From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
We won’t forget. And neither should you!
On Tuesday, November 1st, six out of seven Harford County Councilmen shamefully voted to approve Bill # 16-023 (increased compensation for county council members). They ignored hundreds of petitions, emails, and phone calls from their constituents who had contacted them…to oppose using taxpayer dollars to hand out a massive 18% pay raise for the entire county council. Funding is a key component of activism.
During the final reading of Bill # 16-023 Council President Richard “Coach” Slutzky, Vice President “Capt’n” James McMahan, Curtis Beulah, Joe Woods, Chad Shrodes, and Patrick Vincenti…had no comments before quickly casting their votes to approve double-digit pay raises that are nonexistent for working families. And it was obvious from the fast pace and lack of discussion that they were dead set on approving this embarrassingly self-serving legislation and moving on as quickly as possible.
Councilman Mike Perrone was the lone “No” vote. He reminded the rest of the council that they knew what the position paid before they decided to run for office. It’s not surprising that they disregarded Perrone’s comments.
Campaign for Liberty was told by many of our supporters that their phones calls and emails were not returned by most of the council. And those that got a reply from Council President Slutzky, reported that is was nothing more than a short form letter acknowledging that he received their message. I don’t know about you, but I find it unconscionable that these council members could approve an 18% pay increase but can’t find the time to reply to their constituent’s concerns.
However, there is some good news. Even though the vote didn’t go as we had hoped, by taking on this fight, we have grown our ranks of citizen watchdogs who will be paying closer attention to county government…now that they are aware of the true nature of some of our local politicians. This will make it easier to mobilize against future liberty-robbing legislation. These politicians know that they have awakened a sleeping giant. They know that they must tread lightly if they hope to win back public support.
But most of all, they are hoping you will forget. We won’t, and we’ll be sure to continue to hold politicians accountable for their actions in the future. We thank everyone who took the time to write an email or make a phone call opposing this legislation.
Thank you for your support!
For Liberty,
Bob Willick
State Coordinator
Maryland Campaign for Liberty
Aren’t these men all self proclaimed Conservative Republicans? I guess when one political party controls all of the county elected positions, there are zero roadblocks to protect taxpayer dollars. Smooth sailing and a blank check to fleece the taxpayer. Maybe the voters will rethink this foolish strategy and will vote less like sheeple the next election. Fool me once same on you- fool me twice shame on me.
It must be Rigged! What about the employees, you now the ones that do all the work. Most of the county worked during the blizzard for 7-8 days straight no time off, no fresh meals, no family time. At least the employees got a thank you along with a $2.00 t-shit from Mr. Glassman. What were the council members doing? I guess all but one council members are following the HRC rule book!
Primary their ass!! If they survive the primary, then get behind the D in the general. A lesson must be taught! Voters have done this with great effect in places like Colorado and now in Kansas where one party rule forgot the voters who elected them.
You’re stealing our money.
Shame on all of you. 18% raise, who had ever gotten 18% pay raise.
You all make me sick.
I’m fine with the raises as long as they are accompanied by TERM LIMITS. Old boy politics is alive & well in Harford
Typical Republicans.
if the citizens aren’t the check and balance for these individuals, who is? This county needs a leadership change in so many ways.
Thank you Mike Perrone.. I sent an email to all the members, You responded and “Coach” sent some form letter. The rest never bothered. The folks in your district should be proud.. I hope the voters in the other districts vote them out. Disgusting. Watch your back though Mike, Dion wants to get back in with the good ole boys.
During the public hearing on this legislation, it certainly appeared that “Capt’n” McMahan wants to help Dion rejoin the “good ole boys”. It was disgusting to watch a so-called republican lead Dion into a long-winded presentation on his “successes” as a council member. How convenient it was to put Dion on the committee that recommended increased compensation and then pay him back with an opportunity to give a campaign speech in hopes of getting a direct benefit from his own recommendation.
