From Harford Councilman Mike Perrone:
On Tuesday December 6, at 6 p.m. in the County Council Chambers, a public hearing will be held for Bill 16-29, which could introduce some new zoning code flexibility for the land in Joppa bordered by Route 40, Route 152, Trimble Road, and Joppa Road. Historic Magnolia (the area around Fort Hoyle Road) would also be within the scope of this bill.
Here is a brief history and summary – much of the woods bordered by Route 40, Route 152, Trimble Road, and Joppa Road have been approved for single family homes for many years, and there is nothing (other than the market) which is stopping those homes from being built. This bill would allow townhouses and apartments, but with no more density (i.e. total number of units) than would be otherwise allowed by the underlying zoning. The bill could also allow limited retail and services uses, and could pave the way for the kind of walkable, streetscape oriented, pre-suburban neighborhood people now have to leave Harford County if they want to live in.
I have some pros and cons in mind regarding the bill, but I want the surrounding communities to have as much input as possible before this bill goes to a vote. There is also a lot more detail than I can provide beyond the brief paragraph above. So on Monday, November 28, and Wednesday, November 30, I will be hosting informational meetings on the bill. Both meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Joppa Library. I hope to see you there.
Councilman Mike Perrone
District A
WELL, ITS ALITTLE TO LATE FOR THAT SIR, ITS AUDIT SEASON SO START MILKING YOUR CASH COWS, ,,,, if you know what I know. Environmental Protection Services already taxed your ass, and nice try on the drama fee too, what else you’ll gonna try to snatch to help pay the Feds. HANG MAN IS COMING DOWN FROM THE GALLOWS and you don’t got much too long…..
Translation, more section 8 for harford county. You guys are doing everything you can to ruin harford county.
Perrone couldn’t get his homeless tent city past the citizens, so now he’s trying a back door approach by zoning. I don’t trust anything this guy does; hopefully, the people of his district will get rid of him at the next election and bring back Guthrie, a man who cared about his constituents.
I don’t think our local politicians don’t care if they ruin the county, I think they’re interested in advancing their careers. Play nice with the money men and they send you from Bel Air to Annapolis and maybe on to D.C. More Section 8 people means more voters and more allocations from the Federal government hence more cronies on the county payroll.
One extra “don’t’ in my post:
“I don’t think our local politicians don’t care if they ruin the county” should be
“I don’t think our local politicians care if they ruin the county”.
Sugarhill LLC the owner of most if not all of the property has been trying to get it developed for years. If you check out the tax maps for this area you will find that is has been parceled out and has approx 500+ lots. They could not get the development done through traditional means so now they are working to get the zoning laws changed. If this happens (based on the expected path being taken), we can expect HUD financed development. This means that the new “homes” would be subject to HUD rules and that requires a certain percentage of the development be available for voucher and assistance programs.
This development will also overcrowd our schools and infrastructure, drop property values and probably raise crime rates.
They already have revised development plans created and waiting to be implemented on approval of the change.
I would ask everyone to urge Mr. Perrone to vote no to the zoning change, but unfortunately the fix is in, the hearing and vote are just a formalities required by law.
it should be Sugar Hill Road LLC.
Sugar Hill Road, LLC is a Maryland Domestic LLC filed on July 9, 2001 . The company’s filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is W06375786.
The Registered Agent on file for this company is Judith Silverstein, Esq. and is located at 30 Office Street, Bel Air, MD 21014. The company’s principal address is 499 Mountain Hill Road, Perryville, MD 21903.
SUGAR HILL ROAD, LLC – Aberdeen, MD (86-SP-0232-1) Renewal for a surface mine permit located from US 40 to Mountain Road
The houses that have started have been selling fast this past year. Problem is they didn’t have the infrastructure ready to sell more this year. I suspect this is an attempt to cut down how much infrastructure is needed so they can build it faster. That said I would prefer houses to town homes
Where have they been building houses on the Sugar hill Road property on the north side of Trimble between Trimble and Magnolia? It is my understanding that this hearing is for the property in question that just happens to include the area around Fort Hoyle Road due to the zoning in that area.
Right across from magnolia elementary. Ryan homes took over phase 1 of Rogers Ford and sold the remaining lots in 3 months. Had to raise prices 3 times. If the roads and lots had been laid out for phase 2 the could of sold that too. It wasn’t ready yet. My guess is they want to get the stuff on the market while interest rates are low and get it sold since they have sat on it for 10 years.
Absolutely the worst Administration Harford County has ever witnessed. The Council doesn’t provided over-site; zero checks and balances. Perrone wants a homeless shelter and the expansion of subsided housing. The fix is in and he will get it. Unless we are able to remove the North County Coterie, Glassman and Boniface.