From the Aberdeen Police Department:
Employees of Short Stop Beverage Barn were robbed Tuesday evening when an unknown black male displaying a handgun robbed the store of an undisclosed amount of money. The man, wearing dark pants, dark hoodie, and whose face was partially concealed, immediately fled the scene following the robbery. Aberdeen Police personnel quickly responded to the scene and began an immediate search for the suspect. After a lengthy community canvass the suspect was unable to be located.
This is the third liquor store in Aberdeen to be robbed of late. The Aberdeen Police Department requests the public’s help in identifying any suspicious activity surrounding local businesses, by reporting these observations to police immediately. Also, anyone with information related to this robbery, please contact the Aberdeen Police Department at 410-272-2121.
Trumpster says
Welcome to Trumps new Amerika. No jobs, no hope, nothing but broken promises. People will do extraordinary things to survive.
You broke it now you own it.
Obamasson says
Yeah. Because this is the fault of the guy who hasn’t taken office.
Trumpster says
Oh no you don’t get to play that card…… Nothing to do with the “office” …… you spent 6 years getting to this point. Enjoy it you earned it.
SoulCrusher says
No. It’s not Trumps fault at all. It’s the fault of yours and mine. We have allowed the government to become a machine of Domestic Terrorism and illegal prosecution. If we had stood up long ago and prevented our government from becoming the murderous machine of Domestic Terrorism that we currently live in, none of this need happen. It’s our fault that the world is what it is today because we allowed it to happen. You, I and every citizen of this country has allowed our government to become something our forefathers never intended.
TrumpLies76%Of TheTime says
Leroy says
You are what Marx referred to as an “Useful Idiot”
Obamasson says
Wtf are you talking about. Crime is up because no good citizens are allowed to carry guns and all the broke liberals know that your communist state won’t stop looters and criminals.
Trumpster says
That’s just sad.
And to think liberals actually want to educate idiots like Obamasson The world and Mr Trump needs ditch diggers..
Harford County Constitutionalist says
If Obama had a son he might look just like this guy…
South Harford Democrat says
If Obama had a son he would be a social worker trying to help the poor and homeless. He wouldnt be making snarky bullshit comments on a blog obsessed with crime but not its cause – inequality, racism,drug addiction , mental illness, poverty and homelessness.
NotPC says
One small correction: If Obama had a son he would be a social worker trying to help the poor and homeless by extorting money from working people.
South Harford Democrat says
Reactionary conservatives always say that if we dont give more money to the rich they will lose their incentive to invest. But then they turn around and tell us the poor will lose their incentive to work if we give them financial assistance.
Jesus (Mark14:7) says “The poor will always be with us and you can help them whenever you want” The reactionary Mayor of Aberdeen leaves off the last seven words, suggesting it is hopeless, what are you gonna do?
LOL says
I’m going to ask why you quoted in an article here a month ago that the Republican candidate lost the electoral code vote?
LOL says
College, not cofe.
South Harford Democrat says
South Harford Democrat says
South Harford Democrat says
A D Plorable says
Thugs like this are a result of the OweBama and OweMally economy. Hope they get this thug off the street before some innocent person gets hurt..
SoulCrusher says
Armed robbers existed before O’Malley or Obama. Armed robbers have existed during prior economic depressions and at times when the economy was doing great. Your entire first sentence was nothing but political rabble. Thugs like this are a result of a system of Domestic Terrorism instituted against citizens born into poverty with no way to escape. Thugs like this exist because of racial discrimination that prevents impoverished and minority citizens from getting jobs. Thugs like this exist because of a completely incompetent judicial system that allows the Deprivation of Rights under color of law and Domestic Terrorism of citizens. Get your story straight. Thugs like this exist because the government created them…..
Harford County Constitutionalist says
Thugs like this exist because people choose bad paths, race has nothing to do with it. The reason this system exists in its current state is the dissolution of the nuclear family(In large part correlated to the Great Society Intiative).