I, I, I or me, me, me that is all “some” of them say especially the 2 mentioned in the article. I can’t vote for this Captn Crunch dude, but Dion, another story……OH we DID take care of him the last election. He waffled all the time anyway, I asked him a few times, it’s was a YES or NO answer, but not Dion…waffle waffle waffle
You are absolutely correct. At least a few of the council members, and others in the county administration are openly supporting Dion in hopes that he can reverse his defeat at the next election. They don’t like that Mike thinks for himself and doesn’t always go along with what they want to do.
Don’t kid yourself, Mike Perrone voted no because he knew this would pass without him. He had nothing to lose and he never said he wouldn’t take the money if this BS passed. Today he is laughing as he takes his 18% to the bank.
I asked him about that before the vote. He never answered the question directly he only said that the next council would receive it not this one. He did not seem to like that question and was holding back.
I asked him too and he didn’t answer just said something about the CPI and only the next council could get it.
I guess you know his conscience– is that a super power?
Obviously everyone on the part of the thread is a Dion supporter.
Mike should donate his 18% to a local charity. All of the others should also choose a charity and donate this money or should be forced out. Harford County taxpayers get what they deserve because they were foolish enough to vote for these people, thinking that somehow they were going to get something different. Unfortunately those of us who did not vote for incumbents were in the minority and yet suffer the consequences along with the sheep.
The pensions for these losers should be eliminated now.
This is a part time job, not a life time feeding at the troff at my expense.
You guys are all a joke. Voting a raise for yourself when you do nothing but screw teachers in this county. Stick that raise up your ass. You should be ashamed of yourself but you wont be cause you are piece of shit politicians. Screw you all.
How much was their pay before the increase? Couldn’t find that in the article. It’s shameful when people working for the county cannot get a cost if living increase. 18% – just wow.
County employees have gotten raises the last two years, deputies even got 9% last year which 3 times what I got..
County employees received 3% this year, and $1,000 last year seeing how most have been frozen (no raises, no cost of living) for almost a decade, it’s not great but its something so we are thankful. The majority of sheriff’s employees did not receive the 9%, roughly 60-65% of the entire agency received 3% like everyone else. Every supervisor Sgt or higher (Law Enforcement) every correctional deputy, every probationary deputy, every civilian employee all received 3%. Hopefully with a few more of these 3% increases the county will be more competitive with the rest of the jurisdictions.
The answer is simple do not vote for anyone who voted for the raise. If you do that the problem will solve itself.
Is the C4L going to publish the same for Mr. Hopkins, Reilly and Szlegia for taking state raises 2 yrs ago and another raise this year…they only only condemn or local folks when state delegates and senators and reps get raises all the time.
Think twice before thanking Councilman Mike Perrone. He was the lone “No” vote however, he knew that Bill # 16-023 would pass. He could have offered amendments to lower the amount or spread it out over years but he did not. He did nothing to stop this but say “No”. He even stated “It was an easy vote to cast.” Of course it was easy for him all he needed to do was say No and he still collects the extra money.
Remember this is the same guy that was very happy to increasing our water bill just to pay for his 18% raise that he knew was coming.
How true! At least the other asses looked us in the eye when stealing from us.
I emailed everyone on the council and got one response from Mr. Slutzky. I will not vote for my councilman Joe Woods again and I urge everyone to VOTE AGAINST ALL INCUMBENTS on the county council. They are hoping we forget before the next election but I for one will not. Throw out all of these greedy bums and don’t allow them to share their plunder.
He email and called me back what he told me almost made since. I will still vote against ALL Harford County incumbents next election.
I was mad about this at first but after Joe called me back and explained it I’m OK with it now. Something he said was the current council members can’t get this increase until after the next election. Sometime in July 2019.
Doesn’t matter. Most will get it when they run again or one of their selected underlings will get it.
If we replace all the incumbents, do you think that the new crew will be any different?
Maybe not but if you don’t hold them accountable, they will think that they have a blank check to do as they please. Plus, we can always vote out the next bunch.
