From Harford County Public Schools:
November 14, 2016
The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the A. A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations:
o Board Committee Reports and Comments
o Public Comment
o Old Business:
Consent Agenda:
• Monthly Personnel Report – October 2016
• Affirmation of Monthly Contracts – October 2016
• Minutes of Previous Board Meeting – November 7, 2016,
o New Business:
Presentation on Quarterly Financial Report for the Period Ending September 30, 2016, Ms. Deborah Judd, Assistant Superintendent Business Services
Presentation on School Achievement Data, Dr. Susan Brown, Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment, Mrs. Angela Morton, Executive Director of Elementary School Performance, Mr. Joseph Schmitz, Executive Director of Middle and High School Performance, Mr. Phillip Snyder, Supervisor of Accountability
• Board Informational Report – School Achievement Data 2015-16
• Board Presentation – School Achievement Data 2015-16
Superintendent’s Report
The next Board of Education business meeting will be held Monday, December 5, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. All Board meetings are held in the A. A. Roberty Building. To access all future meeting dates and agendas, log onto the school system website at
Still no action from this board of education on the drama fee, despite promises from board members that they would relook the fee and that they would supposedly ask for more information. Well all we have had so far is lip service and zero action from the board. Two board members even had the audacity to say at the last meeting how much they enjoyed a production of Bye Bye Birdie at North Harford HS. Well, no thanks to them. Why hasn’t anyone on this board introduced a motion to rescind the feeq?
I’m all for the drama fee. Why should they rescind it? Why would I want to pay for something I have no interest in? Why should I pay for these things even though I don’t have any kids in the school system? Everyone wants freebies from the government. Charge a frigging fee to those who want to see those kinds of things. Pay your own way!!
Because the money collected for the drama fee does NOT go to support drama productions. That’s why. Also no fees are charged for other student activities except athletics. Just seeking equity.
By the way we all pay for lots of things in our taxes that we don’t use.
The fees don’t even cover the cost of the sponsors!
Well…too bad if the fees don’t go back in to the drama fund. And I am happy you pay taxes. The fees are only 100 bucks a year, quit whining and pay up. Are you on food stamps and welfare too? Damn suckers of the system. Why did you have kids if you don’t want to pay for their activities?