From the Office of the Governor of Maryland:
Governor Larry Hogan today issued the following statement on the 2016 presidential election results:
“I offer my congratulations to President-elect Donald Trump and to Vice President-elect Mike Pence, and will work with the new administration on behalf of all Marylanders. Now is the time for all of us to come together to find real solutions to the problems we face as a country.
For the past two years, our administration has been committed to working with both Democrats and Republicans to change Maryland for the better and that is exactly what we need to see more of in Washington, D.C.
As we move forward, I encourage both parties to leave behind the divisive politics that have marred this election season and our nation for far too long and focus on doing what is best for America.”
Work together? Oh hell no. I can’t wait for Trump to appoint a special council and investigate Hillary and lock her up.
I think you illustrated the Governor’s point.
Oh grow a set Cdum…. what’s wrong no one ever grab you by the pu$$y?
“Winning”, you are a deplorable idiot. Grab yourself by your p+ssy!
Well we rejected the devil we knew in favor of the devil we don’t yet know.
Hillary does need to be investigated by an independent counsel, but I predict Obama will pardon her as he leaves office. She has made her millions off the back of the people by selling her influence and her philandering husband Bill’s influence to people who despise everything America stands for. And American people died in Benghazi because of her. And not just Benghazi. She and Bill will go anywhere, do anything and say anything to enrich themselves.
She need to be indicted first, tried second the convicted, won’t happen before BO leaves.
Not sure that’s true. Was Nixon indicted? I know he never was tried.
No, he resigned before being impeached (indicted.) It was pretty much a foregone conclusion he would be impeached and removed from office had he not resigned. Ford gave him a full and unconditional pardon which prevented any further potential prosecution for his actions while President. So, no, Hillary doesn’t have to be indicted first to get a pardon from Obama unless that was special case since impeachment proceedings were underway and the articles of impeachment had already been issued and sent to the House. Hillary hasn’t been charged with anything and per the FBI and DOJ she won’t be so I don’t know if that means Obama can’t just issue a blanket pardon for her.
Only two Presidents have ever been impeached…Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton and both were acquitted in the Senate (Johnson by a single vote, if I remember my history correctly.)
Doing what’s best for America. Hell yea, repeal Roe vs Wade, get a back street abortion go to jail bitches.
The only women that will get “back street” abortions will be the poor. The wealthy have always found a way to secure safe medical terminations to their unplanned pregnancy.
There he is, again. That guy with his YouTube videos and constant changing name.
I commend Gov. Hogan on his desire to do what’s best for America. What’s best for America is to tear down the elitist walls that “public servants” have managed to con us into thinking they need in order to govern (rule) us. It boggles my mind that many (most?) of those “serving” in our government at the federal level eventually become multi-millionaires. These career politicians have managed to pull off the ultimate con. And we as a collective, continue to be their useful idiots. Caring more about who is boinking who in Hollywood, or about how much so-and-so is getting paid for playing a friggin’ game. We truly have gotten the government we deserve. This was certainly reflected in our choices for president this election.
I thoroughly enjojed and got a lot of entertainment out of news reporters on TV last night talking with the sore losers, a.k.a. “protesters” in select urban cities as they over embellish their (nonexistent) fears just to jump on the bandwagon and to be on TV for 30 seconds.
How these people breathe air on their own is beyond me.
What I’m saying is that you’re chance of being mugged on the street you protest the presidential election is probably more greater than any President personally effecting your life in any shape or form.
Preach the civility but shout foul language about the Presidential election.
These people are obviously Democratic candidate supporters. Not sure how many Republicans would walk in the street, block traffic, and shout obscenities?
Whichever moniker that guy who constantly replies with embedded YouTube links is going to use please don’t bother. I’m not going to watch them.
It’s going to be tremendous. Trump is already putting out of work people with no skills in wonderful jobs.
I think you have to give Donald Trump a chance. You just got over eight years of an egotistical narcissistic Muslim sympathizing, antiChristian, police hating racist who has caused greater racial divide then anyone known to man. He made every effort to dictate the outcome of the past election. He could control the FBI and the Justice Department but could not control the will of hardworking Americans who were sick of the hypocricy and were tired of BS. The current POTUS has created a horrible health care that costs working people billions. He makes sleazy deals with Iran and has to pay them a ransom for their compliance. All in pursuit of establishing his legacy to satisfy his huge ego. With all that and much more liberals are not willing to give Trump a chance. Talk about a bunch of losers!
WTF…. typical fox news bot. Since you do not have a clue what really happened you might want to muzzle the ignorance. You own this now. Good luck.
What happened was that one person was elected and the other candidates lost.
It’s how it goes every election and no one really knows until the votes come in, regardless how many months the main stream media reports the Democratic candidate winning the election.
The only “loser” here are the crybabies who can’t move on.
You do realize that when the votes came in the majority didn’t vote for the candidate of hate.
Does that leave you with an empty victory feeling?
Do you realize that when the votes were counted as required by the Constitution it was an overwhelming vote against the candidate of lies?
Doesn’t that just leave you with a patriotic feeling??
“Do you realize that when the votes were counted as required by the Constitution it was an overwhelming vote against the candidate of lies?”