I was not thrilled with his vote on this but, I will always vote for Joe Woods. He has done too much good in the area for me not to vote for him. The Deputies and Firefighters will fight to keep him as well. Tuesday night his bill to provide survivors of police officers and firefighters killed or injured in the line of duty a tax credits passed. I think Joe is very safe and he called me back after I called him.
Well Steve isn’t that just the problem? Why should government employees killed or injured on the job get special treatment over the rest of the citizens? Wanna know why Joe who used to be a sheriff and a firefighter and now runs a store for Police supplies thinks they deserve special treatment?
So tell us more about the good things Joe has done for the taxpayers of Harford county.
You must be from Fallston. You sound like the typical ass that has never served a day in your life but expects to be served.
Showing up for a job everyday is not exactly “serving”.
Just saying
if he called you back….great “the least he could do” YOUR vote helped him get the position. HE like the others that voted FOR the issue should GROW some and get on here and explain THEIR vote. hmmmm what a novel idea. and IF any of them got more “against” than “for” letters/emails & phone calls and they STILL voted FOR they REALLY have some explaining.
Capt Jimbo isn’t running again but his friend Susan Burdete who is the bel air council mayor is running for his spot. He was doing this to help her out and pay back all his cronies. If you notice when Capt Jimbo does his “Coffee Talk” on the dagger it’s “Coffee Talk with Capn Jim and Mayor Burdete”. He’s priming her to take his spot. Then he can control her and no one new who isn’t part of the club shows up. Good old boy politics.
In this next election Harford County voters need to stop being fooled by these old time BIG family name bullshit artist. McMahan has been hood winking the residents for way to many years but I think that his past few years of unethical behavior may have finally caught up to him.
Good comment, pick another name.
“Pick another name.”
Why tell someone what to do?
You pick another name, bro.
The only problem with trying to elect a democrat in this county is the group that meets in Aberdeen with a leader that can’t seem to tell the truth about where he lives. Anytime he attaches his name to a candidate it is the kiss of death, Now if he would change parties he could really help the democrat’s.
6 of our 7 County Councilmen should be ashamed of themselves. By the way, they are currently paid just over $36,000 per year. This raise will take them over $43,000 per year, starting in the next term. Where are the raises for the teachers and other public school employees? We definitely need new leadership in 2018.
Many cynical people in the county believe that their salaries are supplemented by payoffs from the developers that they throw special deals to. I certainly hope that our elected representatives are above such things.
Teachers just starting out will only make $42,629 their first year according to the the 2016-2019 agreement, subject to funding. Way to go guys, you now make more money part time than starting teachers do in this county working to their contracted hours.
Tell me again why you feel you deserve this raise?
It’s a part time job end of story and if you don’t like it don’t run ! Perhaps the County Council should have put the pay rise on this years ballot and see if the citizens of Harford County think they deserve a 18% pay raise Not a shot in hell ! Instead Question A .we all know that our local Good Old boy network has never done anything to benefit us the very one who elected them. This is a very unethical corrupt administration. Karma is a bitch .
If it takes voting for a Dem to get rid of these guys, are you willing to do it to send your message? They are all betting that you won’t in this county. If history is any indication of future behavior, I think that they see the odds are greatly on their side.
Your silence on my question speaks volumes. Didn’t think so, and the R’s in charge know it.
They’re betting all you folks complaining have short term memories which seems to pan out most times
I find it incredible that no one has claimed misappropriation of county funds. Furthermore, no one finds it to be a conflict of interest in voting to raise one’s salary? If you have an interest in a vote for the raising of your own salary, isn’t that something that should have required these councilmen to abstain from voting? In my opinion, Mr. Perrone is the only one who followed the law in this matter…..
No one thinks that “Md. General Provisions Code Ann. § 5-501 – Restrictions on Participation” should apply in this matter?
No one thinks that “Md. General Provisions Code Ann.§ 5-506. – Use of prestige of office” should apply in this matter?
All raises above 3% should be placed on the ballot so the voters can determine their worth. These people are employeed by, and work directly for us the tax payers. Could you imagine if everyone could just vote themselves a pay raise?