Out of wedlock children are the problem, there is always a job out there. It is probably hard work that doesn’t pay very well, but there is always a way to make money that does not include stealing.
South Harford Democrat says
Are you a sociologist or a political sociopath (alt-right)?????
squasage says
There he is again.
No YouTube videos?
South Harford Democrat says
Your wish is my command. KMA
South Harford Democrat says
pizzle says
I must admit that I didn’t expect this level of depth of conversation over an armed robbery story. Since we’ve already started down the rabbit hole…..
In the end, all governments want to control their citizenry. If you polled each elected official individually, they would of course vehemently deny this. However, as a collective, the government acts in just the opposite fashion. In order to control its citizens, it needs useful idiots, of which we seem to be breeding more and more of over time. Much to my amazement, I’m going to agree with SoulCrusher in the sense that….we have done this to ourselves. We have gotten the government we deserve.
Whether or not this has anything to do with why this thug is robbing liquor stores, I can’t really say. Maybe it’s the “system that is keeping him down”, or maybe it’s the pants that hang half-way down his ass that’s keeping him from getting a decent job.
South Harford Democrat says
The thief in the picture does not have “pants that hang half-way down his ass” . He is in fact color co-ordinated and well dressed. .Put a tie on him and remove the mask and he is interview ready.Robbery can also be a decent job. It happens everyday on Wall Street and in government He is not taking any welfare handout.Reactionaries should applaud his “initiative ” He’s using his own limited skills to make a living. You think he wants to be risking jail/death for a living. You think he wants to be moneyless and living in a tent by the Moose Lodge. His stolen money will pay for rent, food, transportation., recreation.When he gets back to employment he’ll put the gun away for target shooting. Maybe join the NRA. . Accept for the gun, the mask and the robbery he’s just another free enterprise mook
You're too dumb to be considered dumb says
Logic that that is why you got your ass handed to you in the election.
LOL says
So much for losing that electoral vote? Huh?
Were you wrong?
ResistOrangeHitler says
Dear Mayor McGrady/LOL . Donald Trump is still a “whinny little bitch” And he is still a racist,sexist,xenophobe He just appointed a racist as his chief strategist and and he wants to appoint his son in-law as an advisor in violation of Federal nepotism laws. He does not have a mandate since he lost the popular vote. He is appointing cronies racists, and incompetents to his cabinet. He wants to give the rich a break and throw out the hated immigrants.But god luv him, he is still tweeting like high school girl at 3AM attacking the free press. Very presidectial-elect!
LOL says
Hey bud I’m not a mayor of anything and I never claimed to be. I’m just a nobody like you.
Its interesting you didn’t answer the question, and just trolled off on some drivel.
Are you some kind of crybaby?
ResistOrangeHitler says
ResistOrangeHitler says
Dear Mayor McGrady/Mr. LOL/Mooks
My name is not Bud,.Bubba! I’m insulted. Stop being a snarky mook!
Love Trumps Hatefult Trumppets says
Well, racism is alive and well in Harford County. Just look at the Dagger bigots and all the acts of racism taking place in the county. I’ve seen them on Facebook photos. Love trumps hate. You will lose. Just goes to show that most Trump supporters are what we thought they were.
Potato Peeler says
Everything is so “racist” today. The word has been reduced to very little meaning.
You can disagree, but when these social justice buzzwords are the first word out of a majority of people’s mouth to get whatever attention/shtick/complex they are seeking.
Potato Peeler says
And “I saw pictures on Facebook.” Congratulations?
Yep, I believe everything on the internet, there’s never an agenda. Haha!
I guess it could have been worse, you could have said you pictures on main stream media?
Have all the sore losers of this Presidential election swore off believing main stream media or, no? Is it still gospel or have we accepted the fact people got made.
