your Eyes with all my soul and he knows it. It’s because he is a terrorist……
For the record the Soulman was charged with growing marijuana by Police in Harford County. He freely accepted and Alford plea which is an acknowledgement that the state had a sufficient amount of evidence to find a defendant guilty. He admits to violating the law and has made it clear that he was hoping that his criminal actions would somehow be shielded by the constitution. Now he holds every police officer, judicial official, and legislator responsible for his self initiated poor judgement. It is both sad, delusional, and pathetic. I will put him on my prayer list.
Don’t you dare say a prayer for me terrorist. I did not freely accept the Alford Plea. The plea even stated that I believed it was an illegal search. It was the product of extortion, $17,488.16 worth of extortion to be exact. It was also the product of threats delivered to me by my own counsel on behalf of the state and Judge William Carr, but they were issued off the record. My right to appeal was stolen as Judge William Carr specifically said “a limited form of appeal involving procedural issues is available”. That’s not a direct appeal and has been conveniently with held from the record. Judge William Carr also tried to induce me to further break the Federal and State law by saying “you are to remain employed”, even though he knew it was illegal. This also has been deleted from the record. The constitution does shield us from illegal prosecution, just ask Joelis Jardines, Danny Kyllo and the Supreme Court of the US. I only hold those responsible for the acts of domestic terrorism that I have suffered, who committed the terrorism. Don’t act like your religious lawdog, as you are as venomous as any viper known to man. The law has become lawless and then you wonder why police are being murdered by the people all across this country at an alarming rate. I do not condone this murder and find it reprehensible. However, if my murder will force the change of terrorism instituted by lawless heathens like yourself, then so be it. My murder is your will lawdog……and yes, you brought this topic up again pig. Not me.
If anyone needed proof of the effects of marijuana…
Uh, the effects of marijuana are grabbing a bag of Doritos, watching TV, sitting back and relaxing. What you have seen here has been intentionally induced by a police officer or a former police officer. It has nothing to do with marijuana….
Grabbing a bag of Dorittos, watching TV with blood shot eyes is just the temporary effects after doing the “blub blub blub” in the water bong.
The long lasting effects are pretty obvious, past and current criminal convictions which have can have an enormous effect on your employment depending on what it is you do.
I don’t know if guilty plea criminal conviction people can vote in this state or not but you certainly can’t possess firearms legally anymore.
The possession of firearms doesn’t make you a man. Unless you are using a firearm to hunt or to protect your family, the possession of a firearm is nothing but a tool to do no good. I’ve not owned a gun since I was 16. I have no use for one. I never wielded a gun the entire time I was a surety agent for the court. If you can not defend yourself with your hands and must use a gun, then you are weak. In certain situations, like a woman defending herself from being mugged or from an abusive spouse, I condone the use of firearms because she could not defend herself from her attacker. But grown men walking around tapping their side arm in a “vulgar display of power” used as a tool to intimidate, is pathetic. I do believe in the 2nd amendment and believe it is essential for a free society to exist for the reasons our forefathers enumerated. However, what’s your point? You really would rather not know someone has a gun and find out the hard way? I mean, the entire Brady Bill actually hinders Law Enforcement. If those felons could legally purchase firearms at least the police would know they are packing. The way things are right now the police are totally unaware of a large population illegally carrying heat. That should scare you. Think about it…..
Cool story about whatever your long wall of text is about, a rambling on opinion.
I was merely identifying 1 of the most obvious rights a citizen loses once they have a criminal conviction of a crime that carries a jail sentence more than 1 year it is I believe?
Obviously you haven’t a clue. Yes, you are right that you lose the right to own a firearm if convicted of a felony or any crime that could carry over a year in jail. Possession of a firearm is also hindered if you have a record of mental illness. However, it is very easy to obtain a firearm illegally on the street and the prices on the street are well under what people pay if purchased in a legal manner at a retailer. Once again, what is your point? The system has made it impossible for a person with a criminal record to legally get a gun and has made it expensive for a law abiding citizen to purchase a gun. The last time someone tried to offer me a gun, which was not long ago, the .45 auto they were trying to unload was about $150.00, which I do believe is far under a retail price.