Elected officials make me sick. All these people do is spend all day looking for ways to take more of our freedom, steal more of our money from us, all while trying to enrich themselves. They are parasites, one step above the armed robber in my opinion.
In my opinion, since voting to raise one’s own salary is such a conflict of interest, this matter and the vote, should be quashed and brought before the General Assembly of Maryland for their consideration and approval. Have your county’s elected representative in either the Senate or the House of Delegates bring this matter before the legislature. Problem solved. Let’s see if your elected officials actually have the honor and integrity to follow the correct alternative and approve an 18% raise for those who run your county……
Hear, Hear! Thank you Soucrusher for saying it for me. The State Attorney General should investigate this little piece of self aggrandizement.
They didn’t vote a raise for themselves, they voted it for whomever gets elected next time. We all know it will probably be the same group, but this seems like a trick to get around any prohibition of voting a raise for yourself. Probably legal but immoral.
It’s not legal. It’s a violation of the above mentioned statutes unless every single one of them bows out of the next election. Each and every one of them needs to announce that they do NOT intend on running in the next election or they are presumably guilty of both “Md. General Provisions Code Ann. § 5-501 – Restrictions on Participation” & “Md. General Provisions Code Ann.§ 5-506. – Use of prestige of office”. Remember, this is just my opinion…….
If this is illegal, as seems to be the case, why doesn’t somebody file a lawsuit against it? The Campaign for Liberty probably won’t because it would be against Republicans and the prevailing political ethics seem to be “My guy does it, OK; your guy does it, criminal.” What about the Harford Democratic Club or whatever they’re called? Helton’s group, I think, although I may be mistaken. Of course, they’re probably hoping to elect their people at the higher salary, so they might not have a problem with this. Can’t trust the politicians to fix a political problem; maybe there are citizens willing to petition for an amendment to the county charter.
Regardless of the content of the comment above, it should be acknowledged that the poster did not have the imagination to come up with his own user name, but instead used the one that I have posted under for over eight years. You can tell that this is an impostor because my grammar and punctuation are much better.
I’m so insecure and the only identity I have is my little screen name on a political blog .
You must be a real loser in real life.
Complaining on the internet about someone who typed in the same name as you did?
I need a hug
Whether your Red or your Blue trust in knowing there will be candidate in this election that’s right for you
You are all disgusting pigs, especially you DICK! You say that this raise is for the next county council members but you conveniently forget to mention that there are no term limits for county council members which means you can run again and receive the raise you voted yourselves. You all now will make more money working part-time than a first year teacher working full-time.
No, we’re the ones screwed and each and every one of them is laughing all the way to the bank.
I been telling you for years. Harford county is run by over paid political assholes. From the inept judges to the killer cops and all the way down to the big over weight over feed county councilmen. I mean hell! common sense tells us they are all a bunch of disgusting pigs. From the nazi judges to the killer cops and everyone in between. If they work for the county and have any kind of perceived power, “You Abuse It”. Harord county is the most decease infested, pig run, overpowered hated government i have ever seen, they make up they’re own laws, they do what they want , whether it’s legal or not, and no one ever questions they’re motives or rights or privileges. The political elite in Harford co. live lives of luxury and convenients at the expense of the underclass. They lock up there own citizens every chance they get. Drain there bank accounts until there nothing left and then they move on to the next victim. Oh yes, the lawyers are in league with the status quo. They are no better then the pig judges, the killer cops, the fat over weight over paid councils and their cronies. What a despicable, disposable , disfunctionable, deliberate bunch of cannabis cannibals. You make Hitler a hero, a man of stature because your doing the same thing he did….Whatever you want, you do, and dare anyone to do anything about it because you have your worthless law stuck up your ass! And you will make sure it gets on everyone when you spray that law shit from your ass mouth like a hippo marking his territory. May Harord co and it’s leaders die a deliberate deserving disabling death. I will be happy to come and piss on your grave. I have never hated a group of political fools more….Soul Crusher is right . Y’all wouldnt know truth or justice if it was pinned on your shirt.
Need a hug bro?