The big picture says
Long before Donald Trump ever considered running for the presidency it was well documented the blacks participate in a disproportionately high amount of crime. Furthermore much of their music advocates violence and disrespect to women and society. In all too many circumstances blacks will openly defy the police, and any type of authority and then claim foul. These actions in many cases result in unwanted and sometimes tragic outcomes by all parties involved. The media is very much to blame for current issues in our country. They will not fairly report the facts of an incident. At all times the media attempts to portray blacks as complete and total victims. Michael Brown and Treyvon Martin are perfect examples. If you listen to the media accounts you would think these two young men were coming from a prayer meeting went for no reason at all they were accosted and killed. As another poster once osaid when was the last time you saw a black burglar on a home security commercial or when was the last time you saw a black a junkie on an addiction services commercial. This country has no problem with law-abiding citizens of any color. Black people could do much more for their cause then they are currently doing. Maybe if they would police their own and have some accountability for the wrong actions of some ot their members feelings of distrust.
And while you are on the topic of Trumpsters and racial issues can you answer
me a question. Why did HRC see the need to utilize a former drug dealing gangster rapper in an attempt to obtain votes in Ohio? She was basically acknowledging that one of the best ways to solicit votes from the a large portion of the black community is to appeal to their lawlessness and disrespect for authority. By her actions she committed a blatant disrespect for black people. Think about it.
Barbara says
There were over 60 Million Trump supporters and you state that most of his supporters are racists and bigots as witnessed by the very small number of incidents reported in the news. If we had over 30 million reported incidents, I would agree with your statement. Less than a handful of incidents certainly does not represent most of the 60 million Trump supporters.
zeb says
To be a racist or bigot you do not have to create an “incident” all you need to do is support one with your vote.
Well done Babs you’re a racist.
Politically UnCorrect says
You’re a racist, too.
Hit reply and tell me I’m a racist.
Then I’ll reply again with you’re a racist too, again.
Open Your Eyes says
Enough is enough. I voted for Trump bacause at least he was not an out right self serving liar as was HRC. Was he perfect? Far from it but he was a better choice than her. I really wish that some of you playing the race card would think back to the last two presidential elections and looked at the amount of black people that opted for Obama only because he was black. Many openly admitted it. Howard Stern in is Harlem voter interviews exemplified exactly that point. He would interview black voters and asked them about issues which were clearly Republican but he would tell them that they were Obamas’s ideas. Guess what? They had no clue about the subject matter but we’re clearly backing Obama out of black faternity.
TrumpLies76%Of TheTime says
Trump Lies 76% of the time according to Politi-Fact.
zeb says
I know you didn’t mean too but you just supported the racist claim.
You people should really think about your facts before trying to legitimize your racist bigotry.
TrumpLies76%Of TheTime says
Open Your Eyes says
“You people”……..interesting. If I were addressing a black person and said “you people” I would be labeled a racists. Sad bunch of hypocrites. Big question is …..ok…….Obama tells the demonstrators it is their constitutional right to demonstrate and it is…….but I have not heard him address the violence taking place. The president of the U.S. Should set better examples but don’t get me started there. The election is over let’s move on. Anyone, including the president, who actually cares about our country should do the same.
Deer God says
“I voted for Trump bacause at least he was not an out right self serving liar”
So the NFL did send him a letter….
He did keep Ford from going to mexico….
It wast bigger than watergate..
Mexico is paying for the wall…
We all are going to make so much money….
The system is rigged….
I could go on but I don’t want to break the internet…
Barbara says
If I’m a racist among the 60 million simply because I voted for Trump, then I’m in good company since that 60 million includes thousands each of Asians, Blacks, Jews, Hispanics and yes, even Muslims.
Potato Peeler says
The biggest problem are the trolls. It’s not out of the question some of the “graffiti” that’s being maliciously applied to private property bearing racial innuendo is being done by non-trump supporters a.k. a. Sore losers. It’s common sense.