There is no point.
I typed/replied that a criminal conviction is a loss of your firearm rights.
I didn’t talk about being involuntary confined to a mental health facility for over 30 days, or how a firearm makes you a “man” or where ever else you read into and took my comment about having a criminal conviction is a legal loss of firearm rights.
I said legal because we all know people are found to be in unlawful possession of firearms as prohibited persons.
Well, I’m glad that you admitted that your comment had no point. At least your honest….
Heh. There is no point in your comments, either. In fact there is pretty much no point in any commenary, especially on the internet. It’s a form of entertainment for me.
You made no points , either, as in how you expanded and ran off in all different directions on your personal opinion of firearms.
Voting and Guns are the only two rights that are lost due to criminal conviction that came to mind at the time ofy post, hence, my no point, worthless post that meant nothing in the terrabytes of cyberspace.
Actually, if you found no point to my “commentary”, as you put it, then you are lost to the wisdom you were just offered. However, you are absolutely correct about the civil disabilities rendered from a conviction. I see from your “commentary” that you seem to be well versed in the firearm laws. You did point out earlier that the civil disabilities also include hindrance to the right to work, yet didn’t include it as the loss of rights due to a criminal conviction.
I am totally ignorant to the “right to work” with criminal convictions. All I can assume is that all private employers have a right to choose who they hire and all local government and federal jobs are obvious with not hiring people with criminal convictions
I don’t have any immediate family, personal friends or any current co workers who are convicted criminals.
At one time out of high school I worked in a trade where multiple other employees were working the same good paying, trade (Non Driving) job as me with past criminal convictions.
Well, let me clue you in on that one. The “Right to Work” is hindered by any conviction of a felonious nature. Maryland has no distinction between being a felon of marijuana manufacture or a felon of a violent crime. Since employers only ask “Have you been convicted of a felony?” on employment applications and base their decisions on that question, it is a hindrance to the right to work. However, lets say you were convicted of telephone misuse, but were also charged with witness intimidation and attempting to influence testimony from the use of fabricated evidence yet not convicted of those crimes, the same civil disability is suffered. In Maryland, just the charge of the aforementioned crimes is used to disallow employment or the issuance of a professional license, even if the evidence is fabricated or tampered with, especially if the conviction was by any plea bargain. Employers and Agencies of the State say that you used a plea bargain to avoid prosecution of the other charges. Isn’t that enlightening?
Telephone misuse, allegations of witness intimidation and testimony influence, threats towards judicial officials. Now I ask you. Who kind of person would even consider those things? I am mortified.
Whatever. Proof has been submitted to the court that shows the truth. Go get the file, then read it and weep……
soulcrusher, why are u lettinh this guy under your skin. dont’ get mad he just a cop.
He doesn’t get under my skin. Only a fool would believe the crap out of Open Your Eyes’ mouth. I was charged with offenses that could’ve gotten me 60+ years in jail. I walked away with 1 year and a day plus 3 years probation. I had every red cent returned to me, plus interest. My home was never seized for forfeiture. Either I had the best lawyer in the history of Harford County or else it was an illegal search and the other evidence was fabricated or tampered with. It’s just that simple. Believe who you want……
I was told by an employee of the Dolben Company that there were no rent vouchers accepted or subsidization of any kind. Can someone, truthfully, without venom or personal insults, give me the facts? I’ve driven through the neighborhood and did not see anything suspicious.
Call the leasing office and ask them if they are accepting vouches yourself.
K, I have found that no one can truthfully answer without venom in this particular forum. It is a magnet for the vile. That said, bring on the addition to the community, it’s good for business and tax revenue. Who wouldn’t want that?
So true, A D Plorable. Personally, I much preferred the open unobstructed view. But, I don’t have the ability to purchase all available land and hold onto it, undeveloped. Klein Enterprises did, does, and will continue. That is their business. Sometimes I’m envious and curious of developers. Other days, not so much. You hit the bull’s eye, A D with your response.
I have to agree with you on this one A D Plorable. Your the man I wish I was. Thanks for the eye opening commentary. I am sorry I chastised you in the other room.