From the Aberdeen Police Department:
An employee of Northside Liquors was robbed Friday evening when an unknown black male displaying a handgun robbed the store of an undisclosed amount of money. The man, wearing dark pants, dark hoodie, and whose face was partially concealed, immediately fled the scene following the robbery. Aberdeen Police personnel quickly responded to the scene and began an immediate search for the suspect. After a lengthy community canvass the suspect was unable to be located.
The Aberdeen Police Department requests anyone with information related to this robbery contact the Aberdeen Police Department at 410-272-2121.
A Realist says
Guess what guys?!?!? Your camera’s suck!!! Good luck catching the grim reaper…?
Pavel314 says
Why do stores put up security cameras that don’t record good pictures? Seems like a waste of money. Were there any outside cameras that might have gotten a picture of the getaway car?
A Realist says
Being across the street from Wawa,I’d say there’s plenty of camera’s. Not to mention the fitness center directly behind it. And the police station 2 blocks away.
ResistOrangeHitler says
Oh no says
Another I want free sh-t Hillary supporting Democrat. Armed robberies will go up because a lot of the free sh-t policies are going to come to a screeching halt.
ResistOrangeHitler says
ResistOrangeHitler says
HappyRepublicanNow says
“If I had a son it would look just like this guy” Barack Obummer…
pizzle says
Thank goodness the gun laws are in effect to keep us all safe. I feel so much better knowing that only criminals, the police and those protecting politicians have the “right” to carry.
? says
The store owner isn’t allowed to own a gun?
What did he/she do to lose that right?
SoulCrusher says
In the State of Maryland, virtually any conviction loses your right to carry. This includes many misdemeanors. Any crime that you could have received a sentence over a year in jail negates this right. This is why the State and its legislators have made so many misdemeanors to allow a sentence exceeding a year. All of this is contrary to the Constitution of the United States which legislature has never made an Amendment to allow the restriction of this right. However, when one reads the Constitution, one has to realize that this Amendment was to constrain the government from taking guns away from the people, so that the State’s could resist the tyranny of a central government. Now, our State has become more tyrannous than the central government and the people are being subject to acts of Domestic Terrorism instated by the State government. It is hideous what this country has become and no one, including Donald Trump, can not or will not stop the bleeding the two party system has created. Our government is an abomination of governmental intrusion and control that can only be corrected by replacing what currently stands…..
SoulCrusher says
I’m sorry, I made a mistake, a conviction doesn’t just lose your right to carry, it loses your right to own any gun period. You basically lose your right of defense by firearm, while any scumbag employed by a government agency CAN have a gun. Remember, they will gun you down and murder you for any little reason they seem fit. Even if the law on the books doesn’t allow it….
? says
The store owner is a convicted felon?
SoulCrusher says
Have no idea. You don’t need to be a convicted felon for firearm restriction in Maryland. Most misdemeanors carry a possible sentence of over a year in jail. According to the Federal and State law, anyone convicted of any crime that could have resulted in over 1 year in jail, most CDS infractions, or a felony is firearm restricted. This was by design to take otherwise lawful citizen’s rights from possessing a firearm for virtually any infraction the Legislators could think up. Even if the infraction is non-violent or unconsequential to the safety of others. That’s the way I have read the law and the history of the law.
SoulCrusher says
By the way, I doubt he is a convicted felon. I don’t think a felon can own a liquor store or possess a liquor license in this State. I might be wrong. There might be some sort of Administrative hearing that would allow it, but it’s a lot of red tape for getting denied by one of the terrorists who sit on the bench.
? says
So we can agree pizzels remarks have no relevance to this article.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease give the domestic terrorism poor me a rest. Please!!!
SoulCrusher says
Would you like some cheese with all your wine? Look up USC@2033.
pizzle says
Why must only the owner of a store have the “right” to own a gun? What happens when the thug decides to start mugging individuals instead?
ResistOrangeHitler says
Leave the poor guy alone. He was just protesting Trump and the election.
ResistOrangeHitler says
The people's hater says
What’s up with Aberdeen on certain parts along Route 40? McDonalds moved, original building is boarded up. Musical Inn was for sale, just sitting vacant. That old Diner near “main street” is crickets. I saw another vacant building in-between there as well. What’s really going on? LOL
I mean, someone has some money to build up new strip malls just down the road, and of course that big fancy lawn ornament that looks like an office building next to Target. Could have fooled me.
HappyRepublicanNow says
Silly you,,,,that called “Hope and Change”, Just ask ResistOrangeHitler,,,,, he knows
Open Your Eyes says
I just have one philosophical question to ask this resist guy. How do you think news agencies such as MSNBC, CNN, and many others would have reported similar type demonstrations/riots if HRC would have won the election and conservatives reacted the same way? Be honest! There are many of us anxiously awaiting your response and or justification.