Of course the trolls here get off on not acknowledging it, and purposely ignore/deflect for whatever entertainment value they get by their posts.
? says
So you are saying Trump supporters burned down their campaign office.
zeb says
As I said previously these people don’t think out their argument very well. It’s an uneducated old white guy thing.
Potato Peeler says
When you see the mainstream media show pictures of spray painted vulgar language against minorities, you would tend to believe it was those uneducated angry old white guys?
What is the chance of angry, highly educated democratic voters of all ages/ethnicity involved in the crime to make it appear that some other group was doing it?
zed says
By all means, enlighten me.
The only argument I see is a bunch of people of all ages/ethnicities disappointed that they got made for months on end watching the news, also reading who was going to win the Presidential election. Getting the champagne ready to pour, high giving each other until about 10pm on election night when they’re faces became a blank stare at the TV screen with their mouth open.
Its over with, time to move on.
I really don’t understand painting everyone with a broad brush and name calling.
Actually I do, it’s the internet and everyone gets their jollies off by typing up a bunch of bullshit to get others hot and bothered.
ResistOrangeHitler says
Dear Barbara/ If you know Trump is a racist and you vote for him you are supporting racism. If you dont know Trump is a racist then you are still supporting racism Trump is a known racist , misogynist and xenaphobe.
Barbara says
I do know that Trump is not a racist, misogynist or a xenophobe, which is why over 60 Million people voted for him.
Trump is so non-xenophobic that he married two foreign born women. It is why he strongly supports legal immigration.
Just think, our current First Lady is going to be replaced by an immigrant who came to America in 2000 and became a citizen in 2006. From citizenship in 2006 to First Lady of The United States of America in just ten short years!! America truly is a wonderful country. .
ResistOrangeHitler says
Barbara says
Thanks for posting proof that Trump is not a racist.
LowIQLinkedToPrejudice says
Dear Barbara/ “There is no gentle way to put it. People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb.” –Live Science- Low IQ And Conservatism Linked To Prejudice
Confused in Harford County says
I’m confused and curious as to who else may be as well. We have an article which clearly indicates a pattern of liquor store robberies within the City of Aberdeen. Yet instead of focusing on the suspect and offering real solutions and or credible information that may lead to identifying this suspect you all have decided to comment on the President Elect, racism, current Aberdeen Mayor, and many other non relevant topics. SMH
A Realist says
Exactly!!! Like a fucking run on sentence…
ResistOrangeHitler says
Dear Dazed And Confused/ No one can identify the masked marauder. He wore a mask. Focusing on the suspect led to charges by racist mooks that he was a product of Obama Era or because he wore droopy pants.. . Or maybe its Hunger? Homelessness ?Unemployment? Racism?Drugs? Mental illness?. Trump,racism, the heartless do-nothing McGrady and Aberdeen s Tent City have everything to do with the possible causes of crime. They are relevant to the topic! Stop trying to control the conversation! .
Frrrr says
Wait, what?
Freestate? says
So back to the article about an armed criminal stealing money. My money says he is a drug addict who doesn’t give a damn about politics.
ResistOrangeHitler says
Dear Freestate Gambler/ Put your money where your mouth is! Donate your time or money to alleviate the drug problem. Also you could volunteer to try to register discouraged voters! It could be the suspect is a down and out veteran who doesnt think voting can solve his immediate economic problems. My bet is he isnt a drug addict. He is too professional in his tactics and behavior.I bet he has been well trained in how to handle dangerous situations.
The Sad Facts says
This guy is like the members of the Harford County Board of Education. Taking money from kids for drama fees and sport fees and giving nothing in return.
Black Lies Matter says
String em up !!! Let them hang from a tree for a while and see if the crime rate decreases.
ResistOrangeHitler says
LifeScience/Human Nature ” Low IQ and Conservative beliefs linked to prejudice.”
Hadenough says
Democrats at it again….
FearInTheRightAmygdala says