Well duh…. everyone knows Trump the man of a million lies got less votes.
I don’t feel anything except I see who the President elect is, and who is not.
The election came and went.
What else is there?
Please tell me more. I need to know “how it is.”
America has painted its self in to a corner thanks to the liberal Democrats. The people that vote for a living (mostly Clinton supporters….freeloaders) and people that work for a living (most of the folks that supported Trump) Thank God for the electoral college system. You know that system was originally designed because our forefathers did not have confidence in the intelligence and integrity of the American people. When I watch MSNBC, CNN, etc. I can appreciate the mind set of our forefathers. I give you those idiots out there in the street rioting not demonstrating. Those liberal Democrats are just re-enforcing what our forefathers thought about the intellect of all too many Americans. Big question is why is our Commander and Chief not issuing statements condemning the riots and violence. I think many of us already know that answer.
Big question is why is our Commander and Chief not issuing statements condemning the riots and violence. I think many of us already know that answer.
He’s busy attending the Klan rally for Trump.
Typical, when you can’t come up with a valid argument play the race card.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Could you imagine if Hillary won and Trump supporters acted the way Hillary’s supporters are acting, It’s pathetic. Let one of these POS try to destroy my property, or pull me from my car, It would be their last act of violence. BTW, I’m ready and waiting.
Larry Hogan is the best thing that ever happened in Md. Give Trump a chance and he will do the same. Also, yeah the u tube guy is wasting his time. No one watches the crap.
As I watched the results for Md. come in I had to laugh. Cummings, Sarbanes, Dutch, Van Holland, Take every penny Stenny, and Pugh. Combined, decades of “public service”. Really?
Trump is going to make America great again!!!!
Gonna bring back those good paying union manufacturing jobs. General motors and Beth Steel coming back to Baltimore.
It’s going to be glorious.
Ha ha – no he isn’t, he a pandering shit bag who happily used his government provided health care while working to deny it to everyone else
The governor decided to not support the now President elect but went further by announcing he wrote his fathers name in as his vote. Now he asks for divisive politics to be put aside. I am betting he has assured himself of being a one term governor since democrats will be out for revenge and he has pissed off republicans. Too little too late is my prediction.
Hogan lost me when he didn’t speak up for self-defense. I’d rather have an honest Democrat ( I know, right? ) than a Republican that fails to conserve anything at all.
Trying to find that “honest” democrat is like looking for a needle in a haystack! LOL
I agree. I strongly supported Hogan for Governor and was so excited about his leadership for MD. I was embarrassed for our state when he failed to endorse fellow Republican nomination for president, Donald Trump. That’s when he lost my support. His message sounds hypocritical to me.
Get a job fleabagger.
Now Hogan wants to put a hand out…laughable!
This is tremendously great…. I changed the oil today and poured the old sludge down the storm drain.
Thank God and baby jesus for Donald J Trump the clean water act really did need to go.
Can we pave over the bay now please.
“Clinton Cash” is pure horseshit and you know it. Right wing conspiracy theory funded by Koch Brothers Oil and racist paranoid Brietbart propaganda machine. Your livin in an alternative realty. Your an X-File.
The Koch Brothers didn’t support Trump, and “Your” repeatedly using the wrong word for “You’re”. I hope you’re getting paid for every lame YouTube link you post, and not just doing it because you think people will watch them or that it will make a difference.
The only thing I know is the same guy, same avatar, and embedded YouTube links.
No, honey, actually Clinton Cash is a well documented and true description of the Clintons and their bogus ‘foundation’ that sells influence to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, with cash to buy it. No matter who they are or where they are. Or what their views of America are. Or women or homosexuals. The foundation is the pimp and the Clintons are the product being sold.
And that is the reason I could never vote for either one of them. Not the only reason but reason enough.
Clinton cash was so thoroughly debunked the book was moved to the fiction section.
Barnum was right you can fool some of the people all of the time
The simple fact remains that Obama will start and Bill and Hillary will continue to give speeches and be handsomely rewarded for them. I can’t imagine anyone believing the corporations paying for those speeches actually care what the topic is… in fact they could probably make armpit noises for 20 minutes for the hundreds of thousands they’ll be paid. The money is for influence not content. Politicians suck. R and D.
It will be interesting to see if President Obama or Attorney General Loretto Lynch addresse the comments of the rapper who’s last name is Ross who has openly called for the assassination of President elect Donald Trump. Anyone else making such a comment would immediately be called in by the Secret Service. The ball is in their court. They can do the right thing or demonstrate to the whole country their already suspected racial bias. It will be interesting to see how Obama will justify his in actions if he fails to do the right thing.
Neither one of them would harass a brother just for advocating killing a white dude.
No way Hogan. You tried to derail the Trumptrain. You are own your own now. Trumpnation will never forgive you. Happy Trumpsgiving!!
He’s the republican governor of heavily democratic Maryland… his win shocked me and many others. Endorsing Trump – particularly in today’s polarized climate – would probably have ensured him a single term. It was a smart move. I don’t care who he endorsed or that he sat it out. If he continues to do right by Maryland I’ll vote for him again.
This Republican will not vote for him again, if he won’t support the party then I won’t support him. Didn’t vote for Szeliga either. Show some balls Hogan.